18+l she/her l Fairy Tail/One Piece/ Star Wars Fangirl l Hi :)
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Gajeel x Levy Kids

Gale Redfox
He is 17 years old and the older twin
His guild mark is Red and is on his left shoulder
He has Levy’s hair but Gajeel’s eyes
He is a Script Mage; he is teammates with Reiki Scarlet and Nashi Dragneel
He does not have a current crush
His likes include Reading, Swimming, and Eating( His apatite is often compared to that of a dragon slayers)
His dislikes include Crowds and Meat
His Weaknesses/ Fears is lighting ( not thunder just lightning)
He is very gruff and determined like his father. But he has his mother’s brain ( though maybe not her impulse control). In his pursuit of knowledge he has been known to jump head first into things to to get on with it. His common sense is constantly at war with his curiosity and impatients.
He is a Vegetarian which scandalizes all Dragon Slayers ( as Dragons are known as mostly carnivorous beings)
He briefly dated Nashi Dragneel but they didn't click romantically but are still best friends
He knows about Greige Fullbuster very obvious crush on him but he has yet to prove to Gale its not a passing thing, as Greige is a known player
He is Demi-Romantic Bisexual
Metalicana “Mei” Redfox
She is 17 years old and the younger of the twins
Her guild mark is Reddish Orange and is located right shoulder blade
She has Blue Hair with a Black strand down the middle and at the tips. Her eyes are Red
She is a Iron Dragon Slayer (4th Gen, taught by a first Gen Dragon Slayer); her teammate is Rosemary Scarlet
Her current crush is Urel Vastia
Her likes include Metals, Jewels (collecting them), and Singing
Her dislikes include Mushy Stuff and Formal Stuff
Her Weaknesses/ Fears is Not Cherishing Life
She is like Levy where everything she does oozes the passion she has for life. She is very kind and outgoing. But she is vicious in Battle. She loves teasing/taunting people (its how she gazes people’s personalities)
Unlike her father her singing voice is very angelic she occasionally has singing gigs at random bars in Magnolia. She has a mutual flirtation with Urel Vastia that looks to be blossoming into deeper feelings
She enjoys gardening with her sister, Emma
She is Straight
Her Exceed Partner is Eliza
Emma Redfox
She is 15 years old
Her guild mark is Dark Green and is her left shoulder
She has dark blue almost blackish hair and hazel eyes
She is a Earth Dragon Slayer (1st Gen, Their is a whole new generation of new first gen dragon slayers which I will explain in a later post); her teammates and Luna Dragneel and Jewel Justine
Her current crush is Kai Dreyer
Her likes include Gossing, Metal ( Tinkering), Languages, and Flowers
Her dislike is Chocolate
Her Weaknesses/ Fears is Being Underestimated
She is Levy but less Book Obsessed. She is Kind but with a spark of temper. She is normally a bit quiet (not shy) but once she is comfy she can get real chatty. Her whole friendship with Luna began over shared gossip. She is quite powerful and skilled in battle. She regularly trains with her father (and Gajeel doesn't believe in holding back in the pursuit of Strength) though to outsiders she doesn't look all that strong. She hates being underestimated
Because Emma was older when she was trained by her Dragon Teravi of the Iron Mountains her “dragon instincts” are a lot stronger than the other 1st Gen Slayers of her Generation. Her instincts tell her Kai is her mate even though she is not yet 17 ( The dragon’s age of maturity), so she is not completely sure. She hides her feelings for him well and the only ones who know are Luna Dragneel, Jewel Justine, Dawn Dragneel, and Laxus Dreyer ( He is a lot more observant than people give him credit for).
She knows it would be weird for him to find out about her feelings currently cause of their age gap. So to grow into herself without the feelings for him being in her mind she goes on a self discovery/ training journey for 2 years and returns around her 18th birthday. Though she is in constant contact with her family and close friends through lacrima.
She is Straight
Her Exceed Partner is Das
Gray x Juvia Kids

Greige Fullbuster
He is 17 years old, older than his twin sister Meredith
His guild mark is White and is on the left side of his chest
His hair is naturally blue like his mother but it is dyed a icy blue. He has grey eyes
He is a Ice Mage; He is teammates with Igneel Dragneel, Bella Strauss, and Willow Strauss
His current crush is Gale Redfox
His likes include Men, Art (Painting/Drawing), and Fighting
His Dislikes include Clothes, Trixie ( Not really, more like a sibling rivalry), and Spicy Foods
His Weaknesses/ Fears is Being Helpless
Personality wise he is a blend of Juvia and Gray. He isn’t afraid to show his emotion but its in a very cool manor. He is also a bit of a player but he knows were his endgame lies. He is very flirty but none of works on the only person he wants it too. He is just like a less stalkerish version of Juvia when it comes to his feelings for Gale.
