just a girl reblogging her favorite hockey fanfics :) | 21

195 posts

Can I Please Request A Summer Blurb With Lukey With A Girl Who Overheats In The Summer Sun

can i please request a summer blurb with lukey with a girl who overheats in the summer sun <3

"put this over your head" luke gives you no time to react before his shirt smacks you square in the face, the light blue fabric unceremoniously dumping down in your lap. you roll your eyes at your boyfriend's protectiveness and chuck the shirt back at him. I'm fine," you say, earning a mocking huff from luke. out the corner of your eye, you can tell jack and quinn are watching on in amusement, quinn alternating between steering the boat and watching luke and yourself.

"you look like you're about two seconds away from passing out" luke tsks, voice more stern this time, yet still laced with a hint of his usual concern for you.

"so adding another layer of fabric will surely help." you're not really sure why you're fighting him about this; truth be told, the heat is getting to you and had it not been for luke being so excited about his first boat day with his brothers since returning from worlds, you would've asked them to head back towards the dock hours ago. maybe you just don't want him to be too worried.

"it will shield your head from the sun and stop you from overheating completely," luke grumbles, attention half drifting to quinn as he pulls up to your usual bathing spot on the lake.

the boat wobbles slightly as it comes to a halt, and you decide now is the perfect time to move from your spot in the sun, into the shade. you never make it that far though, a bout of dizziness hitting you immediately as you stand up, the after-effects of the sun banging down on your head the whole day, no doubt. you stumble a few feet before two strong arms wrap around your lower waist, steadying you and pulling you down at the same time.

"i had it under control," you mumble, but nevertheless get comfortable in luke's lap. his chest vibrates against your back and you know it's because he's trying to keep his laugh in.

"uh-huh." twisting around in his lap, you find yourself mere inches from his pretty face. luke puckers his lips, obviously expecting a kiss, but instead, you decide to go the childish route and stick your tongue out at him. ever so softly, luke reaches up to push your face away from him, but his amused smile is quickly replaced by another wave of concern that washes over his features. "you're really hot baby." luke frowns, and while you know it's true and that you for sure should've found shade much earlier, you can't help but tease him, hoping it'll wash away some of his concern.

"why thank you, you're pretty hot yourself," you smirk and giggle slightly when he shakes his head and squeezes your waist chastingly. "maybe we both need to cool off, then," luke says, taking you by surprise and rising to his feet with you in his arms. a shriek leaves you as he starts moving, your hands gripping his bicep and neck for dear life, already knowing where he's going with this.

"luke, no. no no no, please-"

"what baby, you said you were hot. luckily for you, the lake is still nice and cold." luke steps closer to the edge, and before you can plead and beg a little more, he jumps in. the cold lake water wraps around you, immediately bringing all your senses to life, shocking your warm body and cooling you down at once. luke never lets go of you, not even when you trash, on instinct, around in the water and accidentally kick him in the nether regions.

instead, he brings the two of you back to the surface, repositioning you so your legs are around his waist and your arms around his neck. "helped?" he whispers as your forehead lands against his. after all, you appreciate his concern, knowing he's only looking out for you, and that despite your teasing, you did need to cool down. you nod and take the opportunity to cling a little tighter to him. "yeah, but you're sooo sleeping on the couch," you say, willing faux sternness into your voice, despite having a hard time stopping your lips from quirking upwards. both of you know that you're joking, but luke still gasps dramatically and momentarily forgets to thread water, leaving you dunking a little further into the lake before he regains the leverage. "but then i can't sleep," he pouts, hands sliding up your thighs. one stops there and grips the flesh, while the other slides further up and comes to rest on your hip. a shudder goes through you, this time not from the cold of the water, though.

"should've thought of that sooner," you shrug and lean your head down the tiniest bit, ready to meet his lips.

"hm. i'm sure i kind find a way to get back in your good graces," luke mumbles against your lips, finally closing the remaining gap between you.

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More Posts from Lukehughez

9 months ago

consequences masterpost


cover made using @art-and-the-hockeys​ amazing wallpapers!! go check them out <3

summary:  you absolutely hate Matthew Tkachuk so it’s just your luck when you wind up pregnant with his child.

