Writing Practice - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

@the-wip-project Day 31 (I finally understood the question!! Yay! I was waiting to read other replies to see what I didn't get - pardon my English)

So now I can answer: 🔞

What’s a pet peeve you have, that you focus on to do differently in your own stories?

In intimate, or even downright smutty moments, I literally skip depiction of "bedroom eyes", or other "liking lips for entrance", or "liking lips in anticipation". That kind of stuff makes me C R I N G E like nothing else does. It's porn, but it's poor, cheap porn to me and I can't stand to see my favorite characters shown in that light. They deserve better smut!

I don't pretend the smut scenes I write are the best, but as much as I can, I don't objectify my characters, nor do I use what I call unnecessary details that just make the whole thing a mood-killer.

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3 years ago

@the-wip-project Day 32

What’s your favorite trope you’re not writing and why?

I don't think I have a favorite trope overall, whether in reading, or (even less) in writing. My reading depends on my mood of the day, so I've covered a large variety of tropes that I thoroughly enjoy. I figured some that I don't particularly like, so obviously my writing is going to stay away from those.

There are some tropes that I really like but would not try out (like royals au for instance), for the simple reason that, so far, no idea of a plot, or a prompt, has emerged in my mind. But I wouldn't go as far as saying that I will not write any at all. Mafia au are also really cool, but complex to set up. I'm not sure my imagination is as flexible as it needs to be to imagine a world of crime and violence (graphic or not).

But now that I think about it, no trope is as intimidating as canon compliant. I'd be too afraid to mess things up, while I love reading about it. Some writers are exceedingly good at it!

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3 years ago

@the-wip-project Day 36

The relationships you write, what kind of power-dynamics do they tend to have?

Thank you for this fascinating question ☺️ It has had me thinking a lot lately since I had never given the topic any thought since I started writing. And it particularly comes on point as I'm trying to figure out the dynamics of wip 2.

I noticed that, generally, the relationships my plots revolve around follow the same kind of pattern of communicating vessels. I'm not sure this image actually exists in the English language, but the idea is that each character possesses something (a quality, a trait of their personality, a personal situation) the other needs in order to grow or to achieve a more fulfilling sense of self, whether they're aware of it or not.

The plot helps them reveal those needs, deal with this new awareness while at the same time, debating whether they want to do down that lane or not. It's never an easy journey, not is it linear. Bumps and U-turns happen, and because I generally focus on one character's pov, the reader has to wait for the final revelation to understand that this process has gone both ways.

For the current wip, I'm debating over that question and wondering if I'm not going to disclose both points of view alternatively and let the reader see the dynamics evolve simultaneously. They would observe how the confident and bratty character's world is going to shift on its axis just as much as the one of the reserved character; how both will see their boundaries pushed back to uncharted territory. The insecure one will willingly step in the unknown and find a purpose while the confident one will actually end up not knowing where to go after having led the way at the beginning.

Power shifts is what I love to read, and write 😊

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3 years ago

@the-wip-project Day 39

What kind of traits make a character interesting?

I've read a bunch of answers to this question, and like @sayonaramidnight, multi-layered, complex, conflicted characters are the most appealing to me. Especially if this complexity is non-apparent from the start. It automatically pulls me to the edge of my seat, expectant of the moment when they'll jump that plot-cliff. I'll be ready jump with them!

One collateral answer could be this, I live for the moments when this character is making THE DECISION™. The one that's going to flick the first domino of the series and trigger the course of actions they didn't know they needed. It might come with some collateral damage, some violent life-changing upheavals, heart-breaks, the end of important relationships even.

Such decisions require a determination that doesn't come easily for some types of characters. It can take a few chapters to bud and grow; it also can the spur of a instant. In any case, it's a beautiful thing to witness, as a reader and as a writer (*sniffles* proud) But the courage that comes thereafter to face the consequences is what makes a character a hero to me!

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3 years ago

@the-wip-project Day 42

What’s an an old idea that you’ve discarded?

The honest truth is that there are actually 5 wips in my greenhouse.

