Error!sans - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

I have to agree, they're so sweet!!! ❤

Id Like To Wish You Ahappybelatedbirthday.Thank You For Always Getting Along With Me.@unu-nunium

I’d like to wish you a happy belated birthday. Thank you for always getting along with me. @unu-nunium

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8 years ago

oUo Wild glitches appeared!

Pretty interesting what you got out of all the filters!

3b Error, As Requested~

3b Error, as requested~

(Error belongs to @loverofpiggies)

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8 years ago
*sneaks A Small Birthday Gift For @veenysblog In*

*sneaks a small birthday gift for @veenysblog in*

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8 years ago

What is your favorite ship OF ALL TIME?!

The favourite ship? The ultimate OTP of me?

That’s clearly

⁎⁺˳✧༚INK X ERROR ⁎⁺˳✧༚


You got to know - I’m no person that ships. At all. Up to 2016 canon ships were my boat (if any) and I didn’t even ship them or draw them, I just thought they were cute together.

You know, until Undertale flipped my whole life.

Started drawing humans, started RPing, started cosplaying and most important, met @unu-nunu-art in her Error Sans cosplay.


She got me into the best ship ever~~~ 💕💕

Ink and Error have so much diversity, it’s always fascinating to RP as them, to draw them, to cosplay them. They’re similar yet different and both have their own set of problems (like Unu and I… we even give ourselves their nicknames for fun since we cosplay as them X”3 ).

I’ve experienced so much love and fun over the ship, no other ship can be better than that for me. Undertale is one of the fandoms I’m going to remember for the rest of my life, that’s for sure.🖤

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8 years ago

*internal glitched screaming intensifies*

(I freaking love how you drew this and added the dark red outline into it!! °O° )

5C Error, to go along with screaming Ink lol

5C Error, To Go Along With Screaming Ink Lol

LAST ONE! Thanks to everyone who sent Requests

“WTF Ink you’re freaking me out stop screaming like a girl”

(Error belongs to @loverofpiggies)

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8 years ago
A Silent Watcher Appears From Behind.

A silent watcher appears from behind.

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8 years ago

Hiya, Hiya~~ 🌟 Private determined glitch ride up ahead!

(Would be really awesome if you made it into a keychain #.# - Instant buying for sure!!!)

Onward, My Trusty Glitch!

“Onward, my trusty Glitch!”

I’m dedicating this strange doodle to @veenysblog because it’s been her birthday a few days ago. Enjoy!

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8 years ago
* You Crank Up The Realism Level A Bit.

* You crank up the realism level a bit.

* You take out @unu-nunu-art ‘s Error Kitty and Ink Dog to meet @crystal-www ‘s Error and Ink cats.

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8 years ago
Kind Of Response To LukaMegurine666s Comment On DeviantArt To This Picture: Https://
Kind Of Response To LukaMegurine666s Comment On DeviantArt To This Picture: Https://

Kind of response to LukaMegurine666′s comment on deviantArt to this picture:

This time it’s Ink dressing up Error in a tutu.

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8 years ago

ÒvÓ Yass, there’s no escape here for you~~~

i wants to see ink eithr being tickle or tickling someone :3


Would you believe me if I told you that it wasn’t hard for me to pick a victim for this?

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8 years ago

Yessss very much yesss ~~~ <3

Tsundere Error is tsundere.

*whispers* Error loves Ink

Does he?


okay, good to know

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7 years ago

Man, that’s cute! >u<

You need to continue that!

idk what to put here besides this--

Ink x Child!Error, HEADIN’ YOUR WAYYY










(Remember, this is a CHILD Error X Ink short.)


(3rd person)

Error whimpered gently as he sat up the upper half of his body, rubbing his head gently while trying to calm down the insane glitches flying around his smol body.

‘Where am I?’

“H-Hello-o¿” Error called out with his weak voice. He glanced around the endless Anti-Void. How did he get here? Is there anyone else? Why is he here? Can he go home?

