Chapter 1 - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago


Chapter 1: THAT NIGHT

The sun shine bright like any other day. On the tracking field of Kamioka High school, the announcer called out the contestants to be ready.

“ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!” The announcer shoot a air gun in the air and all four contestants ran as fast as they could.

Meanwhile on a bench nearby two guys were watching them go. (there names is never mentioned so i'm just gonna call them bill and bob for simplicity's sake)

“look at them go!” Bill said as he looked on. “they’re given it there all today that’s for sure.” Bob followed.

"man, watching Miko’s boobs bouncing up and down it makes me go crazy.“ Bill said followed immediately by Bob.

"you are such a perv, you know that, right?” They then both saw Miki running pass all the others with no problem.

“look at her go” bill said. “Yeah that’s Miki the witch tracking field of Kamioka Academy for ya” bob said as Miki kept on running.

“yeah, but look at the guy” Bill pointed out Akira that was way behind the others.

“he’s the slowest in the tracking field club” Bob said. “Yeah, why is he even bothering, dude” Bill asked Bob whom then said -“apparently he stays at Miki’s place.” “Are you serious” Bill asked as Miki finished first, again. Miki stop in her field to take a breather, Miko then walked up to her and said - “you’re amazing Miki, can’t can’t believe that you out ran us again!?” Miki then said - “yeah thanks, but you did great too Miko.”

“shh, put your phone away man before he sees us!” Bob said as the other pick he’s phone up which was bibbing. “relax, our club advisor is off in he’s own world” Bill said as a heavy guy on a wheelchair stared into the sky. "checked this out, there’s been a discovery of a murder, a lot people were found dead in an abandoned were house.“ Bill said to Bob. "Really, how many?” The guy asked, Bill responded - “many, that’s for sure, and apparently one of the victims was a friend to the super high schooler, Koda.” He said showing photos of Koda and his friend, and a clip of a bunch of reporters asking Koda and taking pictures while he ignores them all. “apparently the party they went to was a satanic-party called a Sabbath.” Bill said - “hmph, really? I would make a deal with a devil if I were to run that fas-” he stops as he he sees Akira standing in front of them, crying. “hay, what’s your deal? Why are you crying?” He asked Akira. “he’s crying too*sniff*” he said as he continues to cry. “HAY, did you guys make him cry again?” Miki shouted at them with an angry look on her face. "woah, we didn’t, he started to cry on his own for some reason" Bob said. Akira wipe away his tears and pointed at the the phone. Miki then looked over and said - “oh, so someone that the super high schooler knew is dead, sorry for yelling at you” she apologized. “it’s alright, but why is he crying anyway?” He asked while Bob's face got red for starring at Miki’s unbelievable muscular abs. “yeah, it’s not like he knew the guy or anything, right?” he asked. Miki then try’s to change the subject.  - “hay I have have idea, let’s all do a relay together, 4-by-100-meter race in the upcoming Asian games.” “are you serious!? Isn’t that a lot of paper work for that kind of events.” Bill said follow by Bob - “besides won’t these recent murders cancel or at least delay the event.” which Miki then replies - “guess we’ll wait see, anyway, I'm sure that our school can work it out in the end, besides I think it could be fun, especially for you guys, since you two are sitting around doing nothing all day long, right.” The two guys said 'HUH!?' at the same time and Miki started to snicker up and said that she was only joking. Miko then calls out to her - “Miki, it’s mr Nagisaki!” “oh, gotta go, keep doing… Whatever you were doing, later” she says and runs off to Miko who handed her phone to her while the guys just stared off. “geez, she sometimes can be scary” Bill said. “you said it, but who can you blame her, after what happened a month back, I don’t think no can walk it off and pretend like nothing happened” Bob said as Akira kept looking on at Miki while she was talking on the phone.“hay, Nagasaki, what’s up?” “hay, Lady, I just got done with an interview and I got us a table for two in restaurant that you like” Nagasaki said as he swiped through of a few rooms shown on his tablet. “ah sweet, I have been starving all day long, oh and also could you please stop calling me that, what if someone might hear us!” she said with a little annoyes in her voice. “woah now, relax, I don’t think anyone would hear us on the phone.” “Yeah well, you never know what might happen, later” she said put her phone started to walk to the others.

“so wait, that was her photograph?” Bill asked Miko while looking through some photos of Miki in different outfits and locations. “that's probably her boyfriend too” as she said the guys thoughts were shattered into tiny pieces. “WHAT!? ARE YOU FOR REAL!? AWW MAN!” “Now the whole country is bump up!” Bill said in disappointed, with his head down. “well you should know that she way out of league, she’s a star after all” Miko kept going while Akira kept looking at Miki with curiosity. Miki then walked over to them then said - “hay Miko I think we’re done for today, let’s go and change, alright?” She says with Miko replying - “okay then.” "I’ll go and wait outside school gate." “sounds good, oh and one more Akira.” Miki called him out and he turned around toward her direction. "what is it?" “Are you always starring at me when I’m on the phone?" She asked with kind of mean look. "What, no! I mean… Not… Always,” he tried to explain himself nervously while he was blushing. “Well whatever you did, stop it, it’s creepy.” She told him. “Oh my bad, it won’t happen again.” Akira said with his head down. The guys then started to snicker at him, but Miki notices that and yelled at them. “That goes for you two, you perverts!” She yelled at them and they both nodded at her. “Come on Miko let’s go.” She told her and she followed her while Akira look at from afar. 'what ever happened to the caring naive Miki I used to know?' he thought to himself and walk away.

Later in the locker room...

