Guardians Of Childhood - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Some Folks From The ROTG/GOC Fandom May Remember My Shadow Child Oc, Maghnus. He Often Took A Small Dragon
Some Folks From The ROTG/GOC Fandom May Remember My Shadow Child Oc, Maghnus. He Often Took A Small Dragon
Some Folks From The ROTG/GOC Fandom May Remember My Shadow Child Oc, Maghnus. He Often Took A Small Dragon
Some Folks From The ROTG/GOC Fandom May Remember My Shadow Child Oc, Maghnus. He Often Took A Small Dragon

Some folks from the ROTG/GOC fandom may remember my shadow child oc, Maghnus. He often took a small dragon form and was rather mischievous. I am bringing him back into the ROTG verse, however his age has been raised a little. Maggy still has a human form he can take, I’m currently redrawing it for the rotg verse.

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6 years ago
Oh Geez These Are Old >,> Some Artwork Of Anpiel, A White Shadow And Mother Of Maghnus. She Too Has A
Oh Geez These Are Old >,> Some Artwork Of Anpiel, A White Shadow And Mother Of Maghnus. She Too Has A
Oh Geez These Are Old >,> Some Artwork Of Anpiel, A White Shadow And Mother Of Maghnus. She Too Has A
Oh Geez These Are Old >,> Some Artwork Of Anpiel, A White Shadow And Mother Of Maghnus. She Too Has A

Oh geez these are old >,> Some artwork of Anpiel, a White Shadow and mother of Maghnus. She too has a dragon form which she takes frequently in this reboot. Currently she might be MIA? Depends on plotting with some companions I’ve had revolving around these characters in the past.

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1 year ago
edcassiano310 - edcassiano

If the Wish writers kept Concept Art!Star the movie would have been more fun. Look at this cute shapeshifter! Just look at them!

If The Wish Writers Kept Concept Art!Star The Movie Would Have Been More Fun. Look At This Cute Shapeshifter!
If The Wish Writers Kept Concept Art!Star The Movie Would Have Been More Fun. Look At This Cute Shapeshifter!
If The Wish Writers Kept Concept Art!Star The Movie Would Have Been More Fun. Look At This Cute Shapeshifter!

I loved Star in the movie, but if Star was left as they were in the concept people would have gone nuts over them.

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4 years ago

Let me tell you something about Pitch Black.

Okay, there’s just one thing I need to get out of my system.

So practically 60% of the ROTG Fandom consists on hating Pitch, the antagonist. Most of those 60% of people are BlackIce/Cavity etc. shippers. A lot of the people in that percentage have it in their minds that Pitch would be a violent and abusive lover.

May I just take a moment of your time to go against this statement?

Firstly, let me tell you something that most fail to notice about Pitch. If he finds something that he loves, he will cherish that item/person more than anything – because for Pitch’s heart to be moved, it’s going to take something very goddamn special, because he is dark. Let me also remind you that he once had a daughter and loving wife, true he might have held a different form, but that little spark of Kozmotis that still lingers in him hasn’t been extinguished. Personally, I don’t have a father, but there is one thing I know about them. If they love their daughters, they will do pretty much anything to guarantee she is safe. Even if it means giving their own lives. They would also do the same thing for someone they loved.

Pitch isn’t the type of person to just go around dating anyone he fancies, because he is insecure. He doesn’t like to open up about his feelings, and thinks that if he does open up, it’s just going to get thrown back in his face – much like what happened with Jack at Antarctica. When he tried to get through to him that he understood how it felt to be invisible, and to feel out of place, Jack rejected him. He didn’t even show any sympathy for him, and just told him to leave him alone. In my opinion, if Jack had been a little more considerate, none of the aftermath would have happened (Jack’s staff being broken etc.). Jack could have convinced Pitch to stop, because he had his defences down. Pitch made himself vulnerable because he wanted someone to be with him, because he didn’t want to be alone anymore and he felt the only way of convincing him was to take down the wall he’d built around himself. Pitch may have been trying to manipulate Jack, but he was also trying to gain his trust. And Jack walked away. That would have hurt him.

Pitch isn’t invincible, he feels things too.

