Hotchreid - Tumblr Posts
It’s too early in the morning for this, but I just finished reading a fanfic that has changed my way of thinking. I’m still kinda in shock. The fic itself is 10 years old. I don’t know if I will recover honestly. A little gory with awesome plot, but a super unexpected plot twist on the last chapter. AND a very very gay relationship between two cops.
The story is called Elusive by kuriadalmatia on Ao3
I highly recommend it.
hear me out
hotch and reid as an unsub duo
this is literally so fvcking good
by Sylix_Royalty
the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.
Hard cases hurt our boys the most, but they have each other to lean on, support, and relate to.
Rated T for for triggering topics! Plz read tags!
Words: 3773, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of A-Z: The Love of Heid
Fandoms: Criminal Minds (US TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi
Relationships: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid
Additional Tags: Healing, Angst, this one isn’t a fun sorry guys, Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, YEAAAAA, Apologies, long talks, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Aaron provides as always, Aaron Hotchner Needs a Hug, And Spencer provides, Bisexual Aaron Hotchner, Bisexual Spencer Reid, Sad Spencer Reid, Sad Aaron Hotchner, Daddy Issues, Panic Attacks, Forehead Kisses, Hugs, Taking care of Spencer Reid, and aaron, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, to a child, fuck William Reid
Whoops, my finger slipped. Tehe.
Type: Smexy but not smutty.
Warning: Mmmm hot. Sexual fantasies mentioned but really they just kiss, so no sex. :(

“Sir?” Spencer asked as he knocked on the door, he’d been called up after everyone left.
“Reid,” Aaron said, looking up from his file, closing it and setting it aside, “shut the door for me.”
“Did… I do something wrong?” Spencer asked, shutting the door.
“No, of course not,” Aaron said, seeming to try and be reassuring. “Please,” he motioned to the chairs.
“Okay,” He sat down in front of Aaron’s desk, while he didn’t feel really out of place or uncomfortable, he was clearly confused.
“So, I got a… letter,” Aaron started, grabbing the piece of paper from underneath a pile. “It’s not… addressed to anyone, just to the BAU, but, um… I believe it’s for you.”
“Why?” Spencer asked, accepting the piece of paper, unfolding it and quickly scanning the words. His eyes widened and his face flushed. “Oh god-” he whispered and swallowed thickly “Sir-”
“Now, I’m not one to… intrude? Frankly I don’t like actively reading other people’s mail, but since this wasn’t properly mailed and it did end up on my desk,” Aaron started.
“Sir- I will talk to Ethan about what he sends, I am so-” Spencer cleared his throat, shutting the piece of paper. “I apologize, repeatedly-”
“My name is in it… that’s my question,” Aaron said after a moment, and Spencer just seemed to shy away more. “Spencer, why is my name in that… very explicit letter?”
“Ethan-um…” Spencer coughed lightly, refusing to make eye contact again. “He’s, goddamnit… it’s a kink?” Spencer mumbled. “He has this thing for boss/employee relations, and he found your name through my file… and now I get these… this-I don’t know why I just… didn’t send it to my apartment he has my address.”
“So you have many of these… explicit letters with my name in them? And you didn’t tell me?” Aaron asked.
“I know it’s a problem,” Spencer said, eye’s finally reaching Aaron’s. “And I’ve tried talking to him about it, I’ve tried ignoring the letters. I know- and I’m trying-”
“Do you… indulge in the fantasies he tells you?” Aaron asked, completely out of left field from what Spencer was expecting.
“I-um,” Spencer breathed. “No…” he sounded small.
“You’re lying,” Aaron whispered. “To a profiler.”
“Sir- I-” Spencer’s chest heaved lightly with his words, clearly overwhelming embarrassed.
“I could report you for this,” Aaron mumbled, and Spencer lowered his gaze. “Have you fired.”
“I know,” Spencer whispered.
“I should… have you fired for this…” Aaron continued. “However, I don’t think that’d be really fair.”
Aaron stood, adjusting his suit and stepping over, taking the letter from Spencer and setting it on the desk. The genius looked up at him, his hand keeping the position it had while holding the letter, though in a more relaxed posture.
“Do you think of me like this, Spencer?” Aaron asked, tapping the letter.
“Sometimes I wonder…” Spencer admitted softly.
Aaron grabbed his weirdly patterned tie, and Spencer almost stopped breathing. “Sometimes?” Aaron whispered.
“Hotch-” Spencer whispered, slowly releasing a breath.
Spencer officially stopped breathing when Aaron leaned down and kissed him. The whimper that left his throat was downright sinful, and Aaron clutched onto his clothing as he slowly raised Spencer from the chair and pressed him to sit against the desk for a better angle.
“Sir-” Spencer breathed, head tilting back as Aaron separated them to look up at him better.
“Better than a fantasy,” Aaron whispered, and Spencer just nodded. “So is everything else…”
"Haley wants me to sign the divorce papers uncontested." "You don't want to...?"

Ultimately uneventful :/
HotchxReid Word count: 8k Just filth - NSFW!!!
An insanely stressed Hotch was ready to fight an inmate and is currently giving Spencer a seminar about how his wife wants a divorce pronto. Spencer decides that this just can't be and takes matters into his own hands. Quite literally. Oh, and he also finds out that his boss has a weirdly specific kink??
Read on Ao3
I come bearing food: @observaureium, @gay-in-a-jar, @castielryan
Have fun ↓
"Haley wants me to sign the divorce papers uncontested."
There it is.
Spencer has been silently wondering why his boss 'escalated the situation' by losing his patience and was about to fistfight a whole serial killer so easily. Hotch had faced down more unreasonable, violent unsubs in the past, yet that inmate but for some reason, the moment he was baited by that man, he instantly snapped.
"So we don't waste money on lawyers."
Well, that'll do it. Having your wife screaming you down over the phone about how she wants you to officially divorce her already was obviously not an ideal start of the day but it can't just be that, can it? His boss is ridiculously pent up, and it's not like he had anyone to bitch to. After a few seconds, Spencer realized that Hotch wants some kind of response to his almost-confession but he's still unsure of what to say… like he literally has no fucking idea what Hotch wants him to do? Reassure him that it was going to be okay? Tell him that he's a good man either way?
"You don't want to…?" Well, yeah obviously.
Hotch continues to randomly complain to him about his problem with his soon-to-be ex-wife and Reid just lets him be, trying to help him by giving responses he thinks would calm him down and make him feel the slightest bit better but there's only so much he can say.
And to make it even worse, now they're stuck in traffic. In an absolutely insane traffic.
Hotch subtly asks the taxi driver next to their car what exactly is happening and the driver just sighs. "I dunno, there's apparently a car crash not too far from here. They're rerouting the cars but…"
"It'll take a while." Hotch thanks the man and rolls his windows back up.
Christ. What can they do? Hotch is already irritated and now they have this. And the burden is not just mentally, Hotch has been driving for a while now and Spencer knows it's usually nothing for the man but it's a bit more tiring when you're stressing out about your imminent divorce, huh?
Like a good friend, Spencer just listens to him, he listens, he listens, and he listens.
But, fuck… there's only so much passive-aggressive talk about Haley that he can take.
"Are you tired?" Spencer cuts off Hotch in the middle of his mumbled rant, Hotch was talking about custody or something and Spencer has been listening long enough that he feels like he could be a divorce lawyer too by now.
"Not really."
"Well, I'm tired, it's the uh, the heat, you know, and I'm still a bit shaken from before." He is not shaken from before, but he'll say whatever it takes to get the hell out of this car.
Hotch's previous potential outlet, a literal full-on fistfight, has been taken from him and now it has nowhere to go, no relief from the frustration. Too bad that they're not in the FBI's training room where Hotch can go berserk in shredding rubber dummies.
"I see. We can pull over, but there's still no place to rest."
Right. Ah… think, Spencer, think. You may not be under intense terror anymore and can't do your best work, but you need to come up with something.