The girls were changing to their school uniforms. “Wow, Miki, sure told those guys, huh?” Miko said to Miki while she was undressing. “Yeah, I need to tell them it’s not okay stare at us girls while we exercising, plus I need to show them who the boss is.” She said with confidence in her voice. “Yeah, but don’t you think you went a little too harsh on Akira” Miko said. “Pft, you saw him yourself didn’t you, he was totally starring at my ass right there and then, and besides, boys will always be boys.” Miki said with a commanding tune that frightened Miko a bit. “Well yeah, but I think he was just worried about you, you know.” She said with worried tone. “What do you mean by that?” She questioned her with curious look. “well you have been acting not like you usually did a month ago, and I understand that it was tough for you go through all that, not to mention you did save our lives back then. And because of that I was and am truly grateful, however you have been act strangely lately like… You’re a different person, and I think Akira is just worried for you that’s all.” She finished and Miki thought about for a second before she continued. “Hmm, you’re probably right, maybe I went a little too far with him, I’ll apologize to him again.” Miki said. “That’s good to hear.” Miko said with a cheerful voice. “Alrighty then!” Miki said and proceeded with taking her gym clothes off. Miko then realize that Miki wasn’t wearing any top or underwear. Miki then started to stretching fully nude and in front of Miko which made her blush seeing her nude body. Whatever happened in that one month made her body way different from before. Her abs was way more clearer now then they were before, and her chest has gotten a tad bit bigger, but still not as big as her own. Miki then notice that she was starring at her body, which made her turn around towards her. “Are you starring at me too!?” She asked Miko which made her blush even more. “WHAT!? NO NO NO… YOU SEE I WAS JUST…” Miko said nervously as she shook her head back and forth. "YOU KNOW WHAT WHAT NEVER MIND, I SAW NOTHING!“ She said and turned around towards her locker and tried to ignore what just happened. Miki on the other hand sees her opportunity to get back at her. Miko is actually topless, which Miki smiled at with some drule. "Well there are somethings that you have that I don’t.” She said as she rolled her eyes. "And… What would… That… Be?” Miko asked her nervously and did not turn around. “Well for example you got *look* you got the *Ass*” Miki continues. "WAIT, WHAT!?” Miko protest after hearing that. “Aaand not to mention, THOSE BIG ASS BALLONS YOU CALL BOOBS OF YOURS!” Miki shouted as she was groping Miko from behind which caught every other girls attentions. “MIKI, PLEASE STOP!!” Miko protest to Miki but she did not stop. “Aw what’s the matter, Miko, doesn’t it feel good when I grope you like this?” Miki asked her as she squeezed Miko’s nipples. In which that made her moan a little. Miki then let’s go of her and patted her on the head and said - “Relax, I was just messing with ya, no need to get serious about.” Miko tried to stop herself for a second. “Hay, how about this, I’ll let you grope me as a punishment.” Miki said and backed up from her. Miko looks at Miki who just stood there with a confident smile and was ready to get grope. Miko looks at her chest and blushed even more than before. She slowly reached her arm to Miki’s chest, slowly. And finally she grope Miki’s left which made her somewhat moan and giggles at the same time. That actually made her giggle herself a bit. They were both giggle until they both notices that every girl was Starring at them both. It got awkward until Miki told them to stop. “What are you all looking at, huh!? We’re just messing with each other, okay! Go back with what you were doing!” As she said that, the others did exactly that. “Wow that was cool, Miki, I don’t know how you do that.” Says Miko. “Nah, it’s nothing” Miki shrugs it off. “Now hurry up, we don’t wanna keep Akira waiting, do we?” She asked Her, which Miko responded with a nod.


Akira was waiting at the front gate, thinking about Miki, but something didn't feel right to him. he had this strange feeling that something or someone was watching him. He kept hearing a whispering voice in his head that just said - "what is it that you are so worried about her?" "i'm worried because of how much she means to me!" he said out loud but there was no one there. This was too strange, however he did not get to think on it any further when he hears Miki calling him out. "hay Akira, were you talking to somebody?" "i thought i heard someone asking... nah it's nothing." "Well whatever, come on let’s go.” Miki said,and with that they all walked home. “Hay, Akira listen, sorry for yelling at you earlier, that was just wrong.” She apologized to him. “it’s alright, I get why you’re overreacting.” He said with a calm tone. Miki just looked at him strangely. “You know should really get a cell phone, my parents could get you one, right?” She asked him. “No thanks, I wouldn’t use it much.” Akira answered her with Miko continuing. “You could join us on a group chat with the club you know?” She said. “Yeah, and you could do other stuff with it too, like playing games, watch videos surf on the internet, secretly watching porn.” Miki continues. Akira freak out ‘HUH!?'when he heard that last part. “Oh while I’m at it, could you clear your history after you’re done watching porn on my dads computer, ok? I don’t want Taro to be sneaky and search on your history.” Miki said. Akira started blushing. Miko gasped and came closer. “*Gasping* you watch stuff like that in the living room!?” She asked with curiosity. Akira smiled awkwardly. Miki suddenly stops on the road. “Huh, what’s wrong?” Akira asked her. “I gotta go do something right now, I’ll take the back” she said before leaving them. Miko then calls out to her. “Hay, I know you’ll go by car, but be careful down town, okay?” Miko said. “I won’t be late, alright, see ya!” Miki waves back at them. “Okay, bye!” Miko said as she and Akira watched Miki walk away. “Hay Akira maybe we should-” Miko was about to say something but she sees that Akira was gone too, probably went after Miki. Miki was walking down the road texting Nagasaki that she’ll be running a little late, in which he was not so happy with. Miki stops and looks at her left and sees that she came across a river. She went over to the docks and sat at the edge and looked down at her hand. “Miko’s right, I have changed a lot in just one month, ever since 'THAT’ night, I haven’t been acting like, my usual self.” Miki said to herself. One month earlier… “Really!? The tennis club asked us to come along?” Miki asked with both curiosity and excitement in her voice. “Yeah, they were kind enough let us practice in mountainside with them.” Miko said with excitement in her voice too. It made both girls really excited. So much so that it caught the attention of Akira who was walking over to them. “You two seems to be in a good mood today, what’s going on?” Akira asked them. “The tennis club are going on a fields trip this weekend, and they asked us if we wanna come with them to the mountainside!” Miko said and Akira followed with “Wow! Really? That’s nice of them, so when are we going?” Akira asked them. And they the girls replied. “Umm, we’re afraid that, it’s a girls only trip.” Miki said with doubt in her voice. In which Akira was kind of disappointed with. “Oh, ok.” Akira said. “Well, maybe we should declined the trip this time.” Miki said in a attempt to make Akira happy. “Oh no no, you two should go, don’t think about me, ok.” Akira said. “Are sure Akira? Won’t it be boring without us around.” Miki asked him. But Akira just responded “oh no no no, I’ll sure find something to keep myself occupied.” “You could always study, that’s always an option.” Miko said to Akira whom in response “oh, not exactly the first option to choose from, but okay that I can also do too.” Miki in response to all of that then said “oh make sure that you gets some exercise while we are away okay?” She said to him. “Alright I will. Have fun then.” Akira waved at them while leaving the club room. And with that, another day passes by.

