luvymelody - melody

writer (v random schedule tbh lol), in my 20s, genderfluid

45 posts




the perfect pair by beabadoobee


bakugou did not think he would be here. in a grocery store, with an dirty apron and his shirt and hair half covered in flour.

because it all started with racoon eyes suggesting a bake off.

"the whole class should have a bake off!"

mina exclaimed to the whole class, that were either in the kitchen or the lounge area.

"what do you mean, what kind?"

"just like, bake a cake, whoever's cake the best is the winner and like mr aizawa can be the judge!"

"i'm sure he'll find everyone's terrible.."

"nah fuck that, that's dumb i'm not competing."

bakugou retaliated, standing up from his sitting position from the couch next to kirishima and already walking away to the elevator present in the dorms.

"why not???"

"'cuz i know mine's gonna be the best out of all you losers."

"don't worry about bakugou, he's probably too chicken to see that his cake will be the worst, am i right, kacchan?"

denki teased, sitting up straight next to kirishima, who was laughing next to him.



everyone got a partner from picking names in a hat, some were lucky and some were lucky, everyone yelled out when mineta got sato which was completely unfair, and denki literally laughed out loud but alo mixed with screaming when bakugou pulled denki's name out the hat.

denki was a lost hope, first of all he mixed the mixture too much which made it too runny, so they started again.

second of all, he added too much sugar and it disappeared into the mixture, so they couldn't take it out so they had to start again for the second time.

then icyhot accidentally knocked over their mixture because todoroki didn't see mineta infront of him and tripped onto mineta, pushing the table that denki and bakugou were using and the flour AND the mixture flew everywhere and that would mean that they had to start again a THIRD time. bakugou was just sick and tired.

so, bakugou chose a plan b.

"dunce face, i say i go to the store and buy a cake. we have failed making this mixture too many times so don't ask questions."

"what did i do when THEY ask questions about you being gone-"



bakugou made his way to the store, him getting funny looks but also looks of admiration as some people knew him from the sport's carnival, but why was he dirty in flour??

he went into a nearby grocery store and nearly ran into the isle with desserts, he browsed the isle and tried to find the specific cake they were all trying to bake.

"do you need any help?"

a voice called out to him from behind, he turned around to find a worker, wearing the corresponding blue to match the store's logo. he couldn't help his eyes from wondering to take in their facial features, hair colour, eyes and just them in general. he took notice of the name tag, y/n. y/n was really pretty.

"i couldn't help but notice your, attire."

they laughed a little and that made bakugou's face turn red.

"my friends were having a bake off, but my baking partner was too stupid and now i have to buy one."

"oh! i see, may i suggest this, (favourite/cake/flavour) is the best, everyone's loves it."

they reached around bakugou, who wanted to lean closer to the worker but fought his inner muscles. he couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassed he was for them to see him so gross and floury.

"yeah.. (f/c/f) is good."

he absolutely hated it with his whole soul, if he could make it disappear forever he would.


"is that all for today?"

bakugou snapped into reality again, while he was infront of the cashier to pay for the cake.

"uh yeah."

his eyes kept wondering to the worker that had helped him, who was now helping another, how he so wanted that person to be him again. he payed for the cake and was beginning to walk out the store, but then his brain made him whip himself around, going back into the store.

'what are you doing idiot?!'


y/n turned around to see him again, the same cute customer that they saw in the shirt covered in flour and apron wrapped around his torso.

"oh hi again! did you need help with something else?"

"uh yeah, i need help finding the- cutting board! my friend doesn't have one and it just slipped my mind."

of course the dorm kitchen have a cutting board which one doesn't?

the blonde hair customer's face was trying to be stoic, but his face was bright red and his eyebrows slightly furrowed, but he was maintaining eye contact with y/n so it made them nervous.

"ah! right this way."

y/n spun around quickly so the customer didn't catch the steam coming out of their ears and nose.

"here are the boards, you can pick whichever one you want, but just tell me if you need help, i'll be right over there."

y/n turned away, trying to contain themself, bakugou was yelling at himself.

'fuck they're getting away, don't let them!'


y/n turned around again,

"do you think i could get your number?"


"baku bro! why'd you take so long?! everyone's almost done!"

"don't care dunce face, here's your cake, i can't be bothered to wait for the winner."

bakugou shoved the dirty apron and the cake in the bag to denki once he ran up to bakugou, walking away to his room to have some peace. he shoved his hands in his pockets to feel around for the piece of paper in there.

once he got into his room, he pulled out his phone and typed in the number on the paper. ringing the number, after three rings, it picked up.


"hey again, i worried you gave me a fake number."

"of course i wouldn't."