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

part 8


Outtakes: the proposal, another one, instagram edit 1

instagram edit 2, instagram edit 3

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9 months ago

Farmer's Market - Quinn Hughes

a/n: trying my hardest to find motivation for these so i can keep getting them out :) i'm still 10 days behind but it doesn't entirely matter. anyways. enjoy as always! <3

sumarry: you and quinn tape a trip to your local farmer's market and he buys you a special present when you are distracted

word count: ~1.4k

Farmer's Market - Quinn Hughes
Farmer's Market - Quinn Hughes

Every Saturday in your little Vancouver town, there’s a farmer’s market that’s filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, homemade goods like jams, chocolates and baked goods, and even handmade items, ranging from jewelry to shirts, and even decorations.

When you first moved here, Quinn wasn’t too keen on the idea, mainly because he liked to go on a run Saturday mornings and then clean things around the house. But the third week that you had been living there, he agreed to move his routine around and went with you.

Since then, he’s made it a habit of going for a run early in the morning before you are even awake, coming back to shower, get ready with you, and head into town for the market. There are some days where the weather is bad so you are unable to go, but weather permitting, you try to make it every week, just to have some fresh fruit in the house.

Quinn also loves picking out a new dessert to snack on for the week, talking with the people that make his favorite goods about how it was, if he disliked anything about it, and what he was wanting to try this week.

Your favorite item from them was slices of banana bread that they make fresh every Friday, with pieces of walnut mixed into the soft, cake-like structure; that was one thing you made sure to get every week.

As you and Quinn drive into town, it was a cloudy spring day, and both of you were dressed appropriately, in cozy sweaters, yours you actually bought locally made from the market by a vendor who no longer has a stall there due to family emergencies.

Quinn finds a parking spot and you walk around the front of the car to grab his hand, resting your head on his shoulder as you walk to where the stalls are located. You go right to the fruit section, parting ways with your boyfriend to pick out your favorite fruits independently.

He has his reusable tote bag and after paying for everything altogether, he puts the fruit in the bag and guides you over to the vegetables.

“I found this recipe for sautéed green beans and steak that I want to try this week,” he says, walking past a large lot of string beans, pausing to look at the price. He picks out a good handful and sets them in the basket provided. You pick out some cucumbers and broccoli as well, ringing out with that vendor shortly after. 

After getting the rest of your usual things, including a new dessert for Quinn, a peach cobbler that they made specially for him, you stroll around, looking at the new stalls and scanning over the handmade items they have.

Quinn spots a new jewelry stand and smiles to himself, suddenly getting an idea

“Hey, weren’t you mentioning how you needed a new bag?” He asks you, pointing in the opposite direction at the stall he was needing to look at. “It looks like they have some new stuff.” You cheer quietly and run off to the booth that has tote bags with different sayings and designs on them.

Quinn waits until you are far enough away to walk to the jewelry stall, looking down at all the silver and gold gemstone rings.

“Wow,” he whispers to himself, picking up a pink sapphire ring.

“All are handmade sterling silver or gold-filled, stones are ethically sourced, and these,” the guy gestures to a different section, “are sea glass I collected from different parts of the world.”

“They’re beautiful, oh my gosh,” Quinn compliments, looking over everything. He glances over his shoulder to make sure you were still distracted. “I’m looking for a ring for my girlfriend as an anniversary present. She loves gems and I think she’d love one of these.”

“Do you have an idea of what color she’d like?”

“I’m not sure…” his voice tapers off, running his fingers over different shades of blue and pink stones, to clear quartz and finally, he lands on a peridot ring, a simple band with a smooth bezel and a hammered band. It was slightly rustic but still quite elegant. “This one.”

The guy looks down at it and smiles.

“That’s peridot.”

“I remember her saying she wanted a green ring because it matches my eyes,” Quinn blushes as he thinks back your words. “It’s perfect.”

“Great! That’ll be…” the guy looks up the price of the ring on a sheet of laminated paper, “Forty-five dollars.”

Quinn sticks out the exact amount of cash to the guy, who carefully sets the ring in a small ring box, handing it off to the brunette.

“I hope she enjoys it,” the guy grins as Quinn drops the box into his bag.

“Thanks so much, I’ll let you know.” 

Quinn walks over to you, still standing at the designed tote bags that you have a large collection of at this point, wrapping his arm around your waist. 

