lushloops - Spirals all the way down
Spirals all the way down

Focus your gaze. Slow your breathing. Quiet your thoughts.18+ OnlyMale - 30s

77 posts

Lushloops - Spirals All The Way Down - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

This is a really silly question but, where do you get all these pretty spirals from? Like, do you make them yourself? Is there a program for it? Is it from a giant spiral hoard collected from every corner on the internet?

I don't think it's a silly question. In answer, Everything on my Tumblr page is made by me. The earlier stuff was made using Android apps like Mirror Lab, and Alight Motion. But the more recent stuff (anything with the LushLoops watermark) was created using Blender. With the post-processing and colour adjustments done in Davinci Resolve.

This Is A Really Silly Question But, Where Do You Get All These Pretty Spirals From? Like, Do You Make

And when it's all finished. I'll convert the MP4 into a GIF using

1 year ago

Everyone should follow @hypnodelica here! He came to tumblr a little while ago, but I think he could use some encouragement to use it more! He did another gif with yours truly in it, and I can't get over how good it is! I completely forgot I sent him that clip, hehe. 🤭

(Also find this and more on his twitter in the source link!)

Tags :
1 year ago

Could I use one of your gifs as a background for my mobile theme here on Tumblr if I credit you?

Hey. Very late answer I know. But I love seeing my GIFs being used as people's backgrounds and avatars. So if you see any image you like on my blog, go right ahead and use it.

1 year ago
2 years ago
2 years ago