Two of them have made their way out of it straight to the main house, in full daylight, to be pampered, watered, nurtured into growth. One of these is already the size of a monstera, the other is giving me nice and healthy stems :)

There are three left. One is a single stem, green and proud but barely an inch tall. I started writing it, erased, rewrote, erased, rewrote. But the whole plot is planned out in my mind; the moodboard has been ready for ages (one of the first thing I did when the idea budded) and I know I'm attached to it. I just can't write it, for some obscure reason, but I can't discard it either. There's another that hasn't made it to my computer yet, but has remained there, in its earthy, seemingly barren pot. I water it once in a while, the roots look healthy still. I don't know what to do with this one.

Finally, there's this dry heap of dust, with a withered, blackened stem jutting akimbo in the middle. I haven't tended that one in years and I'm ashamed to say, I'm letting it die. I initially wanted to adapt an old classic play, "Les Fâcheux" ("The Bores" in English, I think) So classic and old that hardly anybody knows it in my country, despite having been written by Molière. I came across it while tidying up my bedroom at my mom's and read it. The language is dated, but the idea is funny. Set in a modern setting, I used to think it could be a fun read. It narrates the day of the protagonist, determined to propose the love of his life despite her tutor's objection. He's on his way to fulfill his goal at all costs, but is constantly hindered by a series of drags, bothering him with various topics.

Even now as I write it, I seriously doubt the actual fun in that plot, just as I doubt my skill in making it funny :\

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3 years ago

Out-of-body experience

@the-wip-project Day 43

How often to you switch WIPs and do you think that’s a good thing to do?

I've read a few answers to the question to help my line of thought get straight, because if I had to take the idea more literally, as if the black-hole of my brain, I'd say ALL THE TIME! Taking a step back to think about that aspect of the writing process is actually quite scary because there's hardly any spare time when I don't think about my stories. Either I do something that occupies my brain (my teaching job is quite demanding in that respect), either I think about my stories.

The reason they occupy my mind so often is mostly because over time, it's become a coping mechanism of mine. When I'm stressed out, anxious, worried, depressed, I've learned to divert my darker thoughts to more positive and productive directions. And my wips help LOADS in that! It doesn't always bring satisfaction with the actual writing that should follow (like @sayonaramidnight, I also wish thoughts could type themselves out directly, though I'm considering voice-recording them as they come idk), but at least the creative process isn't smothered under piles of emotional or psychological luggage.

Havins two wips actually out there on ao3 is a new thing to me. So I haven't quite examined the way I switch from one to the other. The first wip is already a certain size (15 chapters - 180k) and generally made of long chapters so they take more time and research, which is why I tend to prioritize it for now. Also because I'd feel bad for some faithful readers who are really looking forward to what's going to happen next.

That being said, I also write the scenes once they are neat and clear in my mind, which can take time (and a lot of daydreaming or distraction). These scenes however, may also require that I anticipate and think about the rest of the plot to some extent (which takes even more time, and even more daydreaming). But as soon as every major element is on the go, I sit down to write them and type them as they come. This may lead me to write a chapter, and start the next in the following days.

But both stories constantly overlap in my mind, that's certain.

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3 years ago

@the-wip-project Day 44 & 45

Share a cool phrase from a WIP:

This kind of questions always intimidates me because I'm a bad judge at determining what is cool from what isn't in my writing (I didn't answer to a similar one previously provided for the same reason), just like I don't know what's funny or not. To be more exact though, I second-guess myself a lot (and I guess a lot of fellow-writers are the same). At the time I wrote the following extract, I remember I thought it was pretty cool (and that's the main reason why I'm pasting it here) but weeks later, I wouldn't be so sure...

“How about you tell me how a learned Northern boy ended up here?”

“How about you tell me what you’re going to do with me here?”

“I told you, I’d like some conversation. For some reason, you intrigue me.”

“For some reason, I cannot fathom why.”

“Let’s say I like it when history and fate meet. Though, to be honest, I’d really like to get out of that historical event we’re going through right now. Like, asap. I mean, I get it: we’re all pissed off at being apart, separated by a random line picked up by some geography nerds. Nobody asked our opinions, questioned our ways, debated about our sovereignty, brought up our rights. Fine. But somehow, in some dude’s twisted logic, ignoring us a second time, trampling over us, humiliating us not only appeared as acceptable but also a good idea if our own kind did it, invading our asses. Like, let's double the fun? Is that it? What kind of brothers do that, seriously?”

“Angry brothers,” Junghee says.