Error shakily lifted himself up, his knees shaking while he held his hands to his chest in worry. Is he going to be stuck here forever?!

Error felt tears prick at the edges of his eye sockets, ”H-H-hello?!¿“ He spun around, ”P-Please! I-I don’t-t want-t to-o be here¡“

Error was hyperventilating, large tears filling his eyes and shaking badly.

”HELLO¿!“ Error called out again, fear evident in his high-pitched tone.

Meanwhile, Ink was chilling in his home, sketching random things while he thought about problems that needed to be solved. He train of thought was interrupted when he felt … Something. He wasn’t used to it. It wasn’t a comforting feeling, more urgent then painful. It was uncomfortable. It shivered through him, his senses being blinded for just a second.

”Weird . .“ Murmured the artist, “What was that?“. Ink sat there, thinking about what he just felt. Was something created without him doing it? Maybe! Ink decided that was probably what happened. What other things could’ve happened? Not very much.

“Its best if I check the AU’s,“ Ink sighed. He didn’t want to leave his spinny chair, but he had work to do. Ink opened a portal-window like thing against his wall scattered with unfinished sketches. He hopped through the portal that had the colors white and turquoise (I may or may not have put that there because their some of my favorite colors). Ink stepped through the portal quickly, and froze at the sight he saw.

He spotted a small child in a dark blue jacket, black sweatpants, and dark grey shoes with Velcro curled up into a little ball, trembling and whimpering, pleading to get away from the Anti-Void.

”I w-w-wanna go h-home . . I-i w-wanna go h-home . .“ Whispered the sobbing child. Ink took another step forward without much thought, all he was focused now was what the small child was doing here and who they are.

“Hey, are you okay?“ Ink asked softly, taking a few more steps forward. Error jolted his head up to the speaker.

’Another person! No, another skeleton! Like me!’ Error thought in excitement. Who is he?! Can he take him home?! Is he nice?! Wait, will he hurt him?!

Errors happiness shifted to utter fear.

”w-who are y-you?¡“ Error used all of his courage to ask that without leaking fear into the tone. Ink could tell he was trying to act tough. Error was failing horribly.

“Hey, hey, I’m not here to hurt you,” Ink cooed, crouching down too the terrified skeletons hight. Error whimpered, stepping back, only to fall over from his legs shaking from fear so much.

Inks first instinct was to comfort the child.

But how?

Ink scooted closer to the shaken child, but Error old scooted back. Ink thought.

’Maybe I could paint something he might like.’

Ink smiled in satisfaction as He brought out a little paintbrush and painted a small sized milk chocolate bar as fast as he could without messing it up. While Ink was doing that, Error had scooted back a little way, watching the artist. When Ink finished, he grinned and slid the chocolate along the clean(?) floor of the Anti-Void to Error. The glitchy skele stared at it.

”I-i-is it poisoned-d?” Error asked in worry.

”No, it’s perfectly fine to eat,“ Ink replied gently, sitting down Cross cross.

Submitted by that-punny-cookie

Unu says: CHOOO-CHOOO! *gets hit by train* 

Awwww, this is such an Interesting and cute fic! Loved it! ^u^

Although I’m not sure about this but… isn’t “character x character” a term for shipping? This probably wasn’t the intention but I was a bit confused at first to be honest. Might be just me though. 

Thank you so much for submitting this and I’m really REALLY happy I could brighten up your day like this! Thank you also for your kind words.I hope the shot wasn’t all bad. <3

This also gave me the opportunity to draw a smol Error, so… have a small Error! 

Idk What To Put Here Besides This--

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7 years ago
Omg, Rushed Drawing Because Errors Birthday Is Todaaay!!!

Omg, rushed drawing because Error’s birthday is todaaay!!!

Don’t wanna miss that!!!

Error Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies

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7 years ago

♥ ♥ ♥ Hhhhhhhhhngggghhhhhhhh

error and ink sin? or just hanging out


“You’re right, I’m not sorry. What are you going to do about it? Punish me?”

