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310 posts

Crushing [georgenotfound]

crushing [georgenotfound]

pairing: georgenotfound x gn!reader

pronouns: they/them

synopsis: sometimes peer pressure can be a good thing, especially when it's pressuring your friends into confessing their feelings.

wc: 2.0k

anon asked: can I request a George x fem reader where they are crushing on each other but does not know the other likes them back? Maybe George gets teased about it (in a friendly way) by dream, Quackity and Karl. Then he actually goes to dream for advice and they have a serious friendship-talk moment. Meanwhile Karl asks the reader about her crush and they talk. It would be lovely if they later confesses!

a/n: wasn't gonna post this because of that stream but i think we all need some george redemption. also i made this gn! instead of a f! reader, i hope that's okay <3

tw: angst 2 fluff, slight peer pressure

“goodnight chat! i’ll probably stream tomorrow, maybe we’ll hang out on the smp or maybe some mcc practice? who knows! anyways, we’re going to raid sapnap now so make sure you say hi to him for me!” you waved to the camera, replying to a few more donations before hitting the raid button and ending your stream.

though you were living and working your dream job, you couldn’t help but find the constant demand for content completely and utterly exhausting at times. it had become a second nature to be in front of a camera, but sometimes all you wanted to do was call with your friends without the prying ears of over a hundred thousand viewers. it seemed like at least one of you was always streaming, however, and it proved to be quite draining.

“i think i'm gonna go shower and probably call it a night, guys. that stream really took it out of me.” you told your friends, and they all mumbled in acknowledgement, wishing you a good night. through the goodbyes, a certain someone spoke up and caused your heart to flutter.

“call me when you wake up tomorrow, so we can plan our next lore stream.” george called, and you smiled subconsciously.

“course i will, gogy! g’night guys!” you replied cheerily, before the distinctive sound of someone leaving discord echoed through the call.

quackity, dream and karl burst into immediate laughter, and george flushed.

“so we can plan our next lore stream?” dream questioned with a wheeze.

“course i will, gogy!” quackity mocked, his tone high-pitched and all.

“shut up.” george mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

it wasn’t uncommon for the boys to poke fun at your interactions with george, or as they liked to call it, your ‘flirting’. it was the same thing every time, george assuring them you were just friends and that you acted that way with everyone, and them arguing that you had always had a soft spot for him in particular.

oh how he wished it was true, that you had feelings for him. the truth was, george was enamoured by you the minute he met you. however, as most crushes went, he didn't believe in the possibility you could see him as anything more than a close friend, and so he kept it to himself. no need to make things awkward between you and him, especially since you shared the same close group friends that too would be affected. all in all, things were better this way.

at least, that’s what he told himself.

“george, you can’t seriously tell me you’re so blind that you can’t see how much they like you.” karl tried, and like the thousands of times they’d asked the same question before, george only sighed.

“they don’t. you guys are so annoying.” he mumbled, and quackity began to speak once more, but just at that moment, sapnap undefeaned on discord with a small “i’m live!” warning, and the boys launched into interacting with the stream.

a few long hours later, sapnap bid his stream goodbye, and then he dismissed himself to go to sleep. quackity left shortly after, mumbling about working on his next lore stream. karl hung out for awhile longer, before excusing himself as well to go get some food and a monster to prepare for a late night alt stream.

thus, only george and dream remained in the call, laughing at some stupid joke from the stream, when a comfortable silence fell over the two. they sat quietly for a short while, before george sighed.

“hey, dream?” he called, fidgeting with his hands slightly. dream hummed in acknowledgement, and george swallowed nervously. “why do you guys keep pushing me to talk to y/n? i know you guys keep bringing up the supposed ‘flirting’, but i’m pretty sure it’s all just for the bit.”

dream was quiet, seemingly pondering his response. “it’s not a bit.” he stated, simply. george frowned slightly, tilting his head, despite his camera being off.

“how do you know?” george fired back, and dream chuckled quietly.

“george, i’ve known you and y/n forever, hell, i probably know you both better than i know myself. i’ve seen the way they light up when you join a vc, and spent countless nights having them ask about you if you’re not around. they don’t do that for just anyone.” he explained fondly, and george fell silent.