“Hungry brothers,” Yoongi corrects, looking Junghee in the eye. “Brothers that have been pushed out of their fucking minds and starved into insanity. Brothers who can no longer think by themselves, so much so they’re ready to follow any moron who promises them glory and riches because all they hear in the middle of their phony rhetoric is the promise of food at last. And you’re turning away the one I’m offering you? You should be ashamed of yourself.”

He's delivered that argument without losing his countenance, nor raising his voice one single time, nor even blinking. The even and disembodied tone, so in contrast with the heartfelt words, hits Junghee like the punch in the face he had expected earlier, but stronger.


Write five keywords that describe each of your WIPs:

1/ Map of the Soul: secrecy / reconciliation / self-discovery /travelling / societal pressure

2/ Pup ART: family patterns / self-indulgence / relationships / trust-building / second chances

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3 years ago

@the-wip-project Day 50 & 51

What fic/story made you? And do you use tools for plotting and what are they?

I hope I understand the question well, in the sense of what story made me jump the cliff into writing fics at all. Over the years, I regularly see posts encouraging people to give their creativity a chance whenever their mind provides them with an original twist to an existing show/cast/story and not to be afraid of letting go and jump in the fanfic bandwagon; the mere emergence of this original idea gives it - and gives them - full legitimacy.

These claims are so true that three years past since I wrote my first fic, I could still cry. I never thought I'd be able to write that first baby if I had not followed these friendly reminders. Yet, I went through all the stages of denial before getting down to it.

The idea had come from a classic opera, Verdi's La Traviata, I had just attended during a trip to Paris. Not my idea, but a gift my dad had given me, in the hope I'd find it pleasant enough to allow an interest in opera ("You love plays, you love music, I'm sure you'll love opera" was his full argument. Who was I to refuse him the wish to bond with me over such a dear topic to him (✿◡‿◡), especially through a present :D) The story is classical, so was the staging but who cares, I loved it and thought it was still very current. Chuck the period costumes, update the soundtracks, but keep the magical place (Paris <3), the romance, the plot twists, and the morals.

My first impulse had been to message one of my fave fic authors to tempt them into writing it. I was aware it could get rejected of course, but I sent the message anyway, too excited at the idea that it might also be interesting enough to be given a shot. So excited that I started daydreaming about it non-stop (bless my partner for bearing with my frequent zoning-out >>>> that's my answer to the second question by the way (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) Pantsers, unite!). I had mapped all the places across the French capital for this scene and that scene, using the cafés, restaurants, walks I had experienced myself over our stay. Then came some dialogues, which characters would do or say what and how. So much so that as I boarded the train to head back home, I started regretting messaging that author....

... who was not replying anyway! I waited for a whole week. No news. Fine. I'm gonna do it myself then. I wrote the first chapter in a day. The next day, I swam my way through the "post work" tabs on ao3. ╰(*°▽°*)╯

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3 years ago

@the-wip-project Day 75

Do you write in past tense or present tense? Why do you prefer one?

When I started writing three years ago, I used to write in the past tense. My first two published stories are told in the past.

And then I saw that meme somewhere here on Tumblr...

@the-wip-project Day 75

That ended me 😆 (and my past tense story-telling)

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2 years ago

Day 29/90

Day 29/90

Hello writerly friends!

In our journey along the Three Act Structure, we are now at the point that Jessica Brody calls Break Into Two. She points out that something really different has to happen here. The world has to be new and different for our characters. If the world is just the same old same old, there would be no reason for the characters to even go into the second act. Act One is the “status quo”, Act Two is the “upside down” world.

Day 29/90

This is where the characters learn their life lessons. Jessica Brody says that these life lessons are the theme. I’m not quite sure I agree but nevertheless, this section is a good moment to check what your theme is. When you discovery write, sometimes you can surprise yourself and your theme may be a different one now than the one you started out with. Go with the flow, and lean into your theme.

Write on friends!

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2 years ago

How to write a kiss scene

How To Write A Kiss Scene

requested by: anon request: How do I write a good kiss scene? As how do I describe it? What details or words would make it good?

What goes into the writing of a kiss scene?

details to incorporate:

the sensations in their stomach, their chest, and their knees

the way their breathing changes shortly before the kiss

the feeling of the other's hands

the texture of the other's clothing

the moment they realise they've reached the point of no return

the feeling they're left with after the kiss

words to use...

