I Figured It Out, But Its Still Too Many Added Extra Steps. Just Subtract The Final And Initial Velocity
I figured it out, but it’s still too many added extra steps. Just subtract the final and initial velocity for each cart and see if the number is the same but with opposite signs. Why did they complicate it?
I hate this lab report so much - I don’t even understand how to do it?
The question is if velocity changes depending on the collision type (two carts hit each other). They want us to calculate momentum then make a BAR graph and add error bars to see if the initial and final fall into each other’s uncertainty range of 10%.
That doesn’t make sense !!! Plus the example BAR graph only shows ONE cart’s momentums ! There’s TWO carts. It’s a system. What did you do to the second cart ?
All you SHOULD have to do is subtract the final and initial velocity of both carts and see if the number is more or less the same - because the carts collide by travelling in opposite directions.

The one in blue is actually positive, I forgot to change the sign to account for the coordinate plane of the system.
What am I supposed to do ? Apparently leave off a cart, but that doesn’t make sense - it’s a system of two. Also why bother calculating momentum, it just makes it more complicated. It’s sue tomorrow before midnight - should I email the teacher and say my way makes more sense (to me) and hopefully be allowed to turn it in like this ?
This doesn’t look right (how they want me to do it):

Also we were told by the substitute to do as many collision types as possible, but I saw other classmates just do three types instead of six. So it’s more work for me and I really just want to delete the extra three.
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I don't remember Jevil speaking
Something I realized about Rouxls is that he's obsessed with being a servant and also a darkner, so you'd think he'd be ecstatic about helping out Kris and company ... instead he's very determined to serve other darkners.
I get him fighting against you in chapter 1, but there isn't any reason for him to do it in chapter 2. Like he's even dissatisfied and unhappy with Castle Town to the point of leaving it for another dark world.
I hate being a victim of circumstance on a very small scale (like everyday or every other day).
Because of circumstances you look guilty or rude or lazy, but there's actually a reason behind it and / or someone was misinterpreting your actions / behaviors.
As a result you're punished in some way. And you can't explain yourself because the whole situation seems insignificant AND because trying to explain will often result in further confusion (causing a bigger punishment). If you try to explain, the person will see you as some kind of schemer / manipulator who tries to smooth talk their way out of a situation.
But that's not the case. You actually just believe in honesty and fairness, and want to clear things up because the misinterpretation is incorrect. And although clearing up the misunderstanding does benefit you (or prevents you from being punished), you are NOT just explaining for the sole purpose of benefiting from the situation. And to make matters worse, people really hate it when they misunderstand and so when you try to explain how THEY misinterpreted you, they get insulted ("You think I can't understand things on my own. I know what I saw and I know you better than you think I do").
It especially sucks when you got problems and your first reaction is to over explain. Because it looks like you're trying to talk your way out of the situation, but you're not. You really don't want an incorrect image of you in other people’s minds, and also don't want to be unfairly punishment.
Also sucks if you're generally an aloof and nervous person, so you're naturally reaction to such situations can be perceived as "acting out" or signs of guilt / lying or not caring.
And even worse if you're prone to paranoia and delusions of persecution. Because now you have reason to believe that you were right all along and you can correctly identify people's intentions. You once again believe everyone is out to get you and next time you [incorrectly] think someone wants to harm you, you remember the previous situation and go "I was right that time, so I must be right now." Except you're not. That was the exception, but oh well the previous situation has already reinforced your paranoia.
It's like akin to how people perceive those who plea the 5th (the right to remain silent because anything you say - upon being arrested - can be used against you in court). People think those who stay silent are definitely guilty and also a clever mastermind criminal who's scheming and waiting for their lawyer - to discuss the best course of action to get off free and uncharged with a crime. But actually that's just what you should do because the legal system has issues and anything you say can be twisted against you. So pleing the 5th should translate to "I'm genuinely innocent, but the situation is complicated and I should wait for a proper time (when things in the background aren't going on, people are willing to listen to me without interrupting, and I myself am calm and collective) to explain. And also maybe I'm not the best speaker and someone more qualified should explain for me because otherwise things won't sound clear or it sounds like I'm lying (when actually I'm just nervous and very bad at publicly speaking and always fumble my words)."
I think when certain situations arise, proclaiming aloud you're a victim of circumstances should get people to understand that things may not be how they seem and they should listen to what the person has to say (keeping in mind it's a confusing scenario and maybe somepeople are bad a conversing and confrontation and may look like they're lying or solely trying to evade punishment).
Tbh, thats a tough situation. I can't tell you how to act, bc your feelings play a huge role in this situation.
I'm worried that the person will lash out at you, if you voice your thoughts to them. I would personally rather have you stay out of it, so you don't get hurt.
But you said yourself, that you feel very strongly about them doing what they do. Maybe you don't have to call them out publicly? You could try to talk to them privately and just get it off your chest. (And then block them, bc I fear that they won't take it too well)
I'm more concerned about your wellbeing, than someone doing rlly shitty things. Please only act when you feel sure about what you are doing and stay safe.
(And believe me, I rlly hate ppl who fake stuff only for attention. But my anger doesn't matter, when someone risks their wellbeing)
Thank you !
Yeah, I think just staying out of it would be better. I don't think I'd be able to talk to them privately because I don't know them well and they could easily make our conversation public and frame me as trying to hurt them or something. I'd rather not deal with confrontation, but it genuinely upsets me that people do this and get away with it.
Thank you again for giving your advice and also saying you're concerned about my well-being. It really means a lot and I hope you have a great day !