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đŸ‡”đŸ‡­they/them; 18 đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆkimi ga oitetta mono bakka ga boku no subete ni natta no

373 posts

For Sakuatsu Fluff Week On Twitter, Inspired By The Day 1 Prompt!! My Heart Isnt Beating Faster, My Heart

For Sakuatsu Fluff Week On Twitter, Inspired By The Day 1 Prompt!! My Heart Isnt Beating Faster, My Heart
For Sakuatsu Fluff Week On Twitter, Inspired By The Day 1 Prompt!! My Heart Isnt Beating Faster, My Heart

for sakuatsu fluff week on twitter, inspired by the day 1 prompt!! “my heart isn’t beating faster, my heart isn’t beating faster, i swear it isn’t

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More Posts from Lovingjeankirstein

3 years ago

AGAIN. PIES NEVER FUCKING MISSES!!! my fave author pls


i’m excited bc hi i love your writing <3

anyways, would you so kindly write hc/scenario (whatever you prefer) of reader constantly talking about wanting to get a dog and so the boys say they’ll get the reader one but reader thinks they’re joking until the boys surprise them by coming home w the puppy they wanted? gn pronouns are fine bc we love everybody in this household, and i honestly prefer big dogs if it makes a difference. anyways! can you do it with suga, iwa, tanaka, tendo and kenma please? i hope this all makes sense and isn’t to much! thank you, love you:))


pairing: Timeskip!characters - sugawara kƍshi, iwaizumi hajime, tanaka ryĆ«nosuke, tendƍ satori, & kenma kozume, all with a GN!Reader 

warning: may cause a sudden need to go adopt a dog lol 

a/n: this is going to be more chaotic than my usual writing so I figured I’d do some headcanons haha. also omg @trashy-simp​ you’re always so sweet to me so thank you so much for sending this in!!! i hope this is what you were looking for :D i had a lot of fun with it to be honest haha i received an anon request for this as well a while back so anon, if you’re here! i hope this is good for you too :D

haikyuu masterlist



suga once promised you that he’d buy all of japan for you once he had the money

so when he told you he was going to get you a dog, you honestly thought it was a joke

hint: it was not

he goes out and interviews each dog at the nearby shelter like they gonna talk

“mmhm you look like you’d take my spot in the bed when i get up to pee every night...” Suga just squints at this dog suspiciously but still gives him a 10/10 mark bc he cute 

takes each of their histories very seriously because he wants the perfect dog for his perfect partner

Finds the most wonky chunky dog ever and is like heS BEAUTIFUL

he tried to carry it from the car up to your house but this chunky dog is too slippery

and Suga like collapses onto the floor with this hilarious looking pup with him

“suga what did you do???”

“i promised you i’d get you a dog!!! do you like him???”

Suddenly you’re like .... 

“Suga why you pick something so... unconventionally attractive”

“HEY HE CAN HEAR YOU!” holds his hands over the dog’s ears so you two can keep talking “stop being so mean he’s beautiful!” 

you’re just sat there like o.o “what does that mean if you find me attractive tho”

"don’t be an idiot, you’re perfection. This dog is just so ugly he’s beautiful.”

he definitely makes this dog an instagram and with his witty charm and the dog’s very cute demeanour, they end up getting quite a following

daichi and asahi try not to laugh when they come over because ya know what they say about dogs looking just like their owners 👀

suga is v offended but like no one can hate this pup because like he’s actually the sweetest thing in the world


thinks you’re an idiot for wanting a dog 

“you can barely take care of yourself, Y/N, how are you going to take care of a dog?”

you beg him over and over again, trying to convince him that you are very much so capable of taking care of a dog thank you very much

his plan is to teach you some responsibility, comes home with this cute pup he found at the shelter in his arms

and you are just in teARS because this puppy is the CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD

“you better take care of it. I’m not going to do anything you hear me, dummy?” he huffed, shoving the dog in your hand and walking away like it was nothing

but this pup is just the sweetest thing, greeting both of you any time you come home, bouncing around your feet 

you love him so much but the puppy also seems to want iwa’s love

he insists he thinks its annoying

but honestly this puppy just loves him so much

curls up on his lap and you’re just like “oh ya, he’s annoying huh?”