... to describe the kiss:




















... to describe how they feel about the kiss:














... to show what the lips do:

exploring each other

brushing over each other





pressing against each other




crushing together

travelling (the other's body)

trailing (down to the other's chin)

grinning into the kiss



... to show how their body reacts:

feeling warm all over



pumping/palpitating heart

clenching lungs

joy bubbling up

tingly stomach

warm chest

burning cheeks

sweaty palms

blood rushing through their veins

... to describe what their hands are doing:

tangling in their lover's hair

wrapping their arms around their lover's neck

intertwining their fingers with their lover

resting on their lover's hips

pressing into their lover's shoulder blades

cupping their lover's cheeks

touching their lover's chin

curling their arm around their lover's waist

resting on their lover's shoulders

grabbing their lover's collar

sneaking up under their lover's shirt

brushing over their lover's bare skin

lightly squeezing their lover's butt

focus on:

the sensations instead of what's physically happening. (the protagonists might very well not know themselves what is happening exactly, but they feel very precisely)

I hope this helps <3

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2 years ago

show, don’t tell:

anticipation - bouncing legs - darting eyes - breathing deeply - useless / mindless tasks - eyes on the clock - checking and re-checking

frustration - grumbling - heavy footsteps - hot flush - narrowed eyes - pointing fingers - pacing / stomping

sadness - eyes filling up with tears - blinking quickly - hiccuped breaths - face turned away - red / burning cheeks - short sentences with gulps

happiness - smiling / cheeks hurting - animated - chest hurts from laughing - rapid movements - eye contact - quick speaking

boredom - complaining - sighing - grumbling - pacing - leg bouncing - picking at nails

fear - quick heartbeat - shaking / clammy hands - pinching self - tuck away - closing eyes - clenched hands

disappointment - no eye contact - hard swallow - clenched hands - tears, occasionally - mhm-hmm

tiredness - spacing out - eyes closing - nodding head absently - long sighs - no eye contact - grim smile

confidence - prolonged eye contact - appreciates instead of apologizing - active listening - shoulders back - micro reactions

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2 years ago

Writing Tips

Punctuating Dialogue


➸ “This is a sentence.”

➸ “This is a sentence with a dialogue tag at the end,” she said.

➸ “This,” he said, “is a sentence split by a dialogue tag.”

➸ “This is a sentence,” she said. “This is a new sentence. New sentences are capitalized.”

➸ “This is a sentence followed by an action.” He stood. “They are separate sentences because he did not speak by standing.”

➸ She said, “Use a comma to introduce dialogue. The quote is capitalized when the dialogue tag is at the beginning.”

➸ “Use a comma when a dialogue tag follows a quote,” he said.

“Unless there is a question mark?” she asked.

“Or an exclamation point!” he answered. “The dialogue tag still remains uncapitalized because it’s not truly the end of the sentence.”

➸ “Periods and commas should be inside closing quotations.”

➸ “Hey!” she shouted, “Sometimes exclamation points are inside quotations.”

However, if it’s not dialogue exclamation points can also be “outside”!

➸ “Does this apply to question marks too?” he asked.

If it’s not dialogue, can question marks be “outside”? (Yes, they can.)

➸ “This applies to dashes too. Inside quotations dashes typically express—“

“Interruption” — but there are situations dashes may be outside.

➸ “You’ll notice that exclamation marks, question marks, and dashes do not have a comma after them. Ellipses don’t have a comma after them either…” she said.

➸ “My teacher said, ‘Use single quotation marks when quoting within dialogue.’”

➸ “Use paragraph breaks to indicate a new speaker,” he said.

“The readers will know it’s someone else speaking.”

➸ “If it’s the same speaker but different paragraph, keep the closing quotation off.

“This shows it’s the same character continuing to speak.”

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2 years ago

“Show Don’t Tell”? Not Always. Here’s When to Use Summary.

I was inspired to write this post after getting a great anonymous question in my Ask: “What’s your opinion on the whole ‘show don’t tell’ advice? Do you have any tips for when to show and when to tell?”

Here’s my response:

I honestly think that “show don’t tell” is one of the most over-quoted and least-understood pieces of writing advice out there.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, “show don’t tell” means that instead of explaining or telling something to your reader (“Sheila was reckless and impulsive”), you should show Sheila’s impulsiveness through action or dialogue. For example, “Even though her rent was overdue, after she got her paycheck Sheila spent $400 on an antique toilet.” This would allow the reader to draw the conclusion that Sheila was impulsive for themselves, rather than being told.