He trains regularly with Nashi hoping to be nominated for S-Class
When fighting he is not a chatty person. He deals with the problem quick and efficiently. A interesting fact is that he can use his feet to freeze things though it is considerably more out of control than when he uses his hands.
He is Gay
Meredith Fullbuster
She is 17 years old and is Greige's younger twin sister
Her guild mark is dark blue and is located on her right collarbone
Her hair is Black and has grey eyes
She is a Ice Demon Slayer bit has Ice Magic to fall back on as well; her teammate is Clarissa Dreyer
Her Current Crush is Rosemary Scarlet
Her likes include Modeling, Cleaning, and Spicy Foods
Her dislikes include Overconfident People and Sexism
Her Weaknesses/ Fears is Being Forgotten
She is like Juvia pre-fairy tail. She is quiet, harsh, and blunt. The younger kids of fairy tail like to tease her (friendly teasing not maliciously) because she is so awkward/shy . She is also extremely protective of her family (and guild members). She is very stuttery when feelings (romantic or otherwise) are involved. She gets jealous like her mother but she doesn’t really have the self-confidence to act as Juvia did in the name of love. She is also a little self deprecating.
However she a a wicked temper like its super super rare but once its lite she forgets about all shyness and completely destroys whatever/whoever set off her temper
She is a demisexual lesbian
Bird is her Exceed Partner
Rin Fullbuster
He is 16 years old
His guild mark is black and is on his right shoulder
His hair is Black and his eyes are Blue
He is a Water Mage; his teammate is Alfred Strauss
His current crush is Luna Dragneel (which Nashi is distraught about)
His likes include Parties, Teasing, and Brawls
His dislikes include Igneel, and Sticky Foods
His Weaknesses/ Fears is Bugs
He is very much like Gray were he is very calm and cool if a bit cold. He is a flirt but not a player. When he is not prodding Igneel he is trying to catch Luna’s attention. Unlike his Older Brother he is very bantery in Battle and tries everything he can do to rile his opponent. He also ends up flirting with many of his opponents.
He has a little bit of anger issues but instead of fiery rage you get rigged cold and sharp words meant to cut deep.
He is a Bisexual but leans heavily towards females
Storm Fullbuster
He is 7 years old
His guild mark Gold and is on his left hand
His hair is black and he has Grey eyes
He is a Water Dragon Slayer (1st Gen, Their is a whole new generation of new first gen dragon slayers which I will explain in a later post); his teammates are Layla, Bobbi, Daniel, and Reid
His current crush is Layla Dragneel
His likes include Reading, Cooking, and Singing
His dislikes include Vanity and Dogs
His Weaknesses/ Fears is losing his familly
He is very cold and blunt like Meredith but he is not awkward. He is a expert at Reading signs and body language. He is probably the most suave person out of his family. He has a silver tongue and gets away with many things he probably shouldn’t
Even at such a young age he is a expert tracker. If anything or anyone is lost he can find it/them. He only shows his Juvia side (what the Fullbuster kids call their more vulnerable side) to people he trust explicitly. He is a pessimist who sees things going the worst way possible and is always mildly surprised when it goes slightly better than planned.
Layla is the only one who he shares his hopes with
His Dragon was Priliv of the Northern Tides
He is Straight
Silvia is his Exceed Partner
Natsu x Lucy Kids

Nashi Dragneel
She is 17 years old, older than her twin brother Igneel (or Iggy)
Her guild mark is maroon and is on her left thigh
She has Natsu’s hair color but Lucy’s eyes
She is a Fire Dragon Slayer ( 4th Gen, taught by a first Gen Dragon Slayer); She is teammates with Reiki Scarlet and Gale Redfox
Her crush is Rin Fullbuster
Her likes include Reading, Dancing, and Fighting
Her Dislikes include Cowards, Cold Foods, and Being Alone
Her Weaknesses/ Fears is not being good enough (for her family, for her guild)
Personality wise she is a perfect mix of Natsu and Lucy. She is normally very calm and kind. Her group is more of a Academic group but she is a power house like Natsu. She is very excitable and loves being around people. But she has a vicious temper like her parents, willing to go to extreme lengths to protect the people she cares for.