“shut up, i just don’t want it to wake up and start yapping” he tells you but you catch him petting the little dog’s ears while the two of you watch tv 

still refuses to admits he likes the dog but keeps buying him cute things like an adorable dog tag and you find pictures of the dog and you all over camera roll

he will get into a fight with someone for thinking their dog is better than his

he might not like this dog but his dog is still better than yours bitch


the first time you joked about getting a dog, he was literally all for it


his love language is literally giving you anything you could possibly want. gifts? he’s already emptied his bank account. more compliments? oh listen he’s got a liST of things he loves about you. physical touch?? would you like to be crushed in a loving hug every 5 seconds?? quality time? he’s already planned 3 dates for you, it’s up to you to choose. helpful actions? he’s done your dishes and tried to finish anything else around the house you need done

in other words, he’s been ready for puppy raising for you

who wouldn’t want a family with the most perfect human being 

he keeps his eye on the local animal shelter and finally finds the most wonderful ad for this mixed mutt with the goofiest smile

tanaka thinks of you almost immediately because both of you have such contagious smiles

you should’ve known something was up cause Tanaka came home later than usual 

and when he did come home, he had everything a dog could ever want or need

including like 17 different toys

none of which the dog wants because they’ve decided their favourite toy will now be tanaka’s house slippers

tanaka is not happy about this but you always laugh about it, he refuses to be upset now

you absolutely will catch him doing the most hilarious cutesty voice talking to this dog

he will say it’s a ghost until you insist that you find it super attractive that he’s so sweet on the new addition to your family

the two of you sneak this dog everywhere you can like tanaka will stuff him in his jacket if he has to (which is a little obvious but he pretends like it’s not)


you had made an offhanded comment about getting a dog

like the two of you were snuggling on a very cozy sunday morning and you just asked him if he ever wanted to get a pet

“mm? why do you ask, love?”

“i dunno i just thought it would be nice to have a dog around to protect me when you’re away. and then we could go on walks with them and be that perfect couple,” you smiled lazily, dozing off to sleep as he considered this

he wanted you to always feel safe. plus going on adventures with a pet actually sounded like fun

he never thought he’d get to be the perfect boyfriend for anyone but having you around made him feel like he had to be somewhat good, since you were perfect

didn’t really need any more thought than that

you were sleeping on his chest and he was already scrolling through adoption sites

comes home one day with three dogs, their leashes all scrambled in his hands, and is carrying a bunny in his arms 

“why three dogs? and why a bunny???”

“he watched me take all of them babe! I couldn’t leave him alone!!”

Had a reason for every single dog he brings 

“this one was cute just like you. And that one has puppy dog eyes like you do when I tell you no lol. And that snores like you do”


“Well now you can not snore next to these dogs” 😊

you are now known in your neighbourhood as the couple with a chaotic household because those dogs are HUGE and very alert

but they’re actually very well behaved

Tendƍ secretly has a calling for training animals apparently 

probably is big on tiktok because he taught the dogs how to use those buttons to speak

except now when Tendƍ is away, the dogs keep pushing the “Dad” button over and over again you had to take it away lol 

“i miss him too, ya assholes, but let’s go eat junk food instead while we wait for him to get back lol”


you had always loved dogs

kenma hated this because dogs drool and they whine and theyre just so fucking annoying sometimes

“let’s get a dog kenma!”

“we already have kuroo why do we need another pet”


you won’t stop begging him, trying to insist that it would be nice to have someone to cuddle while kenma stayed up all night gaming

it was a good point - maybe he could get you some company so you wouldn’t feel so lonely when he had a big tournament to play

so he goes to the shelter, is probably like hyper aware of all the animal eyes on him

some of them just stare at him too much he had to run away

ends up bringing you a cat in a dog costume

Jk but like 👀 

for real tho, he ran away so fast from the other dogs, he made it to the back area where some of the more anxious and older dogs were

finds this chill senior dog who is like still sleeping when kenma approaches him

pup kinda looks at him and then goes back to bed lol

Kenma brings this older dog to you later that evening and like walks it into your place like it’s not big deal

and you’re like :O PUPPY

you ask him later why he chose an older dog and he just shrugs like, “idk...he just seemed so nice end I didn’t want him to end up alone”

kenma is such a softie when he wants to be 

even tho this dog was supposed to spend time with you when kenma games, kenma made a spot under his desk for this pup to doze off in while he’s gaming 

sometimes he’ll even let the dog sit on his lap 

acts like he doesn’t give a fuck about this dog but will bite anyone who tries to make fun of this old dog’s waddle

Lev once kept poking him in his sleep and kept annoying him and Kenma threatened to cut his arm off so he’d never be able to play volleyball again lol


haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)

@sgue0s @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana @just4readingfics’ @moonlightaangel

3 years ago


“Breathe” [Kuroo x reader] Karasuhoes server collab

Hello, hello, helloo !! This is my part of the karasuhoes server collab, the masterlist to all the other amazing and beautiful stories the other wrote can be found here so make sure to check those out too :)

This was really fun to participate in and i’m very glad to have been able to be part of such a fun little communityđŸ„ș Hope you guys’ll enjoy this thing i made !