Theoretically, this is great advice for new fiction writers, who, left to their own devices, tend to write their stories entirely in “telling” mode.

But summary (telling) has a place in fiction as well, and it’s an important one.

Keep reading

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1 year ago

Shipping Headcanons! Send Numbers & Ships!


Who cooks?

Who’s the messiest? The cleanest?

Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?

Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?

Who buys the groceries?

Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?

Would they go to the beach?

Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t?

Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?

Any pets? Or plants?

Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?

Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?

Who stays up late? Who sleeps the most? Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?

Who is the highest maintenance? Does the other mind?

Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?


How often do they have sex, if at all?

Who brings ideas? Who initiates?

Any kinks they clash on?

Oddest place they’d have sex?

Favourite positions?

Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?

Genital headcanons?

Favourite erogenous zones?

Quickest turn ons? Immediate turn offs?

First to orgasm? Last to orgasm? Who comes the most? Does someone ever end up unfinished?

Favourite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?

How are their afterglows?

Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?

Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed?

Open or closed relationship? Do they sometimes share?

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1 year ago
Word Counter- Not Only Does It Count The Number Of Words Youve Written, It Tells You Which Words Are

Word Counter - Not only does it count the number of words you’ve written, it tells you which words are used most often and how many times they appear.

Tip Of My Tongue - Have you ever had a word on the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t figure out what it is? This site searches words by letters, length, definition, and more to alleviate that.

Readability Score - This calculates a multitude of text statistics, including character, syllable, word, and sentence count, characters and syllables per word, words per sentence, and average grade level.

Writer’s Block (Desktop Application) - This free application for your computer will block out everything on your computer until you meet a certain word count or spend a certain amount of time writing.

Cliche Finder - It does what the name says.

Write Rhymes - It’ll find rhymes for words as you write.

Verbix - This site conjugates verbs, because English is a weird language.

Graviax - This grammar checker is much more comprehensive than Microsoft Word, again, because English is a weird language.

Sorry for how short this is! I wanted to only include things I genuinely find useful.

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3 years ago

Drabble 12/28/2021

My four words from https://randomwordgenerator.com/:





He blinked, trying to gain his senses. What was going on? How long had he been out? All he honestly knew was that he hadn’t been conscious long and that he found it utterly annoying that he was in such a state.

This was NOT a good start.

Yoongi slowly started to get up, blinking, squinting, then eventually just groaned as he used his hand to block that blasted bright light - oh, the sun was out. Well wasn’t that just the cherry on top - as he tried once more to regain his some sense of what the HELL was going on. 

His other hand reached back and he winced as he touched something on his head where he habitually ruffled through while he was thinking. Bringing his hand to his face, he could see there wasn’t any blood on it. It meant that either:

1. At least it wasn’t bleeding or 2. It had already healed and stopped.

Either way, he was to just pray that the wound wasn’t huge or not even much of a wound. If he was lucky, it was just a sore spot for now that was hit decently hard without doing too much. 

Usually his luck isn’t that good but he could just hope. For once. Please something work SOMEWHAT in his favor.

Okay, back to the issue at hand. He was standing, and it wasn’t excruciating, so he could stand on his own, so hopefully no broken bones. Okay. He took a step forward. He was a little sore but he could walk on his own.

This was starting to look better. Okay, he could handle this. 

He looked at his surroundings once more and noticed the fork in the road. Two dirt paths laid before him and - 

Is that a sign? Oh thank god. He slowly walked up to it so he could see what the hell it said so maybe he could figure out why he was here or what he was trying to do before the whole blacking out thing happened. 

And he saw two options: Tower of Bangtan or City of Hybe. 

That rung a bell in his mind. He... he had been on a mission. He was heading somewhere for some reason - though now he couldn’t remember why. He looked at his options again. 

Tower. Tower. He -

The name Namjoon came into mind. That he could help. Help with what, Yoongi had no idea, but if he could pull that from somewhere in his mind, then that was a good place to start.

Decision made: Tower of Bangtan to seek out someone named Namjoon. Progress. Maybe he could get some answers now. It was better than just staying here frustrated with no hints. This might trigger some memories or do like how information randomly came to mind.

