lunarkitchenmoth - Your Forgotten God...
Your Forgotten God...

Terrance🦋 21 kitchen-green witch 🍀 Main: lilpeachcakes

629 posts

Rain Divination

Rain Divination

Rain divination🌧

Yes, I made this page ages ago, but there’s still a few pages I haven’t posted and I might as well post something rather than neglect my tumblr. But, I’ve always connected really well with the rain, so I decided to write some notes on rain divination, which is both really calming and insightful. Rain is one of the most soothing natural events in nature, and I love being inside when it rains. Outside is a different story, but inside I just love to watch the rain fall and listen to it hitting the window and coating the grass. It helps me fall asleep too!

Source: Rain Divination @orriculum on Tumblr, I’ve reblogged this post previously but I have no idea how to link it to the actual post I’m doing. Just so I’m crediting the previous creator. 🌊🌧

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More Posts from Lunarkitchenmoth

5 years ago

❄️✧・゚✨Winter witchy things to do✨*・°❄️

Winter is now approaching and its such a powerful time for weather magic, focusing on magic within the home and self reflection. Here’s some witchy winter things to do!

Collecting ❄️ Collect pine cones for protection and to make the house smell good! You can use pine cone ‘thorns’ for protection or use them to leave offerings to nature as bird feeders! All you need is peanut butter and seeds for birds to eat. 

❄️Winter water for winter magic! Snow water can correspond with patience, growth and purity. Blizzard water can be used for curses, banishing and concealing(since blizzards can bury things in snow). Icicle water for protection and defensive magic. Ice rain for petty hexes (think of uncomfortable falling debris constantly hitting you from the sky), or in a positive/neutral light- the accumulation of something. 

Snow and Ice Magic

❄️Snow Sentinels to protect the home! You can mold them to look like ordinary snowmen or shape a monster from the snow! I dunno I would much prefer having a dramatic snow troll emerging from the icy depths of my front lawn then a jolly looking fellow but if your neighbors will start asking questions I guess just go for the usual unsuspecting looking snow man. Use them to ward unwanted energy and guests! Build a snowman around a witch jar if you really want to add extra magic and power to your snow sentinel! 

❄️Make Ice lanterns especially if you celebrate Imbolc, Candlemas, Candle Day the Winter Crossquarter or (as Upthewitchypunx celebrates) Candlemark! It’s a beautiful and naturesque way to make your yard a glow in the dark times of winter. There are several ways to make it! (1, 2- preferred, 3, 4). Also it’s my Winter Crossquarter personal tradition to welcome the light back by putting out a new lantern every day after Yule and lighting it so that there is a new light. (often this accumulates up to 40 but it makes for a beautiful show). (Since I can only fit so many lanterns in my freezer and I don’t always have time to make more I usually end up making 10-15 and the rest are interior electric candles- just to give you some realistic obstacles to expect if you want to part take in that). 

❄️ You can also make Ice Capsules the similar way to making ice lanterns in a balloon or in a cup and sealing your spells in there to be disposed of in nature. Sometimes witches like to bury spells in jars but that might not be the best thing for nature especially if you want to do that for most of your spells. There are great alternatives to burying your spell like in a wrapped leaf or in light paper that can break down easily, but you can be extra creative and seal them in an ice ball to be tucked away under snow. 

❄️Cut out snowflakes for papercraft magic! You can write spells in them, or cut out symbols when they are folded up to make a kaleidoscopic piece. Envision something ideally something you’d want to last or stick around for. Cast this spell by dissolving it in snow water, freezing it in snow water and sticking it in the freezer or burying it in the snow outside.

❄️Charge your water safe crystals and tools in the snow! Gather some snow in a bowl and bring it to your altar to place your water-proof items within!

❄️If you work with the winter spirits make sweet ice offerings. Mix sugar water (heat it up first to get it well infused) and with an ice tray pour some in and maybe add some natural coloring or even small sliced fruit or berries to freeze! Pop the cubes out (bonus if you have cute ice trays like star shapes) and leave them out as offerings! You can also make stormsorceress’s snow fairy icecream to offer to nature outside as well!

❄️If you use Thawing Salt to for the ice on your property, you can bless it and also do magic to ward away negativity from around your home (since you usually have to spread it around your walkways) it makes for great wards to protect from icy roads and unpleasant energy!

❄️Frost Scrying can be done by divining the frost on icy windows! 

Self Care

❄️Winter is a time of self reflection, rest and hibernation. Don’t feel down if most of what you do this season is stay under the covers and sleep, it’s the season to slow down and relax. Do some self reflection, take time to meditate if you are trapped in doors. There are some really relaxing winter meditation sound tracks I love to listen to. 

❄️Winter is also the season of physical self care or else it will get the best of your skin and hair. I see winter as Spa season cause it’s the best time to go to a sauna house and also a season I focus the most on moisturization. Make body butters with coconut oil or shea butter (depending on how dry your skin gets), add warming massage oil in your magical mixtures to give your skin a nice sense of warmth as you apply your body butters to begin your day! I love to use sweet warm scents in my body lotions such as cinnamon (which is also warming), and nutmeg and fragrance oils such as sugar cookie, caramel and brown sugar. 

 ❄️ I like to use refreshing winter scents like peppermint and cedar oil in balms to apply on my chest when my nose is stuffy. Peppermint helps to clear up nasal passages. Make sure to mix only a little in cocobutter because it can be icy and uncomfortable if there is too much in the ratio. 

