1 year ago



the perfect pair by beabadoobee


bakugou did not think he would be here. in a grocery store, with an dirty apron and his shirt and hair half covered in flour.

because it all started with racoon eyes suggesting a bake off.

"the whole class should have a bake off!"

mina exclaimed to the whole class, that were either in the kitchen or the lounge area.

"what do you mean, what kind?"

"just like, bake a cake, whoever's cake the best is the winner and like mr aizawa can be the judge!"

"i'm sure he'll find everyone's terrible.."

"nah fuck that, that's dumb i'm not competing."

bakugou retaliated, standing up from his sitting position from the couch next to kirishima and already walking away to the elevator present in the dorms.

"why not???"

"'cuz i know mine's gonna be the best out of all you losers."

"don't worry about bakugou, he's probably too chicken to see that his cake will be the worst, am i right, kacchan?"

denki teased, sitting up straight next to kirishima, who was laughing next to him.



everyone got a partner from picking names in a hat, some were lucky and some were lucky, everyone yelled out when mineta got sato which was completely unfair, and denki literally laughed out loud but alo mixed with screaming when bakugou pulled denki's name out the hat.

denki was a lost hope, first of all he mixed the mixture too much which made it too runny, so they started again.

second of all, he added too much sugar and it disappeared into the mixture, so they couldn't take it out so they had to start again for the second time.

then icyhot accidentally knocked over their mixture because todoroki didn't see mineta infront of him and tripped onto mineta, pushing the table that denki and bakugou were using and the flour AND the mixture flew everywhere and that would mean that they had to start again a THIRD time. bakugou was just sick and tired.

so, bakugou chose a plan b.

"dunce face, i say i go to the store and buy a cake. we have failed making this mixture too many times so don't ask questions."

"what did i do when THEY ask questions about you being gone-"



bakugou made his way to the store, him getting funny looks but also looks of admiration as some people knew him from the sport's carnival, but why was he dirty in flour??

he went into a nearby grocery store and nearly ran into the isle with desserts, he browsed the isle and tried to find the specific cake they were all trying to bake.

"do you need any help?"

a voice called out to him from behind, he turned around to find a worker, wearing the corresponding blue to match the store's logo. he couldn't help his eyes from wondering to take in their facial features, hair colour, eyes and just them in general. he took notice of the name tag, y/n. y/n was really pretty.

"i couldn't help but notice your, attire."

they laughed a little and that made bakugou's face turn red.

"my friends were having a bake off, but my baking partner was too stupid and now i have to buy one."

"oh! i see, may i suggest this, (favourite/cake/flavour) is the best, everyone's loves it."

they reached around bakugou, who wanted to lean closer to the worker but fought his inner muscles. he couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassed he was for them to see him so gross and floury.

"yeah.. (f/c/f) is good."

he absolutely hated it with his whole soul, if he could make it disappear forever he would.


"is that all for today?"

bakugou snapped into reality again, while he was infront of the cashier to pay for the cake.

"uh yeah."

his eyes kept wondering to the worker that had helped him, who was now helping another, how he so wanted that person to be him again. he payed for the cake and was beginning to walk out the store, but then his brain made him whip himself around, going back into the store.

'what are you doing idiot?!'


y/n turned around to see him again, the same cute customer that they saw in the shirt covered in flour and apron wrapped around his torso.

"oh hi again! did you need help with something else?"

"uh yeah, i need help finding the- cutting board! my friend doesn't have one and it just slipped my mind."

of course the dorm kitchen have a cutting board which one doesn't?

the blonde hair customer's face was trying to be stoic, but his face was bright red and his eyebrows slightly furrowed, but he was maintaining eye contact with y/n so it made them nervous.

"ah! right this way."

y/n spun around quickly so the customer didn't catch the steam coming out of their ears and nose.

"here are the boards, you can pick whichever one you want, but just tell me if you need help, i'll be right over there."

y/n turned away, trying to contain themself, bakugou was yelling at himself.

'fuck they're getting away, don't let them!'


y/n turned around again,

"do you think i could get your number?"


"baku bro! why'd you take so long?! everyone's almost done!"

"don't care dunce face, here's your cake, i can't be bothered to wait for the winner."

bakugou shoved the dirty apron and the cake in the bag to denki once he ran up to bakugou, walking away to his room to have some peace. he shoved his hands in his pockets to feel around for the piece of paper in there.

once he got into his room, he pulled out his phone and typed in the number on the paper. ringing the number, after three rings, it picked up.


"hey again, i worried you gave me a fake number."

"of course i wouldn't."


"my shift ends soon, so call me, yeah?"


wc : 1015 words

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