Gajeel X Levy - Tumblr Posts
Fairy Tail 100YQ has been such a treat for the shippers, it’s all I could have hoped for. Seriously, so far we have
• Erza asking Jellal to join the guild to be closer to her, and him saying he has overlapped with her.
• Gajeel and Levy are officially together, and Levy is pregnant.
• Gray has admitted his feelings for Juvia, and has started showing affection towards her. Also she is his ‘power to live’. I almost died from happiness at that.
•Natsu and Lucy… we got a back hug…? There hasn’t been a lot happening there, but it’s to be expected. Them dating is practically a formality now.
You know, the Aldoron arc really was that arc for the shippers.
First, we get confirmation that Levy and Gajeel are going to have a kid. When seeing the Phantom Lord arc, could you ever imagine that eh would end up falling in love with the girl he crucified? I can’t wait to meet their kid.
Jellal finally let go of his past and now his “gears” (thoughts) are overlapped with Erzas. He even told her that because of her he could love people freely now. Again, such a huge step from the Tower of Heaven.
Gray and Juvia left my heart bleeding in a ditch somewhere. Their interactions are SO CUTE. It starts with her missing him so she went and sought him out. Then he says she’s his power to live. Power. To. Live. If my future partner doesn’t tell me something like that it isn’t worth it. Think about it. These two lived together for 6 months, are a useful tag team, can pull off Unison Raids (historically difficult to do, and has only been pulled off 3-4 times), and in an act of desperation, tried to kill themselves to save the other. Gray said he wanted to protect her, and he finally did. I almost can’t wait for the quest to end so we can see more of these two together. Also, just look at this panel.

For Nalu, we are fed crumbs. Lucy mentions that Natsu isn’t really interested in romance, and we catch a few panels of her being concerned for him. And that one iconic chapter cover of her crying in his lap. This one:

But otherwise, crumbs.
Anyways I absolutely love this arc, it’s just so fun and Wraiths story is so sad.

Everyone needs a good dose of Gajevy every once and a while (it’s practically the only canon ship)
Gajeel: What are you doing? Levy: I’m hugging you dummy Gajeel: oh

Ponytail and glasses Levy!!! Eeeeekk! Levy’s mad at Gajeel, Gajeel’s a dork when it comes to his nerd girl (PS, he’s hiding a nose bleed, shhh)

Gajeel's about to get kicked down low gihi
Some pure gajevy art to cleanse the soul! I felt like making some art of these two cuties! Also a reminder: THEY'RE HELLA CANON!!
It is also canon that Gajeel thinks shrimp's Levy's smallness is adorable and brings it up at every possible interval. This is starting to test Levy's patience. Also I used a body ref because I cheat ;P
Gajeel x Levy Kids

Gale Redfox
He is 17 years old and the older twin
His guild mark is Red and is on his left shoulder
He has Levy’s hair but Gajeel’s eyes
He is a Script Mage; he is teammates with Reiki Scarlet and Nashi Dragneel
He does not have a current crush
His likes include Reading, Swimming, and Eating( His apatite is often compared to that of a dragon slayers)
His dislikes include Crowds and Meat
His Weaknesses/ Fears is lighting ( not thunder just lightning)
He is very gruff and determined like his father. But he has his mother’s brain ( though maybe not her impulse control). In his pursuit of knowledge he has been known to jump head first into things to to get on with it. His common sense is constantly at war with his curiosity and impatients.
He is a Vegetarian which scandalizes all Dragon Slayers ( as Dragons are known as mostly carnivorous beings)
He briefly dated Nashi Dragneel but they didn't click romantically but are still best friends
He knows about Greige Fullbuster very obvious crush on him but he has yet to prove to Gale its not a passing thing, as Greige is a known player
He is Demi-Romantic Bisexual
Metalicana “Mei” Redfox
She is 17 years old and the younger of the twins
Her guild mark is Reddish Orange and is located right shoulder blade
She has Blue Hair with a Black strand down the middle and at the tips. Her eyes are Red
She is a Iron Dragon Slayer (4th Gen, taught by a first Gen Dragon Slayer); her teammate is Rosemary Scarlet
Her current crush is Urel Vastia
Her likes include Metals, Jewels (collecting them), and Singing
Her dislikes include Mushy Stuff and Formal Stuff
Her Weaknesses/ Fears is Not Cherishing Life
She is like Levy where everything she does oozes the passion she has for life. She is very kind and outgoing. But she is vicious in Battle. She loves teasing/taunting people (its how she gazes people’s personalities)
Unlike her father her singing voice is very angelic she occasionally has singing gigs at random bars in Magnolia. She has a mutual flirtation with Urel Vastia that looks to be blossoming into deeper feelings
She enjoys gardening with her sister, Emma
She is Straight
Her Exceed Partner is Eliza
Emma Redfox
She is 15 years old
Her guild mark is Dark Green and is her left shoulder
She has dark blue almost blackish hair and hazel eyes
She is a Earth Dragon Slayer (1st Gen, Their is a whole new generation of new first gen dragon slayers which I will explain in a later post); her teammates and Luna Dragneel and Jewel Justine
Her current crush is Kai Dreyer
Her likes include Gossing, Metal ( Tinkering), Languages, and Flowers
Her dislike is Chocolate
Her Weaknesses/ Fears is Being Underestimated
She is Levy but less Book Obsessed. She is Kind but with a spark of temper. She is normally a bit quiet (not shy) but once she is comfy she can get real chatty. Her whole friendship with Luna began over shared gossip. She is quite powerful and skilled in battle. She regularly trains with her father (and Gajeel doesn't believe in holding back in the pursuit of Strength) though to outsiders she doesn't look all that strong. She hates being underestimated
Because Emma was older when she was trained by her Dragon Teravi of the Iron Mountains her “dragon instincts” are a lot stronger than the other 1st Gen Slayers of her Generation. Her instincts tell her Kai is her mate even though she is not yet 17 ( The dragon’s age of maturity), so she is not completely sure. She hides her feelings for him well and the only ones who know are Luna Dragneel, Jewel Justine, Dawn Dragneel, and Laxus Dreyer ( He is a lot more observant than people give him credit for).
She knows it would be weird for him to find out about her feelings currently cause of their age gap. So to grow into herself without the feelings for him being in her mind she goes on a self discovery/ training journey for 2 years and returns around her 18th birthday. Though she is in constant contact with her family and close friends through lacrima.
She is Straight
Her Exceed Partner is Das

So, what if Levy was a yandere…
it's just wild that the iron head is the first to even ADMIT he was in love and cared about a girl LIKE OMG NOVODY TALKS ABOUT HIS CONFESSION SCEN THAT WAS INSANSE IT ALWAYS MAKE ME WEEP AND SCREAM AND KICK MY FEET LIKE DAMMMNNB he knew he bagged a baddie and had to get serious EFFFECTIVE IMMEDIATKY

GaLe 😍 My favorite couple from Fairy Tail (●´∀`●)💜