Also pLEASE forgive the fact that this banner is pretty bad. I forgot that i had to make a new one and made this one at camp, but i’ll replace it soon with a better oneđŸ˜­đŸ€Ł


Prompt:  “Hey, just look at me. Breathe.”

Warnings: TW:some sort of panic attack

Words: 3407



Dating Kuroo was like running away from the rain late at night after coming back from a big city by train. Getting out of the train and walking onto the platform only to notice its raining pretty hard, the noise of the droplets hitting the ground echoeing in your ears.Counting down from 5 to 1 before bolting off, the sound of shoes hitting the wet pavement being somewhat pleasant while laughing and screaming at the same time before rushing into the car being absolutely soaked. Sitting in silence for a few seconds, catching your breath before bursting into laughter.

Its the smell of gasoline late at night while looking at him through the car windows as he’s pumping gas into the car, staring off into space for a moment before snapping back to his thoughts and catching you staring. Smiling in response and shooting a wink at you.

Dating Kuroo, was so much fun and comforting. There was no one who could make you laugh at silly science pun pick-up lines like he could, no one who knew your exact order at every single restaurant like the back of their hand and especially no one who knew how to hold and kiss you just the way you liked it like Kuroo did.

The two of you met in highschool, his third year and your second. Being friends with your neighbor, Yaku, seemed to have its perks especially after tagging along with some of their games and catching the attention of the rooster.

A couple of dates, victories, anniversaries and a ring on your finger later the two of you were sharing an apartment together.

Kuroo had a great job, one that paid quite well and allowed the two of you to go on vacation abroad a couple of times. You were still in college, finishing your last year of school and starting work at a place you had your internship at which happened to offer you a job afterwards at. It felt too good to be true, all of it.

Coming home from a rough day only to find a freshly made meal waiting for you on the table, waking up to find your head locked in between an arm and a leg wrapped around your lower back because he once again used you like a body pillow and had his own head pushed between a pillow, finding little knick knacks on your desk he bought cause they reminded him if you and solving the who’s doing the dishes part with rock-paper-scissors but when you lose he’d still be by your side drying everything off.

Hours worth of paragraphs could be written about how fun and loving domestic life with Kuroo was.

“(Y/n)? I’m home!”

Keep reading

3 years ago

old fashioned: iwaizumi hajime songfic/drabble

(bold is song lyrics, italics is dialogue. enjoy <3)


gn! reader

(disclaimer: the music won't match with the time the lyrics pop up so if you were expecting something cool like that i'm sorry i don't write that well)

you and haji just finished a movie you two put on while waiting for the hours, the minutes, to tick by. the lights are dim, and the main source of light was produced by the moon from your kitchen window.

you’re now washing the dishes from your late dinner, as haji wipes the counter clean. you guys were in comfortable, almost silent silence doing your own chores. during late nights like these when you’re basking in each others presence, you and haji like to play music from your shared playlist. as you were wiping your hands dry, hajime comes behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, when the song “old fashioned” by bruno major comes on.

“dance with me, love,” he says as he takes your dried hands into his. you wrap your arms around his neck, and he wraps his around your waist. you start softly swaying to the mellow beat of the song while staring into each others eyes.

“but i don’t care, i think i’ll fall in love with you.”

the song is whispering in the background. nothing matters. you’re with hajime and all you can think about is him, and all he can think about is you.

“you’re such a romantic iwa,” you say with a soft smile.

“idiot. only with you.” haji says with a light blush as he smiles back at you.

it’s comforting. you’re the only one who can bring out this side of him. you’re the only one who sees him in his soft moments.

"i wish we could stay like this forever," you start to speak, "you and me. dancing at almost midnight like we aren't so tired we could pass out."

he chuckles at that. "i don't mind having more instances like this in our future. we can even do it at our wedding."

you instantly get flustered and glance up at that. "iwa! at least propose first before saying that!" you playfully hit his chest and you both softly laugh.

"noted," he says with a fond smile.

“i’ll be smiling, a bigger smile than before."

as the climax to the final chorus plays, he playfully spins you as your giggles fade in with the night. love. happiness. joy. compassion. it's all there in this moment. the intensity and the power of the vocals only make this moment more memorable.

when the last repeat of the chorus plays, you lean against his chest and the clock strikes 12. the music grows softer and more rested, much like the beginning of the song.

“happy birthday hajime. i love you.”

“i love you too,” he says with a kiss on your forehead.