She has been nominated for S-Class once before but she lost to Sky Justine but she doesn't hold a grudge she is only motivated to work harder.
Outside of fighting threats to her guild her true temper is very difficult to draw out. The only person who can do it without thought is Yuri Dreyer.
She dated Gale Redfox for a brief bit but they both agreed they were better as friends.
She is straight
Her Exceed Partner is Aihandra
Igneel Dragneel
He is 17 years old the younger of the Dragneel twins
His Guild mark is light blue and on the side of his neck
He has Lucy’s hair color but Natsu’s Eyes
He is a Celestial Mage; his teammates are Greige Fullbuster, Bella Strauss, and Willow Strauss
His current Crush is Queeny
His likes include Milkshakes, Meditating, and Runs
His dislikes include Warm weather (he hates taking off his warm jacket), and toxic masculinity (he does regular spa days with his mother and sisters)
His Weaknesses/ Fears is closed spaces
Personality wise he is definitely Lucy. He has spark, in regards to both temper and work ethic. He is stubborn and will see anything through. He is extremely charming and charismatic, he knows how to play a scene. He is more like Natsu in the sense that people have to earn his respect for him to show his loyalty. (His spirits and him are both extremely loyal to each other)
Doesn’t really have a interest in becoming S-Class he is very content in life.
Almost everyone calls him Iggy
He isn’t really a flirt but he is not bumbling in the romance department, except when Queeny is involved then he turns into a fool (albeit a adorable one)
He is Bisexual
Luna Dragneel
She is 15 years old
Her guild mark is lavender and is on her left hip
She has Natsu’s Hair and eyes
She is a Fire God Slayer; her teammates are Emma Redfox and Jewel Justine
She doesn’t have a crush currently (but that doesn't mean she doesn't fangirl over the many people of the guild (world))
Likes include Gossip, Food (eating in a lady like manner unlike her father), and naps
Dislikes include Fighting and Liars
Her Weaknesses/ Fears is Being left behind ( in power level, in friendships etc..)
Personality is extremely extroverted very similar to Nashi. But an interesting fact about her is that because of her fangirl tendencies she knows the strengths and weaknesses about nearly everyone. Very much like Jason who she assists sometimes. She is unafraid to get close and personal to people and/or events dangers or not. Like Lucy her thirst for knowledge is great. She is admired for both beauty and adorableness but she is completely obvious to things like that.
She is a extremely competent and powerful fighter not that many outside the guild knows that. She doesn't like fighting but she refuses to be unable to protect her family. She is also herald as a powerful tactician only losing slightly to Mavis
She helps Mirajane at the Bar occasionally.
The reason she became a God Slayer was because when she was 7 years old the guild was attacked by a Man that could only be taken out by God Slayer Magic ( Luckily her Aunt Chelia was visiting that day). But it scared her how much she could not do anything in that situation even if she had regular magic. So she resolved to learn God Magic, Fire too because she already had a affinity for it. Her father trained her vaguely in Fire God Slayer Magic because of his past with Zancrow but he didn't know the finesse of it. So she didn’t get a power boost till her Aunt Levy found her old texts of Fire God Slaying Magic when she was 9.
She is Pansexual
Her Exceed Partner is Gem
Layla Dragneel
She is 7 years old, and the youngest of the Dragneel Clan
Her guild mark is Gold and is on her back
She has Lucy’s eyes with pink hair and yellow strands at the the ends of it
She is a Sun Dragon Slayer (1st Gen, Their is a whole new generation of new first gen dragon slayers which I will explain in a later post), her teammates are Storm Fullbuster, Bobbi Strauss, Daniel Conbolt, and Reid Connell
She doesn't have a current crush but she would consider Storm the only true candidate thus far
She likes Games, Music, and Food (she eats like Natsu)
Dislikes Sitting Still and Fish (Her and Happy have a rivalry about this particular subject)
Her Weaknesses/ Fears is Thunderstorms
She is very quiet and very blunt. She is extremally smart for her age and is not afraid to roast people off of her observations (Storm finds this hilarious). She has a harder time making friends outside the guild unlike her family because she is kinda shy which she hides behind her bluntness. She loves listening to Levy rant about Magical theory and finds it very fascinating.
When she was younger she was a extremely sick child with low energy. Many thought she wouldn't live past the age of 10. Her learning Dragon Slayer magic saved her life.
Her Dragon was Helia Dragon of the Blazing Sun. She thinks of Cedric Cheney as a Brother cause their Dragons taught them together cause the two Dragons were Mates.
She is Straight
Her Exceed Partner is Oracle