" Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us" (P. Theroux) She/her - Writer on Ao3 (Jikook own me to the moon and back)
642 posts
All His Life, Jimin Has Kept To The Depths Of The Ocean, Away From The Monsters That Roam The Surface.
All his life, Jimin has kept to the depths of the ocean, away from the monsters that roam the surface. But after years of wandering a lonely ocean, he decides to face his longstanding fears and discover just what lies beyond the world he knows.
He doesn’t know what to expect, but it certainly isn’t Jungkook.
Can a merman let himself be lured by the voice of a human? Can he drown?
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More Posts from Loyalnprecious
Writing is not always writing.
Writing is being on the train and mentally seeing your OCs stumble into other people, or flinching away from the germ-ridden handrails, or sleeping on each others’ shoulders.
Writing is hearing a song on the radio and watching one of your scenes play out to the lyrics.
Writing is laying on your floor or sitting by your computer and spending hours collaging newspaper clippings or pictures or people or plants together and making something that is completely, uniquely, your story.
Writing is drawing your characters in your notebooks, and making tea only your one, picky character would drink, and writing an open letter to all your characters just to remind them you love them.
Writing is moodboards, and playlists, and crafts, and asks, and prompts, and pictures, and memories, and you.
So never think that just because you’re not putting words on a page, you’re not a real writer. Writing is something that follows you everywhere, beyond the word document, and beyond the screen.
Because writing isn’t something you do. It’s something you are.
Self Love
Are you understanding?
Do you show leadership skills?
In what ways are you fearless?
Choose one. Choose all three.
Tag, re-blog, reply or just think about your reflection. Show yourself some love today.
I love Kazuo Ishiguro. But I love Kazuo Ishiguro expressing capital social-interaction issues more. And I love Kazuo Ishiguro writing about these capital social-interaction issues even more.
“But in the end, stories are about one person saying to another: This is the way it feels to me. Can you understand what I’m saying? Does it feel this way to you?”
— Kazuo Ishiguro, in his Nobel prize (2017) acceptance speech. (via halcynth)
The pleasure is mine too! Your talent is amazing! It makes the inspiration mutual 😉😘

Me and @loyalnprecious were talking the other day about KM, and they suggested them dancing, so this is the outcome! Thank you for always inspiring me ♥
“For this Saturday, when you want to write a ton – I would definitely set yourself up with a series of rewards and know what your milestones are. Either reward yourself after a certain number of words, or just butt-in-chair time, or whatever.”
My friend Liz, a great cheerleader and a published novelist
And, also make a list of the things you can think of that might distract you: phone calls, requests for help, boredom, whatever and make little mini plans for how you’re going to ignore or defeat them! [Multiple WIP?] Unless you have a publisher waiting for an older book, I think you’re wise to work on the current one. You have 100% permission to be selfish and just write all day!! Tell yourself that you can’t help anyone else until you’re in the best place – and writing will put you in your best place!
I’m gearing up for the 24-hour write-a-thon on Saturday, July 20, 2019, hosted by @queenangst
Goal: Write at least one complete scene for chapter 19 of Soldier’s Heart (James Vega x Jane Shepard), so maybe I’ll manage another chapter by August 11, the last day of #theWIPproject2019 ( @the-wip-project ) hosted by @barbex
My dream was to finish three stories, but I selected a more doable goal of finishing a chapter, which I did and published on Monday.
I’ll be doing the @weekendwritingmarathon this weekend, as always, and might jump in on their Discord server at some official writing sprint times throughout the week. Everyone is welcome!