“i’ll take you somewhere new
 and i’ll be old fashioned for you.”

aoba johsai masterlist

Tags :
3 years ago

Hey, Hey, L I S T E N

here, on this blog, you do not need permission to slip into my asks. just do it. even if we haven’t interacted before. even if you’ve sent 10 already. send me more. i love getting asks (in character or out of character) and yeah, i’m slow as fuck, but i promise you i will get to them. have at it, fill my inbox with memes or impromptu starters or just tell me how your day is going. it really doesn’t matter. just go ahead and do it. i promise, i don’t get annoyed seeing the same people in my inbox, actually it makes me happy because yAY MORE INTERACTIONS. so just do it.

3 years ago


hello christinaaaa!!! i know no one asked but we have the same name 👁👄👁 except mine doesn't have an 'h' :'D

anywaaayy, is it alright if i request tsukishima, kageyama, iwaizumi, and akaashi with a fem!s/o who's really tiny and is very clingyđŸ„ș👉👈 she likes sitting in their laps (in a non-sexual way) and holding on to their arms, or just clutching a part of their clothes😖 she'd always steal their jerseys toođŸ˜Œ

then during the boys' practice, she'd jump on them and hug them—arms and legs tightly wrapped around them like a koalađŸ„ș the boys would try and pry her off but that just makes her nuzzle even more, so they give up wahhchhshf

their teammates would give the two of you confused looks because-

you're attached onto him

he's walking around the gym with you just clinging to him

he's acting like it's nothing new

IM SO SO SORRY IF IT'S TOO MUCH OR TOO MUCH DETAIL, i got carried away because i thought it's a super cute ideađŸ„ș😖 if you end up doing this, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU!!! :'D 💞


pairing: tsukishima kei, kageyama tobio, iwaizumi hajime, akaashi keiji, & ushijima wakatoshi x fem!reader

warnings: flufffyyyyy - a somewhat clingy gf and her adorable bf just being cute babies. probably some swearing, not really proofread im sorry haha

a/n: omg hiiiii cristina!!!!! thank you so much for sending a request in :D i hope you’ll come by more often name-twin! i received this ask and IMMEDIATELY SQUEALED because thIS IS JUST SO CUTE! I wanted to do this super quick but haven't had a chance to sit down and write until now so I hope you like it! Also I added some Ushijima in there because the idea of a clingy!gf with ushijima is just too much for me to pass up haha. I'm sorry if this wasn't exactly how you wanted it! I tried to change things up a bit to make sure it wasn't just the same thing over and over again :) Also I’m sorry that you can tell that I love Tsukishima so very much LOL i’m bias I know it’s awful haha I hope the other ones are good too though!! Enjoy!

haikyuu masterlist


If you had told Tsukishima that he would have a super clingy girlfriend one day, he'd probably just make that 'tch' sound and talk away with you, in disbelief that anyone would ever think he would put up with clingy.

But then he met you. You, who was all things soft and sweet, rounded edges where his were sharp, a smile where he had a scowl. You were everything that he shouldn't have and yet, you still loved him. He wasn't quite sure why and for the first part of your relationship, Tsukishima tried to keep you at an arm's distance.

But your love language was physical touch and you always had some sort of hold on him. If you were walking somewhere and Tsukishima's hands were tucked into his pockets, you'd hold the edge of his jacket, walking around like this was normal. He tried to walk faster at first, seeing if it would make you drop his jacket, but you didn't and instead just smiled all the same.

Tsukishima loved you, which is why he always tried to keep you away from him. He didn't want to start trying to make you happy and then realize that all that effort was for nothing. High school relationships didn't always end well anyways so what was the point in trying?

But you were just so soft, so kind, asking over and over again to hold his hand when the two of you walked home together until one day, he grabbed your hand first. Jumping on him for a hug after not seeing him for a while, always catching him by surprise and knocking a breath from his lungs, until one day, he actually dropped his bag and opened his arms for you first.

You watched Tsukishima fall in love with you, his smile becoming just slightly softer than it used to be.

But even if you noticed all these things (and Yamaguchi did too), the team was completely clueless when it came to it.

You had peeked into the gym, noticing that practice was going just a bit later than it usually did, surprised to find that Coach Ukai and Takeda were gone. Instead, it was just the team, Tsukishima standing across the gym from you and drinking his water while speaking to Yamaguchi.

"Tsukishima!" You grinned, hopping through the balls flying through the air and jumping right onto him.

The blond boy hadn't expected you to still be at school, or else he would've left when practice was supposed to end. But here you were, gripping onto him like your life depended on it.

"O-Oi! Get off, everyone's staring!" Tsukishima hissed at you, trying to push you off but you pouted and climbed up on his back further.

"Oh so because your team is watching, I don't get a hug?" You huffed, shaking your head. That would not do.

