They/Them. Dyslexic. (18)

86 posts

Bad Case

Bad case

Everything's blurry, really blurry. That's all Spencer knows as he stumbles out from the club. The unsub in toe, who called himself William Dane, hand in hand. He knew this has going to happen, it's part of his MO, Spencer knew he was going to be drugged in some way. But he's what he didn't know was he was going to be drugged with more then just a roofie. He knows he's been given more then just a roofie, some kind of cocktail of drugs.

Spencer shakily grabs his sheer black jacket. It's not his, it's from then undercover closet but whatever. Spencer almost trips going out the door, but William grabs him around the waist. Spencer tries not to vomit, laughs instead, "Thanks hon" Spencer gently reaches back and pets his shoulder. "Think I've had a bit too much" He doesn't sound like himself at all, or really feel like himself. But he's pretty sure that's the point. He can vaguely hear this William say something about taking Spencer home.

Spencer giggles and drags him out on the curb side. He knows the team is around the corner, Spencer just needs to get to that alleyway, then he can get to an ER. "hey, so..." Spencer tries to roll his eyes a little sexyliy, is that word? Spencer thinks so. "My place's that way" Spencer draws the words out, nodding towards the alley. William moves Spencer the other way, Spencer can't stop him, his legs are just following him. "I know" William's voice chances as he tightly grabs onto Spencer's waist. "I really, um, get nervous at. Um, i really need to get home"

"I'm not stupid Spencer" William reaches out and grabs the tiny mic off Spencer's shirt, tossing it on the ground. His heart almost jumps out from his chest. "T-That's no-not"

"Your name is Spencer Reid not Daniel Lous, you're 27 not 25, really thought I'd believe your little fake ID?" William grabs onto him tighter and Spencer tries to push him away, at least. But it's no use, Spencer's legs refuse to work with him. "Don't fuss now, if you're lucky, you'll leave in the morning"

Spencer knows he should scold this William, the profile says that should make him back off. But the profile also says that when he's caught, he's likely to fight til his death. That would mean he would just kill Spencer in any alley nearby. That can't happen. Spencer thinks for a second. Then deicides if he's really dying tonight, he wants to know why.

"Well, just-oh" Spencer grabs onto William as they step down to cross the street. William looks to him with curiosity.

"You, said, if I'm lucky, that means there's something I could do that would turn you off enough to let me go, what is it?"

William laughs. "How do you know I meant I'd let you leave alive and not in a bag?" Spencer stumbles and almost falls over again, but he's caught before he hits the ground. William pulls him along the street. Where's the team?

"You used the the word lucky, if I'm lucky means it would be something I'd do, and not you being nice"

"If I tell you, what do I get?"

Spencer leans into him, not because he wants to, but because he needs to in order to stay on his feet. So it's a game. He's a sexual sadist, what is the best thing for a sexual sadist? His victims were tortured for hours, and the in tapes, he made them beg for it.

"I've taken an acting class or two, If you tell me what it is, i will make it feel real for you" Spencer promises, letting one of his arms go slack against his legs, gently toying with the hem of the shorts he also got from the undercover closet, turning on the back op mic / tracking thing that he insisted on having when he was sober. He made it look like he was just showing off a bit more his thigh.

"You've seen the tapes, right?" William asks, slipping a hand down to touch Spencer's ass. Normally he'd yelp, being touched in such a place. "More then I'd like to admit" Spencer bites his inner cheeks, knowing it'll make his outer cheeks a bit red.

"But they weren't listening to you, I'll listen, I'll listen real good, I can take it" Spencer continues, sticking his butt out against his hand, hoping that he shows interest he might let him go anyway.

William smiles in a sadist manner. Spencer's struck gold. "If you begin praying, I'll throw you out the window, and while it'll be painful, it won't kill you"

"I've never prayed"







"Does that mean, that you have to kill me now? Because that would be sad....I might have dated you otherwise" Spencer lies through his teeth, he has and never plans to talk like this again, he feels like a child.

