Episode 8 - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I just wanna live to see what they gonna do to portrait him trapping her in the titans curse, cause man is gonna hurt

Something about Annabeth is she already knew that there was a darkness inside of Luke, she already knew he was battling demons, and she still loved him, adored him, looked up to him, worshipped him even. Annabeth's love is so pure.

In the book, her response to his betrayal is "I can't believe that Luke... Yes. Yes, I can believe it. May the gods curse him... He was never the same after that quest." No matter how brokenhearted she was that he could do something like that, she always knew it was a possibility.

In the show, she literally followed them with her invisibility cap on. She thought he might be capable of that betrayal. You know that she followed them praying that he would prove her wrong, and he didn't. She knew he might, she just hoped she wouldn't.

She stays out of it and lets them fight until he hurts Percy. She didn't think he would, but all of a sudden she has to come to terms with the fact that her hero would purposely hurt her best friend, a kid, much weaker than him. Not only that she has to process the hugest betrayal and think quick enough to save Percy's life. Annabeth is far older than her years.

I can't imagine how much it hurt her to follow them for the sole purpose of possibly needing to protect her best friend who has sacrificed himself for her over and over again and made her see that she has worth beyond the worth the gods give her, from her brother, who has been the most important man in her world for almost her whole life, he's her only family and he's always on her side, and he was her whole world until Percy came into her life, and he might be a traitor.

There is so much implied in this scene as far as Annabeth's relationship with Luke, and the implications break my heart. Luke is totally willing to go through with his plan until he sees Annabeth. He never factored in the possibility of hurting her directly. Throughout the whole story, he seems to be capable of doing anything until Annabeth comes into play. He can hurt anyone and do anything until it hurts her. And then he hesitates.

She has always been his Achilles heel. He has always been her family.

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10 months ago

Alastor in the last episode be like:

Alastor In The Last Episode Be Like:

and then.... "this place reeks of death, there's a chill in the air-"

btw I used this as reference

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7 years ago
Please Tell Me I Wasn't The Only One Who Thought About This Reference
Please Tell Me I Wasn't The Only One Who Thought About This Reference

Please tell me I wasn't the only one who thought about this reference

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7 months ago

WKX and ZZS please come save our very good boy, Chengling, from his father's sworn brothers! I am begging you. If one more person complains about our wonderful darling...

Oh look at that... the shiny veneer of brotherhood has fallen off. Chengling don't trust these men.

Cao Weining is either, indeed the worst and therefore I love him the most, or is a very clever young man. Either way ZZS praising his sect and then him responding with "I'm the worst of them" is hilarious and precious. WKX seems to be like: how dare!? First you flirt with my maid and now you flirt with my man?

ZZS when WKX sticks his tongue out:

WKX And ZZS Please Come Save Our Very Good Boy, Chengling, From His Father's Sworn Brothers! I Am Begging

Xiaolian setting Chengling up to get beaten up. Poor boy. And she thinks she is doing him a favor too.

Huh. ZZS just said Wen-xiong. The ice is thawing!

That is a lot of crossbows pointed at my boy Chengling. Lol "a gentlemen should be willing to die for his soulmate" eh? I love how everyone who know anything look at ZZS's feet when he is doing cool stuff.

Wait... so this guy with the Window of Heaven people is still loyal to ZZS? Some people just inspire loyalty.

Sucks to be a thief who got played by WKX, I guess.

ZZS: I'm asking you because I am treating you as a friend. WKX: You are treating me as a friend? shockedpikachu.gif WKX: Ask me what I think of you! ZZS: Don't care. -walks away- WKX: -longingly looking after.- Zhiji.... Where have I heard this before???

WKX: How bout I pay you back by letting you dom me? ZZS: Kay. Go away. WKX: Sike! I'm a brat, silly man!

Okay... Wait... so this guy has seen them the same day, in the same clothes, just with thin veils over noses and jaws and doesn't recognize WKX's immaculate style? I cannot... It's like a Clark Kent/Superman situation....

There is definitely some beef between the leader guy of the Five Lakes Alliance and WKX.

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1 year ago

I fucking hated episode 8

I liked the escape from and rescue from jail, etc, but I hated that they killed Izzy.  To go to all that trouble to craft such a great redemption arc and to just end it in such a pointless death is so frustrating

You know, I had heard rumors that Izzy might die, but I thought they wouldn't go there, but they did and I'm bitterly disappointed.

Well, I think I'm heading out OFMD fandom, I will probably still read fic, etc, but I will not be back for season 3, I've lost all interest.

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6 months ago

Happy and sad!

Are you sure? Episode 8 Teaser

Post Date: 14/09/2024

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9 years ago
Never Underestimate The Power Of Fangirls~

Never underestimate the power of fangirls~

It beats holy water and magic :3

Following the latest episode 8, I just love how Lindo, Azuna and Ritsuka reacted to Mage’s, Shiki’s and Urie’s kidnap ‘sudden departure’ in this episode of Dance with Devils. Also RemxRitsuka ftw !

That’s all for now, this anime is really slowly turning into a dark one admist all of the musical singing and dancing throughout the series.

Dayum, looking forward to the next episode !

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6 months ago

is it August 30th?

Is It August 30th?


Is It August 30th?

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6 months ago

Almost there!!!

Almost There!!!

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4 years ago

My thoughts on 9-1-1: lone star season 2 episode 8 (bad call)

• so I’m stressed for this episode

• cause I watched the promo which I don’t normally do but for the episode I did for some reason

• also 9-1-1 was relatively calm which normally means lone star will be dramatic so join me for the ride

• also side note I’m watching this at 1:10am just for the lols

• yay!

