Iwaizumi X Gender Neutral Reader - Tumblr Posts
In honor of Iwa-chan‘s birthday today, a small os for my bestie @rukia-uchiha-98 ❤️
Warnings: mentions of blood
You’re already in a bad mood when your friend drags you to a volleyball game that your school is having.
Aoba Johsai against Karasuno.
Now, if it were an actual match, you‘d understand her hype a lot more but the thing is, she really wants to watch that smug bastard Oikawa play.
Neither you or your friend knows anything about volleyball though, it’s just an excuse to watch pretty sweaty high school boys play ball and run around.
Pulling you by your uniform to some free places along the side of the gym hall, you and your friend sit down.
As soon as your friend spots the Captain of Aoba Johsai, she squeals in excitement and shakes you a little bit by the shoulders.
Letting her do what she wants, you just sit there with an annoyed expression and wait for her to calm down.
In the beginning, you watch the ball going to your team‘s field and the opponent‘s field but after a while, you get bored, so you fish your phone out of your hand.
Swiping through your homescreen, you open your Pinterest app to look at some more Satoru Gojo fanart to distract yourself.
All of sudden, your friend next to you screams out your name and she ducks to the side.
Before you can even react, an extremely heavy force lands on your face, making you see a white light for the moment.
Only a few seconds later, a vastly pain spreads through your face.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God (Y/N) are you okay?!“ A shrieking voice rings in your ear.
You barely acknowledge your friend‘s voice, as you hold on to your nose with your hands, when you felt a warm wetness against your hands.
Slowly pulling your hands back, you see blood covering your hands.
Due to your huge shock, your feel a lot of tissue papers being shoved into your face, covering half of it.
„Owwww….“ you mumble out.
„2012 and stop screaming in my ear, I am right next to you. Oh gosh this hurts so bad.“
„Oh sorry… let’s go to the nurse‘s office, maybe she can give you some ice.“
With both of you heading out to the gym to the school nurse‘s office, you hear a voice shouting behind you.
Both turning around, you see a muscular guy in his Aoba Johsai uniform running towards you with the number „4“ on the front of his shirt.
His dark brown hair is slightly spiked up, it reminds you a little bit of a cute hedgehog.
The sweat is slightly running down on his face, his cheeks red from probably running after you.
His face shows deep concern and big regret and you can guess from his guilty face that he was the one that slammed the volleyball into your face.
Your friend is just as much as in shock like you, surprised that the Wing Spiker followed the two of you.
„Are you… are you okay?“ He pants when he stands in front of you.
„I uh… I am okay… just in pain…“ You retort.
„(Y/N) I will leave you be, since Iwaizumi is here, text me later what the nurse says.“ Your friend farewells you with a smirk on her face.
As you and the volleyball player stare after your friend, you mentally curse her for her devious smirk.
When the brunette turns around to look back at you, he frantically starts apologizing.
„I am really sorry, I-I uh…-“ You gently interrupt him.
„It’s not your fault that the ball flew in my direction, unless of course you did that on purpose, then I will slam a ball into your face.“ You threaten with a dangerous tone in your voice.
He looks even more horrified at the thought of him doing it on purpose.
„No! I swear! I tried receiving the ball from the opponent and it bounced off and flew with an incredible amount of speed into your direction.“ He mutters with a redness on his cheeks.
You hum at his explanation.
„We‘ll just blame physics then.“ You try to smile beneath the bloodied tissues, getting into the nurse‘s office.
The handsome looking stranger mirrors your smile, follows you into the room after making sure you’re okay with it because he still feels bad for your probably broken nose.
After the nurse has checked out your nose, she confirms that it is indeed broken and tells you to go to the hospital to have it checked out. She did give you some pain medication and a cold compress to hold against your nose. Luckily your nose stopped bleeding.
Both of you exiting the office, you notice you don’t even know his name, so you ask for it.
„Call me Hajime.“
„What a beautiful name. I‘ll see you around Hajime. Thank you for accompanying me.“
„Goodbye (Y/N), I‘ll see you around.“ Iwaizumi blushes a bit around his cheeks, the tips of his ears gushing red as well.
You part your ways, with you heading home and Iwaizumi back to the gym.
With a small smile, Iwaizumi walks back to the gym, a tumbling feeling settling in his stomach, like his heart is making more jumps than usual.