Suddenly, William's pushed Spencer to a wall, there's a knife at his throat. Spencer can't keep his eyes open much longer. There's only noises and touches. Morgan's yelling for William to drop the knife, another person is yelling for Spencer's attention.

It takes Spencer way longer to id the voice then it should.

Hotch, Aaron Hotchner is yelling for him.

Spencer's cold, so cold. Who wears shorts to a night club? There's a hand on his waist, forcing him to stand against the cold brick wall. It's a painful sensation, his whole body held op by one point of contact. Spencer lightly kicks at William's leg, but he doesn't even react, only threatening to kill him if the team doesn't back away.

The hand on his waist moves away for a second and Spencer's legs give out under him. He slips down the wall before William can grab him again. There's a loud bang right in front of him. William's been shot, or at least scared enough to fall onto his back.

Spencer takes a second to rub his eyes, shivering. There's a hand on his arm, a soft voice is calling to him. Spencer blinks and looks to his right. He shivers again, his whole body shaking. Hotch lays a jacket over him "Reid?" Hotch is right beside him on the ground, gently tucking the jacket over his chest and legs. Spencer opens his mouth to speak but can't manage to say anything.

Hotch turns to Morgan who's pulling this William op from the ground. "Where are the medics? We called them 10 minutes ago!" Spencer can't hear what Morgan responses with, only leaning into Hotch for warmth. Hotch is very warm, it's so nice.

An arm slips in under his knees and Spencer's not entirely sure he's doing. Then Hotch slips an arm under Spencer's and in one, way too swift move, Spencer's been hoisted off the ground and is now resting against Hotch's chest. Spencer just about manages to throw his arms around Aaron's neck. Aaron's chest still laid over Spencer's upper body. He yawns, his whole world almost gone, only hearing the sounds of sirens as he tries to sleep.

Suddenly, he's being laid down, the jacket still there to keep him warm. He can't open his eyes, it's too much work. Something is placed over his nose and mouth, a mask, an oxygen mask. Someone's holding his hand tightly, Aaron, it's Aaron. The hands are too big and rough to be Derek's or Luke's. And yet too soft to be Rossi's. It's got to be Aaron. He knows he lays there for a few mintues. The air is warmer now, and they're moving. Shit, he's in an ambulance. Is that really.....

"Spencer?" There's a hand on his face, his cheek, gently petting it. Spencer's confused, he just wants to go home now, why can't he can go home? He blinks, attempting to open his eyes. "There you are Spencer" The lady says. She's in a medic's unifrom, she's a medic. Spencer yawns, his head rolling in a circle.

"I can see you're tired but you need to stay awake"

Spencer huffs softs, it's unfair. He's done good work, he deserves to sleep. Why can't he sleep? Oh! Right! The drugs. Because of the drugs. It's not safe to pass out after being drugged with unknown drugs.

"Spencer, Spencer stay with me okay?" Why's Aaron saying that? He tries to open his eyes, it's hard, but he opens his eyes enough to see Aaron looking worried. He squeezes his hand the most he can, which isn't much. Aaron smiles slightly, eyes still filled with worry. Spencer closes his eyes again, he's so drowsy, he just wants to sleep. Maybe it's a good time for a nap. It's okay. He can sleep, he's sure he can. "Spencer!" Aaron squeezes his hand tightly. Spencer whimpers, it hurts to have his hand squeezed so tightly. "Spencer, Spencer stay awake with me? Okay? Please?"

Spencer's head is pounding, he blinks his eyes open to see he's in a hospital room. He's alone, but the room is filled with at least 7 different vases of flowers. He's had visitors. Spencer pushes himself op. He can't quite remember everything yet, he was drugged, the unsub made him, and he went to the hospital.

Should he press the call button? No, he's fine, or maybe, his throat. He needs water. Spencer slowly turn just enough to press the call button. A nurse comes and he's given water. As she hands it to him she says. "You had a lot of people worried about you kid" Spencer smiles weakly, he's sad to have worried the team but also happy that they cared.