He took one step towards the path that lead him where he guessed he wanted to go. 

Okay, maybe his luck was not as bad as he thought.

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3 years ago

Drabble 12/29/2021

Four Random words:





The honking of the horns just added to his growing headache that you were now developing. Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeep. You hit your forehead against the steering wheel in front of you as you prayed to anyone who would hear you to just let you some how just make it to the office. Sometime soon preferably.

Today was NOT your day. It had been a rough morning that led to you rushing around instead of doing your normal routine. Something caused your alarm to go off this morning-

AKA: You phone was dead. Deaaaad dead. Apparently, you didn't put it fully on the charger last night and so it just sat as its lifeforce drained away slowly and surely, taunting your sleeping form, thinking that you had done the proper thing when you were half asleep due to a great weekend with your friends that you hadn't seen in a while.

You should have taken just an extra moment to make sure the light on your wireless charger was actually glowing. But no, your eyes were already practically shut when you kinda threw your phone onto it, thinking that things might just go your way.

You laugh at your positive self.

The buzzing of said traitor was now alerting you that someone was calling. That and your music stopped playing as you were using Andriod Auto in your car to listen to your Spotify account and also give your phone some life juice as it served a purpose.

Hoseok - the office angel - was calling you. He didn't seem like the conventional office associate, smiling, being positive, and actually followed through when he promised good things to happen when they meet such and such quota or actually meaning he will help anyone who asks as he gives his inspiring pep talk.

God, having him as your Team Lead was one of the few blessings you have received while working here.

So of course, you answer. "Hey Hoseok, I am so sorry, I know I am usually there a little early but traffic-"

Then Hoseok did something odd for him. He cut you off.

"That's all fine Y/N, and I'm sorry to be rude and cut you off like that-"

See, even he knows he did it. Oh God. What is he about to tell you?

"It's just that the managers have called a meeting this morning and want everyone to attend. Simultaneous meetings. Everyone in one meeting but we are assigned different designated areas so we all can actually hear and see what's going on."

... well that seems ominous.

Another voice popped up. "And it doesn't have the cheery feel of like a pep assembly in school either," another voice chimed in.

"Hey Jungkook," you add, acknowledging the other voice on the line. The golden boy - the one who nabbed the job as Hoseok secretary and is actually ROCKING IT - spoke up trying to let you know the feel of the office.

But you already knew. Hoseok made sure of it without realizing it.

"Any idea what it might be about," you ask, probing and surprisingly an opening popped up that you could slip into and actually start moving you along in the traffic so you just might make it to the office in time. A miracle!

Both men gave a negatory sound, letting you know they genuinely have no idea what in the world is going on. Welp, okay then.

"Okay, well, I'm almost there. I think I might have hit a breakthrough in the traffic and should be there in time. Possibly. Pray for me."

Both men chuckled. "Noted. Sending all my best wishes and positive luck vibes your way that you get what you need to make it through that disaster they dare to even call traffic," Hoseok stated with a chuckle.

"I'll go through your notes and delete the ones that you don't need, just so you are caught up when you walk through the door," Jungkook added.

You opened your mouth to say something and somehow the younger man knew it. "I know your process. Being Hoseok's secretary also means I had to learn about you and the others in his team too Y/N. Don't doubt my skills."

That made you smile. "Never dreamed of that Kookie. Now, I'm going to get off so I can put full focus to get there on time so all of your hard work and good vibes don't go to waste. See you soon!"

After both offer their parting greetings, you look forward and saw another opening. Hoseok's luck is working! Now to be beside your co-workers (who are you kidding, they're your friends) when some sort of news is dropped and you guys can cheer or support each other through it.

You got this! You could feel the tides turning. And now you can move onwards to find out what the heck is REALLY going on.

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3 years ago

Drabble 12/30/2021

My four random words:





"You seriously cannot expect the Duke to be okay with our sudden arrival," the woman beside you said as she peaked over to check the paper that you are reading.

"Well, he did say that we can stop by any time-"

"Which usually means sending a notice that we'll be coming at least, not just randomly showing up on his doorstep," she interjected, giving you that knowing look.

"Well, he better learn that what he says can be taken to heart-" you started when someone yells out "CUT!"