The next day... 

The sun shined as clearly as the day before, both Miki and Miko sat in the van with the tennis club, all on their way to the mountainside. Miki sat right next to the window at the front, which was open. she breath in the air that was coming in. “*Sniff in and out* do you smell that Miko?” She asked Miko who sat next to her. “No, what?” She asked curiously. Miki replied “it’s the smell of nature, of course.” Miki said with excitement. She leans back in her seat to let Miko sniff. “You’re right! It does smell like nature, too bad we don’t get that a lot in the city now a days.” Miko said with disappointment in her voice. “Well no worries you two, we’ll get plenty of it while we are out here!” The club president said, who was driving. “Isn’t that right everyone!?” She shouted and everyone else in the bus shouted together “YES CLUB PRESIDENT!” A few minutes later they have arrived to their location. While everyone gets out of the van, Miki and Miko stared at what they where they were going to stay in overnight. “What the heck is that!?” Miko asked while she was pointing at a big was with two stories tall. “That my friend is what’s called veranda. And yes that’s where we will be spending the night in.” The club president said with confidence in her voice. “How in the world were you able to rent something like this!?” Miki asked the president in both surprising and curiosity in her voice. “Well it did took some convincing to the teachers to use this, but here we are.” The president said. “That’s so cool president!” Miko said. But the president then told her “hay, since you two are not in the tennis club, just call me Veronica.” She said to the girls. “Okay Veronica.” Both of them said at the same time. Then Miki started thinking. 'Wow, Veronica is awesome, she gets things done like no else can’t' she thought to herself while looking at her. She was not only just older and taller than all of them, she’s also was a ex Olympic gold medal when she was in junior high. And her body was quite attractive, she has chin length dark brown hair, she was wearing a cap on top of a hair band, has a jacket reached down her chest, who thank goodness was wearing a t-shirt underneath.she was also wearing jeans that made her bottom look nice from all the angles. “Alright then, let’s not just stand around and stare at the house all day, let’s get our stuff out of the van and into the house, shall we!?” Veronica shouted out loud to everyone. That made the other girls including both Mikis to shout “YEAH!”

Later as everyone was nearly done unpacking their stuff, Miki and Miko were talking to each other about Veronica in their room upstairs. “I can’t believe that Veronica is so awesome.” Miko said to Miki. “I know, right? When she settles on something, you just know you’ll get it somehow.” Miki said. “You know sometimes I wish could be just like her!” Miki said. “Well now that is very flattering of you to say.” Veronica said to their surprise as she entered into their room. “Oh Veronica, what surprise do we own you this visit?” Miki asked in excitement. “Put on your gym clothes on, we’re going for a run.” She said and left the room and closed the door after herself. Both of them got a little confused at first, but they decided to do what she told them to do. After they’ve changed into their gym suit and went outside with Veronica and all three of them went out into the woods. As all three of them were running through the woods, Miki asked Veronica “where exactly are we going?” To which Veronica response with - “you’ll see once we get there!” That kept running until they came across a cliffside. Both Mikis looked up and stare at it. “Don’t tell me we’re going to-” “Yup, we’re going to climb all the way to the top” Veronica interrupted Miko. “Do you think the two of you are up for the task!?” She asked the both with excitement in her voice. “Are you!?” Miki asked in return and then continues “it, is, on!” And with that they started to climbing. It was tough for them to climb on a cliff side without any climbing gear with them but they did all decently well on their own. Veronica was way ahead of them from experience, Miki wasn’t as fast as her but she did well, Miko was the slowest of them but wasn’t too far behind. After while they finally reached top, Veronica helped both of them up. When they got to the top they were exhausted from climbing the cliff side.

“*Pant, pant, pant, pant* so could you tell us why you brought us up here?” Miki asked Veronica who was just as tired. “*Pant, pant* I want you two to remember this pain, you might feel terrible now, but you’ll feel amazing later.” She said with confidence. “I know for a fact that you are aiming for the Asian games in a few months, are you?” She said and they both looking up at her who stood tall. “I know for a fact that when that day comes, I know you girls will win, and i’ll be charing you guys on!” She walk up to them put both of her hands on each their shoulders. “I want you two to succeed in what I failed at years ago, remember this pain and use as a stepping stone to your goal!” She shouted at the with enthusiasm in her voice. The two girls almost have no idea what she was talking about, but they didn’t care about what it meant, if she believes in them that much, then they won’t disappoint her. “By the way what time is it?” She asked as she rolled up her sleeve and look at her watch. “Oh it’s time!” She said. Both Mikis were confused and Miko asked her “time for what exactly?” Veronica then pointed to the opposite direction of where they came from and they looked at the horizon. They saw the sun went down and made the sky so beautiful. The two of them glanced in aw at the horizon and Miki just says - “wow, it’s so pretty.” Veronica continues “it is, isn’t?” They all looked on at the horizon, but unknown to them, something was watching from the shadows.

