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3 years ago
100 Ways To Incorporate Magick In Your Daily Life.

100 ways to incorporate magick in your daily life. 

I understand that these are not exactly all witchy but this is about intergreting your everyday life in your practice and appreciating as well as finding magick in the most mundane and simple things that we often miss out on. ♡

1. When you wake up, before grabbing your phone or getting out of bed, take a few seconds to breathe, and stretch all your limbs.

2. Say ‘’thank you’’ to your god/goddess/deity, or simply to acknowledge how lucky you are to live another day.

3. Open the window regardless of the weather and take a big breath of fresh air. This will not only cleanse the room but also your body. 

4. If it’s raining outside or snowing, take a minute to admire the beauty of it. 

5. Pick wildflowers (please don’t pick any endangered flowers or toxic ones, do your research).

6. Dry said wildflowers and put them in your Book of Shadows or any book or journal you are using.

7. Go for a walk in nature during the day and during the night as well. 

8. Sunbathe.

9. Moonbathe.

10. Light lots of candles.

11. If your room needs a cleaning, try to make your own household products naturally using your favorite scents and clean your room with them. 

12. Change your bed sheets and pillowcases.

13. If you have a clothing line, hang your clothes, blankets, sheets, comforters, pillowcases, underwear outside. Visualize the wind cleansing them. 

14. Grow your own favorite herbs. 

15. Buy a succulent. 

16. Dry your herbs and save them for bath magick, spells, teas or rituals. 

17. Sweep the floor and visualize yourself sweeping off all negativity out of the room. 

18. Sprinkle sea salt over areas that you feel have a negative energy to purify them.

19. Make your own purifying/cleansing spray. 

20. Take a hot, soothing bath. I am a sea witch so I find this particularly helpful when I miss the ocean/the beach. (Don’t forget to add herbs, essential oils, sea salt, flowers, crystals, or anything that has magickal properties for a magickal bath)

21. Sip a cup of your favorite herbal tea.

22. For kitchen witches, try brewing your own tea, and cooking meals with intention and magickal ingredients.

23. Make charm bags. 

24. Water your herb garden by hand. 

25. Show the people you love that you love them.

26. Show some love to your pets and spend a few extra minutes with them. 

27. Light up your favorite incense.

28. Keep a small bag of your favorite herb (for example: lavender) in a drawer, so when you feel stressed, just pop the bag open for a deep breath of calming aromatherapy. 

29. When you take a shower, visualize the water neutralizing your energy and washing off all the bad stuff. 

30. Bless your morning coffee or tea.

31. Keep a daily journal, whether it’s a Book of Shadows, a daily planner/organizer or a dream journal. 

32. If you wanna be low-key and discrete about your craft, draw small sigils all over everything. Your school notebooks, pencil cases, journals, shoes, etc. 

33. Read lots of books about magick and form your own opinion/path/views/beliefs.

34. If you read fictional stories, allow yourself to get lost in them and let your mind wander and escape. 

35. Put on your favorite clothes, makeup, shoes, or whatever little thing that makes you feel fabulous, even if you’re staying in. 

36. Be proud of your body.

37. Practice self-care.

38. Take time to unplug and spend time with yourself. (that includes smartphones, iPads, laptops, tablets, desktops, and all electronics/little gadgets we lug around on a daily basis.)

39. Go to the beach

40. Go to the forest.

41. Go to the desert. 

42. Go to the mountains. 

43. If it’s warm outside, make a bonfire and admire the flames. If it’s winter and you have a fireplace, light it up. 

44. Go somewhere you’ve never visited before. 

45. Go camping if you can, by yourself or with friends. 

46. Stargaze.

47. Breathe.

48. Dance.

49. Dance in the rain.

50. Sing.

51. Go outside in a snowstorm (but don’t drive and most importantly know if it’s safe or not. Be careful.)

52. Plant a vegetable garden, even if it’s just a pot of tomatoes. 

53. Walk barefoot and feel the earth under your feet.

54. Pull weeds.

55. Adopt an animal from the shelter.

56. Practice yoga.

57. Eat healthy, but if you wanna eat that last piece of cake, do it. Life is short.

58. Exercise.

59. Start a new hobby.

60. Mix your own perfume.

61.Make your own candle.