When he reaches the locker room, he sees his teammates almost done with changing into their school uniforms.
Hanamaki notices Iwaizumi first when he walks in.
„So? Got her number?“ The Outside Hitter asks intrigued.
Iwaizumi frowns at that.
„We saw you running after that girl like a headless chicken, don’t try to deny it, we followed you until you both went inside the nurse‘s office.“ Matsukawa explains.
„You guys have nothing better to do than spy on my personal life?“
„Nope.“ They all say in sync.
„Iwa-chan, can I be the best man at your wedding and tell your future wife that you still collect Godzilla merch like a 10 year old geek?“
Iwaizumi throws a bottle from the bench at Oikawa, who barely dodges it.
The rest of the team laughs at their banter, happy that Iwaizumi may have found someone special in his life.
@nerd-of-karasuno @wake-uptoreality @darthferbert

there were signs ᵕ̈ iwaizumi hajime x gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : you and hajime ⋮⋮ and being the highschool ⋮⋮ sweethearts !!! 🫶
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you and iwa never had to formally announce you two were "together" when you were in highschool
everyone just figured it out. there were signs.
like how he always had this hard-set, serious expression on his face
but when he looked at you his features softened up like you were all that was good in the world
or when you were talking to him, he wouldn't pay attention to anything or anyone else, his lips lightly parted since he was in so much of a daze listening to what you had to say
or how people would catch glimpses of his smiling, or even laughing, when you were by his side
only his closest friends had seen those kinds of expressions on his face
anyone else who happened to see it after you came into his life almost couldn't recognize him
people who saw him getting something from the school vending machine always noticed him walking away with two snacks, not just one
but then oddly enough they wouldn't see his best friend oikawa with either of those snacks, so who got iwa-chan's second snack? or did he just eat both of them?
then you'd just so happen to come into one of your classes, finishing up a snack from the vending machine even though you were never seen actually at the thing, so where'd you get that one from?
he'd always exit the school gates wearing two backpacks
one of them was yours
it's not even like you couldn't carry it yourself, but he always took it from you without even offering
he just wanted to be of use to you (and maybe also wanted to show off his strength to you a little bit)
eventually, there was even a small keychain that had appeared on hajime's backpack
one that looked awfully similar to one you had on yours
that one was especially easy to notice though, as both backpacks were side by side on hajime's back every day after school, anyway
during volleyball games, despite how most people were paying attention to his best friend as he set the ball for him to hit over the net, if anyone took a little bit of time to observe hajime in that moment
they'd notice how as soon as the ball lands on the other side of the net, his head starts to whip around. it's almost like he's looking for something, someone
and there you were in the stands, every game, happily clapping and cheering the team on but seemingly focused on only one of the players as they rotated positions around the court
then after those games, there was of course a sea of students mobbing the team, but especially the team captain
but amongst those students, there was one singled out from the crowd, and always seen talking to the team's spiker
and that spiker, so confident and daunting on the court, was for some reason acting all fidgety, and rubbing his hands through his hair and on the back of his neck and along his arms, as he talked with this one student
and as the team left, their student posse in lieu, there the two of you were again, slightly trailing off to the side or not far behind the rest
his team jacket was gone off his back and instead draped of your shoulders
the fabric hung loose sort of like a cape but if someone were really looking, they'd be able to catch a peek of your two hands holding each other gently as the passing wind blows the jacket up now and again
but if some people still couldn’t connect the dots, in the middle of the school year some new student came in as a transfer
rumors floated around that the new kid liked you (not like you were really paying those rumors any mind, you had other... priorities you paid attention to on the day-to-day)
well one day when the school day was over, and everyone was at their lockers, getting ready to go home
iwa placing his hand on the corner of your locker door, so that when you get back up from getting something from your bag on the ground you don't bump your head
when the new kid approaches you and complements you and asks if you want to go out with them sometime that weekend
that poor soul, those who knew and overheard from their lockers already started giggling and chuckling
and in a way that set the record straight for anyone else who wasn't aware, you politely declined,
"i'm sorry, but i'll have to refuse. i'm already going somewhere this weekend!"
and as you say that, your bag is already being picked up by your boyfriend–who never lets you lift a finger on your watch, of course
he stands up shouldering both bags with ease, towering over the dejected new kid,
"c'mon babe let's go, we'll miss the train. and i'm buying you a new outfit for our date saturday, no?"
you two never had to flaunt it, but that alone was enough to make it clear as day as the news spread before monday morning homeroom: "l/n and iwaizumi are official, they went on a date last saturday. aren't they the cutest?"