“Find something you like?” He asks, leaning over to kiss your cheek.

“I did.” You show him the bag that you spent some time picking out, a simple design on it with some saying about reading. “We can share it.”

He laughs, taking it in his hands to get a better look at it.

“Nice choice. Think we’re done for the day?” He wonders, glancing around at the rather quiet market space. Suddenly, you feel a drop of rain on your forehead, both you and Quinn looking up to the sky and then to each other.

“I guess so,” you giggle, grabbing his hand and heading for his car. The rain picks up rather quickly, but luckily, you shut the doors and are sheltered just as it starts to pour down rain. Quinn looks over at you and laughs loudly, running his hands through his hair.

“Looks like got lucky,” he says, starting the car and putting it in reverse to back out of his spot.

“I didn’t think it was supposed to rain,” you say, staring out the window as he drives back home.

“I thought they said in the afternoon, so it must have changed.”

As soon as you get home, Quinn takes the liberty of stocking the fruits in veggies in the places that you keep them, taking the small black box and putting it in his pocket. He wanted to wait to give it to you, but he was so excited and he knew it was going to be difficult to sit on it.

You step into the kitchen just as he shuts the fridge, walking over to give him a hug. His arms circle around your shoulders, holding you close to him.

“I bought you something today,” he whispers against your forehead. Raising your head, you narrow your eyes at him.

“You were with me the whole time…?” Your voice tapers off into a question, confusion crossing your face. 

“Not when you went to go look at tote bags. I got this for you.” He pulls the ring box from his pocket and hands it to you, allowing you to open it up. Your eyebrows furrow together when he places it on your hands, but as you open it, a gasp escapes you and your hand flies up to your face.

“Wh…” you are rendered speechless as you stare at the gorgeous ring in front of you.

“I wanted to give it to you for our anniversary, but I really couldn’t wait, I wanted you to have it,” he says, stepping closer to you and setting his hands on your waist.

“It’s beautiful, Quinn. Where did you even find it?”

“There was a new jewelry stall and I had to distract you, which is why i sent you over to pick out a bag,” he chuckles nervously, his fingertips fiddling with the hem of your shirt.

“I love it, holy shit.” He laughs and you slide the ring onto a finger to try and gauge the size, and surprisingly, it fit your ring finger perfectly. Quinn smiles, relief washing over him when he sees that it fits at least one finger, and brings your hand up to his face.

“It looks perfect on you,” he whispers, kissing your knuckles just below the ring, gazing lovingly at you.

“It reminds me of your eyes,” you say, staring down at it, admiring the way it sparkles ever so slightly in the light. Quinn’s cheeks heat up and he looks down at the floor.

“That’s, uh, that’s why I picked it out. I knew you would think that.” Your hands cup your lover’s cheeks and you kiss him sweetly, his hands tightening around your waist.

“You know me so well, darling.”

Farmer's Market - Quinn Hughes

taglist: @petite-potato4

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9 months ago

can you please write something for ryan leonard? could literally be about anything i just feel like that boy deserves more attention <3

i love ryry, he deserves more love. cute little freckle man

in which ryan's teammates cant leave the two of you alone in the library

under the cut !

Can You Please Write Something For Ryan Leonard? Could Literally Be About Anything I Just Feel Like That
Can You Please Write Something For Ryan Leonard? Could Literally Be About Anything I Just Feel Like That
Can You Please Write Something For Ryan Leonard? Could Literally Be About Anything I Just Feel Like That
Can You Please Write Something For Ryan Leonard? Could Literally Be About Anything I Just Feel Like That
Can You Please Write Something For Ryan Leonard? Could Literally Be About Anything I Just Feel Like That

"for fucks sake." ryan mumbled under his breath as he looked up from his book, only to be met with his friends sitting at the table of in front of yours.

"what's wrong, love?"

"they're here again. they're not even trying to be secretive anymore!" he scoffed as your eyes stayed glued to your work. you had a very important coming up, and you needed a good grade.

"just ignore them, babes. they're kids, let them be." you answered, leaning your head down on his shoulder as his eyes met with will's, who had wide smirk on his face.

"oh my god, what are you guys doing here?" gabe asked as they all got up and walked over to sit at your table. ryan let out a loud groan considering you were in a library as his friends made themselves comfortable.