As they went back to the veranda, Miki had this sneaky suspicion that they were being followed. She keeps hearing noises coming from the bushes, she turns around to see nothing but trees and bushes. She slowly turned back, until she sees someone poking from behind a tree, she snaps around and calls out the stalker to come out. “I SAW YOU PEEKING FROM BEHIND THAT TREE, SHOW YOURSELF!” She shouted for the stranger to come out which caught the attention from the other two. Miki then saw a hand sticking out from behind a tree holding a camera, the rest of the figure then show himself, and to Miki’s surprise it was Nagasaki. “MR NAGASAKI? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” She asked him with anger and confusion in her voice. “Hay hay, relax now, you said you were going on a fields trip this weekend and I thought that I could just take photos of you out here in the woods. Come what do ya say, Miki, it would look good don’t ya think?” He said while aiming at her with his camera. But before Miki could respond, the other two girls then showed up. “Who the hell is this creepo?” Veronica asked Miki. “I’m sorry you guys, it’s Nagasaki, he’s my photographer, I told him that I wouldn’t be available until we get back, so he followed us all the way out here.” Miki tried to explain, but Veronica stopped her and continues - “her photographer huh? Well let me tell this, Nagasaki was it? Listen here, when Miki says she not available, then she isn’t understand!?” She said to him. But Nagasaki did not take no for answer. “Well she looks pretty available if you ask me Mrs.?” He asked her. “Veronica Maki, president of the tennis club, I’m going to ask you again, leave Miki alone and go home.” With a commanding tone her voice. But Nagasaki just said - “aw come on can I at least take a few photos of her before I leav-” he got interrupted. “LEAVE NOW OR I’LL SHOVE MY FIST UP YOUR ASS!” She shouted at him while she clenched her fist in front of his face. “WOAH NOW, no need to get hostile ok!?” He yelled. “Good, now go away,*snaps her fingers* come on girls let’s not keep the others waiting.” She said and both Mikis followed her led, leaving Nagasaki alone in the woods. “Hay, Veronica, I understand that you were just looking out for me and I do appreciate it, but you didn’t have to threaten him like that.” Miki said. “Trust me Miki, you don’t wanna get near guys like him, they’ll tell anything just so you’ll get near them, and when you get close enough they’ll jump on you when they have the chance.” She told Miki. Miko then jumped in. “Do you know this by experience?” She asked her. “Not really, however a friend of mine did, she got jumped by three guys while a fourth guy took pictures them while they violated her .” Veronica said with a hint of anger in her voice. Both Miki and Miko then gasped after hearing what she said. “That’s horrible!” Miko spoke. “Yo, I know. That’s why I took it upon myself to search and find each one of them and punch them in the nuts. Two times for the guy who took the photos!” Veronica said. “Did that make her feel better!?” Miki asked with concern in her voice. “No, after she got violated, she’s pretty much a broken doll, thrown away like trash.” Veronica said with both sadness and anger in her voice. “Will she be okay?” Miko asked. “Oh, she doing better now then she did before, although I don’t think she’ll ever forget what she went through.” Veronica finished. There was awkward silence for a while until Veronica spoke. “Look, what I’m trying to say is, don’t trust the guy too much, or you’ll end like my friend did, alright.” She said. Miki looks at her with a questionable look. “Ok? Thanks for the warning. By the way, does any of you feel any kind of hungry?” Miki asked them in order to lighten up the mood. Veronica then started continue. “Actually, now that I think about it, I actually do feel kinda hungry.” She said. “Come on, let’s get back and get some food in our stomachs!” She said and the other nodded and they all went to veranda. Meanwhile, Nagasaki kept following them without them noticing him. “There is no way I’m leaving without a few pics of Miki, perhaps with a few friends of her maybe.” He said to himself while sneaking onward. Unknown to him though, a bat, too big for a regular fruit bat, was eye balling at him.

As the trio got back, the others have already begun with the lightening the grill they were gonna use. Some of the girls hacking and slicing some vegetables and some meat. Veronica told Miki and Miko to go change their clothes, they’ll handle this’ and so they did. When they got back they were almost half done with it, all they needed now was some plates. When all was set and done, everyone was looking at the table that was filled with grilled meat and grilled vegetables on sticks.

“Just dig in!” One of the girls said excited to eat the food. - “Wait!” Veronica stopped the girl form eating the food.

“Come on, Veronica, what gives!?” The girl asked. Veronica turns to Miki and asked her “you and your family are vegetarians or something right?” She asked her.

“Well, not really, my family is heavy on the religion and my parents do run a vegetarian restaurant, we do eat meat occasionally, but then we have to pay our respect.” Miki said.

“Really, hmm, well then that settles it, alright everyone sit down close eyes and let us pay our respects to our food.” Veronica told everyone and sat down on their chairs, closed their eyes as Miki said the following words

“Dear Lord, please bless us this meal. may this food nourish our souls. Please help those, who are less fortunate then us. Ame-” but Miki got interrupted by “FIIIIIIIGHT!” All of the girls looked right side of the veranda and saw six buff guys running to the building next to theirs.

“Who the heck are those guys?” Miko asked first.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that there is another club that will be our next doors neibours.” Veronica Said to her and the others.

“Another club, what type of club are they?” Miko asked, only hear them scream

“BODY IMPROVEMENT! FIGHT ON, FIGHT ON, FIGHT ON!” Veronica then continues.

“Well there you go, it’s the body improvement club.” She said unimpressed.

“Whoo, look them, and those muscles of their’s” one of the girls spoke but was then interrupted by Veronica.

“Don’t even bother, they’re not worth hanging out with, they just wanna look good front everyone and only care about their image.” Veronica said.

“You really know a lot from experience, don’t you, Veronica?” Miki said to her.

“What a boomer, can we go back to eating, I’m starving?” One of the girls said.

“Yes, yes we can.” Veronica said and everyone claps their hands together and said

“itadakimasu!” And everyone began to eat their food.