Love Letter
Iwaizumi Hajime x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff, angst if you squint
Warnings: a few curse words
this one came out longer than expected and i honestly didn't know how to cut it short XP anyways enjoy this fluffy fluff with our iwa chan. i finished it early so i posted it. not beta-read (again) constructive criticism is accepted.

Hajime had a crush. Not that he would ever accept it. But, still the fact that he did have a crush would not change. And he hated it.
He hated how his throat closed up whenever he tried to talk to you. Hated the way his hands sweat profusely when he was near you. He hated everything about this.
He thought ignoring you and pretending you didn't exist would make his crush go away. But, how could he ignore you when you were in the same class as him and sat right across from him.
Hajime always caught himself looking at you in between lectures. And now, he had to force himself to look away from you and concentrate in class.
The teacher was talking about a project and said that she would assign everyone in groups of two. Hajime groaned inwardly at the mention of group projects. He had always preferred to work alone.
The teacher was now calling out students' names and their partners. "Iwaizumi and L/N," she announced.
He did a double take and stared at his teacher, wide eyed. Surely he had heard that wrong, right? There was no way you were his partner, right?
His thoughts came to a stop when you turned to look at him. You smiled politely at him. Though it was nothing special, Hajime felt his heart beating faster. His face felt hot when he smiled back at you. You were gonna be the end of him.
"Shut up Shittykawa!" Hajime barked at his best-friend, Oikawa. He was rambling on and on about how popular he was and how many girls were head over heels for him. Hajime had heard this enough times for it to be etched in his mind.
His hand clutched the small piece of paper in his hand which had your phone number scribbled in it. The two of you had exchanged numbers and had agreed to meet up at your house to work on the project. He felt his face heat up again and cursed silently.
"Iwa-chan! I need to use the restroom. Don't leave without me," Oikawa said, already on his way.
Hajime sighed and stood outside their gym. If Oikawa didn't come back within two minutes, he thought, I'm leave his things here and go back home.
"Um, excuse me."
He heard a shy voice from behind him. He turned and saw a red-faced girl clutching what suspiciously looked like a love letter. Oh, how much Hajime hated love letters. He thought they were sappy and ugly, what with the hearts drawn everywhere. He had threatened to burn all the letters Oikawa had kept stashed in his room if he had to deliver one more sappy letter to him. Say goodbye to your letters, Assikawa, Hajime thought.
"It's for Oikawa, right?" He asked. This was nothing out of the ordinary for him.
"Y-Yes! Please give it to him!" She shoved the letter into his hands and ran away to her friend who was smirking wildly.
Everyone liked Oikawa, no doubt. He was handsome and charming but with a shitty personality that only Hajime and their close friends knew. But, that was not what he was worried about. He was worried that you would choose Oikawa instead of him. Everyone always did that.
Your room was the perfect definition of 'organized mess'. There were books and papers scattered on your desk and floor, a pile of clothes on your bed, and your laptop on the floor with numerous tabs open. It was a mess, but a nice mess. Hajime liked it.
Hajime was glad to have you as a partner. You were easy to work with, efficient and broad-minded.
He tried his best not to ogle you all the time, which was practically impossible since you looked so beautiful while you were focused on your work.
Your mom came in, saw all the papers strewn across the expanse of your room, gave the two of you a look, and never came back. You had laughed your head off at this and Hajime couldn't help but laugh with you too. He promised to help you clean later to which you had reluctantly agreed.
The project had turned out great. Hajime smiled proudly at his grade-an A-and decided make Oikawa jealous. You had asked him to have lunch together to which he had agreed right away.
You and Hajime had grown close during the small amount of time you had worked together. Even after finishing it, you would still call him or text him talking about anything and everything. You would even wait for his practice to end and walk home with him.
You had always been talkative around Hajime but today you were eerily silent. Your face was red, too.
"Hey," he said. "Are you sick? Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office?"
"N-No!" You stuttered, waving your hands wildly. "It's just that-that..." you trailed off.
"That what?"
You said something under your breath that Hajime couldn't make out.