“what if i say something and it goes completely wrong? what if it makes things weird? i’ll ruin everything - not only for us, but for the whole group. sapnap, karl, quackity. we share all of the same friends. i don’t want to jeopardize that for some silly little unrequited crush.” before he knew it, george had spilled all of his insecurities.

though dream was his best friend, and he trusted him with his life, george was never one to open up to many. it was never a trust thing, and it wasn’t a personal thing. it was a preference of sorts, to keep to himself. however, george’s feelings for you weren’t fading away, and day after day of being told to act on those feelings had him completely overwhelmed.

it was almost therapeutic, finally allowing his feelings out, even if he was only sharing them with one person.

“george, you know y/n. i don’t think you could mess things up with them even if you tried.” dream muttered, amused. george smiled fondly at this, his mind drifting back to the idea of you.

“you really think i should tell them?” george asked, his voice falling to a much softer tone.

“i think you should do whatever you think is best.” dream assured, confidently. he paused, sighing. “but i can’t stop karl and quackity from teasing you endlessly about it.” dream chuckled, and george joined in, content.

“thanks, dream. i’m gonna head off and think about it, goodnight.” he bid his friend goodbye, and hung up. leaning back in his gaming chair, he ran a hand through his hair, huffing.

you rolled around the bed, desperately attempting to get comfortable to no avail. your thoughts were running free, one particular topic in mind. after twenty minutes of failing to fall asleep, you gave up, reaching for your phone. you squinted, quickly turning down the brightness and hitting the imessage app.

you typed a quick ‘you free?’ text to your best friend, receiving an answer almost instantly. sighing in relief, you quickly hit the facetime button, waiting for a single ring before his face illuminated the screen with a bright smile.

“hey, y/n! what’s up?” karl asked, and you smiled, shrugging.

“couldn’t sleep.” you mumbled, tiredly. karl frowned slightly, glancing around your dark room.

“everything okay?” he asked, and you smiled reassuringly, nodding your head. he visibly relaxed, his bright smile returning once more.

“just wanted to talk to you.” you whispered, and he nodded, sensing something was on your mind. you sighed, biting your lip nervously as you looked away, unable to look him in the eyes. “i can’t stop thinking about him.” you admitted quietly, and karl lit up, cheering loudly.

“you guys are seriously the cutest couple.” karl awwed, and you rolled your eyes, adjusting yourself more comfortable to stare at the small device in your hand.

“we’re not a couple, karl. he doesn’t see me that way.” you mumbled, sadly. karl’s expression changed into one of sympathy, and something you didn’t register.

“c’mon y/n, he does. he’s just george, you know he’s not great with expressing himself.” he told you, softly. you frowned, shaking your head slowly.

“he hasn’t expressed anything, at all. not even a slight indication he has feelings for me.” you deadpanned, and karl sighed, smiling kindly.

“if only you could hear the way he talks about you, y/n. you know i wouldn’t tell you he feels that way about you if i wasn’t sure.” he told you, genuinely. you shrugged, but you knew he had a point. karl had a habit of telling it like it is, not wanting to get your hopes up only for things to go poorly.

you took a deep breath, nodding to yourself. “thanks, karl. i’m gonna sleep on it, but i’m glad we had this talk.” you two exchanged goodbyes, before you hung up and flopped back on your pillow.

the next morning, you groaned as you woke, reaching for your phone immediately. you had a discord message from george, which shot you awake in a matter of seconds. you smiled brightly upon opening the notification, but frowned when you saw the message.

‘we need to talk, call me when you get a chance.’

your heart began to race, nerves flooding your body as you shakily made your way to your desk setup, turning on your monitor and pulling up discord. you sent him a quick ‘ready when you are!’ message, and shortly after the familiar ringing came through your headphones.

“hey.” he greeted, his voice monotone. it really didn’t help the sinking feeling in your chest.

“hey.” you replied, quietly. george sighed, loud enough that his mic picked it up. you took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. “is everything alright, george? you really freaked me out, waking up to that ominous message.” you chuckled nervously.

“sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you. it’s nothing bad, at least, i hope not.” his voice grew quieter at the end, and you visibly relaxed, glad he was alright.

“well, what is it then?” you asked, curiously. you heard some shuffling around, before george’s camera was turned on. your breath hitched a little at his slightly unshaven face, his hair messy and unkempt. you couldn’t believe how cute he looked at this moment.

“i.. i need to tell you something. i’ve been meaning to for awhile, but i’m not..” he paused, taking a deep breath. you awaited with baited breath, having an idea of where this was going. “i’m not good with my feelings, but-” he stumbled over his words, and let out a frustrated sigh.

you smiled fondly. “you’re so cute.” you mumbled, and george tensed.