Hm… what will he do when he needs to let out stress– wait, no, not him, what would guys like Hotch do when he needs to let out stress other than sweating it out? Reid is tempted to just tell him to do laps but then a sudden realization hits him like lightning, so fast and shocking that he almost jumps on his seat.
There's another way to sweat things out, right?
But that won't do, does that even exist in Hotch's list of options of stress relief? Workout? Deep meditation? And…?
"Hotch, do you want to rest? There's uh… well, there's a hotel there." Spencer points at a discreet-looking hotel. Hm… too discreet in fact with its own parking lot and everything.
Hotch blinked. If it's any other hotel, he'll just chalk it up to Spencer needing that sweet coolness of AC and some subpar dining. But that's not that kind of hotel, is it?
"That's not a proper hotel, Reid." Perhaps his subordinate just doesn't understa–
"I know."
Of course he knows. Look, he knows a lot of stuff, a lot, some of them irrelevant, but even he knows that that is a love hotel, a short-stay hotel to be exact, paid by the hour for obvious fucking reasons. Hotch knows, he knows, he's just offering.
It's silent for a while and Spencer's hyper brain is already thinking of dozens of different ways on how he would be fired (he's up to 57 potential scenarios by now), but shockingly…
Shockingly, Hotch makes a left turn, he drives down the rather empty road and parks into the almost-hidden parking lot. Quiet, discreet, just everything you need to make sure no one sees you come and leave.
Hotch turns off the engine and Spencer is just… he's waiting for Hotch to unlock the car. He's nervous. Sure, he was the one that offered Hotch to stay in a love hotel for a few hours with the obviously very unprofessional, potentially damaging suggestions, but he's still nervous, okay? He just… wants to get Hotch's mind off of this downright spiral he is on and he's not the best in–
"Are you sure?" Hotch's voice is as calm as ever, if Reid isn't a profiler he would've missed the slight tremble on his voice.
"…No one has to know."
"No, Reid, are you sure you also want this…?"
Yeah, Reid, do you want to fuck your boss? His brain is taunting him, asking him why he's offering sex to his boss but then again, why did his boss accept, hm? Why did he even consider the idea? He's not the only one in the wrong here.
"I…" He clears his throat. "Can you just unlock the car…?" He could hear the door unlocked, Spencer walks out first, still looking everywhere but at Hotch. "…Do you have cash?"
"Okay. Good. So um, we're… good?"
Spencer wants to scream from all the one-word answers. Of all times can Hotch just sound less formal? Just once, can he sound less formal when they’re literally going to have real sexual intercourse?
…probably not, huh?
The less they talk the better. Reid wants to hiss the moment they walk into their room, the thought of how dirty this room must be even though it looks perfectly clean considering the purpose of such accommodations but he pushes through it.
Okay. Now that they’re here, uh… what should they do first?
Spencer almost jumped when Hotch walk past him and sits on the bed. The first time they finally lock eyes with each other, as if creating a silent agreement, Reid lightly nods and put his bag on the chair. Okay, no thinking, (no bitching about divorce too,) only uh… only…
Okay, class? What should we do first?
That's the limit on how his brain is functioning right now, thinking about what should they do first? What should he say to his boss? Should he, like, give him options? List out the menu like he's a waiter just asking when he wants for lunch?
Hotch hasn't said anything and it's unnerving to be honest.
Spencer sighs comically loud before he decides he might as well chose for him, if Hotch doesn't know what he wants then they just do whatever they can do.
It's not like Hotch doesn't know what he wants.
When Spencer turns around to grab something from his bag, Hotch can't help but watch and linger his eyes on Spencer's body.
He admits that he has never, in the years and years of them working together, thought of Spencer as sexy. One part of it must be from the fact that he had started working with Spencer since he was a lanky, nervous 21-year-old who looked like a kid straight out of highschool. He never really noticed the change until now.
Hell, even the word 'sexy' doesn't seem to fit him at all, with Reid always dressing up so conservatively.
He always, always dressed like that, the only casual clothes Hotch had ever seen him in is his standard academy uniform and some shirt he wears strictly when the summer heat just gets too much. Even then he would wear short sleeves button up.
Suddenly he remembers how surprised he was when one scorching hot day, he saw Reid with his long hair tied in a ponytail with the first two buttons of his shirt undone. It's not… he's not showing any excessive skin, the buttons didn't even show anything that can't be compared to Prentiss' shirt but it just looked… vulgar. It looked so vulgar merely because of the rarity of it. He remembered for a second that he almost looked away, like it's not something decent or proper for his eyes but then he remembered how illogical that is.
That's something he didn't remember till now but it comes back at full force right this minute, when Reid bends down just the slightest bit to rummage through his bag to get…
It's ridiculous how hot it is when Spencer pulls out a hair tie from the bag's tiny pouch, the man reaching back to gather his neck-long, perfectly curled hair. It's ridiculous how he feels himself getting more and more aroused just to see Spencer unbutton his cufflinks.
The fact that he feels some kind of excitement seeing Spencer struggling to pluck his cufflinks off…
He needs to stop thinking and just enjoy it. Besides, isn't this Spencer's idea? Is he not in the wrong? Hotch's brain desperately needs some kind of justification as to why he's weirdly turned on already.
Spencer, still pouting as he struggled with his right cuff, started walking towards Hotch.
Spencer decides that he is going to straddle his lap, almost like he's used to if even. He only paused for a second, as if contemplating for the last time if he's going through with this or not but decides that there's no backing out now and he slowly starts to climb on his boss' lap.
Spencer is nervous but he knows what he's doing.
…Hotch doesn't know why that ticked him off, not in a sense that he hates what Spencer is doing, but in a sense that it shows this is Not Spencer's first time.
Is it absurd of him to expect this 27 year old man to be… a totally inexperienced person? And why he finds himself feeling the smallest bit of disappointment when he realized Spencer isn't a fumbling, blushing mess. He's not aggressive in any way, still pretty much the Spencer that he knows, and yet.
He got pulled out of his mind when he hears a relieved, tiny laugh as Spencer finally got the cuffs of his shirt off, then those same hands hold Hotch's shoulder, using them to brace himself as he tries to get comfortable on Hotch's lap, moving his knees subtly here and there on each side of Hotch's thighs to minimize discomfort, he expected Hotch to help him but–
Spencer feels hands on his waist to… push him away?
The 'rejection' puzzles him greatly, looking down at the older man with the same pout, just more confused this time. "You don't like it…?"
"I do." Well. Then why? Spencer wants to ask when Hotch fully push him off his lap, making him stand up again. Hotch's hands are still holding Spencer's waist and Spencer could still feel the desire if the way Hotch's fingers are pretty much massaging his waist is something to go by so he isn't sure why the man is pushing him away.
"I… like how you look unbuttoning your cuffs."
The little confession made Spencer gasps ever so slightly. Hotch is actually talking to him about what he wants? Really?
"I'd like to see you strip everything down yourself, if that's not too uncomfortable for you."
Oh, how careful this man is. Reid offered sex and Hotch still asks if he's uncomfortable, truly a gentleman.
"I can do that. Do you want me to do it slow?" Spencer doesn't fucking know how to do a strip tease but he's good at improvising (as they both just saw) so he's sure he can do it right. Hotch's brows furrow in contemplation, he's also not sure what he wants but… he has an idea. "That's not necessary, I like it more if you do it casually."
"How you would strip when you're in private, like your bedroom for example. When you strip for a shower or to simply change clothes."
"Oh… okay, then." That's a relief, though it is a weird request is it not? Act like he's at home? As if he's just relaxing alone? …Like doesn't know he's being watched? Hm… is that a kink? Is it, in and of itself, something sexual?
Reid decides that he's thinking too much about it and thinking isn't what both of them want right now, right?
