I Love Luke - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

You know what's kind of a messed up dynamic that's not really explored in the Original Trilogy? How Luke is kind of caught in an ideological tug of war between Obi-Wan (and Yoda) and Darth Vader.

Obi-Wan wants Luke to become a Jedi and bring down the Empire and Vader, thus righting a wrong he was unable to right twenty years prior. Unless I'm misreading motivations here, that's already hecka questionable treatment of your vulnerable student, but it's made worse when he deliberately lies to Luke and stokes hatred/a desire for revenge in him against his father -- without ever telling him that the father he longs for and the monster he thinks killed him are one and the same. I can kind of understand Obi-Wan's line of thinking here, especially if Luke was potentially the only powerful enough to go up against Vader, but I still don't think it was right.

Then you have Vader, who is in some ways playing out the same script. He wants Luke to become a Sith and to be by his side as his son to redeem his failure from twenty years ago. He has a chance to make everything he did mean something because he didn't save Padme, but his son still lives. This desire is of course far from 100% benevolent and it's all twisted up with what the Emperor wants, so it ends with the same sort of vibe as Obi-Wan's treatment of Luke: it reduces Luke into a utility or object rather than a person.

Obi-Wan wants Luke to be the Chosen One.

Darth Vader wants him to be his heir.

The only people who want Luke to just be Luke are Han and Leia.

And then Luke wins by being himself -- by being the compassionate, forgiving son who just wants his father. And miraculously, that saved the galaxy.

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9 years ago

Glancing down at your ticket as you boarded the plane, you repeated the row and seat number in your head over and over, filing your way to the back of the plane, trying not to hit anyone with your purse. To say you were a little nervous to fly would be an understatement, but you also knew it could possibly have been some of your excitement you were mistaking for nervousness. However, you knew you’d feel much better once you found your seat and settled in with your book and music, drowning out the fact that you were flying in an airplane. Approaching your seat, you frowned, noticing that whoever you were sitting next to was already seated and absolutely asleep, his headphones tucked into his ears and his arms crossed across his belly. He was your age, with soft blonde hair and a cute nose that perked up at the end, and while he was cute he was also blocking your access to your window seat. Gently, you nudged his shoulder, seeing if he’d wake up, but the lanky boy did not move. Glancing around you noticed that most everyone was already seated, so you shook the boy’s shoulder a bit more. Again, nothing. With a sigh you carefully lifted your purse of his body and placed it on your seat. Then, you braced your hands on the seat in front of him and reached a leg across his own, attempting to crawl over his body without waking him. Your feet, though, had other plans. Before you had the chance to fully pull your right leg over his body your foot decided to hook itself in the strap of his backpack that was under the seat in front of him, twisting your body so that you fell into his lap, a quick grunt coming from the boy as his hands instantly fell to your hips to steady you where you sat, completely blushing and avoiding eye contact with the boy who was now awake. “I’m so sorry,” you mumbled, scrambling out of his lap and sitting where you belonged, which was in your seat. You could tell the boy was looking at you from the corner of your eye, but you took your time to settle in, placing your purse at your feet and buckling your seat belt, sighing with content once you were finally in place. “Sorry again,” you said quietly, finally attempting to look at the boy. He was smiling gently, his blue eyes gazing into yours. “It’s alright,” he said, rubbing at the stubble on his chin. “It’s not often that I wake up to a beautiful girl in my lap.” You blushed at his words but giggled, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I’m Luke,” he said, sticking out his hand for you to shake. You obliged, smiling at him, no longer nervous for the plane ride ahead.

This little ditty is for my love lashtonpetal who is currently on her way ot the airport to come visit me!! Emily I’m so excited to finally be able to hug you, I cannot wait until you’re here. Ahhhhh!! :-)

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10 months ago

simps, certified a luke Hughes x established relationship!reader masterlist

Simps, Certified A Luke Hughes X Established Relationship!reader Masterlist

main masterlist

a collection of fics & blurbs that don't really have anything to do with each other but are all simply just about how much luke and his girlfriend, the reader, are simps for each other.

none of these have to be read in any kind of order or anything like that. they have no timeline or actual plots (most of the time) and are separate works of fiction that simply have the common theme of luke x established relationship!reader and the domestic sides of a relationship<3

i hope you enjoy:)

♥"Drunk, drunk, drunk in love"

♥"In Sickness and in Health"

♥"Ohhh how the turntables"

♥“Kiss you in a crowded room”

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1 year ago

i believe i've caught the luke brainrot disease (LBRD) that's been going around recently. it is as amazing and as brain melting as everyone has said.

it also doesn't make sense.

i read those books. many many times. i know precisely what that man is and yet i love him.

i guess it's like the anakin thing? you go into the prequels knowing he becomes what he does but you love him anyway because he's anakin fucking skywalker.

I Believe I've Caught The Luke Brainrot Disease (LBRD) That's Been Going Around Recently. It Is As Amazing

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