62. Make your own essential oil.

63. Make your own soap. 

64. Lay down and listen to your favorite music. (Mine is video game music, it’s just soothing for me.

65. Take a day just for you without answering the phone.

66. Pick dandelions and make a wish.

67. Carry crystals/stones with your in your pocket. 

68. Learn how to do tarot readings.

69. Collect rain, sun, snow water.

70. Plant lavender or rosemary for protection and luck. 

71. Bless your kitchen utensils, such as spatulas and wooden spoons, that all the food you make with them will promote healing and love. 

72. Charge your crystals under the full moon. 

73. Have tantric sex with a loving partner. 

74. Carve sigils into the sand at the beach and let the tides release them into the universe.

75. Re-arrange your altar. 

76. Keep track of your sleep and menstrual cycles and moods to see how the moon phases affect you.

77. Be open minded to the retrogrades.

78. Go outside on any phase of the moon and take in all its beauty. 

79. Keep your pendulum with you as a necklace so you’re always ready to do a little scrying. 

80. Burn sage or cedar first thing in the morning to start your day off fresh.

81. Look for constellations and learn them. 

82. Paint sigils on your mailbox.

83. Hang wood chimes, or a silver bell on your front door knob for luck.

84. Tuck a sprig of lavender under your pillow before bed to promote peaceful sleep. 

85. Watch a meteor shower with someone you care about.

86. Buy new candles. 

87. Water your plants in your garden counterclockwise to banish negativity from the space.

88. Paint your nails a color associated with the intention of your spell or ritual before you begin so that your hands become your wand. 

89. Plant red geraniums by your front door as this is a traditional sign of witches.

90. Bless more than water and crystals on the night of the full moon: set out your essential oils, nail polish, or a special bottle of champagne too. 

91. Dry your vegetables or plants and incorporate them into a charm bag. 

92. Wash your windows with moon water for extra clarity.

93. Use sun water when you brew tea for a magickal experience. 

94. Stir sugar into your tea or coffee with intention, willing sweetness into your day and life. 

95. Draw sigils or write a brief protection spell on the inside of your dog or cat’s collar.

96. Soak in a milk bath (or just soak your fingers in a bowl of warm milk) on the full moon to embrace the feminine energy. Plus you’ll come away with silky, soft skin. 

97.Hang up palmistry and astrology charts in your home for easy reference and pretty, witchy decor. 

98. Line your windowsills with protective crystals. 

99. Make censing sticks for the seasons, using chamomile buds for spring, lavender for summer, sage for fall and pine for winter. 

100. Just be you and love yourself. Don’t forget you are made of stardust. You are magickal and amazing.

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2 years ago
Oh Yeah, I Forgot To Mention: I Got A(n Angel) Tarot Deck, So I'll Be Doing Tarot Readings Besides My
Oh Yeah, I Forgot To Mention: I Got A(n Angel) Tarot Deck, So I'll Be Doing Tarot Readings Besides My
Oh Yeah, I Forgot To Mention: I Got A(n Angel) Tarot Deck, So I'll Be Doing Tarot Readings Besides My

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: i got a(n angel) tarot deck, so i'll be doing tarot readings besides my usual pendulum and rune readings (otherkin stuff only! I won't be doing any readings on relationships or otherwise non-kin stuff, sorry)

Please keep in mind that i'm in no way a professional! No one can tell what you are but yourself, these are just to help you in this path a bit

Please drop an ask if you're interested!

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2 years ago

How to Work & Calibrate Your Pendulum

How To Work & Calibrate Your Pendulum

This is by no means an official guide. If anything this is just a way of letting you all know how I go about using my pendulum. I’m going to talk about calibration/establishing how I worked out what-means-what before I go into any methodology (I gathered my information from myriad sources and will list them if I can remember what/where they are).