Hours later at the evening...

 all of the girls were sitting outside, around a camp fire, telling ghost stories. All were staring at Veronica who was telling the story of the Kuchisake-onna.

“And then lady took off it’s surgical mask, and the man saw the horror that was her face, with a mouth cut from ear to ear, and woman asked 'am I pretty now?’ And the man said nervously 'y.. Yes… Yo… You’re pretty.’ And the woman smiled. 'Then why don’t I make you as pretty like me?’ She said as she pulled out a pare of scissors and sliced the man throat open. The man tried to scream for help but the woman kept cutting and stabbing till he had the same face as she has. And that’s the story of the Kuchisake-onna.” She finished as she looked at everybody’s expression which were horrified.

“Great! Now I’m going to have nightmares for weeks!” One of the girls said. “Hay! you guys asked for a scary story and gave you one."Veronica said. "Do you believe in yokais?” Miko asked Veronica who just shrugged it off. “Nah, I don’t believe in yokais that much, it just seems to be far fetched to be real anyways.” She said while putting her arms behind her head. “But what about the murders that has been happening recently?” Miko asked her again. “Who ever was responsible of all those murders, will get into big trouble.” Veronica said before getting interrupted by Miki who wanted to stop all the scary stuff. “Can we please talk about something else, please?” She said to convince them. “Then what do you want to talk about?” Veronica asked. Miki then answered her. “Tell us why you decided to quit being a swimmer, you did become a Olympic gold medalist in your junior high, right?” Miki asked her and her eyes widen as she was surprise to hair that question, she could say 'oh, that?’. She leaned forward and put her forearms on her knees. “Nobody has asked me 'that’ before.” She said looking at the fire. But one of the girls spoke before she could continue. “I heard that the reason she quit is that a rival showed up and out swam her for miles, she didn’t stand a chance, no fence.” She said. “None taking, Emily.” Veronica said. “Is that really true, you were beaten by someone else!?” Miko asked surprised. Veronica then replied with a smile - “nah, I got too accustomed to swimming that it became unpleasant somehow, so went on in becoming president of the tennis club, and besides I didn’t want to be seen as an Olympic athlete anymore.” Miki somehow knew that the smile Veronica had was a fake smile, she knew that there was something that Veronica was hiding something, but it’s best to not ruin the mood everybody was in, including Miko and herself. “Well it’s a good thing you quit being a athlete and became tennis club president because otherwise me and Miko wouldn’t be here.” Miki said with calm yet exciting voice. “Damn right!” Veronica said and everybody laughs. Unknown to the girls, Nagasaki was taking pictures of them. He has to make sure that not to make any sound while taking pictures, cause otherwise Veronica was going to kick his ass. “Can’t get any better pics because of that Veronica girl.” He said to himself. Suddenly a sound was then heard which made some of the girls look towards his direction. “What was that!?” One of the girls freaked, Veronica stood up and was high alert. “Do you think it’s mr Nagasaki who has come back?” Miko whispered to Miki. “I’m not sure?” Miki said. but it wasn’t Nagasaki who made the sound, instead it was the body improvement club that made the sound as they were head towards them. Veronica walked up to them and asked - “hallo, can I help you with something?” “Not much, we just heard you girls laughing and wanna know what the fuse was all about?” one of the boys said who seems to be the leader of the group. “That’s none of your business, now leave!” She said with commanding sound in her voice. But one of the guys walked up to her stared at her and said - “come on tells what’s up we are so curious, or are you gonna have to make us?” He’s said with imposing look in his face, but Veronica just glared back at him with no fear. “Well if you have to know, we are telling jokes and scary stories.” She said while crossing her arms. “Ooohh, scary stories, huh? Well then, mind if we join you, keep you company in case it gets to scary? It could be fun.” One of the other guys said. “I’m going have to ask to restrain yourselves, this is a training camp for the tennis club, again leave now, or are you gonna have to make me, you nut shell?” She said with the same imposing look on her face as the guy in front of her did before. The guy in front did not take her complement very likely and was about to say - “why you mother-” before being called off by the leader. “That’s enough, we did not come here seeking for trouble, sorry for bothering.” The leader said and told others that they’re leaving. The others protests but then “Remember guys we have early training tomorrow.” He said to the others. “Yeah, yeah, training, training, training, you’re the boss, Ricky.” Of the guys said as they walked away. Miko and the other girls felt a sign of relief as they walked away. “How do you even do that?” Miko asked Veronica, she smiled at her and said - “sometimes you don’t have to think too hard about, you just do it, show them who is boss.” Miki. Couldn’t help but admire Veronica as she stood tall. But the something the sky caught her attention. “What’s that?” She asked and pointed at it’s direction. the others looked and saw what she. “What is that even, a cloud, a swarm of birds?” The girls kept saying, but Veronica stopped them and spoke - “it’s a swarm alright but it’s not birds.” She squinted to see better. But the boys from before came running at them yelling -“INCOMING!” As they said that Veronica finally got a better look at the creatures, Bats. “EVERYBODY GET INSIDE THE HOUSE, HURRY!!!” She yelled. But by the time she did, the bat already started to attack them. The body improvement club fought back the bats while the tennis club ran towards their house, with her speed Miki ran faster then the others did. She looked back and saw both Miko and Veronica were right behind her, however up in the sky she saw that some of the bats are grouping up to form a silhouette of a figure with a big one being the head. “DON’T LOOK BACK MIKI, JUST KEEP RUNNING!!!” Veronica yelled at Miki to turn around and so she did and they kept on running. Suddenly, all three of them heard a voice in their heads, as they did it felt like everything stopped. All they could hear was the voice saying - “Eeny, Meeny, Miny, YOU!” The voice echoed through their heads. The big bat flew away from the group and towards Veronica, she turned around and as she did the bat was right in front of her face and about to bite her. Miki then tackled Veronica aside, only to get herself bitten in the forehead. As as it bit Her, she felt that something entered her body, but she could think on it any further as the rush pain hit her forehead, she couldn’t help but scream in agony. When she did smaller bats started to bit and rip her clothes apart, all she could do is shake herself back and forth to get them off of her, but no matter how fast she shake herself the big bat would not let go of her head. Veronica stepped in and ripped the bat off and through it aside. The bat looked at her and was angry it flew directly to her but she kicked it aside, this angered it even more, it was going for another attack and she prepared for it but them the leader of improvement club grabbed it and held it back from the girls. “GET INSIDE!!!” He yelled at them with a growling voice. Veronica just looked at him, not saying a word. “HURRY, I DON’T KNOW HOW LONG I CAN HOLD IT!” He yelled at her again, and this time she listened. “Right!” She responded and spun around and started to run towards the house. Both Miki’s got to the house before she did, before she walked inside she looked back at the boys to see how they were doing, but what she saw was not what she would expect to see, the guys started to eat the bats. Her eyes only widened as she watched in horror and disgust. “They’re… They’re eating them… They’re eating the bats!?” She said to herself. But why are they eating them she thought to herself, but she couldn’t think any further as Miko grabbed her the arm. “COME ON VERONICA!!!” She shouted to Veronica and she snaps back to reality, realizing that some bats were flying towards them, so they ran towards the door where Miki was waiting form them. When they reached the dorm Veronica slammed the door shut.