"Y/N, you're being annoying," Tsukishima insisted, trying to swat at your head from behind his.

"Well annoying is nothing new in my personality. You'll just have to kiss me to make me let go!" You giggled, hugging his neck now and burying your face into it as you seated yourself in a piggyback position.

You felt Tsukishima's body relax a little as he sighed, shaking his head.

"Is... that a girl?" Hinata mumbled to Kageyama, both of them staring at Tsukishima like he had just complimented them or grown a second head.

"Tsukishima seems so annoyed," Tanaka cackled, pointing and laughing at his underclassman for having such a clingy girlfriend.

"Kiyoko, if you ever wanted to get a piggyback ride from me, I'd let you!" Noya screamed across the gym to which Kiyoko just said,

"No thank you."

"How're you, Y/N?" Yamaguchi asked with a laugh, finding it oddly amusing at how quickly Tsukishima seemed to surrender to you.

"I'm good!" You beamed, ruffling up Tsukishima's hair and making him groan more in annoyance. "I just missed my dino loving nerd."

"You're impossible," Tsukishima sighed as the two of you laughed, not bothering to hold onto you as he walked across the gym since you already seemed to have such a strong hold on him.

"Daichi," Suga called out through a fit of laughter, holding onto Asahi as the two of them tried to hold back their chuckles. "Is it just me or... does Tsukishima look like this isn't a new occurrence to him?"

Daichi laughed along, smirking over at his first year, "Well from what I hear, Y/L/N Y/N really has Tsukishima in the palm of her hand."

Tsukishima tried to avoid looking his teammates in the eye, a blush creeping all the way up from his neck to the tips of his ears as he brought you outside the gym.

"Off," he demanded and you pouted, sliding off his back slowly.

"Only cause you'll kiss me, now that we're not in front of your team," you teased and he just rolled his eyes, pushing you against the gym wall slightly and leaning down to peck your lips.

"Whatever," he mumbled, kissing you again, because he hadn't realized how much he missed you.

"Aww Tsukishima Kei's all red," you giggled, straightening out his gym shirt. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you that much. I just feel like I haven't seen you in forever so I got all excited seeing you!"

"I saw you at lunch, Y/N," he pointed out, but smiled anyway because he never knew someone this annoying could also be this cute.

You waved away his point, shaking your head, "Still! It's been a very long time. I like my attention you know."

"Oh trust me, I know," he gave a chuckle, flicking you in the head gently. "Give me a few more minutes and we can walk home okay?"

"Mm okay. But only after one more kiss."

And Tsukishima wasn't going to say no to that.


Kageyama was very embarrassed at first to even just be in the same room as you. Regardless of the fact that he confessed his feelings to you and you had accepted them, he still felt very awkward with you. He wasn't sure what exactly was appropriate and what wasn't. Should he grab your hand? Should he interlace your fingers with his? Should he kiss you?

When should do it? Was it weird to do it in front of everyone? Should everything be kept until marriage?

But Kageyama soon learned that if he didn't grab for your hand, you would grab for his. You'd be quick to lace your fingers in between his, smiling up at him like you belonged there. And you did.

He liked to hold onto your hand so he never rejected you when you tried to grab him. Sometimes you'd hold onto his arm, hugging it tight to your body and Kageyama actually would consider thinking about something that wasn't volleyball.

Hinata and you had similar characteristics, though if anyone actually brought this up to Kageyama, he'd deny it until his voice was gone. You were this bright sunlight, smiling every time you caught his eye, bouncing around with unlimited energy and always finding someway to be with him.

Kageyama was no longer worried about what people thought because you never seemed worried. And if you, someone who was so good at reading others and so adept at smiling and talking to people, didn't seem worried about it, then why should he?

You quickly learned that if you wanted to see Kageyama and he wasn't answering his texts, he was probably practicing volleyball. Most weekends, you'd walk with him to the school gym and do your homework in the library or even in the corner of the court, just so you could been in the same vicinity. Plus, you loved watching your boyfriend play volleyball so what could go wrong?

Hinata and Kageyama had been practicing their quick attack all morning, barely taking a few moments to breathe, let alone drink anything.

"Oi! If you two don't drink anything, you'll collapse from exhaustion!" Daichi pointed out, throwing their water bottles at them.

The two waddled over to your corner, Hinata asking you about your homework as they downed some fluids.

"Just some math problems," you sighed, tapping your pencil against your notebook. "Though I'm getting kinda bored of it."

"Did you want to go home? I can walk you," Kageyama offered and you smiled, knowing that if you took him up on that, he'd just walk right back here to keep practicing.