Calibration/Figuring Out What Your Pendulum is Telling You:

Alright, so you might have a totally different way of doing this, but here’s mine! Firstly, you need a pendulum. This may be obvious, but I’m just putting it out there. A pendulum can be any weighted object that is suspended from a chain or string or some kind. You’ll find that lots of people use crystals for pendulums as they work particularly well. I did not with my first pendulum (tragic side story: my Mama accidentally threw my guide sheet and pendulum away when cleaning - absolutely devastating).  That being said, you do not have to use a crystal. As I mentioned, my first pendulum was in fact a small silver pendant that held a white and black pearl inside. It was hung on a slim silver chain that was 7″ in length. An effective pendulum should be something that is connected to you and only you as it will be imbued with your energies. Take care - do not allow others to handle your pendulum as it may alter the energies and therefore the accuracy and effectiveness of your tool.

Onto the actual subject of this post (I digress often, as you’ve probably noticed). “But, Rowan how do I even get started!?” I hear you cry. Well, my darlings, this is how I did it:

First things first, you’ll need a piece of paper, a pen, and a ruler (if you like your lines straight) and of course, your pendulum. On the piece of paper, draw a circle as best as you can. It doesn’t have to be perfect but you can draw around a cup or mug if you like to get a nice round circle. Make sure the circle is big enough; I would recommend something akin to the size of the palm of your hand or bigger. 

Next, use a ruler to find the centre of your circle and mark it with a dot. Now draw a line horizontally through the dot. Do this vertically and diagonally so that you have a diagram like the one below. 


Once you’ve done this, sit down and breathe in and out deeply and calmly. It is time to prepare yourself for divining.  Before every use of the pendulum, it is imperative (for me!) to be in a calm and serene state and to do this, I sit comfortably and close my eyes. I envision an aura of protective white light surrounding my body. Starting from my toes I let it envelope me and bathe me in warmth and spiritual energy. I visualize it travelling up through the crown chakra and into the third eye. This increases psychic and spiritual power.

The next thing you must do is a little strange sounding but important in this sort of work. You must tap a small circle counter-clockwise (the opposite direction in which a clock moves) around your thymus with your index finger (your thymus is just over an inch below the hollow between your collar bones on your chest). Doing this helps balance the energies within you.

This next part you will only have to do once, unless like me you lose your guide papers in an unfortunate cleaning mishap:

Now you need to establish the directions and what they mean. For example, which swing means yes? Which means no? Who knows? You will, in a minute. Sit with the soles of your feet planted firmly on the ground and place the paper between your legs/feet and take the chain/thong/rope between your thumb and finger, or two fingers; have a loose but secure grip. Let the pendulum hang and make sure the point of it is above the centre of your circle - this is why the dot in the centre helps because it’s a larger focal point. 

To find your directions, you have to ask! Simple! Say aloud: “Show me the ‘yes’ signal/sign”, and take note of the direction of the pendulum’s movement. Does it move clockwise? Counter clockwise? Swing side-to-side? Diagonally? Up and down?  If the pendulum does not move, repeat your question. If, after say 5-10 minutes it shows no intention of going anywhere, move onto your next enquiry. Once you have identified your signal, claim it and confirm it by saying something along the lines of, “this is my signal for yes”.

Repeat this exact process for ‘no’, and then, ‘do not know’, ‘ask later’, ‘cannot say’ and ‘maybe’ or ‘sort of’. 

To further confirm that these are correct, test the pendulum by using statements that you know the answer to, for example, ‘my hair colour is ______’, or ‘my name is ______’. If your signals are right, the pendulum’s response will be yes or no depending on the statement you have made.

Once you are sure that you have calibrated your pendulum, make a note on your piece of paper regarding the directional signals. Note their meanings down. 

Once this is all done, you’re done! You can begin divining to your heart’s content! You can keep using your guiding circle for as long as you like, there is no harm or shame in it! I used mine for a while afterwards to keep myself calm and confident as I am still a baby at this sort of thing.

Good luck and happy witchcrafting!

