Lydhiya - Lydhiya

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One day I'll forgive myself for all the years I wasted!!! But today I think I'm going to lay down in my bed and torture myself with it

琉璃✨ | “我们一起睡吧”

It really is a great relief finding my exact thoughts and emotions voiced/written perfectly.. like "hey, this is how I feel. I finally have words for it, thanks to someone I don't even know.
I guess im waiting for love that feels as comfortable as when im alone
If Wook was lowkey jealous in the previous episodes, he is JEALOUSY INCARNATE now!

The audacity! Only young master Jang Wook can be scolded and bullied by his Mu Deok!

Someone is pissed he might not be her only one…

No, he is super pissed…

Forget the Crown Prince, Wook is about to commit a first degree murder and run his sword through his friend of 10+ years…

Or not, he has sustained a fatal blow to his heart and may cry.

He strikes back with passive aggression…

…but gets his heart broken a second time.

So murder it is.

He may not even need the sword because if looks could kill, Yul’s body would be already burning on a funeral pyre.