"No that's okay! I like watching you practice!" You explained, standing up and giving your limbs a stretch. You moved to hug him, snaking your arms around his waist and squeezing him gently. "Are you guys feeling excited for the next game?"

Hinata nodded eagerly, jumping up and down as he explained to you who they were going to be playing and the players that he knew of.

You watched the two of them talk for a moment before jumping onto Kageyama's back with a smile, the boy stumbling a little at the surprise, "Y-Y/N! Don't do that! You could've fallen!" Kageyama yelled at you, frowning tightly as he turned to see how triumphant you looked on his back.

"But look! Now I'm almost as tall as Tsukishima!" You giggled, wiggling your arms up in the air.

"Amazing. Not only does the King have a girlfriend. But he hasn't thrown her onto the floor yet," Tsukishima scoffed making Yamaguchi giggle behind him.

"Kageyama, do you want to try the quick again?" Hinata asked suddenly, tossing his water bottle away.

Kageyama nodded, looking over at you with a raised brow, "What? Are you going to sit there all day?"

"What? Are you going to make me get off?" You teased, sticking a tongue out at him.

Kageyama considered this but wondered if he could manage to do decent enough sets with you on his back. It would be like a sort of stamina training.

So he did, shrugging it off like it was no big deal that his girlfriend was just attached to his back like a koala.

"It's never a dull moment with these first years huh?" Asahi laughed a little, watching as Kageyama and you struggled to keep a balance.

"She makes him look less scary I think," Sugawara laughed. "He hasn't glared too harshly at Hinata the whole time she was around."

"I'm just surprised he didn't toss her back on the floor when Hinata asked him if he wanted to play more," Daichi admitted, chuckling. Their little Kageyama had finally found something worth at least the same as volleyball in his mind, if not more.


Akaashi was everything you could possibly want in a boyfriend - he was so kind but he would tell you exactly what he felt with his sometimes blunt words. He was very calm and serious, but he had such a fun side to him and you watched as he and Bokuto would get up to some crazy thing when they weren't super busy.

You loved him and you loved being by his side whenever you could. At the team movie nights, you'd crawl into his lap and he would hold you there, sometimes forgetting to even pay attention to the movie because you were just so comfortable. At trips to the convenience stores, you'd swing your hands around together, grinning up at him with the cutest smile because you were living your life however you wanted to live it, regardless of how people saw you.

Akaashi knew you were clingy, though he wasn't sure he liked the sometimes negative connotation that came with that word. He knew you liked to be held, so sometimes he'd hold you in front of him while talking to your friends, and he knew you liked it when he played with your hair so he found his fingers dancing along your strands while the two of you attempted to study together. Before meeting you, Akaashi wouldn't have ever thought he was a physical touch kind of guy, but now, it almost felt unnatural to not have you around him.

He should've expected you to do this sooner, though even now while it was happening, Akaashi could feel his cheeks burning a bit. You had climbed onto his back and gripped tight as he walked to the gym, insisted you'd come with him.

"You want to come to my practice?" He repeated, shifting your weight onto his back so he could hold you better, walking to the gyms.

"Mhm! Is that okay?"

Akaashi didn't think there was a problem with it so he agreed, but you were refusing to get off his back even as he entered the gym.

The Fukurodani volleyball team watched as their normally calm and cool setter waddled in with a smiley girl on his back, the two of you laughing at something he had said.

Akaashi wasn't ashamed of you at all, but he would never get used to how his teammates stared when they were interested in something.

"Is that Akaashi's girlfriend?" Komi gaped, nudging Washio in his side to make sure he was listening.

"Who else would it be?" Bokuto laughed, grinning widely as he watched the two of you waddle your way into the gym.

Akaashi glanced over at the team, giving them a little wave like this was just an every day occurrence that he came into the gym with a girl on his back.

"Okay I gotta practice now," he tried to tell you, attempting to coax you off his back.

"Nooooo," you whined, smiling at him and hugging him just a bit tighter. "Just a bitttt longer."

Akaashi sighed, knowing he was very bad at saying no to you, especially because it wasn't like he wanted to let go of you either, "Promise I'll give you a piggyback ride all the way home," he offered, bending down so you wouldn't have to jump off of him.

"Mm, okay," you shrugged, stepping off and smiling up at him as he stood up straight. "Promise?" You asked, sticking out your pinky finger to him.

The team wanted to laugh a little at just how corny the two of you seemed - who actually acted like this in public?

"I mean, it's not like any of you have girlfriends to be like this with so can you really laugh?" Shirofuku pointed out with a smirk, Suzumeda laughing behind her.

"Hey! We would be great boyfriends!" Konoha insisted with a frown, Bokuto nodded in agreement.