Rarely has Hotch ever been this focused in anything other than work. He follows those trimmed, slim fingers slowly unbutton the rest of the dark, almost black cardigan off. Was it slow? He wasn't doing it slow, was he? No, he wasn't, he was undoing them normally so it might be Hotch's brain that's working slow. Not just his eyes, his ears also seem to be hyper aware to the slightest sound, because he got pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of Spencer's rolled up cardigan being tossed to the hotel's lone sofa, it feels like he could hear the lightest sound of the silk tie (always coloured or patterned) being unfurled easily by a single tug.
Is he sweating? Because Hotch feels his body temperature going up for some unknown reason. (He knows the reason is arousal but he refuses to recognize how easy it is to get him hard.)
Spencer then unbutton his white shirt one by one, this time he folds them a little neater before putting them on top of the cardigan. He's wearing a thin, loose tank top undergarments underneath. God, just how many layers does this man wear on the daily? Again, for some 'unknown' reason, Hotch finds that arousing. Probably because of how conservatively Spencer always dresses and he is probably one the only ones that gets to see his skin, because of that tank top, even if Spencer sweats or gets wet, no one can see his chest, his nipples or belly button. Yet he can.
Hotch almost jumps when he hears the slightest frustrated groan as Spencer struggles to unbuckle his belt, eyes looking down and his lips pouting in focus. Wait, what? No. No, don't do that, get rid of that tank top first. Hotch is screaming on the inside, just one thin layer of cotton fabric and he could finally see his bare upper body. God, why is he being a tease?
Well, maybe he isn’t being a tease, maybe this is just how he–
Can't think, Hotch can't think when he hears the thump of the belt buckle hitting the floor, Spencer accidentally dropping it, he picking it up and spun it into a circle. Hotch thinks he must look like a creep, eyes focused on every millisecond hearing that typical unzipping sound as Spencer pulls down his zipper. Pants pushed down to the floor and Spencer stepped out of it one foot at the time.
There's something about this, he's not doing it to seduce Hotch, just like he requested, Reid just stripped like he's at home going to change from his work clothes to something more comfortable, no moving his hips or ever looking at his boss. Spencer is wearing a loose, bright blue underwear, his habit of wearing colourful clothes underneath all his formal look is endearing, especially seeing those mismatched socks, moss green with a star pattern on the left, orange with red stripes on the right.
Spencer pulls off his tank top, unfurling his hair along with it, he bends down and was about to pull off his socks when–
"Wait– what– wait!!" Spencer stumbles when Aaron suddenly stands up from the bed, his hands gripping Spencer's bare waist and manhandling a bit too roughly and it caught the younger man off guard. He lets out a surprised huff when Hotch shoves him on the bed on his stomach, gasping when he feels Hotch on top of him, trapping Spencer with both his knees on the sides of his thighs.
He knows it's ridiculous, but Spencer felt the slightest bit of fear knowing that Aaron can just… do anything to him if he wants, he knows his boss won't hurt him of course, but the fact that Spencer is hanging on the belief that Aaron is a Good Person still makes his heart beat faster.
Spencer hears the sound of zipper being undone, Hotch stripping on top of him impatiently. Oh… he wants to see that too… it isn't fair? How is it that Aaron gets to see everything while he's trapped on the bed?
Reid swallow his silent protests when he feels Aaron's lips on his neck.
This is the first time Hotch ever touched him more than hugging him and dragging him by the hand when he almost got shot for the 5th time because he thought it was a good idea to talk down an unsub without his vest on. Hotch is touching him and Spencer is dead silent about it, his mind still trying to wrap around the idea that he's basically naked under his boss who's stripping patiently.
"Hotch– Aa…"
"Aaron." Hotch finishes for him. "It's okay, Spencer." Reid didn't reply, squeezing the pillow under him viciously when Aaron grip each side of his underwear and tugging them down so roughly that Spencer hissed out loud at the feeling.
"I'm sorry…" Hotch's voice is so low, so… just so… It's doing things to reid and suddenly he doesn't really mind anymore.
"It's okay…" at least Hotch is nice when he takes off his socks, it's sweet even, how he bends his legs and pulls them off one by one. Then, as Spencer suspected, Hotch rolls him to his back, the first time Reid is facing him when he's properly aroused. "Hey…" he whispers, pulling on Hotch's shirt collar, whispering at Aaron to take his clothes off first. And he does, but still when he's on top of Reid, when he keeps eye contact that makes the other squirm.
He had never seen Aaron naked before, Spencer tracing his fingers on the old scars peppered on his body, to the little beauty marks on his neck and chest, and, aha… Aaron has a lot of body hair, a lot, it tickles him a bit and he just knows he's gonna get some kind of chafing later.
"What, um… what do you wanna do…?" Spencer mumbles as he strokes Aaron's arm, going up to his neck and shoulder, sighing when he feels Aaron nuzzling his neck and his jaw… "I'll do whatever you want." Spencer adds. "Just… can't go all the way."
Penetrative sex is a painful thing, at least at first, and it's unsaid but both of them are tired from the day's work and Hotch is mentally exhausted from all the stress.
Spencer whispers to Aaron that hotels like these usually have condoms and lube stashed on the bedside drawer and he's right, but despite all that, it'll still gonna take a long while. Spencer would have to clean up, they both have to take things slow, foreplay that could take minutes till hours since that's what Spencer needs if he doesn't want to be a rigid, awkward mess. And both of them don't have the energy for that. What should they do, then…?
Spencer reach around blindly until he finds the bottle of lube and squeezed a considerable amount into his hand, he hesitantly pulls Hotch into a soft kiss again when his hand move down ever so slowly until he finally wraps his slick, slippery fingers around Hotch's straining erection.
"Sorry–" Spencer whispers between their kisses when he hears Hotch hissing loudly. "Sorry it's cold…" he has nothing to be sorry about but he gets sensitive during sex, sometimes he's extremely cheeky and insufferable and sometimes he gets just a little too soft and this is the latter.
"Don't," Hotch replies, Reid is slowly stroking his cock, squeezing hard at the base and lightening up at the tip just how he likes it. Huh, how did Reid know what he likes?
Hotch's hand moved from softly caressing his back to Spencer's shoulder, basically shoving him down on the bed, Spencer gasped in surprise when he– "Ah! Aaron, I– fuck…" Aaron shoved his hand away, hooking his hands on Spencer's thighs, spreading them, and hooking them on his waist as he forcefully grinds down on Spencer's groin.
It feels so– it feels so good, it feels so fucking good, holy shit. Aaron is grinding down on him, squeezing Spencer's erection between their bodies, the fast, heavy stroke milking his cock from the mere friction alone. It feels good but it also fucking hurts, fucking Hotch and his fucking body hair, it's just everywhere! It scratches and tickles his skin and it– fuck, don't stop, don't stop, don't– "No…" Spencer groans loudly into their kiss when Aaron stops.
Why the hell did he do that? What the hell is his problem!? He–
"I'm sorry–" Hotch blurts out. "I’m– I'm sorry, I have to stop…" He knows he pissed off his younger partner, but… "Had to stop, I was already close."
Wait, "What…?" Spencer doesn't want to sound rude but he's actually caught off guard, they've only been doing this for a few minutes, so why?
"It's you," Hotch whispers yet again, his voice is so soft, he must also feel humiliated to some degree. "I've never done this with a man before and there's just something about you…" Hotch started kissing his jaw, Spencer twitching from the feeling of Aaron's lips lingering on his skin, parting his mouth as he lick and suck in the softest way possible because Spencer has an inkling that Aaron’s a bit possessive when it comes to sex and he's fighting with every nerve in his body not to leave painful, glaring hickeys all over his partner aka him.
Something… about him? Because he's a man or because he's Spencer?
"It's okay," Spencer said, trying to sound as casual as possible. "We can just…" Spencer pushes Aaron away from his body, sure Spencer is loving all the kisses but he also needs something else.
He slowly turns around and lays on his stomach, his legs spread wide as an obvious invitation that Hotch readily accepts, taking only a second before he slots himself between those thighs, his hands rubbing from Spencer's hips, waist and back slowly, going up and down in a firm, almost painful strokes with how deep Aaron is digging his thumb on his skin.