“Is everyone alright!?” Veronica asked the girls. All of the girls made it inside but not without a few scratches on their body’s. “Are yo alright Veronica?” Miki went up to ask her. Veronica snapped back. “Me!? I’m fine, you on the other hand are not fine!” She pointed at her head. “It’s no big deal, it’s just a tiny little scratch.” Miki said trying to brush it off ,she was only concern about others safety then her own. But Veronica crossed her arms and making an angry face. She the turns her head to Miko who was sitting in a chair exhausted from all that running, she then called out Miko to grab a mirror that was laying on the table. She did and helped it I front of Miki so she could see herself in the mirror. And when she saw herself her eyes widen and almost got scared, her face was covered with her own blood that ran from her forehead to her nose length, not to mention her clothes were almost turn off raveling some blood coming out of her body. By far she was certainly the most injured out of all the girls. “You see, now hit the shower!” Veronica said while pointing to the bathroom. “But what about all the others?” Miki asked concerned. But Miko then continues - “we’ll be fine Miki, go and wash yourself.” Miki was hesitant at first but she does what they tooled her. “Emily, get the medical kit upstairs.” Veronica said. “Right away!” Emily said and sprinted off to stairs. Veronica then looked at Miko, who was sitting on the chair. “Are you alright?” She asked her. Miko looked up at her and smiled. “I’m good, just tired, that’s all.” “Good to hear.” Veronica with confidence in her voice. “What were those things? were those bats? Are they even from Japan?” Miko asked with a scared face and frighten voic. “Who knows?” Veronica spoke. “What I wanna know is why did those guys eat them? "Ugh! They just gave a disgusting and frightening feeling?”

Meanwhile outside... Somehow Nagasaki was able to avoiding from all that carnage, by hiding in the bushes curl to a ball while covering his ear. “Please stop, please stop, please stop, please stop!” He kept whispering to himself while clenching his teeth and squinting his closed eyes. He kept thinking to himself that he should have done something to help the poor girls, but what could he do, he’s just a photographer after all. For a while he laid there, not wanting to be seen by the bats or the guys for that matter, they were like animals when eating bats. What’s wrong with them he thought to himself. So far nothing happens to him so he slowly opens his eyes to see, nothing. He then toms his hands off his ears to hear nothing but the rustle on the bushes in the wind. He picked his head out of the bushes and saw that everybody was gone. The campfire was still lit and the lights in the house were on. Maybe he should check and see if Miki is alright, it’s the least he could do so walks towards the house while holding his camera, ready to take pictures. Back inside...

‘It has stopped‘ Miki thought to herself while standing in the shower, She has been standing in the shower for a while. ‘The bleeding has stopped, but, I don’t wanna leave.‘ she turned around and leaned against the wall. This feeling, it’s somethings that she never thought she would have. ‘I should see if the others are alright, but…‘ she became lost in her thoughts. Without knowing it, her arms began to move on their own. They touched her hips and slowly went up her body. Miki felt her hands gliding on her skin, it somehow felt good, until they reached her chest, the hands grabbed her boobs, it felt even better. She then started to moan in pleasure, her hands went up and down with her boobs, her left hand let go and reached for her face. She opened her mouth, closed her eyes and put her index finger in her mouth and started to suck on it. She felt her tongue lick and rub on her finger as it went in and out of her mouth. This made her moan even more, her right hand then reached for her nipple and started to squeeze it. ‘This feels good, but I want MORE!‘ she stopped sucking on her finger, her left hand reached downwards, the hand touched her belly, somewhat feeling her abs and slowly it went down in the middle. She felt the hair strings on her crotch before sliding in her finger into her pussy. She started to moan more but made sure that the others could not hear her. She felt how her finger exit and entered her, she hasn’t felt this kind of pleasure before. Wanting to feel even more pleasure she put her long finger in her pussy along with the index finger in. It felt even better, that combined with squeezing her nipples felt so good that she orgazamed. She bit her lip not to scream, she felt some kind of liquid on her hand she looks down on her hand, she smiled putting her fingers in her mouth, she closed her eyes as she teased herself. Her opened wide as she realized what she just did, she took her hand out of her mouth and looked down at it, seeing the liquid on her hand. “What the hell did I just do!?” She said to herself but immediately slapped her mouth shut with the other hand. 'Did I just say that!? She thought to herself. She suddenly heard something above her and then a scream. As soon as she did she got out of the shower, took a towel and rapped it around her body. She got out of the bathroom - “what’s happening!?” “What’s wrong!? Veronica asked confused with a straight face. "It came from the second floor! We heard screams and groans!” Miko said in a panicked voice. “Groans? As in an animal!?” Miki asked somewhat terrified. “An animal, huh!?” Veronica asked then went to kitchen area and grabbed a kitchen knife. It was at that point that Miki realized that Veronica was wearing her underwear only, she put her jacket on afterwards. “Everyone get into your room and locked the door!” Veronica said. “But what about you then!?” Miki asked. “Emily is still up there, I’m going to get her.” “But what if neither of you make!?” “We will make it! Now GO!” Veronica said. Miko grabbed Miki by the arm and pulled her into the bedroom and close the door. Veronica looked up at the stairs and then took a step.