"The best!" The ace added with a huge grin on his face, the team suddenly thinking that what Akaashi would do for you wasn't as silly as previously thought.

Meanwhile Akaashi just smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before linking his pinky with yours, "Promise. Now go sit and do your homework okay? Maybe we can watch some of that anime you were talking about after practice."

You nodded eagerly, pecking his cheek happily before sitting over where the managers tended to hang out, talking to them with a bright smile on your face.

"Man, you are whipped," Konoha chuckled as Akaashi made his way over.

Akaashi wasn't sure if he agreed with the teasing tone that Konoha said it in but shrugged, glancing over at you, "If you mean that I love her and would do anything for her, then sure. I'm whipped for her."


Iwaizumi was the last person that Oikawa would ever expect to put up with such a touchy clingy girlfriend. At first, Iwaizumi would avoid bringing you around and Oikawa would sulk in his little corner, claiming, "We're a team, Iwa, how are we supposed to trust each other if you won't even introduce us to your special girl?"

Iwaizumi knew his sniffles were fake, shoving his aside with a shake of his head, "Stop being so dramatic, Shitty-kawa. You'll meet her eventually."

"When?" Oikawa grinned, poking at his best friend's arm. "Tomorrow? You could bring her to practice?"

Iwaizumi was going to tell him to shove off and say that it would happen when it happened but Oikawa grabbed his arm quickly, gaping at the new accessory on Iwaizumi's wrist.

"What is this? Ooooo Iwa's got a love bracelet!" Oikawa laughed, admiring the handiwork.

"Oh shove off," Iwaizumi huffed but wiggled the bracelet off and tucked it away with his belongings. "Y/N got it for me."

"Ya know, I didn't think you'd be such a softie, Iwa," Yahaba chuckled. "She must be pretty special to make our ace so kindhearted."

"She's... everything," Iwaizumi admitted with a blush on his cheeks before their Coach interrupted, starting practice.

He couldn't help but think of you the whole time though. He hadn't told Oikawa that you'd be coming by to walk with him over to his place tonight to get to know his family. He wasn't really sure why he hadn't brought it up when Oikawa asked but he wondered if he should just call it off.

"Iwaaa?" You called, peering into the gym as you noticed the sound of flying volleyballs dying down. You watched as head after head turned to the sound of your voice, Iwaizumi's the last to see you as he was all the way across the gym.

"Y/N," his normally stoic face turned into a smile as he caught your eye, you running over to him and leaping into his arms for a tight hug. "A-Are you okay?" He laughed, stumbling backwards to keep the two of you from falling. "You gotta be careful, darling."

"Sorry, I just got excited to see you!" You giggled, smiling up at him.

The two of you conversed with you still hugging him tightly, your arms and legs wrapped around him and Iwaizumi just standing there like this happened all the time.

"She's cute!" Watari grinned, watching you two laugh together.

"I was honestly starting to think Iwaizumi made her up," Matsukawa admitted with a laugh, Hanamaki joining in.

"So this is our Iwa's little angel hm?" Oikawa called out, walking over to you two with a smile. "Nice to meet you!"

"Oh hello!" You smiled up at him, giving a little wave but still managing to hug Iwa close. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt practice."

"No no, it's okay. Meeting you is far more important. Got any dirt to spill on little Iwa over here?"

"Crappy-Kawa, shut up," Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, giving his friend a punch in the arm. "You can't go asking my girlfriend for gossip."

"Aw why not? What's the fun in getting to know her then if not to join forces and make fun of you?" Oikawa asked, sticking out his tongue at the ace.

"I'll try to come up with something, don't worry," you fake-whispered to Oikawa, laughing as he nodded with a huge smile.

"I gotta keep practicing, love," Iwaizumi said after a moment, attempting to pry your fingers off of him.

"Whyyy," you gave a little pout, just tightening your grip.

"Cause we've got a big game coming up and I wanna be the coolest ace ever so you can brag to your friends about your boyfriend," Iwaizumi teased, poking your nose. "Now come on, let go."

"What's the password?" You giggled.



"I'll buy you ice cream?"

"Nuh uh."

Iwaizumi sighed, glancing at his teammates who seemed to be eager in watching this interaction, before turning back to you and gently placing a soft kiss to your lips, "Happy?" He asked, acting like he was all frustrated but still smiling at you.

"Mm I guess I'll accept it. The real password was I love you, but that'll do," you beamed, hopping off of him and giving his hair a good ruffle. "Go do your best!"

Iwaizumi nodded, jogging off to the rest of the team to finish practice. He'd watch you as the time passed, you sending him thumbs up and cheering for them all really making him want to be the best boyfriend he could ever be. Just for you.