"Can't do too much, Aaron, but I don't mind." Spencer is driving him crazy, Hotch is completely sure Spencer is doing this on purpose because those long, bony fingers of his are reaching back slowly spreading his cheeks apart till his rim strains, "Use me…"
Use– Fuck, Hotch is so pissed off at the fact that Spencer knows, he knows this is driving him crazy yet he does it anyway, baiting Hotch to completely let loose and just, use him. If he can't fuck him, he can grind on him like Spencer’s just a toy, that's what he’s implying and Hotch is going to do just that.
Hotch grabs both his wrists and forces them both to the pillow again. "Keep them there, don't you move." Spencer nods, he can do that, bringing his hands in and tucking it on his chest.
He hissed when he smells latex and feels Hotch's thumb rubbing the liquid roughly between his cheeks, making sure that he's slick till the bottom, Spencer shudders when Hotch absentmindedly start massaging his perineum with his thumb, making Spencer whines as quietly as possible into his hand, it's nothing overwhelming, it just feels good.
Hotch stops much to Spencer's disappointment, but then he feels Hotch on top of him. Not just above him, he feels Hotch's body on top of him. Feels his chest on his back, feels his full weight trapping his body down. But that's not even close to the overwhelming feeling he gets after.
Hotch shoved his cock between his cheeks and started grinding him down so hard that even with the lube, Spencer could still feel the burn of the movement, how his cock would drag low and slow and then push back up again, Spencer feeling his body being trapped by Hotch, how his damn heavy weight is making it hard to breathe but Aaron is enjoying himself and Spencer doesn’t want to stop that. Christ, he could feel how big Aaron is just by grinding on him, could feel his rim rubbed by the tip of his heated, rock hard erection, so hot and veiny, just… it makes him wonder if it'll even fit in him?
"Aaron–" Spencer gasps when he feels Hotch's fingers digging into his back, leaving white marks from his shoulders to the dip between his thighs, those same hands squeezing his ass painfully hard, grabbing them so roughly that Spencer can't handle it, one hand reaching back frantically only to have it pinned down on the bed, unable to wiggle them free no matter how hard he tries to get away. "Aaron, please…"
There's a pause, Specerg gasping when Aaron starts kissing the side of his head, down to his cheek, his ear, damnit. "Shh… it's alright, Spencer. It’s alright." Alright, he said, but he didn't let up.
Though he finally, oh god, finally… lift himself up and bracing himself on his elbows, finally letting the younger one breathe properly, letting Spencer's hand go. He can't blame Aaron though, he doesn't want to because he said it himself didn't he? Use me. And Aaron is doing just that.
Aaron pulls apart his cheeks with his thumbs even more, enough to make Spencer hiss and grip the pillow tighter.
It feels good for Aaron though, even better than before, he could get himself more snug in there as he continues to grind down on him. Fuck, he could just… feel his hole whenever he pulls back before thrusting up again. And this, this lust inside of him is infecting his brain with all sorts of sinful thoughts.
He could do it, Hotch thinks. He could spread Spencer's legs apart and make him take it, he could pin him down, Hotch knows he's strong enough for that. Pin his back down with his body, pin his arms and wrist down with a forceful grip, use his legs to pin his calves in place and he could just make Spencer take his fucking cock, just take it, take it, take it. Just shut up and–
Wait, hold on, what was he thinking? What kind of depraved imagination did he come up with? Hotch got rid of those thoughts off of his head instantly.
But he can't deny that this is so good that his mind is having trouble processing it. The way his precum is making it easier to slide his cock up and down, to grind in harder and harder, he could feel every single fucking time how the tip of his cock would brush past his hole, and it– fuck, it feels good, for some reason even something as simple as feeling Spencer clench under him every time is making his mind thought of those horrible things. He feels shameful, completely appalled by his wretched thoughts of forcing Spencer.
For some kind of reassurance, Hotch suddenly kissed Spencer's neck, making the younger one's breath hitch under him, Spencer's thighs shaking a bit when Hotch parts his lips, mouth sucking on the spot, way too wet for a hickey while his teeth ever so slowly push and drags on Spencer's skin. Only when Spencer whimpers did he stop. That didn't last long though because Hotch starts doing the same thing to his shoulder down to his shoulder blade, all the while he hasn’t stopped grinding down on Spencer.
It's almost embarrassing how quickly he feels his orgasm brewing, how his breathing gets heavier, his body more tense, Spencer could barely move from how hard Hotch is holding him.
Spencer is hurting; Aaron is squeezing his arms so tight that it turns his fingers white, he kept thrusting so hard that Spencer feels the sensitive skin around his rim randomly stinging with every pull, and to be completely honest, Aaron's weight on top of him is making it hard to breathe. Though Spencer doesn't tell him to stop and is not planning to, he knows Hotch is nearing his orgasm, knows that if he breaks that momentum, he would probably feel too sensitive to continue, or his orgasm might not end up as satisfying and that's the last thing Spencer wants. This all starts with him trying to make Hotch feel so good he'll forget about his, uh, absolutely ruined marriage, for an hour or so, and he’s going to do just that.
Spencer's a man too, it happens so quickly that despite being prepared, it still surprises him nonetheless. Because Hotch suddenly freezes, Spencer feels hot semen staining his lower back right after and he shivers with disgust. But it's fine, after a few seconds and a few more drops of warm come wetting his skin, he knows that Hotch is done.
Now finally flaccid, Hotch slowly moves off of him, rolling to his back to take deep breaths. Spencer's waist and thighs are aching, the skin between his cheeks and especially around the rim starts stinging from the burn of previous friction, he desperately wants to just roll back and heave in some breaths but he can't fucking do that, can he? He's not going to smear this whole bedsheet with his boss' drying semen. Christ, this is both humiliating and irritating.
Spencer pushes himself off the bed, still pretty much erect as he stands on wobbly legs, carrying the damp towel with him. He didn’t look back at Aaron once as he stumbled his way into the bathroom.
Well. They finished what they set out to do, right? Spencer tosses the towel to the laundry bin and walk inside the shower, making sure that the water is hot before stepping into it.
Spencer squeaked from the sudden stream, gasping in pleasure as the water relieved some of his tension. He reached back to, ugh, rub the slippery semen off his back, it just feels… wrong but the water cleaned it up so it's fine.
His head thumps lightly on the wall, wondering what the hell he's doing.
Whatever though, he's still turned on and hard and that's really numbing his critical thinking.
The bathroom reverberates his moans when he wraps his fingers around himself, pumping up and down his length in an impatient manner. He just wants to fucking get off already so he can function normally again.
It's a love hotel, these things are bound to happen, right? So he doesn't care if he's letting out sounds here and there, he's not being super loud and fuck it, if he wants to jerk off in the shower he'll fucking do it.
His other hand hits the wall and curls into a fist, his mouth breathing hard on the tiles, he's not sure what's dripping down his chin anymore, is it water or spit? He spread his legs carefully, making sure he won't fucking slip and bust his head or something but he needs to thrusts into his hands, it feels good. It feels so, so good…
The hot water is fogging up the shower's glass and mirror outside and he couldn't care less. His hand moving from the walls to the glass, his shaking palm wiping up the fog, he's almost bouncing on his legs now with how good it feels and how much he wants to get off.
Oh god, he's going to come, he's going to come– he's right there! Right– he just needs a few more minutes, just a little more… a little…
He gasped loudly and had to bite down a loud groan from his frustration. Great, Aaron is here, just when he was about to come, that's just–
"Aaron…?" Reid whispers when he feels the shower's glass door being opened, the older man slowly stepping inside. Spencer… he knows what's happening but it's really hard to think right now, not with Hotch pulling him off the wall, not with him pushing Spencer on the glass door, not with Spencer feeling just how fucking hot the surface is. All that is forgotten when Hotch presses his back to his chest, kissing and pecking Spencer's neck and shoulder again as his hand rubs his waist roughly, his hips, his upper thigh, his–
"Aaron! Aaron… oh god… fuck…"
Spencer's forehead thump on the glass, lips bitten down and his face scrunch up in pleasure. It does feel different when someone else is jerking you off, someone who has the same sex as you, who knows just how to pull, tug and squeeze just right. Spencer feels his eyes rolling back, his eyelids fluttering close, mouth open in a silent gasp.
