Welcome to my world. I go by a lot of names: Mediocris, Liz, Ely, Nelle... but you can call me Moon or Moonflower. Here, I will publish my works and my art. I like a lot of fandoms so I go from Elden Ring to Fate franchise, but here you will mostly find Fate and Gawain content (for I am a simp for himbos). I have NSFW content, stay at your risk!
183 posts
A Friend Told Me That Percival And Olivine Look Alike And-
A friend told me that Percival and Olivine look alike and-

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More Posts from Lupusfloslunae
This is so cool

i really like stickers but at the same time i don’t because once you stick them somewhere that’s it, it’s finished, and i’m just not emotionally stable enough for that responsibility
We need to talk more about this.
I think we as a fandom talk way to less about this being official

Me, September 16th, 2021: Nah, I don't like Fate that much. I play Grand Order because the game is fun!
*Camelot Movie blu-ray get released*
*There is various characters in the banners*
Meh, I have Sigfried np3 and Artoria, I don't need another Saber. But there is Leonardo Da Vinci! I could try for her.
*rolls and gets Bedivere*
Ah. He seems to be the protagonist, well he is 3 star, I will keep him there.
*goes doing mission so can get more quartz. Tries out Gawain as support*
nice buster.
*pulls for Gawain. Get Medusa Lancer on last day of banner.*
*grows obsessed with Gawain and the round table*
*has Bedivere lv70 with np3*
*has Lancelot Berserker lv80 np5*
*still hopes every gold Archer is Tristan but it's just Atalanta and Emiya*
*hopes to find Saber Lancelot*
*hopes to find Percival but still not farming nor saving for him*
*wants to Grail Gawain and has material for enhancing his skill at 9 and doesn't use them on other Servants*
*throw 900 quartz in Castoria banner. No Castoria, no Rounds, just 5★ CEs*
Welcome to my gatcha hell.
Bro- i want to say something.

These are the KOtRT in FGO after the singularity... And this isn't correct either xD
Please, condiser reading the characters and looking up/play their interludes and listen to their interactions. It's very important! And ignore the events in FGO, they stereotype these amazing characters a bit too much at times xD
Once again wishing that people would look at the knights of the round table beyond the camelot singularity instead of writing them off because they didn't like them there