❄️Enchant your Chapstick with protection! If you want to have a lip-pain free season, then you will be making the most with your chapstick! Add glamour magic to it if you want to use your chapstick to be more heard while speaking, have more appealing lips, whatever you like. 

❄️Bless your clothing with protection. You can coat the dryer balls with cinnamon oil and also cedar for warmth (also cinnamon and cedar smells like a Christmas tree). You can use any oil that won’t stain clothing (most good essential oils won’t if it’s not directly on it) that you associate with warmth and protection to put on the dryer balls and it will help fluff out your sweaters, make them smell great and be an easy discreet way for glamour magic!


❄️Witches love to make spells with infused waters but you can do spells for teas since it’s basically hot infused water! Bless your thermos. Every morning make yourself a magical tea blend for your day before you leave for work or school. Peppermint for clarity, cleanliness; cinnamon spice for fiery energy, warmth, passion; black tea for alert energy, power; orange spice for zesty creativity; pomegranate for love and sensuality; nutmeg for attractiveness; ginger for protection and grounding etc. there’s many correspondences for these listed but also the majority of these help fight colds and lift the spirit so it’s good to drink. You can also use fresh fruit to add in the hot water and vitamin C packets if you need an extra boost!

❄️The Crockpot was basically made for this season! It’s so practical and is like a modern slowcooking cauldron. I will post again the list of fantastic crock pot recipes for fall and winter. 

❄️If you love lattes and making latte art I would highly suggest getting a Milk Wand! It’s a milk frother wand that can froth milk at a high speed (like a super highspeed whisk) and if you have the skill you can make latte sigils into your morning drink to give boost to your day. A fantastic idea queercraft​ posted is to steam Kava (and other herbs can work) into your milk to make morning latte. Its a great way to begin the day on a relaxed note. 

❄️ Herbal Remedies can be helpful if you catch a scratchy throat or stuffy nose and want to help alleviate the common cold. You can check out this short and sweet list by Recreational Witchcraft of common herbal remedies that are practical to use in this season!

Home Decorations

❄️Tree Decorations can be a great source of magic! If you celebrate Yule, Winter Solstice or Christmas and will get a tree make salt dough ornaments! You can make them very magical and add sigils for joy on them. You can also make spell bobbles for joy and peace! This video will show you how to craft a witch’s ball out of an empty tree ornament bobble for protection! 

❄️Make a pine besom for protection. Most will think it’s Christmas decoration. Add holy for longevity, mistletoe for love, and currants for prosperity!

❄️Make Potpourri to help freshen the home! The air in the home can get stale due to lack of circulation since it’s too cold to open windows. Also day to day cleansing with refreshing peppermint, eucalyptus or pine helps refresh the air!  

❄️ Oil candles can be a great way to create a spell but also help freshen the home without crafting a potpourri every time. They also make great gifts!

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5 years ago

Full moon dates for 2020 🌕

January 10th

February 9th

March 9th

April 8th

May 7th

June 5th

July 5th

August 3rd

September 2nd

October 1st

October 31st

November 30th

December 30th

5 years ago

Iridescent clouds, looking like a rainbow in the clouds.

A diffraction phenomenon caused by small water droplets or small ice crystals individually scattering light. Larger ice crystals do not produce iridescence, but can cause halos, a different phenomenon.

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5 years ago

The Worst Tarot Cards Give the Best Advice

Some find it confusing when a difficult card falls in the advice position. Death is not asking you to die. But the Five of Cups wishes you would cry.


Purge your soul of what no longer serves you. It will only be more painful if you wait for life to force you.

Three of Swords

Acknowledge your pain. The wound will fester if you keep denying its presence. Healing begins only with acceptance.

The Devil

Dive into it with all your might. Do not go gentle into that good night. It will all be worth the fall.

Five of Cups

Cry till the tears run dry. Till the darkness has gone, leaving only the light. Then turn around for a wondrous sight.

Two of Swords

You will never be completely certain. No one is in life. All you can do is follow your heart. It will lead you to what is right.

Five of Wands

There is a time for peace. But it is not today. You have to fight for your beliefs. Let nothing stand in your way.

Seven of Swords

Leave your morals at the door. This is no place for principles. What matters is survival. Time to think like a criminal.

Ten of Wands

You are walking through fire, and the pain is unbearable. But give it one more minute. The hurt will all be worth it.

Eight of Swords

You look at yourself and see a prisoner. And yet the ropes are loose and the lock is open. Stop acting the victim.

Five of Swords

So you lost. Cry for a while. Then dry your eyes and try again tomorrow. No need to drown in sorrow.

Nine of Swords

Turn your fear into fuel. Do not sit there waiting for destruction. Fight with all your might to escape annihilation.

Five of Pentacles

If you bother to look up, you will notice a shelter. Enough with the self-pity. Time to outsmart the weather.

Nine of Wands

As things stand, it is not safe for you to love. This is not the time to fall. Protect your heart, and build a wall.

Ten of Swords

Some pains demand to be felt. So feel them. Give them their deserved recognition. Then banish them to oblivion.

The Tower

Let it end. Watch calmly as it comes crashing down. You have to eradicate the old before you can build a new town.

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5 years ago

❄️ Winter will bring solace.

🌟 Winter will bring health.

🎄 Winter will bring comfort.

🎁 Winter will bring wealth.

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