lyxn23aries - Untitled

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Fling Posse: Catch Us If You Can DRAMA TRACK | Fan Translation: Part 3

Fling Posse: “Catch Us If You Can” DRAMA TRACK | Fan Translation: Part 3

drama track

Notes: The scene changes to Gentaro and Dice in a deserted building, looking for Ramuda.

Dice: Are you sure he's really here?

Gentaro: Yes, by looking at the current conditions of this room, it's been turned-inside out.

Dice: Hm..he's not here though. Oi RAMUDA~A-mmph-!

Gentaro: What are you doing?? Are you an idiot, shouting like that at the top of your lungs?! You know we're being pursued as we speak!! Oh wait, you are an idiot, sorry for shouting at you just now; the truth sometimes hurts, doesn't it?

Dice: That statement hurts even more!

Ramuda: Aha~ha! You two love to joke a lot, even at times like this.

Dice: Oh Ramuda! Glad to see you're safe!

Ramuda: Peace! Peace!

Gentaro: I'm glad to see you're alright as well, after running away from the Kotosarai.

Ramuda: Yep~p! My sixth sense worked amazing and helped me escape from them!

Dice: So what now? Any more, and we're all gonna get caught.

Gentaro: How was your side of the plan?

Dice: It didn't work, they're all a step ahead of us. What about you Gentaro?

Gentaro: I did the best that I could, but all we can do now is hope for the best.

Ramuda: Well, whatever happens now, happens, because that’s how everything works in the world!

Dice: Hey Ramuda.

Ramuda: What's up Dice?

Dice: Since Chuohku is coming arrest us, You should run, even if it means to abandon both of us.

Gentaro: Dice is correct, if there is life, then there is hope. Even if the two of us get arrested and you are still alive, we can still have a chance to escape.

Ramuda: If I'm destined to die, then I'll fight to my death-!

Dice: What's wrong Ramuda?

Ramuda: You're...Honobono....

Honobono: Hehehehe...are you three done playing tag with us?

Ramuda: Tch.

Dice: Is that...the Kotosarai Unit..?

Honobono: Ara ara~ It seems like you two are planning to fight for Ramuda, hm?

Gentaro: Yes, that is correct.

Dice: We won't let you hurt him.

Honobono: That's really cute of you to do that. Your friendship is very beautiful, but watching so-called friendships like yours break apart is prettier hehehe!

Gentaro: Ramuda! Dice and I will buy as much time as we can, please go and escape though the back!

Ramuda: No, I will not-

Dice: Ramuda hurry up! Think that by running, you'll save Gentaro and I!

Kotosarai Member 1: Leader, what should we do?

Honobono: Let him go. it’s only a matter of time until we'll catch him. After all, the two 'specks of lice' won't be much of a match for me.

Gentaro: You seem so confident, I'll be looking forward to seeing your expression after she gets bitten by "specks of lice".

Dice: Hah! This is a gamble I can’t afford to lose to!!

*Gentaro and Dice rap about saving Ramuda*

Honobono: Oh look at this!

Dice: What the hell? No damage?

Gentaro: Kotosarai seems like a bigger obstacle now that I have encountered them for the first time.

Honobono: It's my turn now, but don't worry, I can take you both down all by myself~

*Honobono raps about Fling Posse's friendship and how she's going to end it*

Dice: Dammit! She's too powerful!

Gentaro: I can’t believe her strength either.

Honobono: Sigh. You both went below my expectations, I might as well put you both out of misery.

Kotosarai Member 1: Leader, killing them is against the rules!

Honobono: So what?

Gentaro: If we take another hit, we'll be goners.

Dice: Yep.

Honobono: Well then the next time you two will meet, it may be in Hell or your next lives, bye bye!

Ramuda: DONT YOU DARE! Don't you dare harm them!

Dice: You idiot! Why did you come back?!

Gentaro: It's not too late, go back!

Ramuda: Never! If you both are going down, I'm going down with you guys!

Gentaro: Ramuda!

Dice: Hahaha! If that's so, then we're gonna to fight together to win, not to lose.

Gentaro: Indeed. If we lose here, there is no going back.

Honobono: Fufu~ this is getting interesting!! The deeper the bond, the more fun it is to break it!

Ramuda: Get ready you two!!

Gentaro and Dice: Yeah!