"my shift ends soon, so call me, yeah?"


wc : 1015 words

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More Posts from Luvymelody

2 years ago


“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

1 year ago


the ball that was held in the wonderfully magical palace was beautiful, the coldness that trickled all around the whole nation was decreased as the palace held warmth and peace.

snezhnaya was halting work for around half to a day as one of the fatui harbingers, la signora, had died, in a land by the name of inazuma. the fatui army and the land of snezhnaya were in mourning for la signora.

the following night, a ball was held for the most higher ups, the harbingers, fatui members, and general people that were loyal to the tsaritsa, the cryo archon.

y/n conversed and talked with several people, talking of how the palace was beautiful, or talking in mourning for la signora.

"she was truly loyal to the tsaritsa, i hope she rests well."

"as do i."

the man she was talking to was some random fatui member, he was disgusting the way he kept trying to creep onto several woman that were attending the ball.

"would you care to,"

she trailed her finger along his arm, following up,

"follow me?"

she teased, walking away in the opposite direction to him and walking towards two doors that were opened at the back, he immediately followed her, looking at her in the most revolting and sickening way ever, she almost wanted to die talking to him.


"so, what do you want to do?-"

the man was knocked out from the back of his head, y/n holding her hand and massaging it from the amount of pressure that she hit the man with.


she shuffled him to a nearby room and placed him upright in a sitting position and began to rummage through his suit jacket pockets.

truth be told, she was a spy from the mondstadt city, she was friends with venti and the way la signora ripped his gnosis from his chest made her greatly wanting to take revenge.

trying to find out clues of their plans and of the tsaritsa, she was going to sneak around the ball, trying to find out their big big plan. or in this case, a key to the doors to lead her to her plan.

"what are you doing here?"

y/n's eyes widened, turning around to find a similar dressed man to the knocked out man himself,

"i'm going to have to arrest you under the division of the fatui-"

she swung her legs from her crouched position to knock the man off his feet, his head landing to the floor hard and giving him a concussion instantly, she stood up, placing her heel to his chest.

"where are the harbinger headquarters currently?"

he had already been knocked out, too delusional to even talk as he sputtered out random noises. she groaned, stepping over him and the closing the door behind her, locking it from the outside and walking towards another pair of large doors, walking through, turning around and closing them.

"hi pretty!"

y/n whipped her head around again, ready to have to fight another person, but not yet, because he seemed friendly..

"what are you doing here?"

he smiled, looking at her with a fake smile and a gleam in his eyes.

"oh i just lost my way, i'm sorry sir, i'll be off now-"

"don't act like we didn't see each other in liyue."

her fake facade slipped, her smile dropping and her hands dropping to her sides,

"i thought you wouldn't remember, childe."

"y/n, you know i never forget a pretty face when i see one. c'mon, we should be together like old times."

"sorry but isn't your 'friend' dead? why do you seem so happy to see me."

"i can't think about other things? plus, i didn't really like her anyway."

"give me your plan, childe, what does your tsaritsa want?"

"i thought you would call me ajax? kiss me and maybe i'll tell you."

"i'm not kissing you right now."

"why not?"

"we're practically enemies, ajax-"

"ohoh! you call me ajax now!"

"shut your mouth-"

ajax stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her waist and bunching up her dress around her waist area.

"i missed us."

he tucked his face into the crook of her neck, his lips touching her neck in the softest way ever. y/n's eyes fluttered opened and closed and she nearly forgot what she was here in the first place for.

"you know how long, i've been waiting for you for? i've been wishing to see you again ever since i saw you walking in liyue and we made eye contact and you walked away with zhongli."

ajax was still so close to her, leaning away a little but having his hands holding her by her biceps.

"you.. you hurt the traveller, ajax."

"and i'm so sorry for that. i need you, so bad- you don't even know."

ajax made eye contact with her, staring at her with love and hope.

"please, let's be together again, i love you."

y/n was silent the entire time, choosing her eyes to let them dart towards his eyes then the lips, slowly closing the distance between them.

the voice in her head was begging and screaming at her to not do it again, but she couldn't turn away from ajax, not again.

Tags :
1 year ago
Teruhashi Kokomi - Valentine : Laufey

teruhashi kokomi - valentine : laufey

teruhashi had a crush on this guy at school.

he was handsome, most handsome guy in their guy and everyone agreed to it. he was athletic and smart, he was kind to everyone and held a smile of his face all the time. nearly everyone had a crush on him, maybe even some guys, even teruhashi couldn't help but fall for him.

everytime they were paired up, teruhashi had prayed to the gods to favour her, to give her y/n l/n as a partner and whenever he was, she was beyond excited.

"let's work hard!"