Hotch grips his erection harder and Spencer keens, feeling his thumb pushing down on the tip with each fast stroke, would rub up and down his prominent vein and his slit and–
"AH!! AARON– MORE, YES, yes just like that, oh god, god, faster, faster! More, goddamnit, I'm so close, I'm so close, baby, just like that… just–"
Hotch's brain glitched for a second there. Reid's the type that slips in nicknames when he's having sex, huh? Well, he isn't sure what to do with that information, but it's sexy, god, that sounds so sexy.
"Baby, yeah, more, oh god, Aaron, I'm gonna–"
When Spencer's body twitches hard and freezes, Hotch squeezes his cock oh so painfully tight, all hard and fast till he fucking comes in his hand, nails dragging hopelessly on the slippery surface, staining the glass and his fingers.
He strokes him through his orgasm, then he lightens up ever so slowly, only letting go when Spencer's soft in his hand and so very, very satisfied…
It took the younger a couple of seconds to truly get himself back to earth. It was so fucking good that if he isn't so exhausted he would've loved a second round. Despite the orgasm, his brain is still numb from pleasure so it's not really his fault is it? When he turns around, humming and curling his hands around Hotch's shoulder, when he leans in close, so close that he's sure Hotch would pull back and push him away but… he's playing along?
Their foreheads pressed together, both of them breathing hard, lips just a breath apart. "Thanks…" Spencer whispers. "That felt so good…"
And Spencer, Spencer was about to fucking kiss his boss when– wait.
Wait– Fuck. Fuck, this is his boss. This is Aaron…
Spencer quickly pulls away as the haze passes, looking everywhere but Hotch's eyes. He sounds stupid trying to make excuses why he needs to shower alone but Hotch seems to understand, washing himself under the stream quickly before walking out.
Spencer's left alone again and for a second he just stands there unmoving. Yeah, so… that happened.
Spencer feels awkward when he walks out only wearing a towel to see Hotch who's already fully dressed. Spencer, at the speed of light, managed to get his singlet and underwear on, he wants to put on the rest of his clothes too but he actually has long hair and he needs to blow dry them first.
Hotch didn’t say anything, it would’ve been creepy if Spencer doesn't know his boss well enough to know that he's just… thinking. At least Spencer made him think of something else other than the divorce papers, right? Mission accomplished? Wow, he's trying to make this less awkward but it's not happening.
The only brush he has is the flimsy one he got from the bathroom so it was a nightmare getting his hair to settle down, they always bounce back every time he tries to straighten them so he just gives up, putting the rest of his clothes back on.
Hotch is trying, and failing, not to focus on Spencer dressing up, it feels… It feels weirdly disappointing when he sees Spencer almost fully dressed. He noticed how the younger is looking around for his belt and Hotch picks it up for him, hidden under the chair.
"Thanks– I, um…" Spencer really doesn't know what to say when Hotch, without asking, starts putting his belt on for him.
His fingers slowly pulling the tip after every loop, it feels kinda rough but nothing too hard. He buckled it up for him, Spencer doesn’t even realize how close they're standing now.
Okay. So, that's weird. But when Hotch was about to step back, Spencer clears his throat to get his attention. "Hey, Hotch, uh, here." Spencer hands him the folded tie. "Put this on for me too."
Oh, Spencer surprised himself with how bold he is, but what the fuck is he trying to accomplish? He just has this weird inkling that this whole thing, stripping and dressing up thing, kinda turns Aaron on in a weird way? Like not enough to get him hard obviously, but enough to make him want it. Spencer's testing the water but for what, exactly? This is a one-time thing, why is he taking notes on what turns his boss on?
Hotch pulls his shirt collar up, looping his tie around and actually putting it on for him, his tie turning out neater than it would whenever he did it himself.
Again, when Hotch was about to walk away, Spencer stops him. "Can you tuck in the back of my shirt? I can’t really see…" Spencer turns around, and true enough, there's a slight wrinkle on the bottom of his shirt, not anything he needs help tidy up though and both of them know this but for some reason, Hotch just follows.
Reid didn't feel anything for a second and was just about to ask when he feels Hotch yank him back by the waist, he pretty much shoved the shirt down and going a step further by making sure they're all neatly tucked by rubbing his fingers hard from the back to the front. Spencer has to stop his gasps whenever Hotch would shove in his perfectly tucked shirt roughly for no fucking reason. It seems like Hotch also has a limit on how much teasing Spencer dish out. Spencer's not complaining though.
He almost stumbles when Hotch gives his waist one last squeeze before finally letting him go for real this time. Spencer’s done dressing up but he feels eyes watching the undone button on the bottom of his shirt from all of Hotch's rough handling. Hotch didn't make a move to fix it though, probably not wanting to touch Spencer's hip again.
Spencer finished up the rest of his clothes, putting his socks and his shoes on, tapping the tips once to get them snug before walking to the door.
Both of them have been silent till now, looking all prim and proper like they were before. Spencer went to crack open the door, the slightest orange light of the hall seeps in but it instantly disappears when Hotch slams the door back close and single-handedly turns Spencer around.
Shocked and confused, Spencer doesn’t fight it when Hotch shoves him up the door and kisses him full.
Fuck it, Spencer pulls on his shoulder and yank him flush to his chest and deepens the kiss shamelessly, his brows frowning and lips parting to roughly kiss Aaron's mouth, open-mouthed and dirty, Spencer would be disgusted when their spit wets his chin but he couldn't care less, not when Hotch shoved his tongue inside his mouth, when Spencer bites the other’s lower lip when they part for air till Aaron was groaning at him. Mm, that sounds nice, Spencer decides that he likes it and he's going to pull more of that off of him.
It was Spencer that initiated more, telling Hotch that hey, it's not just a kiss, they're not going to stop at a kiss, no, Hotch opened the floodgates and none of them can stop it. Spencer grips Hotch's hair, keeping him in place so he could kiss down Aaron's neck.
Spencer fucking hates how physically stronger Hotch is compared to him. How easy it is for the older man to drag him off the door despite Spencer's loud whining.
Spencer felt Hotch pulling on the belt that he himself puts on just minutes before and unbuckling it with the patience of a toddler, roughly unzipping Spencer's pants and swallowing his loud moan with another round of rough kisses.
Spencer's not going to back down without a fight, though. He pushed the older man off his body with all the strength he can muster, before Hotch can wrestle him down, he slip to the side and this time he shoved Hotch to fucking sit on the bed. He didn't even get to ask Spencer what the hell he's doing before the younger one went to his knees in seconds unzipping Aaron’s pants impatiently and–
Oh, he's cursing! He's cursing and that makes Spencer giddy. He got his head between Hotch's thighs, his fingers spreading the zipper apart as much as it can go before leaning in and dragging his tongue on Aaron’s cock through the thin material of his underwear, his putting his tongue flat and dragging it up and down as hard as he can, wetting the fabric with spit that Spencer obviously doesn't give a shit about. He knows it drives him crazy, it apparently entertains him and Hotch knows this. This time it's Hotch's turn to grip his hair in place painfully before shoving his underwear down with one push. God, he's so fucking hard already and it's all because of the cheeky thing sitting between his thighs.
He knows Spencer can be cheeky when he feels like it. It drives Hotch absolutely insane when he looks down and he sees Spencer, trying to pull pry fingers off his hair to lighten the tension but still supporting that grin on his face. Hotch… he tries not to curse, he never does in front of someone else but he keeps doing it under his breath now, Spencer managed to pull all that out of him and he knows how smug he is about it.