*Fling Posse raps about their friendship as a group*

Honobono: Hm...seems like you three gotten a little better just now.

Dice: How is she still standing after that??

Gentaro: Truly a monster.

Ramuda: *coughs blood*

Gentaro and Dice: Ramuda!!

Honobono: Ara ara~ Ramuda-chan, are you suffering? How about I'll slowly, painfully end your life bit by bit? I'll start with your two precious little friends~

Ramuda: DAMMIT!!

*Ramuda raps directly to Honobono*

Honobono: Are you done playing around? You don't have the willpower to even use a hypnosis mic anymore. Now then, time to kill those two~

Kotosarai Member 1: Um...leader...are you just going to let them go?

Honobono: Huh? What do you mean, they're standing right in front of us...?! Those were...illusions...


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More Posts from Lyxn23aries

2 years ago

Love it❤️😍😍 I wanna see both of them more often. Actually I also wanna know bout their past like how they usually do in their daily life even I already read the manga😅👀

Still want them to interact more often😁😜

Yes Everyone Needs It
Yes Everyone Needs It
Yes Everyone Needs It
Yes Everyone Needs It
Yes Everyone Needs It
Yes Everyone Needs It

yes everyone needs it 😩🔥

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1 year ago

Fling Posse: "Catch Us If You Can" DRAMA TRACK | Fan Translation: Part 2

drama track

Ramuda: Ugh...even if Gentaro and Dice said all of those things, they probably won’t amount to anything. They're gonna die anyways. Hahaha...if they are gonna go down. at least the can go down fighting.

Phone Rings

Ramuda: Hello?

Rei: Long time no speak eh? Anyways, you better leave the hotel you're currently staying in.

Ramuda: H-How do you know where I am right now??

Rei: Did you not hear me? Hurry up and leave now.

Ramuda: I don't understand-

Phone Hangs Up

Ramuda: Why is he concerned for me? Hm...but then what would he get out of helping me? DAMMIT!

Special Forces: There he is! Don't let him escape!

--- Gentaro (Hiding): So those are the Special Forces Units, I can't believe they moved so fast on our tails...I can't afford to do anything risky now.

Phone: Hello?

Gentaro: Ichiu, I have a request for you to do.

Ichiu: Gentaro-sensei, I can't, I can tell you probably going to throw me into a sticky situation.

Gentaro: Very well then, I thought private detective go into sticky situations for a living.

Ichiu: ...Fine, what can I do for you?

Gentaro: I would like you to investigate a specific person.


Dice: DAH...If I stop here, I'm gonna get caught soon. I'll try to call but I don't know if I'll get in...

Answering Machine: Hello, welcome to the Chu-

Dice: Tch. This is useless.


Lobby Of A Company

Gentaro: Excuse me, I'm here for Mr. Yanagida in the second editing department under the name “Gentaro Yumeno.”

Receptionist: Very well, please come in.

Yanagida: Why hello there Yumeno-kun, it’s been a while. Maybe I should call you “sensei”, since your now a famous author.

Gentaro: Please skip the formalities and hand over the manuscript.

Yanagida: Absolutely not. It’s too valuable.

Gentaro: My brother risked his life writing that manuscript, and he did not write it for money.

Yanagida: You idiot. Writing and publishing books are all about making money.

Gentaro: The only reason why he did not publish it was the intent to blackmail Chuohku and make them pay him the money not to publish it in the first place.

Yanagida: True, but as Chuohku grows, so does the worth of the manuscript.

Gentaro: So you're not willing to negotiate with me.

Yanagida: Come on you're a writer, you should know in the first place why I value this more than you, gehahaha!

Gentaro: I see then, I'm sorry for bothering you.


Dice: God, too bad the phone didn't work then. I'll guess I have to barge in through force. Eh? Gentaro?

Gentaro: Please go back to the hotel.

Dice: Oh okay, how's are things going for you?

Gentaro: I don't know yet, but I'll tell you later.

Dice: Alright.


Dice: Ramuda! Are you here?

Gentaro: It seems we've arrived too late. The room is in shambles.

Ramuda: Gentaro?

Gentaro: Ramuda! Are you safe?

Ramuda: Wait, those Chuohku galls might be listening to this, I'll send a message to you.

Dice: Gentaro, is he okay??

Gentaro: He just sent me a message with his location.

Dice: Alright, we need to go.

Gentaro: Okay.