“what?” he squeaked, completely thrown off guard by your compliment. you laughed then, and he chuckled nervously alongside you.

“i said,” you emphasized, teasingly. “you’re so cute.” you turned on your camera finally as well, allowing the beautiful boy in front of you to see your bright smile. “i have feelings for you too, dumbass.” you added, upon seeing his awestruck expression.

he shook himself from his thoughts, a smile creeping up on his lips at your admittance. “that’s such a relief. i don’t know what i would’ve done if you’d rejected me.” he breathed, and you laughed once more.

“you really thought i was going to reject you? you really are blind, then.” you scoffed, and george pouted.

“i don’t know!” he defended, “maybe!”

you rolled your eyes playfully. “the only reason i might’ve rejected you is because now i have to tell karl he was right and hear him go on about it for the next few months.” you whined, and george giggled, agreeing.

“you know they’ll never stop teasing us about this, right?” he asked after a moment, and you thought about it for a minute, before nodding.

“i mean, it’s not like they haven’t been teasing us about it anyways.” you shrugged, and george laughed. “i’m gonna go get ready for the day, i’ll call you later so we can actually plan that lore stream we talked about?” you asked, and george rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly.

“yeah, about that.. i didn’t actually have a lore stream to plan. i just wanted an excuse to talk to you.” he mumbled, embarrassed. you giggled.

“you’re so cute.” you replied, and you watched as he opened his mouth to argue, but you cut him off once more. “talk to ya later, gogy!” and with that, you hung up.

the two of you sat there for a moment after the call ended, smiling brightly. picking up your phone, you texted karl, mentioning you had ‘big news’, george sending something similar to sapnap and dream.

oh, how you two couldn’t wait to see the looks on their faces.

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More Posts from Luvlorn

3 years ago

Hello! I love your mcyt imagens, can I request a George x fem reader where they are crushing on each other but does not know the other likes them back? Maybe George gets teased about it (in a friendly way) by dream, Quackity and Karl. Then he actually goes to dream for advice and they have a serious friendship-talk moment. Meanwhile Karl asks the reader about her crush and they talk. It would be lovely if they later confesses! Of course only write this if you feel inspired!💕

so sorry this took so long, but here it is! hope you enjoy <3

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3 years ago

You can just dm me since you know my main lmao


okay! huge dm coming ur way LOL

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3 years ago

I did my notes so now I just have to take the quiz!


yay! proud of you, and gl on ur quiz!

tbh i miss classes and having motivation to do something other than write fanfiction for mcyts LMAO

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3 years ago

Karl is so pretty and for why???


u right he is a v pretty boy

on a completely unrelated note u do not want to see my camera roll rn ahaha...

totally not filled with screenshots from this stream..

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3 years ago

goodbye [dream]

pairing: dream x gn!reader

pronouns: they/them (none mentioned)

synopsis: “please don’t make me choose”

wc: 1.3k

a/n: here's my entry for @dreamcatcherrs 5k special! congratulations again <3

tw: angsty, use of dream's real name

his spike in views was abrupt and without warning, and though he had been strategic about analyzing and optimizing the youtube algorithm, nothing could’ve prepared him for the millions of subscribers he’d maintain in a matter of months.

it was like his life had changed overnight.

in the beginning, he would play video games with his friends, record occasional videos, and spend time with his amazing s/o and family whenever he pleased - he hardly had any commitment to uploading, but he continued to do it because he loved it.

now, he’d receive millions of tweets wondering where he was and what he was doing at all times. the thousands upon thousands of kind messages he received daily about how his content bettered his viewers’ lives drove him to constantly be making, editing or uploading content in some way.

he accepted more invites to appear on his friends’ streams, and put as much time as he could into his editing until it was pure perfection. he had always been a workaholic, but now it was fueled by another wish: to keep his viewers and supporters happy.

you began seeing him less frequently once his channel took off, being completely understanding that he was basking in his prime time as an influencer, and supporting him fully. you grew accustomed to falling asleep in an empty bed, and getting up for the day just as he was about to end his.

for a while, you were okay with it, because you could see how happy he was that he finally got his chance to make people smile.

at a certain point, however, you realized his incline in viewers wasn’t faltering, but only getting bigger as time went on. he was surpassing milestone after milestone in the blink of an eye, and you couldn’t even keep track of which he’d passed last anymore.

you wanted to be happy for him, you really did. you tried so hard. but the larger his platform grew, the less you saw him at all.