…this is probbaly the closest to sin I can get. So… does this still count as hanging out or is this sin? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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7 years ago


You finally finished their refs and OMG I'm so excited you did that!! X3

I love them and there are SO much MORE details on them than on these pictures! They're SO much more than just a swap version of each other! I've witnessed their creation and MAN I want to draw them so badly (even though I don't really have the time with exams next weeks)!!!

I hope you draw more with them, @unu-nunu-art!!! X3

(Remember To Click For Better Resolution Or Go To My DeviantArt. Its Easier To Read This Way, Tumblr
(Remember To Click For Better Resolution Or Go To My DeviantArt. Its Easier To Read This Way, Tumblr
(Remember To Click For Better Resolution Or Go To My DeviantArt. Its Easier To Read This Way, Tumblr
(Remember To Click For Better Resolution Or Go To My DeviantArt. Its Easier To Read This Way, Tumblr

(Remember to click for better resolution or go to my DeviantArt. It’s easier to read this way, tumblr is just bad with resolutions)

So… yeah. I’ve been working on this for quite a while. Introducing Template and Pale, a Swap version (but not quite) of Error and Ink. I’ve been playing around with this concept for serveral months and it actually took me super long to get from a concept sketch to this. They really feel like more than just a swap version at this point but more of their own characters. Crazy, right?

I really couldn’t decide what to put on the refs. I wanted to give an accurate impression, but didn’t mean to cram it. Either way, I tried to make it as polished as possible. …I gotta say, I’m nervous. I didn’t upload anything like that for years. Haha… enjoy two more idiots floating around in this multiverse? :’D

With greatest respect, the original Error and Ink of course belong to @loverofpiggies and @myebi

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7 years ago

It’s making an awesome phone wallpaper ♥ 

Especially when it shines brighter when you touch it!!



The size is fitting for a phone wallpaper idk hahahaha

Error @loverofpiggies

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7 years ago

Aww, man, this is pretty cute! I wonder if there’ll be more!! X”3

The small Dork and the Artist pt.2

OkiOkiOkiOki I wanted to continue what @That-Punny-Cookie started, even if it was my other account that I deleted, I had a feeling nobody would believe me and all. Just saying, the One-Shot wasn’t supposed to be submitted, it was a draft ;w; But, just saying, the day I found out you replied… I WAS JUMPING OVER MOON ;;;;;W;;;;;; I WAS OVERWHELMED WITH HAPPINESS! O-O I FELT LIKE I COULD PUNCH THROUGH A WALL




Error poked the chocolate softly.

It looked yummy.

And Error wanted to eat something.

Error gently picked up the chocolate while Ink watched, curious for what his rescuing to chocolate will be. Error took a small nibble of the chocolate (that wasn’t wrapped) slowly and cautiously. His eye lights lit up slightly at the sweet taste. Instead of chomping down the chocolate greedily, Error instead took quick but small nibbles of the chocolate. Ink giggled at the small glitchy child.

”Hey, what’s your name?“ Ink asked, “I’m Ink. You can call me anything but shorty.”

Error looked up at Ink, blinking a little, putting down the (very tasty) chocolate bar.

Error sat down a little more properly, sitting on his bum. (Is that more proper, or does it not make a difference? I don’t know, whoops-)

“My NaMe iS Error,“ Error murmured softly. Ink leaned in a little, humming in question. “What did you say?” Ink asked politely. Error tooonin a deep breath and looked Ink straight in the eye with slight bravery.

”Error,“ Error repeated confidently, “My NaMe Is Error.”

Ink smiled brightly, crawling closer to Error. ”That’s a great name! Do you mind if I call you … Hmm … RuRu, perhaps?“ Ink asked. Error rose his ‘eyebrows.’ “WhO Is ’RuRu’¿” Error asked back. Ink giggled, scooting a little closer to Error.