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2 years ago

Relationship between servamp'siblings😉👀

How The Servamp Siblings Think Of Each Other.

How the Servamp siblings think of each other.

This is based on the Q and A Tanaka Strike had (except for the kill and no kill team thing, I added that myself)

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2 years ago


Lets Have A Party Theres A Full Moon In The SkyIts The Hour Of The Wolf And I Dont Want To Die

Let’s have a party there’s a full moon in the sky It’s the hour of the wolf and I don’t want to die

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1 year ago


Kenta, nayuta, dongha and ryoga with reader fem with like big doe puppy eyes and they use it in them all the time for affection ,also when they talk casually with them lol #Hebi100Special sorry i forgot the hastag

Writer's corner: It's the 17th request I got for my Special 100 and I'm posting it veeery late, I'm sorry! Hope you like it, anon! Still so sorry for being this late! If you want me to change something here, let me know! Enjoy~

Warnings: none.

⋆𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚, 𝐍𝐚𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚, 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐠𝐚⋆ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐩𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬.

Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them
Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them
Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them

⋆Kenta hates when you do it.

⋆He seriously hates when you use those big puppy eyes you have.

⋆He could seem such a bad boy

⋆He could act as teasing as he wants to.

⋆But he knows very well that he cannot do anything in front of them.

⋆He cannot do anything when your eyes are there.

⋆Even if you're simply talking to him

⋆Even if you're just staring at his eyes.

⋆He cannot deny the fact that they are the most beautiful ones he has ever seen.

⋆And this thought really drives him crazy.

⋆Kenta is a genius.

⋆He's one of the smartest hacker of the world.

⋆Maybe he's the most intelligent one among all.

⋆How could he let you do that to him?

⋆How could he let you do that magical spell on him?

⋆He knows he has completely lost his mind..

⋆Oh, well..

⋆Perhaps he has never been normal.

⋆But you managed to get him crazier than before.

⋆And he knows it.

⋆He becomes aware of it when he touches your skin...

⋆..when he hugs you tightly, caressing your hair...

⋆..and when your presence in his life drives him to think that, yes..

⋆..He would die if you weren't with him, by his side.

⋆Those prison days aren't the same, and that's thanks to you.

⋆To all that affection you demand and get from him.

⋆To all those hugs he gives you and all those ones you give him.

⋆Kenta is clever: he knows that you use your puppy eyes to get affection.

⋆And even if at first he acts dry or seems to be annoyed by that, well..

⋆In deep he doesn't mind it at all..

⋆In deep he loves it instead.

⋆"You want an hug? Again?! Damn... How can you be so clingy and annoying?!...."

⋆That's what he says but decides to turn to face his laptop when he feels like he's about to blush.

⋆"Damn... Those eyes.."

⋆He hates those big puppy eyes..

⋆..but at the same time he couldn't live if you didn't look at his ones for even just a second.

⋆Probably he would admit it one day, though~

Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them
Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them
Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them

⋆Nayuta doesn't really understand what kind of magic your eyes have.

⋆He always finds himself wondering how they manage to get him flustered..

⋆How they can make his heart beating faster than before.

⋆He's afraid of those eyes.

⋆He fears your puppy eyes.

⋆Because he's aware that he cannot tell you no.

⋆He cannot deny you affection.

⋆Each time you look at him

⋆Each time your eyes stare at his, sparkling like only stars at night could do...


⋆Only when all this happens, Nayuta knows he's about to lose his mind...

⋆.. That he's about to let his heart decides, even if he doesn't want to.

⋆"You want to cuddle...? Uhm.... Alright."

⋆That's what he'd simply whisper and then open his arms, hugging you weakly but sweetly enough.

⋆Actually you know how Nayuta appreciates to be cuddled.

⋆He likes to be the one taken care of by the people he loves (such as his twin brother).

⋆So you hug him frequently and take care of him even in the simplest things.

⋆And Nayuta really appreciates it a lot.


⋆Your eyes...

⋆Those big puppy eyes.

⋆He cannot help but being the one to demand for some affection.

⋆So here tables turn!

⋆He's the one to demand for cuddles, for hugs..

⋆Because in deep Nayuta loves how your eyes look at him..

⋆Because he loves you, even if your eyes quite scares him because...

⋆Let's be honest:

⋆..they're the only weapon that could truly work on him.

⋆Not any gun, not any drug..