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6 months ago

Bibliomancy - The Use of Divination using books. Traditionally done using holy or important books that are believed to hold truth. The book was balanced on the spine and allowed to fall open, a passage selected with the diviners eyes closed. Some use dice or randomizers to select a page, and some manually flip to a random page. The book may also be randomly selected from a library or other collection. (Source)

Shufflemancy - Shufflemancy is a modern form of divination that uses music as a guide to Insight on our innermost questions. Much like tarot cards or runes are shuffled after asking a question you would like to know they answer to, shufflemancy involves shuffling a playlist, asking a question, and finding your answer in the musical selection you land on. Music divination is perfect for beginners as it’s based largely on intuition and feeling rather than the deep knowledge that tarot cards, astrology, and other forms of divination require for proper practice. (Source)

Types of Divination

I have touched a little bit on divination before in one of previous posts and I believe I did mention that I was going to be doing one of these post, so here you go!

I am not the most educated when it comes to divination, I know what I know and it works, so why should I try anything else? Because growth, girl! Because expansion of the mind! Because it’s damn amazing to know all these witchy things! That’s why!

So upon doing my mystical research, I honestly learnt some really cool forms of divination that I’m annoyed I didn’t know before, so here are the different forms of divination :

Tarot Cards - the most common form of divination on this planet (besides crystal balls). You go to a carnival and happen across a fortune teller in a caravan, what has she most likely got on the table in front of her? A crystal ball and tarot cards. The only difference here is that anyone who actually uses tarot cards knows that this is not going to “tell you your future”, it’s simply vague guideline, just some probable insight into the forces at work. When I first started I relied on this handy book that helped me translate every card through the reading, now I only look at it every now and then. Three-card spreads are my favourite! You can literally use them for anything. I personally don’t like just drawing cards, i lay them out and hover my hand over the top moving across the spread out cards and whenever I feel a slight tug I know that’s the card. I go over it a few times just to be sure, but i just don’t like picking random cards, not my style.

Nordic Runes - another one I am very familiar with, created by Odin and given to humankind as a gift. (”Oh, they’re lovely, thanks.”). When I first got into the craft I think it was one of the first few things I was taught out of my reading and the symbols and their meanings are fairly well known. I have passed a handful of strangers with runes tattooed on them and when asked about them they actually knew the meanings and details of the runes. Runes are similar to the tarot in the sense that they are a guideline not so much a prediction, also generally used to address issues. Readings are done by putting all the runes in a pouch and drawing, depending on the question, the select number of runes out. My go to number is always three. There are some amazing DIY’s for runes, but the real magic is in the carving of the runes. I really like the way they look when burnt into wooden disks, especially if the bark is still intact in the edges.

Celtic Ogham  - this is one I had surprisingly never heard of. Out of all the books I have read on Celtic magic and they failed to inform me of this? What the heck, guys? So, from my understanding, there are 25 letters in the Ogham alphabet; 20 if you wanna be super traditional. They have so many correspondences I will honestly need to learn them all, but now is not the time. It was supposedly created by Ogma, to show off how well spoken he was, or something like that. (I only skimmed the article when it came to this part, sorry guys.) Now the method for using the Celtic Ogham is very similar to runes. The symbols are normally carved onto wooden staves, placed into a pouch and drawn out when seeking the answer to a question. Very cool and I plan to DIY a set of these someday.

Tasseomancy - the art of reading tea leaves. This is one I haven’t tried, purely because drinking tea with loose tea leaves just sounds terrible. Basically you need to make your tea with the loose leaves and drink it. You have to leave a little bit of the tea left over to swirl the tea leaves around so that they can form a pattern. Just do it a few times so the leaves aren’t spread out everywhere. You might end up with one big picture or you will end up with a few little ones. In this case go clockwise around the cup. It works kind of like a timeline. Now look at your blobs and try to see the images in the blobs. There are plenty of guides for figuring out what these images mean or you could just go with your gut feeling.

Automatic Writing - this method uses the spirit realm to get messages. For this you would need to be in a meditative state, enter with a clear mind or a question or thought and, with a pen and paper in hand, just let the words come to you. You can even write the question or subject on the piece of paper and let the spirits take over. Like with any form of divination, you will need practice. If you have been sitting there for 20 minutes and haven’t gotten anything then maybe take a break and try to clear your mind a bit more. This method is used by loads of mediums for getting answers or just connecting to people who have passed on. I would advise that we take caution when it comes to using this method as it can open doors for spirits, not all of the things you’re opening yourself up to are friendly, so always make sure you are protected and ready for whatever there is to come.