Let’s take this into account. If Pitch fell in love with someone, he wouldn’t take advantage of their feelings, because he wouldn’t want them to feel rejected, like he felt. Pitch would be a caring person to whoever he fell in love with, regardless the gender, and would always be willing to listen to them if they needed someone to talk to. You know why? Because that’s what he wants. Pitch has been alone for a long time, even someone as strong and dependant as he is has to want to talk to someone about whatever he’s got bottled up inside him.

Pitch isn’t incapable of loving something, he just doesn’t know how to. Just because he has been known to use violence in his plans, doesn’t necessarily mean he would abuse his lover. For example, Pitch has been alone and not believed in for a long time, as I said before, and if you’re alone and hated for that amount of time, you would start to get desperate. When the Fearlings had full grip on him when he first got turned, that was when he was at his most violent. He destroyed stars and planets, killed people and even turned some children into Fearlings.

As far as I’m aware, he didn’t do anything this violent after he escaped his imprisonment within the cave with Night Light. Correct me if I’m wrong. However, the violence he uses in the movie, is just actions of blind rage. Pitch was stuck hiding under beds whilst all of his enemies were loved and believed in, whereas he had to go through life listening to parents telling their children that he wasn’t real. It can easily make a person go mad. If Pitch was ever violent towards his lover, it would either be a moment of madness when in an argument, if the other said something very hurtful or it was someone he didn’t truly love.

I know most people would have stopped reading by now, but I felt the need to just express my opinion on how some people are portraying Pitch’s character. Don’t think I’m just saying this because Pitch is my favourite character, and I feel the need to stick up for him – because I totally agree that things Pitch has done in the past are wrong and unforgivable. But I just wanted to get my point across that Pitch isn’t a completely heartless being. He has a heart, he has feelings, and he has emotions.

Let Me Tell You Something About Pitch Black.

Do not think he hasn’t just because of mistakes he’s made in the past.

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5 months ago

Guardians of Childhood (Book Series) VS. Rise of the Guardians (Movie) Character Design Comparison

Jack Frost

Guardians Of Childhood (Book Series) VS. Rise Of The Guardians (Movie) Character Design Comparison

Nicholas St. North

Guardians Of Childhood (Book Series) VS. Rise Of The Guardians (Movie) Character Design Comparison


Guardians Of Childhood (Book Series) VS. Rise Of The Guardians (Movie) Character Design Comparison

E. Aster Bunnymund

Guardians Of Childhood (Book Series) VS. Rise Of The Guardians (Movie) Character Design Comparison


Guardians Of Childhood (Book Series) VS. Rise Of The Guardians (Movie) Character Design Comparison

Kozmotis Pitchiner

Guardians Of Childhood (Book Series) VS. Rise Of The Guardians (Movie) Character Design Comparison

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5 months ago

It took me centuries to figure out that one of my favourite dynamics from fiction is the problematic father-daughter one, where the father is either a villain or a very morally grey figure and the daughter has mixed thoughts and feelings about it, but ultimately wants to be loved by him.

It Took Me Centuries To Figure Out That One Of My Favourite Dynamics From Fiction Is The Problematic

Raven and Trigon

Emily and Kozmotis Pitchiner

Hera and Cronus

Rose and Albert Vanderboom

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I Like To Imagine Jack Having Vague Memory Flashbacks/nightmares Of His Life As Nightlight, And His Ice

I like to imagine Jack having vague memory flashbacks/nightmares of his life as Nightlight, and his ice forming echoes of his armor and spear if he loses himself in it. Because I am a sucker for angst.

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1 year ago
Content Warning: Cursing
Content Warning: Cursing

Content Warning: Cursing

@suckmyeiffeltower on Instagram

* Human Pitchiner - I couldn’t find any pictures of Human Pitch before the whole evil thing so I used concept art instead. 

{just realized I could’ve included Jamie and Sophie}

Happy 10 year anniversary <3

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1 year ago
Time Father

time father

continuing my kick of making my own sequel idea of rotg incorporating what I’ve read on the books, and thus giving a nerdy clock wizard dad more clock motifs because time magic is cool as heck

(I also designed this version of him to be the same age as north rather than his senior, thus here Ombric is a peer and close old friend from North's pre-guardian years, as well the one who taught him how use magic )

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1 year ago

Rise of the Guardians/ Guardians of Childhood mobile wallpaper.

Happy belated Anniversary, Rise of the Guardians movie.