⋆..not any phantometal and metal erosion..

⋆..but your eyes...

⋆He'd spend the rest of his life simply looking at them..

⋆He'd spend the rest of his life simply staring at that joy, at that kindness, at that love..

⋆Those feelings come out of your eyes and wrap him, making him feeling warm, just like futon's blankets do in winter..

⋆And Nayuta cannot deny the fact that it's a lovely feeling..

⋆"Your eyes... They're cute.", he'd whisper softly smiling, hugging you tightly.

Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them
Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them
Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them

⋆Dongha doesn't stand your eyes.

⋆You can tell because he immediately looks away when his eyes reaches yours even for just a second.

⋆He's the king of the world.

⋆He's the strongest.


⋆Dongha is the one who has a strong stare!

⋆A piercing look that can shows to all the people that he's the best..

⋆..that he can do whatever he wants in his life!

⋆So his eyes don't look away when others' ones are staring at his.

⋆He always manages to get others' eyes look away first.

⋆Oh well...

⋆He could do that..

⋆...until you arrived into his life.

⋆He was sure to get even your eyes look away first..

⋆But he was wrong.

⋆Your eyes didn't.

⋆They never did.

⋆His eyes did, instead.

⋆They always does.


⋆Because your eyes were and still are stronger than his ones.

⋆Dongha is clever, though.

⋆He knows what game you're playing.

⋆He knows that you take advantages from the fact that your eyes are able to win against his.

⋆But even if he tries hard, he cannot keep his eyes on your puppy ones.

⋆He cannot say no when you ask him for some affection.

⋆"What are you doing? want some c-c-cuddles?!... Well.. Maybe just for a few minutes!"

⋆He'd say and then let you hug him.

⋆He's like this.

⋆He wants to appear strong, manly, brave..

⋆But he's actually fragile, sad and in need of love and affection.

⋆Maybe at first he'd show you to feel annoyed by that behaviour of yours.

⋆He'd show to feel annoyed by those puppy eyes of yours..

⋆But after a while you'd manage to know the real Dongha, to discover what it's hidden behind that invisible armor he had decided to wear in the past.

⋆And, yeah... He'd admit to himself how he actually loves your eyes.

⋆"Your eyes... They are the only eyes which have ever looked for mine so far..."

Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them
Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them
Kenta, Nayuta, Dongha And Ryoga With Reader Fem With Like Big Doe Puppy Eyes And They Use It In Them

⋆Ryoga could appear terrifying

⋆He's very tall and strong

⋆Plus he's also a prisoner, so that contributes to make him appear as a sort of criminal and intimidating guy.

⋆He's also aggressive

⋆But we all know that's because he has some difficulties to communicate with people and uses violence instead.

⋆At first when he met your puppy eyes he felt something strange inside his own body

⋆Like something warm spreading all around his veins.

⋆After that he felt weak for the first time in his life.

⋆And we're talking about Ryoga.

⋆He's strong!

⋆He was literally a bullet for his gang before going to prison!

⋆So how can a simple and small girl with giant and sweet eyes make him feel that way?

⋆How can you do that?

⋆Do you have a phantometal?

⋆Are you a witch or something?

⋆Maybe a beautiful mermaid, instead.

⋆Ryoga doesn't really know how to express himself without being violent towards people

⋆But I'm sure he thinks a lot

⋆So that's how he spends his days in prison

⋆Maybe imagining about how his days will be after getting out of prison

⋆After winning that Rap Battle against the other teams

⋆But especially thinking about your eyes

⋆Those big and sweet eyes which seem to be full of happiness, sweetness, love towards him..

⋆Do you really love him?

⋆How can you?

⋆This thoughts abandon Ryoga's mind when he sees Inukai announcing that you've come to see him.

⋆Even if Ryoga keeps silence, it doesn't mean that his mind is empty though.

⋆When he sees your eyes

⋆When your shape enters that cell of his

⋆When your arms hug him by his neck and his strong ones hug you by your waist..

⋆That's when he thinks how he stupidly fell

⋆How he stupidly let his heart beating faster at the sight of those big eyes of yours.

⋆"Y-you w-want a-a-affection?!.... Hm... Is it okay?", he'd ask since he believes he can't give affection.

⋆But yeah..

⋆He thinks you taught him how to love

⋆While instead he already knew it but wasn't aware.

⋆"I love you ... "

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