Aaron is the first to vist him while he's awake, with a bag of snacks. Spence smiles slightly, looking down, embarrassed as he slowly remembers just much of a scare he gave the team. "Hello Hotch" Spencer says politely, siting op straight as if he was at his desk. "Don't strain yourself for my sake Reid" Hotch says, siting down in the chair by his bed, setting the bag down on Spencer's bed, right by his legs. Spencer relaxes slightly and leans back to rest against the rough hospital sheets. "Thank you"

"You, certainly gave us a big scare" Aaron say, gently petting his shoulder. Spencer smiles sadly, he really didn't wish to scare anyone "I'm sorry, it wasn't intentionally" Spencer mutters. Aaron gently squeezes his shoulder. "Of course not Reid"

Aaron spent the next 30 mintues explaining just how they solved the case while Spencer is in the hospital. They found William's hide out, all 8 bodies, and a 9th grave freshly dug that was suspose to be for yesterday's victim, Spencer.

It all makes Spencer so tired, so tired and angry to know that no matter what, he would have died if he wasn't FBI. A few mintues later, the whole team comes crashing into the room with hugs, and more 'get well' gifts. When Spencer is released, Aaron is the one to take him home, with all 7 bouquets of flowers in the back seat of Aaron's car. Spencer still kinda out of it, if he had the energy he would have argued to have thrown the flowers out. Aaron's backseat is filled with the flowers, boxes of chocolates and fruit.

Spencer's been draped with a jacket. Aaron's big, warm, dark jacket. He's not sure why he's still so tired, his last sedative was over four hours ago. Maybe all the hugs and affection wore him out more then usual. Spencer leans his head back, struggling to keep his eyes open. "You tired Reid?" Aaron asks, buckling Spencer's seatbelt for him. Spencer would blush, but he's too tired to care. Spencer hums in agreement as Aaron tucks the jacket snug around the younger man's body.

Spencer's rudely awakened when the car abruptly halts. Spencer yelps on, instincts grabbing for the celling handle to stable himself. "Sorry, Sorry!" Aaron says, gently putting the jacket back around Spencer. Aaron shakes his head at the car in front of them. "Man just, stopped in the middle of the road without warning" Aaron gently pets Spencer's shoulder. "Go back to sleep, alright? It's still gonna be a few mintues" Spencer doesn't protest, only shuting his eyes.

Spencer is gently roused as the jacket is pulled away from his body. Aaron's gently rubbing his arm to wake him, Spencer blinks his eyes open, still so tired, his eyes so gosh damn heavy. "Spencer, I've taken the gifts inside, think you can get op or do you need some help?" Aaron asks sweetly, unbuckling Spencer's seatbelt. Does Spencer look tired? He feels tired. He can't get op, he's too tired. Spencer leans his head to the side.

Then Spencer's being carried, his boss, is carrying him inside. It's strange but nice. Spencer rests his head on his warm chest, the fabric of Aaron's shirt is soft against his cheek. Spencer's back hits the soft sheets of his own bed, it's so nice to be home again. Spencer whines as Aaron undoes his tie and vest. "Shhh, just relax" Aaron shushes. Spencer squirms as he's undressed. More out of instinct then anything else. Aaron continues to shush him the way you would a fussy child.

"Shush, Spencer, quite down now, you're tired"

Spencer lays as still as possible as Aaron redresses him in soft clothes, he doesn't bother opening his eyes. Why would he? He trusts Aaron to not mess with him. New, non-sweaty socks are slipped onto his feet. Spencer blinks his eyes open for a few seconds. Aaron's standing above him, tucking him in. "Go back to Sleep Reid, you need it"

Spencer closes his eyes, a kiss is pressed to his forehead. "Sleep tight, I'll be by in the morning" Aaron whispers. Morning? It's already night? How much as he slept in the last few days? The world gets darker, Aaron's drawn the curtains. So it's not quite so late. Spencer's body is so heavy, very heavy. Another kiss is pressed to his forehead, a hand runs over his hair lovingly.