Ushijima didn't really tell anyone about his relationship with you. It didn't really seem like an important topic when the team was playing volleyball, but it wasn't like he had tried to hide you. When Tendƍ jokingly asked him at lunch if he was looking for anything romantic, Ushijima answered as blunt as possible, "I'm already in a relationship so no."

Tendƍ seriously thought he was joking, until he remembered that Ushijima didn't really joke all that much. He asked as many questions as he could possibly think of, begging to meet you sometime because he wanted to know what kind of girl a volleyball monster like Ushijima was attracted to.

Ushijima hadn't really thought about ever bringing you to practice. You were always very touchy, always wanted to hold his hand or his arm, sometimes you'd just put your hand in his jacket pocket so you could be closer to him. He didn't have a problem with it, in fact, he always thought you were angry at him if you weren't touching him. But he didn't want to have you have to touch him while he was all sweaty and gross.

Maybe before practice then, he decided, finding you inbetween classes and standing over your desk, intimidating all the other students around you. "Would you like to come to my practice later?"

You just stared at him in confusion because you had always thought practice was like a No Trespassing area for you, "S-Sure, if you want me to, Ushijima," you nodded slowly.

He gave you what seemed like a small smile, patting your head affectionately, "Good. Tendƍ said he would like to meet you."

And with that he left, giving you a small wave as he disappeared into the hallway. You were left with all your classmates asking you questions, as well as your own questions like why did Ushijima suddenly want you at practice and why did Tendƍ want to meet you?

Ushijima came to get you after classes, the two of you taking the long way to the gyms as you giggled and goofed off with him just smiling at your side.

"Ushiiii," you sang, jumping onto his back as high as you could get. "Why did you want me to come to your practice today?"

Ushijima shifted you on his back, not even stumbling at your sudden weight on him, "Tendƍ pointed out that it may seem like I was keeping you a secret. But I'm not," he explained as he walked the two of you to the gyms. "I don't want you to be a secret."

You considered this and smiled, nuzzling your face into his neck happily before pressing a kiss to his cheek, "I wouldn't mind being your secret, Ushijima, but it would be nice to meet your teammates since you're with them all the time!"

Tendƍ felt his jaw drop as he watched Ushiwaka, this big serious student who looked like he could be in college already, wander in with this girl on his back, her giggles echoing in the gym as he dropped off your bags in the corner.

"Is this Ushiwaka's pretty girl?" Tendƍ grinned, waving the two of you over. Ushijima bent down slightly and put you down, turning to see you pouting a little.

"What?" He asked and you responded by jumping on his front this time, hugging your arms and legs around him like a teddy bear. "Okay." He shrugged and walked over to the team, acting like this was just the usual way he came into practice.

Semi and Reon were both staring at the two of you, eyes wide as they realized that yep, that was in fact their captain. With a girl. A cute girl. On his back and acting like this was completely normal.

"G-Girl," Goshiki stammered out, watching you with his face completely red.

"Don't tell me you've never seen one up close before," Shirabu snickered, nudging the boy in the side.

"Of course I've seen a girl!" Goshiki insisted, shaking his head and trying to get all the redness away from his face. Obviously he had seen girls. He just had never seen one cling to a guy like Ushijima before.

"This is Y/N," Ushijima explained to the team in his usual captain voice. "She is my girlfriend."

"How do you have time to manage a girlfriend and practice?" Semi mumbled in surprise.

Ushijima brought you around the players, introducing you to them one on one with you still holding onto the front of his body. Goshiki practically passed out when you said hello to him.

"I have to go practice now, baby," Ushijima told you gently as he walked you over to your things. "Is it okay if I put you down now?"

You sighed dramatically, acting as if this was the most inconvenient thing for you but you laughed as he raised an eyebrow at you. You knew from the beginning when Ushijima had admitted his feelings for you that he would be a very busy guy, being the Captain of a powerhouse team and all. But he always seemed to make time to give you the attention you needed.

"Have a good practice," you smiled up at him and he bent his head down slightly for you to pat him on the head lovingly.

"I love you," he stated simply, pressing a kiss to your forehead before walking back to the team. Even though he seemed to be so casual with showing you around and PDA, the team still took a few moments to get over the initial shock of seeing their straight-faced captain with such a bubbly clingy girl.

"She's not exactly what I thought you'd be interested in," Tendƍ admitted to him as the two of them did passing drills.

Ushijima considered this for a moment, glancing in your direction before smiling a little to his friend, "She's perfect. How could I not be?"


haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)

@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana @just4readingfics @moonlightaangel @mysterystarz