Then, there was something covering his face. A piece of paper. "What the-?"
He peeled the paper away from his face and took a good look at it. Hajime's heart sank down to the pit of his stomach. It was not just a piece of paper. It was a love letter. And he knew damn well who it was for. Of course you liked Oikawa. Why had he even thought his feelings would be reciprocated. Dumb, he cursed at himself. Dumbass.
"It's for Oikawa right?" His voice came out more sad and dejected than he had expected. "I can't guarantee a reply-"
"I-It's for you!"
"-but I will give it to him," he continued.
"Don't give it to Oikawa! It's for you Iwaizumi!" You were almost yelling now.
"W-What? This"-he held up the letter-"is for me?"
Hajime was sure his brain had stopped working. You were giving him a love letter?
"Does this mean you like me?" He wanted to make sure it was true. That you were not pranking him.
"Yes!" You sounded so desperate and annoyed. He swore he could see steam rising from your head.
"Thank you!" He almost screamed. "Go out with me, please."
"Y-Yes," you agreed, trying your best to hide your red face.
Hajime's heart melted and he felt like the happiest man on earth. You liked him. Him and not Oikawa. A giddy, love-sick smile formed on his face. He felt weightless like he were floating in space. His chest felt warm.
"Iwa-chan~" Oikawa's voice brought him back. He turned to face Oikawa only to be faced with a teasing smirk. Mattsun and Makki wore similar expressions. Makki whispered something to Mattsun about Hajime getting laid, which Hajime prayed you didn't hear.
"L/N-chan, let me tell you something embarrassing about Iwa-chan," Oikawa giggled and made his way towards you.
"Crappykawa, say one word to L/N about me and I'll make sure you get a concussion during practice," Hajime barked.
You let out a fit of giggles which was soon joined by Mattsun, Makki and Oikawa himself. Hajime smiled a fond smile. He neatly placed the letter in his bag and decided to read it later, in the safety of his room. His chest still felt warm when he sat down and had lunch with the four of you. Maybe love letters aren't all that bad, Hajime thought.
Work by: @smolbean12

old fashioned: iwaizumi hajime songfic/drabble
(bold is song lyrics, italics is dialogue. enjoy <3)
gn! reader
(disclaimer: the music won't match with the time the lyrics pop up so if you were expecting something cool like that i'm sorry i don't write that well)
you and haji just finished a movie you two put on while waiting for the hours, the minutes, to tick by. the lights are dim, and the main source of light was produced by the moon from your kitchen window.
you’re now washing the dishes from your late dinner, as haji wipes the counter clean. you guys were in comfortable, almost silent silence doing your own chores. during late nights like these when you’re basking in each others presence, you and haji like to play music from your shared playlist. as you were wiping your hands dry, hajime comes behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, when the song “old fashioned” by bruno major comes on.
“dance with me, love,” he says as he takes your dried hands into his. you wrap your arms around his neck, and he wraps his around your waist. you start softly swaying to the mellow beat of the song while staring into each others eyes.
“but i don’t care, i think i’ll fall in love with you.”
the song is whispering in the background. nothing matters. you’re with hajime and all you can think about is him, and all he can think about is you.
“you’re such a romantic iwa,” you say with a soft smile.
“idiot. only with you.” haji says with a light blush as he smiles back at you.
it’s comforting. you’re the only one who can bring out this side of him. you’re the only one who sees him in his soft moments.
"i wish we could stay like this forever," you start to speak, "you and me. dancing at almost midnight like we aren't so tired we could pass out."
he chuckles at that. "i don't mind having more instances like this in our future. we can even do it at our wedding."
you instantly get flustered and glance up at that. "iwa! at least propose first before saying that!" you playfully hit his chest and you both softly laugh.
"noted," he says with a fond smile.
“i’ll be smiling, a bigger smile than before."
as the climax to the final chorus plays, he playfully spins you as your giggles fade in with the night. love. happiness. joy. compassion. it's all there in this moment. the intensity and the power of the vocals only make this moment more memorable.
when the last repeat of the chorus plays, you lean against his chest and the clock strikes 12. the music grows softer and more rested, much like the beginning of the song.
“happy birthday hajime. i love you.”
“i love you too,” he says with a kiss on your forehead.
“i’ll take you somewhere new… and i’ll be old fashioned for you.”
aoba johsai masterlist