Osteomancy - reading bones, being South African I’m fairly familiar with the cultural background of osteomancy. The Sangomas (basically the medicine men) of the villages have been known to use this method of divination. The way it’s done is the bones were placed into a bowl or pouch and mixed with various stones, shells and feathers and shaken out onto a mat. Reading it relies solely on intuition and requires a lot of training to master. Depending on the bone and it’s position on the mat, the way it’s facing, the objects surrounding it. In my opinion this is one of the most difficult forms of divination to master.

Scrying - this one is also pretty common and comes in loads of forms (I will need to do a separate post for all the different methods of scrying. There’s fire scrying, water scrying, using a black mirror, etc. There tons of different methods but I’m going to use the example of water scrying. Most people like using reflective surfaces to scry since it is the easiest. Simply clear your mind again or keep the intent in the back of your mind and focus on the water. Follow all the slight ripples until you’re fully connected to the small body of water. You could see images or shapes on the surface or you could see mental images. It’s different with everyone and what the universe is trying to show you.

Pendulum Divination - the easiest to make, since you can use your own necklace as a pendulum, this is purely for yes or no questions and is basically a simplified version of a ouija board. Again, take caution when working with spirits. You might think you’re talking to a recently deceased family member or one of your ancestors and it could end up being something else completely and be in a bit of trouble. When using the pendulum some people use sheets for more advanced questions but I would say just using the four directions; left, right, front and back; for answers. Ask some basic questions that you will know the answer to first to see which direction is “yes” and which is “no”. Once you have that down you can ask away.

Numerology - using numbers in divination. Numbers hold a lot of magical significance (any witch can tell you that). There are specific numbers that we like to stick to and we stick to it for a reason. Odd numbers are related to a feminine energy, while even numbers are related to masculine energy. Different numbers have different meanings and in order to use this method research should be done on the different meanings of numbers. Play around with numbers in magic. use numerology to find your birth number, name number, fate number, your pinnacle numbers, etc.

These are all the methods of divination I could cover for now. Watch this space for upcoming, in depth tutorials for each of these methods.


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9 months ago

Divination and Spell Commissions!

Hello everyone! I wanted to finally open up for divination and spell commissions. This is something I have been wanting to do for a few years now, and am finally settled enough for. I hope to make it a small business one day! I am also working towards saving up money to move out of state, as I am trying to escape a bad situation.

As for experience, I have been doing tarot and been a practicing witch for about 6 or 7 years, and pendulum work for about 4 or 5. I have been doing Deity work and worship for about 5 years as well.

- A disclaimer for Deity identification, messages, workings, etc. I will only be helping with Hellenic Gods. They are what I am familiar and comfortable with! I am also not an end all be all for the Gods, and I am not claiming to be Their word. I am just doing readings to the best of my ability. -

Now, with all that out of the way!

Tarot Readings

* One Card Reading- $3, any additional pulled cards + $1

* Past, Present, Future (three cards) - $5, any additional pulled cards + $1

* Horseshoe Spread (7 Cards)- $7

* Deity Message (Starting at 1 card)- $8, additional pulled cards + $1

* Reading of your choice! Prices vary depending on complexity and card amount.

Pendulum Readings

* ‘Yes or No?’ - $2 per question

* ‘Am I hexed?’ - $5 + $1 per additional question

* Specific questions- $5 + $1 per additional question

Deity Identification (Using Pendulum and Tarot)

* One Deity - $7

* Two Deities - $10

* Three or more Deities - $15

Spell Workings

* Protection Spell - $10

* Self Love Spell - $12

* Hex Breaking - $12

* Money Spell - $15

* Request a spell! Prices vary depending on ability/ingredients.

Baneful Workings

* Banishing Spell - $12

* Cord-Cutting Spell - $15

* Hex - $15 (May get more expensive depending on how complex. Dm!)

* Request a working! Prices depend on ability/ingredients/severity

This list will likely be updated as I continue working forward. If you are interested, send me a dm here or on my instagram! A lot of these things will need to be discussed a little more in depth and a price settled on. I will be taking payment before services are given out.