"get out of here!" he spat at his teammates, making you chuckle a bit, but staying focused on your work.

"are we not allowed to study?" will asked, his smirk still present as ryan sent him a death glare.

"where're your books?"

"in my bag."

"take them out and study then. at another table." he said harshly, making all his friends laugh a bit.

"what if we want to sit at this table?" jacob asked, ryan rolling his eyes. your boyfriend looked over at you, begging you to tell the guys to leave, but you were too focused on your book to realize the look he was sending you.

"it's a library, be quiet." ryan warned the guys before looking back down at his work. your head was still leaning on his shoulder, making gabe snap a pic of the two of you. of course, the boy hadn't realized his flash was still on, making it blankly obvious what he was up to.

"get out!"

"what, why?"

"you're not here to study, you're here to bother us. so leave!"

"it was an accident!"

"can you guys go bicker somewhere else? i'm trying to study." you whispered harshly, making all the boys go quiet as they stared at you. you had finally looked up from your book, now sending ryan's friends a death glare that matched your boyfriend's. "all of you." you added, turning your head to look at ryan.

"me?" he gasped, his jaw dropping slightly.

"yes, you. you're the reason these ding dongs keep bothering me, so get out." you sassed, making ryan roll his eyes slightly before he started packing his bag.

"you guys are such assholes." your boyfriend mumbled as he got up from his seat, pressing a kiss to your forehead before making his way out. his friends followed closely, rambling about something that clearly wasn't making ryan happy.

lovey 🤍

give your side pieces some attention

i'll see you tonight loves <3

ryry 💗

i hate them, they're so mean

i miss you

come cuddle me

lovey 🤍

i'll be there in an hour max

love you

ryry 💗

love youuuu

Can You Please Write Something For Ryan Leonard? Could Literally Be About Anything I Just Feel Like That

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9 months ago

strawberry wine: l. hughes

blurb: in which luke is teased for how he treats you, but he doesn’t mind. Not if all of it’s for you / word count: 1.3k / pairing: luke hughes x fem!reader

You hadn’t meant to fall in love with him at first. When you first met Luke— right in the middle of your freshman year at UMich, where you were trying to balance the precarious work-social life balance— it wasn’t love at first sight. No, you were way too pessimistic for that. Instead, the love you had garnered for the curly haired boy was gratuitous— it was a simmering feeling you felt every time he turned his gaze on you, everytime he checked in with you via text or phone call when he was away, and the feeling of his heartbeat as he laid on your chest— the reminder that, above all, he had put you first.

Falling in love with Luke wasn’t an automatic fairy-godmother thing, but it was magic all the same — it was the feeling of coming up for air after being submerged underwater, the feeling of being in the sun after being inside for too long. It was a feeling you wanted to be embraced with all the time, really. 

Now, though, you were hearing the extent at which Luke loved you — in your sleep induced haze while your head laid on Luke’s chest, and your legs extended over his lap. The two of you had made your way to the Hughes Family lake house for the first few weeks of the summer, where you were joined by Quinn and Jack, as well as some of your and Luke’s mutual friends from UMich; all the people you cared about, all under one roof. 

As the summer grew, and the first week turned into the second, you could only feel how much your love had grown for the boy with the curls— the boy who had somehow made falling in love with an all-consuming feeling that you never wanted to let go of. 

Now, though, as you listened to the conversation around you, your almost-sleep was interrupted when you heard Jack call to Luke— saying something along the lines of something “being clear,” and picking up on some changes in Luke’s behavior. 

Now almost fully awake, you didn’t want to make yourself entirely known— not just yet. Luke and you had spoken about what to expect on the trip— the teasing and remarks that were sure to come from his brothers, the jokes that were sure to come out of Trevor or Duker at one point, and even the overprotectiveness for the only other woman in the house from Ellen. Now, through, you could tell the conversation was fully about you— and Luke. 

“I’m just saying, man,” you could hear Jack start. “We’ve never seen you this whipped before! It’s liek you’re an entirely new man, Moose,” he finished, to where you heard the rest of the boys add in their own agreements. You felt Luke pull you even closer when he said that, and could feel the hand on your calve resume its soft movements— mishappen shapes and letters that didn’t really mean anything, but that Luke had gotten into the habit of doing whenever you were around.