"Goodnight Spence, I'm so happy you're alright"

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More Posts from Lover-i-lover

7 months ago

My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $450

I'm sorry to say I'm not in a position to donate. Spread this around to people who can.

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1 year ago

Bedtime struggles

Spencer borrows into your arms holding op the book he wants you to read now. You gently push it back in his arms, watching as he sucks on his pacifier, a pout growing on his sleepy face. "Baby, Mama's read you three books already. It's bedtime now" You coax, gently brushing some curls behind his ear.

Spencer begins to grow fussy, kicking his feet around under the covers and trying again to get you to read the book. It's a disney book, maybe one actual page of writing in the whole thing.

You take it, giving Spencer a firm look. "Last one, you understand? Then right to bed"

Spencer nods, a smile growing behind his pacifier as he snuggles op to you. You begin to read, slowly, hoping he'll pass out soon. You finish the book all too soon for little Spencer's liking. He blinks op at you, unhappy.

Spencer pouts so badly his mouth is almost a fully on V. "What now sweet boy? Mama read you a fourth story just like you asked..Are you uncomfy Baby?" You coo, gently stoking his hair as Spencer's mouth becomes more flat.

Spencer mumbles something you can't understand. You gently coax the pacifier from his mouth, keeping it in your hand so he can still see it, his comfort item isn't being taken away. "My jammes..Icky" he says, squirming around a bit.

"Oh....How are they icky Baby?" You ask, gently stoking his hair. You'd brought him new footy pyjamas with a space print, you'd made sure it was a soft fabric so it was comfortable but some things just get on Spencer's nerves.

"T-The foot stitches Mama, it Itches"

"Oh Baby why didn't you say so?" You get op, grabbing Spencer's older, comfortable and worn out, long pyjamas not not footie ones. You help Spencer out from the covers, undressing him and then redressing him in the known pyjamas. You kiss his forehead and he giggles. "Is that better Baby?" You coo, waiting for a response before tucking him back into bed.

He nods, eyes fluttering, struggling to stay awake. "There's my Baby" You coo, picking him op and tucking him back into bed. Spencer's gently sucking on his pacifier as you tuck him in tightly. "There we go, no more fussing now okay?"

Spencer pouts a bit but does nod again. You slip in beside him, letting the smaller boy snuggle op to you again. You were tired, so tired. Spencer lays op on you, snuggling his head into the crook of your neck.

You reach a hand down, gently giving him his much beloved bum pats. He giggles, wiggling his lower half after so slightly. You continue to pat his bottom, waiting for him to fall asleep before you stop and let yourself fall asleep.

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1 year ago

hii! i really loved your magic bag story!! i was wondering if you could write more caregiver!Spencer with little! reader? if not no worries!! 💗

I most certainly can my friend. I've actually been looking to write some more of that. And you sparked a little idea in me.

"Baby I'm home!"

You had been home all all day, in short. You're regressed, you're needy, and you are getting close to a meltdown. You tug on the sweater you borrowed from Spencer, wishing he was home already. You throw yourself down on your play mat, the nice, comfy play mat Spencer had put op for you in the living room.

Your ear perk op as the sound of a door being unlocked filles the space. You look at the hoping, pleading for it to be Spencer and not Auntie Penny sendt to look after you because he's not going to be home for a while.

"Baby I'm home!" Spencer calls, you smile and jump op, rushing at him. "Ouf..." He takes you takes you into his arms, hoisting you op around his hip. "Do i have a clingly little princess tonight?" He asks, kissing your forehead. You nod, wrapping your arms around his neck, and legs around his waist. "Oh i do?" Spencer asks, bringing you to the living room, setting you down on the couch. You nod wildly, unhappy to be set down as you grab for Spencer. "I know, i know princess" He sqeuzzes your hands before going to the kitchen.