Evidence of workings will be sent, and readings will be conducted over dms as I am not comfortable with my face and voice being presented over social media. Keep in mind that for some workings that you/a third party’s name and birthday may need to be provided!

I will try to have a bit of an Instagram presence, and may ask you if I can post a picture of a working there!

Readings and workings will be done within a few days to a week’s time, as I have a job that takes up 3-4 days of my week.

If you need something done quick, or it is simple, just let me know and I will try to make arrangements! Majority of one card readings should be done within 24-48 hours, if not same day (occasionally immediately!)

I will be doing transactions through Venmo for now. Thank you so much!

My Instagram | My Venmo

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New Pages!! I Love My New Board
New Pages!! I Love My New Board
New Pages!! I Love My New Board

New pages!! I love my new board

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Small psa to remember to thank your tarot cards, your pendulum, your crystals, your stored herbs, your plants, your pets, your tools, your grimoire, your friends, your spirits, your family, and anything else you may think of. They stuck with you through thick and thin during the last year or however long they’ve been with you, so show them some simple appreciation and start the new year on a positive note!

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9 years ago

Mashup of Pendulum’s Streamline (Hold your Color) and Watercolor (Immersion) that I made a long time ago, never posted, but remastered/fixed a bit. I think it’s my first mashup, haven’t really done anything like it before, but I’ve always thought some of Pendulum’s songs would sound super good put together.

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3 years ago

Here’s a collection of hundreds of books about magic and witchcraft.

The server is updated weekly with more books, all of which are vetted by experienced practitioners and organized in an easy to consume way.

Heres A Collection Of Hundreds Of Books About Magic And Witchcraft.
Heres A Collection Of Hundreds Of Books About Magic And Witchcraft.
Heres A Collection Of Hundreds Of Books About Magic And Witchcraft.

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3 years ago

Here’s a collection of hundreds of books about magic and witchcraft.

The server is updated weekly with more books, all of which are vetted by experienced practitioners and organized in an easy to consume way.

Heres A Collection Of Hundreds Of Books About Magic And Witchcraft.
Heres A Collection Of Hundreds Of Books About Magic And Witchcraft.
Heres A Collection Of Hundreds Of Books About Magic And Witchcraft.

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7 years ago

My cat is missing.

George has been gone for 2 days, and I’m beside myself. Posted on local fb pages, put up posters and informed the vets, called the council and posted 400-odd flyers to the neighbours. The not knowing is killing me. Everything feels on standby and time is moving so slowly.

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7 years ago

Pendulums 101

Pendulums 101

Pendulums can be made of different materials, some people using a simple necklace with a crystal or charm at the end. Be sure the bob or bobber - or weight on the end - is not too light or too heavy. It should weigh less than half an ounce. The best shape for the weight - or point - is something that comes to a point. The best length for the pendulum is six inches. You can make your pendulum or buy one.

Pendulums are a simple way to communicate with the other side. I have seen people in stores use them to select products such as: books, food, clothing, just about anything.

The most common types of pendulums are:

- a crystal tied with wire then suspended on a chain or cord - a chain necklace with some kind of charm suspended at the bottom - a chain with metal pointer at the bottom - these are usual store bought - the human body

How To Use A Pendulum

Once you select your pendulum you are ready to begin.

Sit down and get comfortable. Your mind and body should feel relaxed with no stress.

You can rest your elbow on a table in front of you allow the pendulum to swing free, or you can hold your arm in a horizontal position, again allowing your pendulum to swing freely.

You do not have to be psychic to use a pendulum. It will guide itself. It is moved by either your thoughts or someone in spirit who works through you, generally your spirit guide.

The first step is to get the feel of the pendulum and how it will move for you.

Pendulums movements:

- straight line - side to side or front and back - circles - clockwise or counterclockwise - elliptical motion - some pendulums bob up and down to indicate strong action, usually affirmative

Most questions asked when using a pendulum have Yes or No answers. You must determine the direction your pendulum will take for Yes and for No.

Hold the pendulum in your hand. With the other hand - touch the point/bobber to steady its motion.

Keep your eyes on the point.

Now address the pendulum and say, “Show me ‘Yes’.” It will soon swing in one direction, which could be side to side, back and forth, or circles.