• fire fam feels

• and Nancy’s there as well

• shit! They haven’t told TK about the baby? That’s not gonna end well

• that’s not good

• also whether purposeful or not the bank tellers mask having the pink purple blue is giving off fabulous bi vibes!

• they better not hurt Carlos

• why they gotta bring Enzo into this? Fuckin everything up

• someone give TK a hug ASAP!

• oooh Carlos in trouble....

• dad?

• this is not gonna end well

• can someone explain what the Texas rangers are? Are they police are they fbi? Serious question there is nothing like them in the uk as far as I know

• I was prepared for TK getting hurt not Carlos!! I am not mentally stable enough for this

• if at any point in this episode they have TK break his sober streak I will be very annoyed


• while I’m loving supportive owen he should probably save some for TK cause at some point they gonna need to talk about the baby

• yay! A proper fire rescue

• Judd does not need the stress of another fire team getting blown up in front of him... again

• saying you can’t comment is a shitty way around not complimenting your son!!

• go Carlos you tell him!!

• well this is not gonna end well

• someone is gonna get shot or at least pistol whipped

• smart TK! Making good decisions under pressure

• are they planning on ending this episode with both TK and Carlos being traumatised?

• TK’s gonna do something stupid isn’t he

• I take back my comment about TK being smart

• well shit!

• no! Carlos is getting anxious and I don’t like it

• if it weren’t for the blood TK kinda looks like he’s sleeping

• BAMF!Vega is on the case

• “I’m angry” ✨iocnic✨

• I did not like the noise TK made it did not sound good

• what the hell is wrong with that dude he should not have that much strength

• and he shot his brother. Great. Just great.

• Carlos is not having a great day today really

• ok Carlos is impressive

• woop woop! Go Carlos!

• TK is not looking great

• not Nancy she’s been through enough recently

• ok I get that she the captain and all but she does have a husband a kids so..

• both Nancy and Vega are BAMF!!!

• yes!! Help has arrived!

• the way TK said “ his baby” 🙁🙁😩

• they did not need to traumatise TK and Carlos to get them to hug, I mean I appreciate the hug but still, next time can we get the hug without the emotional scarring ?

• Owen standing up for Carlos!!

• just remembered Carlos’ parents don’t know about him and TK

• okay maybe they do

• maybe Carlos dad isn’t as big a douche I thought

• shit why are they showing us Judd and Grace at the end of an episode?????!!!!?!?!?

• yes!! Judd and Grace need kids!!

• YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

• no no no no no no no no no no no no no

• that better have been some sort of fucked up dream sequence because I am not emotionally stable enough to wait until April 19th to find out what happened

• they can’t tease us with Ryder babies and then do that??!!!!!!!!!!!!

~cute animal time~

~you get all the animals cause that was a stressful episode and we deserve it~

My Thoughts On 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 8 (bad Call)
My Thoughts On 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 8 (bad Call)
My Thoughts On 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 8 (bad Call)
My Thoughts On 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 8 (bad Call)
My Thoughts On 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 8 (bad Call)
My Thoughts On 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 8 (bad Call)
My Thoughts On 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 8 (bad Call)
My Thoughts On 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 8 (bad Call)
My Thoughts On 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 8 (bad Call)

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1 year ago

Welp, I just saw the last few episodes, and I’ve never been so happy to be wrong about anything ever. I’m a little bit in love with Rosie now. Sir Pentious didn’t die, but instead became the first sinner to be successfully redeemed! Alastor DOES care about the hotel, and he willingly came back after he recovered from the injuries he received while fighting Adam 🥹 also he’s more desperate than ever to free himself from whatever deal he’s gotten himself into. Also…Lillith is in Heaven? What??? I’m really hoping that if the ‘Alastor is working for Lillith’ theory is true, him wanting to be involved with the hotel started out as him wanting out of his deal with Lillith, but now he’s starting to genuinely care, and maybe he’ll end up being redeemed? Aaaaaaaaa

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5 months ago
The Nine Inch Nails | She's Gone Away | At The Roadhouse In Twin Peaks, Washington | From Twin Peaks:
The Nine Inch Nails | She's Gone Away | At The Roadhouse In Twin Peaks, Washington | From Twin Peaks:
The Nine Inch Nails | She's Gone Away | At The Roadhouse In Twin Peaks, Washington | From Twin Peaks:
The Nine Inch Nails | She's Gone Away | At The Roadhouse In Twin Peaks, Washington | From Twin Peaks:
The Nine Inch Nails | She's Gone Away | At The Roadhouse In Twin Peaks, Washington | From Twin Peaks:
The Nine Inch Nails | She's Gone Away | At The Roadhouse In Twin Peaks, Washington | From Twin Peaks:
The Nine Inch Nails | She's Gone Away | At The Roadhouse In Twin Peaks, Washington | From Twin Peaks:
The Nine Inch Nails | She's Gone Away | At The Roadhouse In Twin Peaks, Washington | From Twin Peaks:

“The” Nine Inch Nails | She's Gone Away | At the Roadhouse in Twin Peaks, Washington | From Twin Peaks: The Return, ep 8 | Directed by David Lynch

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5 years ago

Please tell me that my thicc blue boy survived😭

Please Tell Me That My Thicc Blue Boy Survived

I pray to god that Paz Visla escaped to another planet. I really want to see him again.

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