●Indie Animation Studio● current project: Adventures of the Guardians" (The ROTG fan-animated series)
33 posts
Where Trees Loom Tall And Mushrooms Grow,

“Where trees loom tall and mushrooms grow,
A sly fox draws his arrow and bow”
- - -
Coming up with rhymes is hard
As I am no poet nor bard
Though victory of verse is sweet
So again I ask you, trick or treat?
Original concept by one @hee-hooligan
Redesign for drawpile by @lumin0usfox
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Thank you to everyone who joined us yesterday for our drawpile livestream on YouTube! We hope you had fun seeing your drawing requests filled and having your questions answered! In case you missed, here's a recap of the artwork made by some of our team members. You can also re-watch the posted stream on our YouTube at Lumifox Productions or through the link in our bio at any time. Happy nine years to Rise of the Guardians!
@ DarklingQueen
@ thedoodlerofbooks
@ Sus

Strangely very proud of how this came out even though it's completely borked
special thanks to @fosermi for helping come up with the idea of Pitch's fearling's not knowing what sick is and trying to help the only way they know how, by being mini nightmares :))
Enjoy some soup rotg fandom!
art by: @lumin0usfox
That’s the face of
“Oh my god Barbie was right”
He’s on the other side now, he knows too much, he can never unlearn XD

RYAN GOSLING "I'm Just Ken" wins Best Original Song at the 29th Annual Critics' Choice Awards (January 14, 2024)
In case you missed it, the teaser trailer for the Rise of the Guardians fan-animated series in our works can be found here and also on our YouTube and other platforms linked below!
It's been almost nine years since DreamWorks released Rise of the Guardians, and almost three since the last book of William Joyce's Guardians of Childhood series was published. With the lack of the film's sequel or TV series, and the ambiguity in which our beloved characters were left with in the conclusions of their stories, our artists for this studio have gathered from across the globe to help create an animated series of our own. We are in full understanding that we do not own Rotg or Goc, so all future donations/support will go specifically toward the growth of our studio and not the fan-project, but will still be highly appreciated. We wish to shed light back upon the magic of our childhood beliefs, revive the imaginative legends we once loved, and relive the beauty of the universe which these characters are from and expand upon both what the film and novels touched and what was left behind. Please do also spread the word. Things are happening and we'd love to have you with us. If you liked this animatic, keep up with us on our YouTube at Lumifox Productions, and check out our Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for more content at Lumifox_Productions as well! See you soon❄
So pretty!! (O O

It's cold outside, who's to blame? 🤔❄️