magic-miraculous - Who even knows what I'm doing anymore?
Who even knows what I'm doing anymore?

Sarah, 22, she/her ✨ Just a humble fic writer who wants to make her way in this crazy little world ✨ Not really spoiler-free for anything (but spoilers will be tagged!)

550 posts

Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter OneJust A Friend

Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter One “Just a Friend”

“Mari, who keeps calling you?” Damian asked as the pair sat at a table in the library of Gotham University. The two had known each other for only a few months now, but Damian already knew her expressions and mannerisms quite well. He noticed that whenever her phone vibrated she tensed, even if it ended up being her parents or one of their mutual ‘friends’ (Damian throws the word around loosely; they’re Marinette’s friends more than his, but he tolerates them. At least one of them, Felix, has a similar disposition to him. That makes it a bit more bearable). Usually, though, it was an unknown number that made her uncomfortable, but it seemed like she knew the number but intentionally didn’t include it in her contacts.

She always gave the same answer when Damian asked.

“Oh, it’s… it’s just a friend from home, that’s all,” she’d say, not meeting his eye. She still had a bit of an accent, but thanks to tutoring with Chloe she’d become proficient in English. Then she’d hurriedly change the subject, usually back to the assignment she was working on or talking about the surprisingly nice weather on a given day. Damian didn’t often press, but today he did. He didn’t really know why, but he just felt like he needed to. Something about this caller was making his friend unhappy, and he was sick of just letting it happen. He was Robin, after all; it was his duty to help those in need.

“Please, will you tell me? I know it bothers you.”

“It’s just a guy from lycee, that’s it. I promise,” she replied, plastering a smile on her face. It was too obviously fake.

Damian leaned forward. “Mari, please. It’ll just stay between you and me, and I do not judge.” That last part was somewhat of a lie, though; he judged his brothers, he judged many of his classmates silently, but he would never judge Marinette. He didn’t have the heart to do it.

Mari sighed. “Fine. Long story short, old friend became very toxic, I got a new phone, somehow he got the new number, and I can’t change my number again because of certain contacts-- and besides, it costs money that doesn’t need to be spent-- and I answered once and we fought, so I never answered again. I don’t know how he calls so much, since he’s supposed to be at University in London.”

Damian just stared at her for a minute. The longer he stared, the more she squirmed.

“Are you going to say something or what?”

“What? Oh, sorry,” Damian replied, taking a deep breath. “That guy sounds like an ass. You should press charges.”

“Yeah, right! His father is one of the top designers in France, and he’s one of the most famous models in the world! Meanwhile, my parents are bakers, and any money I’ve made from designing goes straight to paying for University.”

“I-” Damian started, but the phone started vibrating again, shaking the table and making both of the teens stare angrily at the screen. Marinette exhaled and hit the ‘decline’ button, but not before Damian could see the number. He made a mental note to give the number to Tim; hopefully he could do something about it.

“How about we go for a walk?” Damian suggests. “Get your mind off of him. One condition, though-- phones go on airplane mode.” He realized right after he said it that it might not be the best idea to limit his contact to his family in case of an emergency, and Marinette had the exact same idea.

“How about just on vibrate? I really should have it on and connected in case someone needs me,” Mari said.

Damian nodded. “Of course,” he replied before standing up and slinging his backpack over his shoulders. “Shall we?”

“Yes, we shall.” Mari laughed and followed Damian outside.

“So, where to?”

“Let’s just see where fate takes us.”


And it’s finally officially beginning! I’m so excited about this story, and I really hope you enjoy it! :) 

@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive @dawnwave16 @bluerosette23 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @northernbluetongue @rebecarojas07 @blue-peach14 @weird-pale-blonde-person @astridflies @annabellabrookes @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002 @valeks-princess @interobanginyourmom @vixen-uchiha (lmk if you want to be added to the tags! :) )


COMING UP NEXT– Chapter 2 “Blind Date”

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More Posts from Magic-miraculous

5 years ago

do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.

Tags :
5 years ago
No Context Loveater Spoiler

no context loveater spoiler

5 years ago

'Shut up, you thot!' I'm CACKLING

(Daminette + Alya Salt) Marinette had been trying to hide the torment and loneliness Alya and Lila have been putting her through from Damian to avoid worrying him. But of course he found out. Damian may have set certain dominos in motion to repair Marinette's friendships with most of her classmates while turning Alya and Lila into pariahs, thus reversing their social standings and making his princess feel loved and appreciated once more, as she deserves.

It wasn't hard for Damian to see, if he looked hard enough.

He noticed it. Jason noticed it. Everyone in the fucking family noticed it.

Marinette had lost weight. She looked almost skeletal. And the brightness had dimmed from her eyes, despite her putting up a cheerful front.

It broke Damian's heart.

"Angel.." Damian and his family had sat her down one night, and they convinced her to spill everything. As she did, she spilled out her tears. She had fallen apart right then and there at the kitchen table until she was a blubbering mess and cried herself to sleep.