The girls sat on the floor, waiting for Veronica. The two Miki’s sat in the middle next to each other’s. “I wonder if she’s alright?” Miki asked out loud nobody answered. “She’s probably doing fine.” Miko finally answered. “Probably? Are you sure about that?” “Yeah, she fought off that giant bat that bit you early?” “Yeah, but I can’t shake the feeling that there is something much bigger out there then just bats” “yeah, but I’m sure that she’s able to handle it.” Miko said nervously. Miki looked away from her and stared into space with a frowned look on her face. “No she won’t!” She said and stood up. Everybody else just looked at her as she went to the door. Miko stood up - “what do you think you’re doing!?” “I’m going to help her, what else?” “but Veronica told us to stay pu-” “I CANT DO THAT!” Miki snapped and yelled back, shocking everybody, especially Miko. She’s never heard or seen Miki that angry. “IF YOU WANNA STAY HERE THAT’S FINE WITH YOU, BUT I RATHER HELP THEN SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING!” “MIKI WAI-” but Miki slammed the door shout. Miko just stood in front of the door motionless, puzzled over what just happened. On the other side of the door, Miki stood still for a moment, she didn’t mean to yell at her like that, but she couldn’t sit in there while Veronica was risking her life to save Emily. Miki took a pair of scissor that was laying on the table, she then went up stairs.

It was dark on the second floor, So dark that Miki could barely see. But she does remember that there is a hallway at top of the stairs. She sneaked through the darkness, trying to be as quit as possible, but as slow and steady as she went the floor underneath still made some creecking noises. Suddenly someone grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back and pushed her against the wall. Miki try to fight back but someone held her hand with the scissors against the wall. “STOP IT, ITS ME!” A voice hissed at her, Miki open her eyes which has finally adjusted to the dark to see Veronicas staring back at her. “What are you doing!? I told you stay put!” She whispered to her. Miki whispered back - “I wanted to help find Emily.” “I can look for her on my own.” “You keeping tell us and yourself that, but the fact is you can’t do that on your own, I can watch our backs while we move forward, I can be your second pair of eyes, I have scissors to defend ourselves, you need my help to find and save her.” Veronica stood still and stared at her with a frowned look, She finally let go of Miki. “You stay close.” “Yes ma'am!” Miki said and followed her. As they snick through the hallway, Miki looked at Veronica and asked - “I know this might not be the right time to ask but-” “what is it?” “Well… Could you tell me who bested you the olympics?” Veronica stopped and looked back at Miki, raising her eyebrow up. “Seriously?” She asked. “Well? Is it true?” Miki raised her voice a little. “Yeah, it’s true.” Veronica started. “I thought no one could beat my records, but somebody did.” Veronica said while walking forward in the darkness. “And wouldn’t you know, *that* someone was someone I knew very well.” She said. “Who was it then?” Miki asked curiously. Veronica looked back raising her eye brows. “Remember my friend that I was talking about in the forest?” She asked if she recalled that, which Miki did, and said 'no way’. “Yeah, it was her. Can you even believe that!?” She said. “Well guess she was determined to beat you before, *that*, happened.” Miki said slightly annoyed be to reminded of what Veronica told her about earlier. “Well actually believe it or not but she actually beat my score after *it* happened.” Miki just looked at her with open eyes. “Wait for real!?” Miki said. Veronica continued “yeah! I couldn’t believe it either, but she did. After she got violate-” “please don’t say that” Miki said. “Oh sorry, after *that* happened, she went into a depression for a while.” Veronica said with her head down. “I was trying to support her through her depression but from what I saw, I didn’t think she would get better anytime soon, or at least, that’s what I thought at first.” She said looking up with her eyes while still keeping her head down. “The next time I saw her she was like a *completely* different person from the one I knew. Her hair was shorter and her features were totally opposite of what she originally looked like, in fact she looked more like a man then a woman, literally.” She said which made Miki confused. Veronica then continued “And not to mention her attitude was not the same as they were before, she was young, excited and innocent. But now she’s more Brody and sarcastic, she was a completely different person from the friend I knew.” She said as she shook her head a little. It did get Miki a little concern for her friend. “How she got like that nobody knows for sure, some of the other students were starting to think that she went into one of those *sabbath* parties. Why she did it, well some say that she wanted to forget what happened to her and wanted to change from whom she was.” “I heard that you and her were close one time, is that true?” Miki asked her. “Oh yeah we were, almost like sisters. I was fine being like a sister to her, but after she changed she wanted to take a step further into our relationship, however I was against that , but she would not take no for answer. So she tried to force herself upon me!” Veronica said and when she did, Miki gasped. She then asked her 'what happened next!?’ “I did what I have to do to defend myself, I punched her in the face.” She said and Miki went silent as she listen to her continues. “When she backed off I looked at her eyes, they were filled shock as I told her that our relationship wasn’t going to work with the way it was going, and so I told her 'goodbye my friend’ and I walked away, I dared not to look back as she called out my name in rage.” She finished and Miki looked at her with big eyes. She broke the silence with a question. “What is she doing nowadays?” She asked ,Veronica looked back at Miki. “From what I heard, she is a teacher for a swimming class, and seems to go rather well actually."she said with a little smile on her face. Miki then continued "Well that is good to hear I guess.” “Yeah, well, after all of that I became the president of the tennis club and here we are!” She said with a smile on her face to lighten mood up a bit, Miki made an award smile to her.