He's going to wipe that grin off his face though, he’s– "Gonna wipe this grin off my face?" The younger man says knowingly like the profiler he is. "After I turn you on just by letting you fix up my clothes, hm?" Spencer is teasing him, it probably gave him a big wave of satisfaction from knowing he manage to fluster his usually always stoic boss, and Hotch has to admit that he's impressed by his little game. He's going to make him regret it (not really, but oh well).
Spencer whines when the grip gets harder, when Hotch yanks his hair up so hard that Spencer is leaning up on his knees, pulling a real reaction of pain from the younger. Spencer kept trying to get his grip off but he didn't fight it when Hotch drags him closer, even voluntarily opening his mouth as wide as he can go, sticking his tongue out in a blatant invitation.
It's so fucking dirty, holy shit, he's so fucking shameless. Hotch's brain froze for a second from the sight of his usually awkward, youngest teammate now waiting for his boss to face fuck him. If it's anyone who he knows is naturally flirty, this image might not break his mind this badly but because it's Spencer… Hotch isn't sure how his brain is still functioning but it's functioning enough to grip his cock and slide it into Spencer's mouth. Sliding is such a soft word to describe him gripping the man’s jaw to make sure it stays open.
"Ha… fuck…" Hotch moans when the sudden tight wetness envelops him, Spencer letting Hotch force his jaw open, Spencer trying his damnest to get that cock in as far down his throat on the first try. He didn't manage much, just 2 or 3 inches but the moment he starts bobbing his face up and down, the more he can get into his mouth. That's good, that's nice, but the thing is, Hotch is already feeling his orgasm coming fast and he needs to–
Spencer sounds confused and alarmed when the hand on his hair lets go, that confusion turns into surprise as Hotch grabs each side of his cheeks instead, forcing him there as Hotch thrusts his cock inside his mouth and down his throat, making Spencer let out a real, almost panicked sound.
He kept fucking his mouth, gagging Spencer again and again, Spencer fighting every urge in his body to push Aaron off because he knows now that's what Aaron likes. What triggered his orgasm is Hotch looking down and seeing that previously smug face now turns all red and teary, nose flush and lips painfully spread open, he keeps eye contact until he, shamefully enough, comes in around a minute or two inside his mouth. He almost passed out when he felt Spencer's throat contracting around him as he swallowed his semen. Not like he has any choice, he would’ve gagged if he didn't.
A wet squelching sound can be heard when Hotch finally, ever so slowly slides his softening cock out of Spencer's mouth. Spencer instantly heaving for air, coughing a few times and wiping the spit and semen off his lips and chin. Hotch could hear Spencer curse under his breath, finally getting his breathing back to normal.
Hotch wonders if he's twenty years younger, can he get hard again so quickly? Because his cock twitched at the sight of Spencer looking absolutely ruined.
That looks so good, Hotch wants to take a picture of it but then realized how vulgar that is and what a disaster it will be if someone accidentally sees it.
Hotch grabbed Spencer's shoulders up, the younger falling to the man's chest with a soft 'oof', hissing when Hotch's hands gripped and squeeze his ass roughly, just about to yank his pants down too when Spencer whines, pretty much slapping his hands away. "Don't! You're gonna get me hard too and you never sucked cock before have you?" Spencer said with a pout in a matter-of-fact way.
Then Spencer moves away from him, going to the bathroom to wash his face and rinse his mouth, thankfully none of that stained his collars and tie.
When he got out, Hotch already zipped his pants back on, he looked disheveled and there were some stained spots on his pants but nothing that won't be covered with the bottom of his suit, small blessings.
"Let's go." Hotch said and their way back out isn't so awkward this time. After Spencer paid the fee, Hotch even opened the car door for him, ugh what a gentleman. He seems much more relaxed than before, Spencer's theory is true, orgasm does help you relax, he just didn't know Hotch needed more than one.
"Pretty boy! How was Connecticut?"
"Hm… Ultimately uneventful."
Thankfully, Hotch had his dry cleaning in his office so no one had to see his come-stained pants and sweaty shirt.
Well. Spencer hopes that what happened earlier would be considered 'uneventful' compared to what will happen tonight. Tonight when Spencer promised to show his apparently not-so-straight, clueless boss on how to fuck a man proper.
Besides, he would probably need those orgasms again after he signed those damn divorce papers, right?
HotchReid Bar Night Moodboard:


literally how i feel too
Rating *Spencer Reid* ships

Adorable and tbh plausable


naur, better as friends (and the whole JJ's feeling revealed thing ruined the season)

Very cute but not very cannon

Totally adorable and very close to cannon

Very hot and could be very cute

totally incorrect criminal minds gifs pt 1/?
i thought this was super wholesome til i saw that one image ... lmao (still a great mood board <3)

@observaureium you told me to tag you so here's the tag bestie!
p.s i have watermarked it too tho y'all might not be able to find it so no stealing hehe

this is a happy birthday post to my favorite unit chief…HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOTCH!!! <3
Spencer get's drugged and Aaron takes him home
Spencer knew that drink tasted funny. He shouldn't have drunken it- he really shouldn't have taken a drink from the unsub at all! But, that's undercover work for you. As Spencer stumbles back to his desk, he knows he can't take the metro home alone tonight, it wouldn't be safe. He tries to pack his things, but his fingers won't move or grab the things properly.
"Reid?" It's Hotch, standing by the side of desk. Hotch wasn't with him on the undercover mission and is therefore in his normal work suit, which makes Spencer feel very out of place in his skinny jeans and tank top. Going undercover as a young bisexual man in a gay club known for drugs and hook-ops means you need a certainly look. "Mhmm?" Spencer muses and attempts to grab his book from the desk. Hotch takes it and puts it in Spencer's bag.
"I've been made aware you've likely been drugged"
"Likely, huh. Mhm. I have" Spencer throws his head back on the last word and regrets it instantly as the bright lights blind him and he jerks his head down to the floor. "Reid?" Hotch asks, placing a hand on the younger man's lower back. "Mhmm?" Spencer glances to the older man, confused as all hell as to why his boss is touching him. "Is there someone to take you home?"
"Noooo, well, no. No." Spencer shakes his head, trying to hike his bag onto his shoulder. "N- But, but, there's, couch, in the room, Garcia stayed in, the-"
"Absolutely not Spencer" Hotch half scolds, making Spencer pout in the middle of the office. He'd normally never make such a face but, the drugs are making him all loopy. "I, why not? I can't, I'm not in a state to..." Spencer falters, he's not sure what he was trying to say. "I'll take you home, alright? There's no reason you should stay here or make your own way home"
Spencer whines lightly, feeling his knees go weak. "Don't you need to get, home to Jack?" Hotch's face is blurry mess, Spencer can't see, he tries to think of what drug would make me feel like this, but he's mind is a mess and he doesn't understand anything. "Jack can wait the 13 extra mintues it takes for me to drop you off" Hotch grabs the bag that was hanging off Spencer's elbow. "13 mintues? how you know that?"
"How i know how long it takes? I've driven you home before, when you were in protective custody, I was the one to take you home" Hotch explains, gently turning Reid around to the way of the door. "Jacket" Spencer protests, sloppy on his feet. Hotch glances to him, confused. "My jacket, I'm cold"
"Um" Hotch glances around "You didn't have a jacket to work tonight Reid" Hotch says, Spencer pouts, he's so cold, how do people go clubbing in tank tops and not get cold. Spencer throws an arm over Hotch's shoulder's for some more stability. "Okay...." Spencer mutters, stumbling along with Aaron. Spencer struggles to walk with him to the elevator. Like his feet are pointing outwards and not straight out like normal.
Aaron sets him against the elevator wall and Spencer grabs the handle with both hands, the world suddenly spinning. "Reid?" Aaron's looking down to him, trying to help him stand op a bit straighter. Aaron's hands are under his armpits, what's he doing? His feet stumble back and he's back in the corner of the elevator. "Reid can you hear me?"