“Name one time where that’s happened,” Luke said. “I might be in love, but I haven’t changed,” he said, and oh god— he was in love with you! Even if you were still supposed to be asleep the sole notioon that he’d say it in front of the people whose opinions he cared about so deeply made your heart melt even more. The truth was, you were in love with Luke as much as he was in lovr with you — he was your rock, your safe place, and above all else, the person you looked for in anything; the one who had captured your heart and kept it as close as he could to his own. 

“C’mon, dude, you literally put your hand on the table corner when she dropped her cup the other day, just so she wouldn’t hit her head,” Quinn said from the opposite chair. “And, not to mention, you literally called Mom right after your first date with her, just to ask her how you did, and to see if she could help you see whatever signs Y/N was givign you” the boys laughed. While you had picked up on the things Luke did for you— including making sure you were always safe, that second thing wasn’t something you were aware of. Sure, you were both nervous wrecks on your first date, but you found him charming— especially when he had shown up at your dorm smartly dressed, and had brought flowers not only for you, but for your roommate too. 

“Plus, remember that time Coach made you do extra liners because you showed up to practice with a hickey on your neck?” Duker said. “Wasn’t that after your sixth-month anniversary, or something? When you rented that hotel room to, and I quote, “treat her how she deserves to be treated?” C’mon Hughes, you’re a sap!” he finished. 

Duke was right; you remembered that date almost vividly. Luke had spent so much on a grand hotel room, had taken you out to dinner at a nice restaurant, and, in the privacy of your own room, had danced with you for the entire night— had spun you around and around until the two of you ended up tangled in the white sheets, kisses being shared like secrets, and leaving them like brands on the entire expanse of his chest, his neck, and his mouth. The two of you had drank a third of a bottle of strawberry wine before you ended up on your tiptoes, Luke spinning you and leading you around the expanse of the entire room, before ultimately taking it further. 

That night, you had become his, and he had become yours in a way that you had never imagined possible; regardless of either of your past experiences, you had felt love strum between the two of you in, as cliche as it sounds — magical way. 

“So what, I care about her! Look at her, and tell me you wouldn’t give it all up” Luke said, but you could tell he wasn’t mad in the slightest. Sure, he was getting chirped at, but it was all in good fun, and he understood that; it must have been a strange thing, for both of his older brothers to see him so in love, and so ready to be tied down to you, that he didn’t even mind the teasing. 

Luke, for all his faults, loved you, and that much was entirely apparent every time he opened his mouth to talk about you— something he would do any chance he got, always finding a way to bring you up in his conversations. 

“We know, dude, you’ve just become such a sap,” Jack added. “‘S making the rest of us wanna settle down too,” he said, laughing. It was true, in a way. Seeing their little brother so in love — so much so that he had almost put his hockey career on pause just to be able to graduate with you, and looked like Cupid had whacked him in the ass with an arrow every time he looked at you — they could clearly see the adoration he had for you; the bone deep understanding that you were his, and he was yours. 

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he said, waving them away. Feeling like this was your cue to get up, however, now that the conversation had died down, you opened your eyes, and picked your head up slowly from his chest. Luke looked down at you immediately, his hand that was previously on your leg coming up to cup your chin. 

“You okay there, honey?” he asked. You could only try to shake away the remaining sleep from your head, and smile up at him. Here was your boy — the one who had taken your heart and ran with it, who held you close, and who planned to never let go; the man you wanted to spend the rest of your days with, and who was willing to endure every single comment about your relationship just to keep you. You couldn’t have asked for anyone better —— you couldn’t have asked for anyone other than your Luke.

“Never better, baby. Never better.”

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11 months ago

simps, certified a luke Hughes x established relationship!reader masterlist

Simps, Certified A Luke Hughes X Established Relationship!reader Masterlist

main masterlist

a collection of fics & blurbs that don't really have anything to do with each other but are all simply just about how much luke and his girlfriend, the reader, are simps for each other.

none of these have to be read in any kind of order or anything like that. they have no timeline or actual plots (most of the time) and are separate works of fiction that simply have the common theme of luke x established relationship!reader and the domestic sides of a relationship<3

i hope you enjoy:)

♥"Drunk, drunk, drunk in love"

♥"In Sickness and in Health"

♥"Ohhh how the turntables"

♥“Kiss you in a crowded room”

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