Now say, “Show me No.” It should swing in the opposite direction.

Be certain the pendulum is not being guided by the movement of your hand or fingers.

Once you have determine the pattern for Yes and No - you are ready to begin.

There are times that the answer is unknown - or the spirit needs more information. At that time - the pendulum will generally swing diagonally or not at all.

The faster the movement - the stronger the energies.

Sometimes a pendulum will appear to bob or dance up and down. This is usually an affirmative response. the point is sometimes called a bobber.

There are generally no rituals involve with pendulum use, though some people hold their pendulum in the palm of their hand before they begin, to ‘charge’ it.

When you ask your questions you may want to record the answers.

Now you are ready to begin to ask your questions.

Start with something simple such as, “Is it sunny today?” “Is it Monday?” “Are you here to answer my questions?”

Once you get the ‘swing’ of it - you can move on to personal questions.

Remember to only ask a question ONCE. If you want more information - you might want to use a chart. At this time the pendulum should be about two inches above the chart - or as is comfortable.

If the motion of your pendulum increases - or the circles get large - the energy is increasing and you can expect change linked to the question you were asking. Pursue further questions to get additional information.

Pendulum Charts

You can create your own chart or print one from here. Charts can say anything - including the words Yes and No. They can have pictures, maps, symbols, or the alphabet, used to spell out words much like a ouija board. You can even use your pendulum over a ouija board as it has letters and often numbers on it. Always remember - no matter how you use this tool - is the information you receive becomes negative - you must STOP!

Pendulums and Chakras

Stand in front of, or directly behind, the person you are working with.

Place the pendulum directly over their crown chakra [top of head]. It will either swing back and forth or side to side - or in circles.

Next place the pendulum in front of the third eye [forehead]. If the chakra is balanced the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction of the crown chakra, or the circles will be reversed.

Continue with each chakra moving downward in order: throat, solar plexus, spleen, and root.

If a chakra is balanced the pendulum will continue to reverse polarities. If it is out of balance the pendulum will swing in the wrong direction - or not at all

You can also use the pendulum by placing it slowly a few inches away from a person’s body. The point should remain still and move when it locates a problem.

Credit: Crystalinks

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7 years ago
Use A Pendulum And Tarot Deck Simultaneously.

Use a pendulum and tarot deck simultaneously.

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7 years ago


Thats A Really Cool Pendulum Board

Thats a really cool pendulum board

I want to learn pendulum, does anyone recommend any posts/blogs?

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2 years ago

tarot and pendulums can get it wrong

a response to these posts of “if you don’t want to do tarot or pendulum (or general magic) for this thing, you must not really believe in magic” i’ve been seeing around lately. 

Tarot does not have a degree in law, pendulums are not a doctor. They are estimations based on a situation, and they have the ability to be interpreted differently than the answer we think we receive. 

Pendulums, at least for me, have always represented an answered that averages a question down to a yes or no. However, life is rarely that simple. There are almost always other factors. Pendulums don’t communicate as simply as we do. “Does Tommy like me?” Well, he doesn’t hate you. Maybe he even likes you as a person. But maybe not romantically, and pendulums don’t have that nuanced understanding of “like” that we do. “Does Tommy want to romance me?” Maybe, but it could totally be for a practical joke because Tommy is also an asshole. 

Tarot tells you your future supposedly, and you ask it medical questions. However, it is in part working off your own knowledge of what is going on. You may have an unknown condition, and it’s not going to tell you about it, it’s going to tell you how you’re going to live and react to things while not knowing. How can tarot tell you that you’ve got onychocryptosis if you’ve never heard of it? Besides, tarot works solely with themes, not multi-syllabic disease names. You’d have better luck divining what’s wrong with you via bibliomancy and a medical text book (don’t do that, seriously).

In short, do the tarot reading after you visit the doctor, ask it things it will be able to answer. Tarot is not so much a tool for telling the future as it is telling you about yourself. Pendulums are not so much an exact answer as they are a shrug and “it’s kinda leaning towards yes? idk man”. They are not exact answers, they’re vague advice as best. It’s foolish to treat them as cosmic instructions or divine orders.

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