As much as Damian wanted to go over and skin her class alive, he knew that wouldn't be the safe option. Especially since it seemed there were two that were the ringleaders, while the others followed like sheep.

Alya and Lila. He would have to destroy them. So as Damian Wayne he made some calls. And he waited.

He took Marinette to class the morning he planned it to happen. Once inside the room, he could see her class gathered around a girl, Lila. He narrowed his eyes as he tuned in on her story.

"And Damian was so sweet, taking me out for such a sweet evening. We had dinner on top of the Eiffel Tower, and he offered to take me to Gotham! I'll be going next week, he'll even introduce me to Batman!" She cooed, while Alya seemed to be typing furiously on her phone.

"Odd, I don't remember things going quite like that." Damian spoke up, and all eyes landed on him. He smiled when he saw Lila go pale and began to stammer. "Last night I have having dinner with my family and my girlfriend at our estate near Versailles."

"Lila, you got to see his estate?!" Alya exclaimed, beaming now, typing some more.

"Marinette is my girlfriend." Damian snapped, making Alya pause and look up in confusion. "If you had any brains, you would have seen me holding hands with her this very minute!"

"Hey, dude, there's no need to insult my girlfriend like that!" Nino got to his feet, glowering.

"Idiots. They're all idiots." Damian rolled his eyes, before turning to Marinette. "These are the people that make you cry yourself to see at night? These are the people that torture you every day, making you feel like you're worthless? Angel, they're nothing. They aren't worth your tears."

"W- what do you mean? Marinette is so mean to me, they're just trying to protect me.." Lila whimpered, tearing up. "Damiboo.."

"Shut up, you thot! Because of you and your little tabloid bitch, she's become a ghost of herself! Have none of you looked at her recently?!" Damian snapped. And the class looked. And they saw what she had become, looking more gaunt and pale, so tired and drained of life.

Was it all because of them?

"Damian..." Marinette's voice was shaky, and tears welled up in her eyes. "I- I don't feel so good."

Before anyone could react, Marinette crumpled to the ground. Rose let out a scream and Nathaniel cursed under his breath, quickly dialing an ambulance.

When the ambulance arrived and Marinette was being taken out of the school on a stretcher, the entire school flooded the courtyard to watch, many recording with their cellphones. A news van even pulled up and Nadja came out, her cameraman right behind her.

"Was there an akuma attack?" She asked Alya as they ran up to the class. The ambulance pulled away and many stared after it.

"No." Damian spoke up before anyone else could, his eyes cold and hard. "Marinette has been severely bullied at this school for once. It took a toll on her physically, all because of a pathetic liar and her cronies."

"What the hell do you mean, Lila is lying?! Marinette is the liar! She's just doing this to get some attention!" Alya set her hands on her hips, squaring off against the Wayne boy.

Several sounds of tires squealing and several figures entered through the front gates. Figures that got the students buzzing.

"Yo, Demon!" Jagged Stone called out to Damian, Penny running along beside him. "What was with that ambulance? Is someone hurt?"

"It was Marinette." Damian spoke. Clara Nightengale paled as soon as she ran up, pressing her hands to her mouth.

"What?! Why?!" Jagged's eyes widened in alarm. In response, Damian pointed towards Marinette's class. Towards Alya and Lila.

"Remember what we talked about on the phone last night. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get to the hospital." Damian ran out the front gates, not once looking back.


The celebrities turned to Lila and Alya, their expressions thunderous.

On live TV, all of Paris got to see them cheek the girls and their class out, while Damian sat with Marinette, gripping her hand tightly in his own.

She'd heal, she'd get better. He just knew it.

Taglist: @vixen-uchiha @ravennightingaleandavatempus @2sunchild2 @crazylittlemunchkin @bee-wrecker @souleateralicestein @loysydark @kceedraws @realrandomposts @virgil-is-a-cutie @sidessunnybumblebee @persephonebutkore @18-fandoms-unite-08 @suzen23smith @luciferge @theelventhgod @noirdots @space--butterflies @ghostglaceon @magicalfirebird @goggles-mcgee @chocolate1721 @minightrose @bookcrazybby

5 years ago

Gabriel: Let me see what you have.

Adrien: *running by with his friends* A life!

Gabriel: NO!

5 years ago

Hi, I just wanted to ask a question. Do you happen to know what’s happening to the tumblr notifications, like I love your writing and am tagged in some of your stories, I can see my name and it takes me back to my blog but I do not get notified, it’s like a roulette on what I’ll be notified on. Do you know what’s going on ?

I’m so sorry that’s happening! I try to make sure everyone is linked in my tag list (sometimes certain account names won’t connect for some reason though, but I’m not exactly more why-- maybe yours is one of those?)

Maybe turning on general post notifications would help? I did that for a blog whose story had a full tag list so I could follow along. Or if you message me your blog name I can try and figure it out?

Again, I’m really sorry ❤️