Spencer can't get his head to nod and just hums instead. "Okay, let's just get you home" Aaron says. Spencer hums, trying to move Hotch's hands but he fails, it's too hard.
"I know it's an unpleasant touch but I don't want you falling" Aaron says. Spencer groans, he's so tired, so dizzy, so confused. He just wants to go to bed. He needs sleep "Wow, Reid, Reid!" Spencer's leaning against Hotch now, Hotch's got arm around him. Spencer let's his head rest on Aaron's shoulder, he can't make himself move, his body is too slack. "Spencer, are you alright?"
Spencer lazily paws at Hotch's chest, leaning against him for stability "Ah..huh" He tries to nod but his head goes in a circle. Aaron moves Spencer's hands to hold around his neck. "Hold on okay? Tight" Aaron says as Spencer's fingers curl around his neck. Spencer hums as Aaron grabs his legs and swings him op in his arms. Spencer feels the cold rush his skin as he's carried outside.
Aaron sets Spencer down in the passenger's seat of Hotch's car. Something soft is draped over him, his bag is set in his lap and some hair is tucked behind his ear. "Spence?" "Mhmm" He hums. "Are you alright to be home alone?" Aaron asks, getting in the drivers side.
His words come out in a mumble. "need, have, to" The car starts and Spencer feels himself fade a bit, he's so damn tired. "Um, well. you could stay with me if you don't feel safe being alone"
"" Spencer shakes his head. "Fine" He leans his head back. "I'm fine" Spencer mumbles. Spencer sleeps through the ride. He's frazzled when Aaron's moving him again. He clings to Aaron's neck as he's lifted from the seat. "Mhmm" "Just relax Sweetie" Aaron reasures, pushing the door shut with his hip. Spencer doesn't even question the nickname, he barely notices it at all, only tucking his head into Aaron's shoulder.
Aaron brings him inside, Spencer doesn't know if he slipped Aaron a key to his place or if he just found it in his bag. He doesn't care. Spencer's back meets the soft sheets of his bed. His shoes are slipped off, socks and then a blanket is laid over him. Spencer blinks as Aaron tucks him into bed. "Mhmm, thank Hotch" Spencer mutters softly.
"Get some rest okay?" Aaron brushes some more hair behind Spencer's ears. Spencer tries to nod, but needs op nodding his eyes instead of his head. "Call me in the morning, alright? I need to know you're okay" Hotch says, gently caressing Spencer's cheek.
Spencer wakes op to the sun shining through his window, he glances to his nightstand, there's a tall glass of water by his phone. He picks the glass op, downing the whole thing in one go. He sets it down again, noticing the small piece of paper laid down by his phone.
You promised to call me when you woke op
-Aaron Hotchner
Spencer's still getting use to the cane. He has nothing against it but, going from walking with crutches to using a cane is, difficult. So when he takes his fourth tumble of the day, he's just about had it. Luckily, or unluckily, Hotch is there.
Spencer's pushing himself op on his elbows, waiting for the whole office to brust into laugher. But there's almost nothing, only the sound of Hotch's shoes hurrying towards him.
"Are you alright Reid?" Hotch offers him a hand op and Spencer takes it, letting Hotch pull him op. "Yeah" Hotch help Spencer to his desk, the place he was trying to reach before his fall.
"Thank you" Spencer smiles, looking around to see where his cane lost it's footing. Hotch bends down and grabs it, it's all the way by Emily's desk. Aaron hands it to Spencer and it makes Spencer blush a little
"Thank you Sir" Spencer leans the cane against his desk before silently cursing himself. His bag. He had fallen off his shoulder. Spencer goes to get back op.
"What are you doing?" Hotch asks, laying a hand on his shoulder. "My bag, it fell over"
"Oh" And suddenly Aaron's on the ground, grabbing Spencer's bag and the items that fell out from it. Aaron sets it down on Spencer's desk. "Thank you"
Spencer felt his stomach flutter, he knows Hotch is just being nice. Anyone on the team would have done the same. But that doesn't explain why Aaron gently squeezes his shoulder before returning to his office.
It sends a shiver down his spine.
Bad case
Everything's blurry, really blurry. That's all Spencer knows as he stumbles out from the club. The unsub in toe, who called himself William Dane, hand in hand. He knew this has going to happen, it's part of his MO, Spencer knew he was going to be drugged in some way. But he's what he didn't know was he was going to be drugged with more then just a roofie. He knows he's been given more then just a roofie, some kind of cocktail of drugs.
Spencer shakily grabs his sheer black jacket. It's not his, it's from then undercover closet but whatever. Spencer almost trips going out the door, but William grabs him around the waist. Spencer tries not to vomit, laughs instead, "Thanks hon" Spencer gently reaches back and pets his shoulder. "Think I've had a bit too much" He doesn't sound like himself at all, or really feel like himself. But he's pretty sure that's the point. He can vaguely hear this William say something about taking Spencer home.
Spencer giggles and drags him out on the curb side. He knows the team is around the corner, Spencer just needs to get to that alleyway, then he can get to an ER. "hey, so..." Spencer tries to roll his eyes a little sexyliy, is that word? Spencer thinks so. "My place's that way" Spencer draws the words out, nodding towards the alley. William moves Spencer the other way, Spencer can't stop him, his legs are just following him. "I know" William's voice chances as he tightly grabs onto Spencer's waist. "I really, um, get nervous at. Um, i really need to get home"
"I'm not stupid Spencer" William reaches out and grabs the tiny mic off Spencer's shirt, tossing it on the ground. His heart almost jumps out from his chest. "T-That's no-not"
"Your name is Spencer Reid not Daniel Lous, you're 27 not 25, really thought I'd believe your little fake ID?" William grabs onto him tighter and Spencer tries to push him away, at least. But it's no use, Spencer's legs refuse to work with him. "Don't fuss now, if you're lucky, you'll leave in the morning"
Spencer knows he should scold this William, the profile says that should make him back off. But the profile also says that when he's caught, he's likely to fight til his death. That would mean he would just kill Spencer in any alley nearby. That can't happen. Spencer thinks for a second. Then deicides if he's really dying tonight, he wants to know why.
"Well, just-oh" Spencer grabs onto William as they step down to cross the street. William looks to him with curiosity.
"You, said, if I'm lucky, that means there's something I could do that would turn you off enough to let me go, what is it?"
William laughs. "How do you know I meant I'd let you leave alive and not in a bag?" Spencer stumbles and almost falls over again, but he's caught before he hits the ground. William pulls him along the street. Where's the team?
"You used the the word lucky, if I'm lucky means it would be something I'd do, and not you being nice"
"If I tell you, what do I get?"
Spencer leans into him, not because he wants to, but because he needs to in order to stay on his feet. So it's a game. He's a sexual sadist, what is the best thing for a sexual sadist? His victims were tortured for hours, and the in tapes, he made them beg for it.
"I've taken an acting class or two, If you tell me what it is, i will make it feel real for you" Spencer promises, letting one of his arms go slack against his legs, gently toying with the hem of the shorts he also got from the undercover closet, turning on the back op mic / tracking thing that he insisted on having when he was sober. He made it look like he was just showing off a bit more his thigh.
"You've seen the tapes, right?" William asks, slipping a hand down to touch Spencer's ass. Normally he'd yelp, being touched in such a place. "More then I'd like to admit" Spencer bites his inner cheeks, knowing it'll make his outer cheeks a bit red.
"But they weren't listening to you, I'll listen, I'll listen real good, I can take it" Spencer continues, sticking his butt out against his hand, hoping that he shows interest he might let him go anyway.
William smiles in a sadist manner. Spencer's struck gold. "If you begin praying, I'll throw you out the window, and while it'll be painful, it won't kill you"
"I've never prayed"
"Does that mean, that you have to kill me now? Because that would be sad....I might have dated you otherwise" Spencer lies through his teeth, he has and never plans to talk like this again, he feels like a child.
