28 posts
Day 14 PANIC
day 14 PANIC

she panicking because discord cancel a picnic to screw with Luna and is panicking if she said something
sorry if I forgot something it's 1am
koidial liked this · 5 months ago
More Posts from Madmothmoss
the plushie day

day 5 the screw up
crystallized day!

crystallized pony's I completely forgot what they were for the first hour but then I just watch s3 ep1 and 2 scarped the thing I was drawing and did a redesign for jester trots can made them a crystallized pony.
day 11 spells

this is poor wizard he cant do scroll spells because he cant read them so he go's off the images
Day 13 goodnight
goodnight discord

Bro i screwed up i forgot the dam ears day 10 again and redid some colours

true day 10 of Og characters

this is mystery mare a singer no pony knows there real name but her
she is a singer very well-known for the rock music she rights and preforms she is a mid level magic user and uses magic to hide her cutie mark at all times to hide her identity
and has a prosthetic back leg