Motifs of the Rise of the Guardians movie and the Guardians of Childhood book saga are set against a starry dark blue backdrop. Dreamsand decorate the top while frost decorate the bottom. A large G hovers above a pentagon, surrounded by small colored shapes (a red square, a yellow circle, a green triangle, a pink diamond, and a blue hexagon). Inside the pentagon are a glowing star, a pillow, an hourglass, a book, an Easter egg, a snowflake, a Christmas present, and a tooth. Outside the pentagon are a moon, a goose, a hummingbird, a globe, a saber, a flower, a spear, and a wizard hat.

Medium: IbisPaint X

The ratio is 16:9 , which fits most mobile phones.

Wallpaper also found on my Instagram.

[Image ID: Motifs of the Rise of the Guardians movie and the Guardians of Childhood book saga are set against a starry dark blue backdrop. Dreamsand decorate the top while frost decorate the bottom. A large G hovers above a pentagon, surrounded by small colored shapes (a red square, a yellow circle, a green triangle, a pink diamond, and a blue hexagon). Inside the pentagon are a glowing star, a pillow, an hourglass, a book, an Easter egg, a snowflake, a Christmas present, and a tooth. Outside the pentagon are a moon, a goose, a hummingbird, a globe, a saber, a flower, a spear, and a wizard hat.]

Timelapse video.

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3 years ago

In case you missed it, the teaser trailer for the Rise of the Guardians fan-animated series in our works can be found here and also on our YouTube and other platforms linked below!

It's been almost nine years since DreamWorks released Rise of the Guardians, and almost three since the last book of William Joyce's Guardians of Childhood series was published. With the lack of the film's sequel or TV series, and the ambiguity in which our beloved characters were left with in the conclusions of their stories, our artists for this studio have gathered from across the globe to help create an animated series of our own. We are in full understanding that we do not own Rotg or Goc, so all future donations/support will go specifically toward the growth of our studio and not the fan-project, but will still be highly appreciated. We wish to shed light back upon the magic of our childhood beliefs, revive the imaginative legends we once loved, and relive the beauty of the universe which these characters are from and expand upon both what the film and novels touched and what was left behind. Please do also spread the word. Things are happening and we'd love to have you with us. If you liked this animatic, keep up with us on our YouTube at Lumifox Productions, and check out our Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for more content at Lumifox_Productions as well! See you soon❄

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3 years ago

You're invited!

You're Invited!

Join us on Sunday, November 21st, from 3:00-8:00pm EST where we will be hosting an rotg drawpile livestream on our YouTube to celebrate nine years of rotg! Stop by and hang out with our team where we will be drawing, answering your questions about the pilot episode for the fan-animated series, and having fun! Plus, stay tuned for a surprise at the end❄

Mark your calenders and spread the word! We hope to see you there! Our YouTube can be found at Lumifox Productions or through this link:

Additionally, the rotg fan server on Discord, rotgisloverotgislife, will be hosting a stream of the film on Saturday, November 20th, at 3:00pm EST, so don't be shy to check that out using this link:

Thank you! And thank you to @lumin0usfox for putting this together!

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3 years ago
Thank You To Everyone Who Joined Us Yesterday For Our Drawpile Livestream On YouTube! We Hope You Had
Thank You To Everyone Who Joined Us Yesterday For Our Drawpile Livestream On YouTube! We Hope You Had
Thank You To Everyone Who Joined Us Yesterday For Our Drawpile Livestream On YouTube! We Hope You Had

Thank you to everyone who joined us yesterday for our drawpile livestream on YouTube! We hope you had fun seeing your drawing requests filled and having your questions answered! In case you missed, here's a recap of the artwork made by some of our team members. You can also re-watch the posted stream on our YouTube at Lumifox Productions or through the link in our bio at any time. Happy nine years to Rise of the Guardians!






@ DarklingQueen

@ thedoodlerofbooks

@ Sus


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3 years ago

Animatic: final scene of episode 1

If you joined us on our YouTube livestream on November 21st, this may look familiar. If not...surprise! We reveal to you a special animatic from the pilot episode of the fan-animated rotg series. Along with that, we are thrilled to also present you the title of the series, "Adventures of the Guardians"!

Big thanks to @lumin0usfox who brought life to this animatic joined by @sleepymothillustration who worked on the cleans, and @hezuart and @thesleeplessdream who worked on backgrounds.

Please enjoy the scene, and stay on the lookout for more on AOTG to come in the future!

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