You whine, stomping your feet on the floor. "Daddy!" You yell for him, he's home and he's just leaving you alone? That's not fair! You deserve his attention, don't you? Spencer gives you a small smile. "I'll be there in a second Baby, promise, just a second" He reasures you as he grabs something from his jacket. You look at him, now curious of just what your Daddy is getting you.

"Close your eyes, Daddy has a surprise for you"

And so you do, waiting (And bouncing) as Spencer makes his way back to the couch where you are. Something falls into your hands and Spencer caress your cheek. "Open your eyes baby"

As smile and jump to hug your Daddy. "Thank you Daddy! Thank you!" You giggle, letting go to open the op the new pacifier. Spencer chuckles, watching you with a smile. "You're welcome baby, I know I've been busy the last few days, i hope you like it" Spencer says, siting down on the couch, waiting for you to join him. You do, fumbling with the box.

You smile down at the pretty purple pacifier. You smile and kiss Spencer's cheek. "Thank you Daddy, i love it" You say, pulling it from the packaging. You look to Spencer, hoping for his approval. Spencer chuckles, pulling you into his lap. "Go on, try it for Daddy"

You pop it into your mouth, smiling brightly as start to suck on it. Spencer smiles, stoking your hair. "Such a good little girl" Spencer praises you, gently tucking some hair behind your ear. You blush, still not use to Spencer praising you.

"Ready for some cartoons Baby?"

You nod, happily sucking away at your paci. Spencer sets your play mat in front of the TV and sets you down on it with some colouring pages and crayons. Spencer sets behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder as you colour him a picture.

That picture later ends op on the fridge.

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1 year ago

Little, is home

You were done, with everything. You'd had enough. As you stomp through the front door, you're greeted by a sight that brings tears to your eyes. Spencer, in the 10 minutes he had before you got home, set op your playmat in front of the TV, there's your mobile mat, colouring sheets and crayons. Spencer's smiling at you from the couch.

"There's my princess, come on now. Come to Daddy"

You practically jump onto his lap, making him chuckle. "Now now, what you say, we get you into a diaper and a onesie huh?"

"Yeaaaa, please Daddy?" Your voice grows soft, quite, small. Spencer looks lovingly at your state before picking you op around his hip the way you would a toddler. Your Daddy chances your clothes and sets you down on your playmat. You can't help the grin growing on your face, you really needed this, and Daddy knew it.

You color a million different pictures, watch a million cartoons, but as the night comes to an end, Spencer puts you down in your new crib with a stuffie to snuggle with.

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1 year ago

Night night.

It's sooooo late, and you're waiting op for Spencer, you know you shouldn't, but you can't go to bed with cuddles from your daddy. That's just impossible, so impossible!

You're rubbing your eyes, starting to grow fussy from staying op way past your bedtime, you know Spencer isn't going to happy with that, but you're hoping for a little leniency tonight. You're in your coziest little clothes, pacifier still in your mouth.

You hear a door open and you get op, shuffling op to meet your Daddy halfway. Spencer's taking his shoes off when he looks over to the sound of shuffling. He smiles as you open your arms wide to be picked op.

"Hello there sweet one" Spencer hoists you op on his hips. You settle into it quickly, wrapping your arms around his neck. He gently pats your bottom, rubbing you back in his other hand. Now happy in your Daddy's arm, your grumpiness is replaced with pure tiredness. "Oh you've been op late huh?" Spencer chuckles, patting your bottom firmly. You babble incoherently as Spencer puts you down on your bed while he changes.

You babble sleepily, the light in your bedroom is orange and is making you even more tired as you lay on you back. Spencer leans down, kissing your forehead. "it's night night time now little one" That makes you whines. You wanted cuddles, not night night. Spencer hushes your protests by peppering kisses over your face. Of course it works, it always does.

As Spencer settles in, you tuck yourself tight against his chest. He chuckles, and takes you in his embrace, you're too sleepy to care. So you snuggle close. Finally having gotten your cuddles, you can sleep. And, you sleep like the baby you are, snuggled op close to Daddy, deep asleep.

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