“Your RuRu, silly!“ Ink smiled, pointing to Error. Error pointed to himself, “mE¿ bUt, I’m ErRor!” Error protested, “nOt rUrU!”

Ink grinned, “If I call you RuRu, you can call me anything you want. If you like, you can call me shorty, even if I’m taller than you,“ Ink suggested, scooting until he was normal length from Error.

Error puffed his cheeks and and crossed his arms, “I-i’m nOt GonNA aLwAyS bE shOrT! I-i’lL grOw Up!“ Error huffed, “i’lL grOw Up TO bE tAlL!”

Ink rolled his eyes playfully. “Suuuuuure. Hehe. Anyway, want to leave this awful place?“ Ink asked Error. Error gasped and stood up quickly, “yEs PleAsE, InK!” Error smiled, which Ink returned. The artist stood up, and realized how short Error was. Even wearing shoes, Error was just a little shorter than Inks elbow.

’Oh my gosh,’ Ink squealed internally, ’He’s so short!’ Ink internally fangirled at how cute Error is. ‘But, I also wonder, will Error be able to go through the portal himself?’ Ink asked himself. He shrugged and opened a portal using his paintbrush. Almost immediately, Error hid behind Ink.

“WhAt Is ThAt… ?” Error asked nervously, grabbing onto Inks clothes. Ink turned a little, looking down at the nervous child.

“That, RuRu, is a portal. It will take us away from here,” Ink smiled happily. Error still hid behind Ink.

The artist turned around completely, grabbing Error and placing him onto his hip. Error squeaked and grabbed onto Ink for his dear life.

Ink looked at Error, “Are you ready? We’re going to walk through the portal.“ Error nodded, grabbing onto Ink even more tightly.

’He might fall asleep when we go through the portal,’ Ink thought, ’Probably because of his unsteady magic.’

After that thought, Ink stepped through his portal, entering his guest room in his home.

Which was thankfully not covered in enough papers to not be considered a room anymore. The room was quite plain. If had a twin sized bed in the middle of the room, pressed against the wall. On the right of the bed was a desk, papers and pencils scattered around the wooden surface. It was a plain looking room as mention earlier. Ink turned to check if Error had fallen asleep.

Yup, he is.

Ink picked up Error and placed him onto the guest bed, tucking him in.

Ink sat next to Errors bed, just in case Error wakes up and gets scared, or something along those lines. Ink wants to be next to the glitchy skeleton, he wants to know if he’s okay, he wants to make sure nobody is messing with Error. The artist stroked Error’s head in a comforting manner, hoping too sooth the skeletons nervous nerves from going through portal earlier.

“I will watch over you, no matter what. Your my small little dork.”

>>~•(§*§)•~<< Before y'all start screaming about stuff I messed up I thought that Error wouldn’t have hapephobia(? Is that his you spell it?) because he wasn’t stuck in the void for a heck of a long time. So he didn’t mind the touching. (Or, maybe I didn’t want to write angst/feels ;w;)

(I’ve gotten sucked into child!error x Ink to the point where I’m drawing them in class XD)

Submitted by  ask-error-and-ink-the-nerds

The Small Dork And The Artist Pt.2

Unu says: You didn’t have a title so I felt free to name the story, haha. I’m good at naming things, did you know that? |D

Anyway, this is just so cute! You guys keep submitting so cute fanfics to me and just… hnnngh <3<3<3

Thanks for continuing the story. And you’re welcome for the response, I guess? Though I’m still recovering from that train hitting me last time and stuff~

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7 years ago

Oooh, indeed a pretty style! OvO



I love their designs!!!

Template and pale belong to  @unu-nunu-art

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7 years ago

OOOOOOOOH That looks super adorable!

And it’s an interesting idea that his graphic pen can do some rainbow lines! Now I imagine him using it to write with people that are far away or cannot hear him xD



I don’t know if his… pen? can do that but meeeeh

Template belongs to @unu-nunu-art

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