"yes teruhashi."

he said, closing his eyes with a big smile and she blushed at the sight, trying to contain her face from turning red but as he opened his eyes, he had already suspected something that she didn't even know.

y/n wrote on the paper as he tapped the pen to his lips in thought, teruhashi looked at him, suggesting ideas and whatnot for the presentation that they were going to do later to present infront of the class. but then y/n set his pen down, fidgeting with his nails,

"would you like to go out to do this? i don't think we'll have enough time to finish this project."

teruhashi exclaimed loudly in her head, yes!

"oh sure! when are you free?"

"is this saturday okay?"

"yeah! let's meet up at the cafe downtown, what time?"




y/n tapped his foot impatiently up and down on the ground as the sound of his foot matched his movements. he held his laptop in a bag with his phone in hand, waiting for teruhashi.


y/n looked to his right, seeing teruhashi as her blue hair flowed into the wind and her hand holding her hair so the wind didn't blow her hair into her face, he smiled gently, waving back.

teruhashi stood infront of him and gestured to the door of the cafe,

"shall we go inside?"

"oh yeah-"

y/n pocketed his phone and reached his hand fast towards the door handle before teruhashi could, holding the door open for her as her hand retracted back to her fast,

"oh! thank you l/n!"

"my pleasure."

he smiled again with that stupid smile that gave teruhashi butterflies in her stomach, turning and entering the cafe quickly before he could hear her heart that was thumping in her chest.


y/n yawned loudly as he stretched his arms over his head. looking at teruhashi who was looking at the sunset,

"that was quick, we didn't know we finished the project so early."

"me either.."

y/n muttered as he stared at teruhashi, the sight of the golden rays of the sun, shining down on the two of them infront of the cafe but y/n was only looking at teruhashi, she was so pretty. no one else deserved to look at her but him, she was like a sight of espresso each morning. maybe he didn't even deserve to look at her either.


she hummed at her name, making eye contact with y/n.

"do you, want to go on a date together, not as in friends, but like boyfriend girlfriend date.. i'm sorry if you don't- actually ignore everything i just said-"

teruhashi beamed at him, exclaiming a yes but realised what she was doing and cleared her thought, responding with a soft yes. y/n smiled as he wrapped an arm around her, rubbing the side of her arm as she blushed red, not caring if y/n sees her like this.

"let me walk you home, okay?"


she said with a big smile and closed eyes, it was y/n's turn to blush now, trying to calm his nerves and face from turning too red.

Tags :
1 year ago




꩜.ᐟ= angst ᯓ★ = fluff ᯓᡣ𐭩 = nsfw ᝰ.ᐟ = mystery (ngl idk how to describe)

✧˖° = gn!reader 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ = fem!reader ₊˚⊹♡ = male!reader


avatar (atla) !

nothing yet



karasuno ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ the one regular

` tobio kageyama ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ secretly dating not really

` kei tsukishima ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. bet


` tetsurou kuroo ᯓᡣ𐭩 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ hide and seek


` hajime iwaizumi ᯓᡣ𐭩 ₊˚⊹♡ focus!


duty after school!

' wang tae-man ꩜.ᐟ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. wake up

` kwon ii-ha ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ more than friends

` jo jang-soo ꩜.ᐟ ✧˖° just for you


assassination classroom!

` karma akabane ᯓ★ ✧˖° you are such an idiot


maze runner!

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ouran highschool host club!

nothing yet


the disastrous life of saiki k!

` kokomi teruhashi ᯓ★ ₊˚⊹♡ perfect boy


across the spider-verse!

` miles morales ᝰ.ᐟ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. other universe


jujustu kaisen!

` itadori yuji ᯓᡣ𐭩 ✧˖° early morning

` satoru gojo ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ my personal bodyguard ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. pt 2

` suguru geto ᯓᡣ𐭩 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. her assignment


all of us are dead!

` nam on-jo ᯓ★ ₊˚⊹♡ you look beautiful

` lee cheong-san ᯓ★ ✧˖° crush? on y/n?



nothing yet


boku no hero academia!

' katsuki bakugou ᯓ★ ₊˚⊹♡ grocery store worker ᯓᡣ𐭩 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. making out together ᯓ★ ✧˖° quirk effect ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. new girl (todoroki and bakugou) ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. pt.2 ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. pt.3 ᯓ★ ₊˚⊹♡ sickness

` shoto todoroki ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. pretty girl ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. new girl (todoroki and bakugou) ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. pt.2 ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. pt.3


genshin impact!

' childe tartaglia ajax ᝰ.ᐟ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. tsaritsa


attack on titan!

nothing yet


one piece (live action) !

nothing yet



nothing yet


high & low!

nothing yet


harry potter!

nothing yet


prince of legend!

nothing yet


komi can't communicate!

` komi ᯓ★ 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋. my parents would kill me if you're not safe
