I Have To Agree, They're So Sweet!!!
I have to agree, they're so sweet!!! ❤

I’d like to wish you a happy belated birthday. Thank you for always getting along with me. @unu-nunium
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More Posts from Lyoth737
P E R F E C T I O N 🌟 (Question - if Ink loses all his emotions, will he really die? Didn't he lose them in between the color splashes in @comyet's comic? And can't he just make new vials to hold the emotions? And couldn't he just go to the place he usually visits to refill his bottles? Questions over questions yet to discover...)
Here’s some sads!
You didn’t ask for it, but I’m giving it to you! Alright? Buckle up!
In a recent comic by @comyet about the origins of the fantastic character Ink, it’s shown he can’t actual feel emotions, due to not having a SOUL. He can artificially stimulate emotions using colors from a yet unknown source. Or maybe the source is known, and I just don’t get it. I know it has to do with the creator or somethings? I don’t know. ANYWAYS! Everytime he runs out of the colors, his emotions fade. And when his emotions fade, so does his personality.
At first, I thought he was kind of like Fresh, since Fresh can’t feel emotions either. But I realized Fresh has a personality, even if it’s born purely out of survival in order to ‘fit in’. (We all know how well he does. If not, then check him out, he belongs to @loverofpiggies.)
In order to keep his personality from fading, he bottled them up. The colors, that is. So all he has to do is take some and voilà, he has emotions, and a personality. Now here’s where the sads I warned you about kick in.
Let’s say, Ink can’t get access to a fresh supply of his emotion colors. So all he has are his bottles. His bottles last him a while, since all he needs to take are a little bit and he’s set for awhile. But, let’s say he got into a fight. With Error (who also belongs to @loverofpiggies) or somebody. And his sash holding the bottles get cut, so in panic, Ink grabs it in order to not lose it. Error notices how important the sash with the bottles are to Ink, so he uses his strings to take it. And he disappears off into the anti-void or wherever he goes, taking the sash with him. Error doesn’t realize the importance of the bottles, only that they were important to Ink. He thinks it’s like Ink’s brush. It won’t kill Ink, but it will certainly drag on him. Error thinks it’s a relatively harmless prank.
Now Ink, he’s frantic when Error disappears with his bottles. But, he calms down, thinking Error will have to show up at some point to destroy an AU. And when he does, Ink will show up like always and then be able to get his bottles back. Except, Error doesn’t show up again. He’s taken a break of sorts. No activity on his end. And usually, Ink would be happy about that, since it would mean Error’s not destroying AUs. But Ink needs Error to make an appearance. He needs his bottles back. But, still no Error.
Slowly, Ink notices his emotions fading. It’s not obvious at first, but the colors of his outfit gives it away. The colors are more drab than usual. Ink finds it harder and harder to conjure up an emotion. He no longer pukes up ink, simply because he can no longer get that excited. Even his eyes don’t change as much. It’s like he’s fading away. Ink isolates himself, trying to make his emotions last as long as possible. Because once that’s gone… for all intents and purposes… he’ll be dead.
Eventually, someone finds him. Be it Dream, or Sans, or whatever being can access where he is. Maybe even Error. His friends would be devastated, seeing Ink like that. He no longer has any colors. And he shows no emotions at seeing them, not even sadness. He recognizes them, but it’s like he doesn’t care. If Error found him, he probably wouldn’t completely understand what’s going on. He would mock Ink, boast over him. But when Ink doesn’t even show any emotion towards him, or any hints of his usually boisterous personality, Error would get mad. He would scream, yell at Ink to do something. Because anything is better than nothing. But Ink doesn’t do anything.
Maybe, possibly, in anger, Error would brandish Ink’s sash. Maybe he was already wearing it as a trophy. And Ink shows the first signs of life in looong while. Error quickly realizes what Ink wants, and tosses it to him, hoping that does something. And Ink takes the bottles, and takes a drink from all of them. Maybe all at once. And it’s like a freaking rainbow. All the colors coming bursting back. Ink probably pukes ink, his emotions overwhelming him.
Ink thanks Error, probably in his annoying little shit way (I love him), purposely antagonizing Error. But… it’s also sincere. And Error acts all flustered and tsundere probably, but is secretly glad Ink is back. But he probably just flops Ink off and goes back to the anti-void.
Aaaaaah, no need to thank me for that!!!! oAo
I’m just an artist that likes to draw whatever the heck she likes!! O.O

(But thank you very very very much that you like my art that much!!! X”3 )
ok ok
I posted this on the wrong blog and deleted it and forgot to copy everything so let’s do this again from scratch
First, to @unu-nunu-art / @unu-nunium…
You get the senpai treatment because you deserve it! I really look up to you, and your art is fantastic! You deserve all the love and hugs!
Now, to cry.
Thank you to @lyoth737 for following me!! I look up to you and I basically cried when I saw your follow. Same to Unu!
You deserve love too! I love your art and I really look up to you as well.
You two are my biggest inspirations for a bunch of my errorink drawings! Thank you so much!
And now the special guest…
Such a wonderful person follow such a simple Choco…. hhhhhhhhhhh…
AHHHH I have no words for how happy I am right now! Thank you all so, so much for following me! I hope you enjoy my stuff!
Thank you to ALL my followers! I know there’s only 50 of you right now, but that still makes me very happy. This is the fastest blog I’ve gotten to 50 followers!
A special shoutout to @veenysblog for being a cute bean <3 if you like my content, go follow her! She’s a cutie and needs love <3
Another shoutout to @anonima-feliz-2013! Thank you for asking and requesting me things all the time!
Thank you again to all my followers! Sorry for taking your time, I won’t do a big post like this unless I hit milestones!
Thank you for being here! Happy new year to everyone!

Yas, such cutey one

i missed drawing this child! It was pretty hard to find a good ref for him on the internet but oh well, i tried my best!!
Paperjam by @7goodangel
*internal glitched screaming intensifies*
(I freaking love how you drew this and added the dark red outline into it!! °O° )
5C Error, to go along with screaming Ink lol

LAST ONE! Thanks to everyone who sent Requests
“WTF Ink you’re freaking me out stop screaming like a girl”
(Error belongs to @loverofpiggies)

Birthday gift art for a friend of mine that has birthday today! Ten days before my own birthday to say exactly!
She is really much in love with Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa and his friends, so I drew her some chibis and printed them for her.