Suddenly, William's pushed Spencer to a wall, there's a knife at his throat. Spencer can't keep his eyes open much longer. There's only noises and touches. Morgan's yelling for William to drop the knife, another person is yelling for Spencer's attention.
It takes Spencer way longer to id the voice then it should.
Hotch, Aaron Hotchner is yelling for him.
Spencer's cold, so cold. Who wears shorts to a night club? There's a hand on his waist, forcing him to stand against the cold brick wall. It's a painful sensation, his whole body held op by one point of contact. Spencer lightly kicks at William's leg, but he doesn't even react, only threatening to kill him if the team doesn't back away.
The hand on his waist moves away for a second and Spencer's legs give out under him. He slips down the wall before William can grab him again. There's a loud bang right in front of him. William's been shot, or at least scared enough to fall onto his back.
Spencer takes a second to rub his eyes, shivering. There's a hand on his arm, a soft voice is calling to him. Spencer blinks and looks to his right. He shivers again, his whole body shaking. Hotch lays a jacket over him "Reid?" Hotch is right beside him on the ground, gently tucking the jacket over his chest and legs. Spencer opens his mouth to speak but can't manage to say anything.
Hotch turns to Morgan who's pulling this William op from the ground. "Where are the medics? We called them 10 minutes ago!" Spencer can't hear what Morgan responses with, only leaning into Hotch for warmth. Hotch is very warm, it's so nice.
An arm slips in under his knees and Spencer's not entirely sure he's doing. Then Hotch slips an arm under Spencer's and in one, way too swift move, Spencer's been hoisted off the ground and is now resting against Hotch's chest. Spencer just about manages to throw his arms around Aaron's neck. Aaron's chest still laid over Spencer's upper body. He yawns, his whole world almost gone, only hearing the sounds of sirens as he tries to sleep.
Suddenly, he's being laid down, the jacket still there to keep him warm. He can't open his eyes, it's too much work. Something is placed over his nose and mouth, a mask, an oxygen mask. Someone's holding his hand tightly, Aaron, it's Aaron. The hands are too big and rough to be Derek's or Luke's. And yet too soft to be Rossi's. It's got to be Aaron. He knows he lays there for a few mintues. The air is warmer now, and they're moving. Shit, he's in an ambulance. Is that really.....
"Spencer?" There's a hand on his face, his cheek, gently petting it. Spencer's confused, he just wants to go home now, why can't he can go home? He blinks, attempting to open his eyes. "There you are Spencer" The lady says. She's in a medic's unifrom, she's a medic. Spencer yawns, his head rolling in a circle.
"I can see you're tired but you need to stay awake"
Spencer huffs softs, it's unfair. He's done good work, he deserves to sleep. Why can't he sleep? Oh! Right! The drugs. Because of the drugs. It's not safe to pass out after being drugged with unknown drugs.
"Spencer, Spencer stay with me okay?" Why's Aaron saying that? He tries to open his eyes, it's hard, but he opens his eyes enough to see Aaron looking worried. He squeezes his hand the most he can, which isn't much. Aaron smiles slightly, eyes still filled with worry. Spencer closes his eyes again, he's so drowsy, he just wants to sleep. Maybe it's a good time for a nap. It's okay. He can sleep, he's sure he can. "Spencer!" Aaron squeezes his hand tightly. Spencer whimpers, it hurts to have his hand squeezed so tightly. "Spencer, Spencer stay awake with me? Okay? Please?"
Spencer's head is pounding, he blinks his eyes open to see he's in a hospital room. He's alone, but the room is filled with at least 7 different vases of flowers. He's had visitors. Spencer pushes himself op. He can't quite remember everything yet, he was drugged, the unsub made him, and he went to the hospital.
Should he press the call button? No, he's fine, or maybe, his throat. He needs water. Spencer slowly turn just enough to press the call button. A nurse comes and he's given water. As she hands it to him she says. "You had a lot of people worried about you kid" Spencer smiles weakly, he's sad to have worried the team but also happy that they cared.
Aaron is the first to vist him while he's awake, with a bag of snacks. Spence smiles slightly, looking down, embarrassed as he slowly remembers just much of a scare he gave the team. "Hello Hotch" Spencer says politely, siting op straight as if he was at his desk. "Don't strain yourself for my sake Reid" Hotch says, siting down in the chair by his bed, setting the bag down on Spencer's bed, right by his legs. Spencer relaxes slightly and leans back to rest against the rough hospital sheets. "Thank you"
"You, certainly gave us a big scare" Aaron say, gently petting his shoulder. Spencer smiles sadly, he really didn't wish to scare anyone "I'm sorry, it wasn't intentionally" Spencer mutters. Aaron gently squeezes his shoulder. "Of course not Reid"
Aaron spent the next 30 mintues explaining just how they solved the case while Spencer is in the hospital. They found William's hide out, all 8 bodies, and a 9th grave freshly dug that was suspose to be for yesterday's victim, Spencer.
It all makes Spencer so tired, so tired and angry to know that no matter what, he would have died if he wasn't FBI. A few mintues later, the whole team comes crashing into the room with hugs, and more 'get well' gifts. When Spencer is released, Aaron is the one to take him home, with all 7 bouquets of flowers in the back seat of Aaron's car. Spencer still kinda out of it, if he had the energy he would have argued to have thrown the flowers out. Aaron's backseat is filled with the flowers, boxes of chocolates and fruit.
Spencer's been draped with a jacket. Aaron's big, warm, dark jacket. He's not sure why he's still so tired, his last sedative was over four hours ago. Maybe all the hugs and affection wore him out more then usual. Spencer leans his head back, struggling to keep his eyes open. "You tired Reid?" Aaron asks, buckling Spencer's seatbelt for him. Spencer would blush, but he's too tired to care. Spencer hums in agreement as Aaron tucks the jacket snug around the younger man's body.
Spencer's rudely awakened when the car abruptly halts. Spencer yelps on, instincts grabbing for the celling handle to stable himself. "Sorry, Sorry!" Aaron says, gently putting the jacket back around Spencer. Aaron shakes his head at the car in front of them. "Man just, stopped in the middle of the road without warning" Aaron gently pets Spencer's shoulder. "Go back to sleep, alright? It's still gonna be a few mintues" Spencer doesn't protest, only shuting his eyes.
Spencer is gently roused as the jacket is pulled away from his body. Aaron's gently rubbing his arm to wake him, Spencer blinks his eyes open, still so tired, his eyes so gosh damn heavy. "Spencer, I've taken the gifts inside, think you can get op or do you need some help?" Aaron asks sweetly, unbuckling Spencer's seatbelt. Does Spencer look tired? He feels tired. He can't get op, he's too tired. Spencer leans his head to the side.
Then Spencer's being carried, his boss, is carrying him inside. It's strange but nice. Spencer rests his head on his warm chest, the fabric of Aaron's shirt is soft against his cheek. Spencer's back hits the soft sheets of his own bed, it's so nice to be home again. Spencer whines as Aaron undoes his tie and vest. "Shhh, just relax" Aaron shushes. Spencer squirms as he's undressed. More out of instinct then anything else. Aaron continues to shush him the way you would a fussy child.
"Shush, Spencer, quite down now, you're tired"
Spencer lays as still as possible as Aaron redresses him in soft clothes, he doesn't bother opening his eyes. Why would he? He trusts Aaron to not mess with him. New, non-sweaty socks are slipped onto his feet. Spencer blinks his eyes open for a few seconds. Aaron's standing above him, tucking him in. "Go back to Sleep Reid, you need it"
Spencer closes his eyes, a kiss is pressed to his forehead. "Sleep tight, I'll be by in the morning" Aaron whispers. Morning? It's already night? How much as he slept in the last few days? The world gets darker, Aaron's drawn the curtains. So it's not quite so late. Spencer's body is so heavy, very heavy. Another kiss is pressed to his forehead, a hand runs over his hair lovingly.
"Goodnight Spence, I'm so happy you're alright"