when sapnap moved in, despite your idea that it couldn’t, the loneliness managed to get even worse. the two of them locked themselves in their respective offices, the closed doors doing nothing to drown out the screams and laughter that seemed to never end. the only comfortable silence you were able to find in your house was with the aid of some form of noise cancelation, whether it be ear plugs or headphones.

at this point, you were losing your mind. you couldn’t sleep through a full night without being woken up by a scream, and when you’d tried to confront them, they’d both sheepishly apologized, but had lasted about an hour before they were back at it once more.

the best way to describe the way you were feeling was like a ghost wandering around aimlessly, no one paying you any mind as though they were looking right through you. you didn’t even get a good morning text to wake up to anymore, you had been isolated and were simply forgotten.

it wasn’t getting better, and it wasn’t going to. so one day, when sapnap had left to go visit his family, you decided it was finally time.

you pressed your ear to his office door, and upon hearing nothing, knocked gently. you heard shuffling before the door opened, and once his eyes landed on your figure, a bright smile illuminated his face and he surged forward, wrapping you in a tight hug.

“i’ve missed you.” he mumbled into your hoodie, but you shuffled awkwardly, and he seemed to realize you weren’t embracing him back. he pulled back, eyes dancing over your solemn expression. “is everything okay?” he asked, nervously.

you sucked in a deep breath, swallowing your nerves. “i can’t do this anymore.” you told him, trying to hold your voice steady. he blinked, his face falling into a frown.

“what?” he breathed, and you sighed. you had dreaded this conversation for so long, but you needed to do this.

“this. us. i can’t do it anymore.” you gestured between your two bodies, glancing towards the ground in shame. “you’ve been so busy with your streams and uploads, we haven’t seen each other in months. can you even remember the last time we went out together?” you stated, your question hanging in the air, leaving a heavy silence looming over the two of you.

“i-” he tried, but after a long moment, he seemed to clue in - he had no idea. “i’m sorry, i didn’t even realize. i can change! i can do better. we can go out tonight, even-” he babbled, but you smiled sadly, shaking your head.

“you can’t have both, clay. your job is demanding, and you have so many people waiting on your every move with baited breath. they need you.” you explained, a sad smile making its way onto your expression.

“but i need you.” he whispered. “you know how much this job means to me, and how much you mean to me. please don’t make me choose.” his quiet voice broke, a choked sob following shortly after.

“i’m not making you choose. i already made the decision for you.” you stated, trying desperately to hold yourself together for him.

“you can’t give up on us so easily, you can’t just leave me.” he replied, reaching for you. once more you stepped back, and you couldn’t help but let a small tear finally escape.

“i didn’t give up on us easily. we haven’t been a real couple in months. i tried to wait for you. i just don’t have any time left to give.” you choked back a sob, and he completely broke. he crumpled to the floor, sobs wracking his body.

“i’m sorry, i’m so, so sorry-” he sputtered, and you forced yourself to look away, unsure of how strong you could be if you watched the love of your life pleading for you to stay. “please don’t leave me. you- you can’t leave me. you’re my everything. i need you!” he begged, and you turned away fully, grabbing the bags you’d packed and wiping away the freefalling tears from your cheeks.

“you might not realize it, but you haven’t needed me for awhile, dream. you’ll be fine. i promise” you mumbled, and you headed towards the door.

“but i love you.” he tried, one final time, and you turned your head, looking at him sadly.

“i know.” you muttered, and without another word, you left the broken shell of the man you loved.

as you opened the door to your car and slid in the driver’s seat, you could feel your heart shattering in your chest, but you knew in the long run, this was what was best for both of you. you backed out of the driveway, glancing once more at the place you once felt at home, before driving away.

you weren’t sure how long you were driving, but soon the stinging in your eyes became too much and you pulled over, and let sobs wrack your body, allowing the weight of your situation to dawn on you.

it was over, months of pain and suffering in silence, only for your relationship to fall in the end.

maybe a part of you always knew things would end like this, but held onto the hope that your love was stronger than that. that despite it all, he’d come back to you one day and realize the neglect he’d put you through.

instead, the two of you sat in shambles, sobbing until you physically couldn’t. sobbing until you couldn’t feel anymore. sobbing until your mind ran blank, and you could forget, even just for a moment.

because nothing could prepare you to say goodbye to the love of your life, even if you knew your relationship was over long before you made it official.

just because you know something is for the best, doesn’t mean it always feels like it is.

it would take time, but someday you would be whole once more.

today was simply not that day.

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