Both you and Jisoo look surprised at you face the director, trying to figure out where you had messed up. He waves his hand not to dismiss you two, but to state that it wasn't your fault as he looks around as if seeking the source-

"What is that sound coming from?" Taehyung finally gives in and asks the staff as he keeps moving to see if he can somehow magically make the source appear. "If we keep shooting, this whole scene may be usable. I am pretty sure the mics pick it up even if most of you don't hear it yet."

You sit straighter trying to see if you can hear what he is... and then-

"Oh! That buzzing!"

Taehyung grinned at you and gave you a playful finger gun. "Bingo."

That made Jisoo laugh. "Well, that definitely isn't of the time period."

"Exactly! And you two were on such a roll that I didn't want to waste it on a take we'd probably have to scrap and redo."

A lot of the crew were still looking around, having no idea what the three of you are referring to, but this was one of the reasons why that Taehyung was one of the best directors even at his young age. He could catch a few things that others didn't. Saved time and was honestly less frustrating than having to redo a scene multiple times.

There was another voice coming from behind one of the cameras. "Does that mean I can finally talk Hogwarts Express and express me outta this era for now? Seriously, Ultra Best Camera Woman of the Year needs a BREAK!"

That made everyone there laugh, including Taehyung. "You hear Lisa everyone, take a break as we locate the source of the sound and we'll continue in ten."


".... Fifteen?"

"... Deal," Lisa stated as she nodded, then dashed off towards where the recently replaced food was sitting.

"Don't you dare forge my signature again to get some extra - LISA WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?" One of the assistants said, clear panic in his voice as he started chasing her down. "WE HAVE A BUDGET FOR A REASON WOMAN."

"... Poor Eunwoo," Jisoo said, pretending to mourn.

"Yes, poor Eunwoo. May he somehow make it through Lisa's hijinks," you added, both smiling, watching the handsome DA chase down the craziest - though she was correct about being one of the best - camera women.

Taehyung just blinked, then looked at you two. "So, since you guys heard it as well, care to help me look for it?"

Jisoo shook her head. "Nuh uh! I didn't hear it! Y/N did and you can drag her into this." She stood up smiling. "I'm going to go run lines with Jin since we are supposed to be arriving at his place in the scene after this."

This made you laugh. "Alright alright. I'll go. And tell Jungkook to breathe, he has been nervous since they added more lines to his section. It's his fault for gaining so much attention so easily and he just needs to have faith in his talents," you state as you too get up and pick up the bountiful skirts and underskirts and whatever they have you in for this.

Pride and Prejudice era type thing, why did you agree to this again? This costuming is INTENSE.

Taehyung smiled at you. "At least I have ONE good set of ears nearby. Quick! Before the sound drives me nuts or before the break ends and Lisa manages to somehow derail us for another fifteen," he joked as he held out his hand to help you down.

You took it and nodded. "Yes, the sooner we finish our scenes today, the sooner I get out of this, and the less likely I am going to trip again because when I fall in this, I fall hard. Don't let the layers fool you, it does NOT cushion," you state, making the other two laugh.

As you and Taehyung wave to Jisoo, you start working towards figuring out what the sound was. "This direction," you ask, motioning to where you thought the sound came from.

"That direction," Taehyung nodded, confirming his thoughts as well. And so, the two of you went, trying to see if you could figure out what set off the chaos that was break on set.

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3 years ago

Drabble 01/01/2022

My four random words:





"Are you serious right now? Really?"

The voice sounded irritated as the woman kept checking her watch as she started to tap her toe.

"Look, we don't have much time! You're moving as slow as a snail and I-"

"I can't hurry any faster, " you state as you make sure to grab your boots to finish off your outfit. "Don't worry, we have ample time to make it to the celebration," you say with a smile, trying to reassure your anxious friend.

"It's my year again! Year of the Tiger is only every 12 years-" Dahyun starts.

"As does every sign," you state with a laugh. "I know this awesome girl born in 2010 who wants to be a Robotic Engineer. She too is a Tiger, just so you know."

"Don't lump all of us together," she states, trying to hide her smile.

"Right right right," you say, as you stand straight, your boots on. "Let's go. That Lunar New Year party can't start without us," you said with a grin.

"Hosts late to their own party, what a sham!" Dahyun exclaims as she grabs your arm. "Let's gooooo!"

and so you two leave, and just like you said, you have PLENTY of time to make it. You can't wait to rub it in her face later about her being a drama queen.

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