But then they heard a noise coming from down the hall, they saw a door that was slightly open with light coming from the other side of that it. Veronica looked back at Miki, putting her index finger on her own lips to tell Miki to be quiet without saying a word, Miki replied with a nod, they both went forward. As they got closer to the door they could hear the sound more and more clearly, it sounded like chewing noise, like someone or something is eating meat. Both of them held their weapons close as they prepared for the worst. As they reached the door, they each took a side of the door, Miki tilted her head to the door so Veronica could open the door more, she nodded and with a careful push, the door silently open. They peeked through the door and in the middle of the room sat a creature, they couldn’t tell what it was, was it a bear? It looked to be as tall as a bear, but it’s features were more wolf like then a bear, not to mentions it was way to muscular for it to be a normal animal and it had spikes coming out of it’s spine. But what Shocked them the most was puddle of blood it was sitting on, The two kept on watching till something fell off to the creatures side. Both of their eyes widen as they saw what it was feasting upon, A human arm. They watch as the creature reach out for the severed arm and pulled it back in, they heard as it was chewing on the arm. This frightened Miki a bit that she took a step backward and then *crrrrrreeeeaaak* Miki froze in place as the floor underneath her creaked, Veronica snapped back at her with eyes as wide as they could get. 

The creaking sound was loud enough for the beast to hear it, it turned it’s head around and they saw who exactly it was eating, it was Emily. The beast dropped her head from its mouth and stood up from the blood and turned around and now they got a good look at the beast, it was a overly muscular werewolf like creature with spikes coming out from its rip cage section and some from its forearms. The werewolf saw Miki and charged towards the door, Veronica shut the door but the werewolf burst through the door like it was nothing. It’s massive hand grabbed Miki by her waist and slammed her against the wall. Miki just stared at the beast, seeing a mythical creature front her was bizarre enough, but then it spoke. “*Sniff sniff* fresh meat!” It’s said as it drooled, Miki was just stared, speechless of what she just heard. The monster leans and licked Miki on the cheek before launching at her throat, but Veronica thrusted her right arm between the two, Veronica screamed in pain as the teeth sunk deep into her skin, the beast bites down on her arm again and blood came out of her wounds, Miki was petrified of what she saw. “MIKI!!!” Veronica yelled at her, snapping back into reality, Miki saw her friend was hurt and so she took her pair of scissors and stabbed the beast in it’s eye. The beast let go of Veronica’s arm, it swung Miki back in fourths till it hit Veronica back, letting go of Miki in the process. The two landed on the floor next to each other, the beast took the scissors and pulled them out causing it to pull it’s eye out. It throws the scissors aside, landing by Miki’s feet. The beast hunched over, holding the left side of it’s face. Both of girls looked at it, it growled in pain as it was bleeding yellow blood. Veronica then tried to stand up, Miki watched as she stood up, it was difficult with the injury she received. Miki saw how the blood poured out of her wound, covering her right arm. Veronica clenched her teeth in pain as she got up, she looked down at Miki with a serious look on her face. “Whatever happens to me, do not look back, understand?” “What are you saying Veronica? I don’t understand!?” Miki asked with a worried look, but stopped when both of them heard the beast growl, not by pain but by anger. The beast got up on it’s feet, slowly turns around looking at them with pure rage in his eyes. Veronica looked back at Miki and said only one thing before running forward. “Run.” “VERONICA DON’T!!!” Miki yelled as she got up herself, but Veronica did not stop running towards the beast. she tackled the werewolf before it had a chance to grab her. It fell on its back and Veronica got on top of it, took the kitchen knife in her left hand and started to stab the beast in the chest several time, and the final stab went deep enough causing yellow blood to spray out of the beast’s to roar in pain. The beast pushed her aside of it and got on top of her, the monster opened its jaws and bites down on her left shoulder. She screamed in pain as it bites down again, rendering left her arm useless. But Veronica didn’t wanna go down without a fight, so she took the knife in it’s chest with her injured right arm and kept on stabbing it again. Miki was watching in fear as both of them wrestled each other on the floor, not sure on what to do. Veronica’s last word echoed through her head over and over again. She clenched the scissors in her hand and clenched her teeth hard and ultimately ran the other direction, not looking back, she could only hear them fighting each other, it was unpleasant to hear. She ran down the hallway and down the stairs, yelling for the others, hoping that the others would hear her.

“EVERYONE, WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE ASAP, THERE IS A MONSTER UP STA-” Miki stopped in the middle of the stairs, horrified of what she saw. There wasn’t just the one monster upstairs, but five more of them and some of them weren’t even werewolf, some of them had more bat-like features. But what truly horrified her, they had he other girls, not only that they were being violated by those freaks. Miki froze in place, not knowing what to do or to think of this, she snapped back into reality after hearing a scream that sounded familiar. 'MIKO!?’ She turned to her left to see Miko, her back against the wall, covering her exposed chest as one of the monster slowly walked towards her. “NO, GET AWAY FROM ME!!” Miko screamed in panic, sitting on the floor. Miki would not let that freak hurt her best friend, so she clenched the scissors and ran towards the beast and and swung her arm against the beast, but it reacted quicker, turned around and grabbed her by the wrist. Miki tried to resist but stopped when she sees the monster face, it’s the face Ricky, the leader of the B.I.C, then does mean that the boys of the B.I.C are the monsters!? “RICKY!? IS THAT YOU!?” “SSS… SOORR… RY.” was the only word he could say. Ricky suddenly scream in the air, that scream slowly turning into a roar, his face started to change becoming longer, becoming more of a snout. His ear becomes longer, his teeth gets sharper, becoming a wolfs face. Miki thought fast and let’s go of the scissors, using her free arms she grabs the scissors raised them up and stabbed the beast that was once Ricky in the hand. The monster screams in pain and let go of Miki’s other hand, she ran past it to reach for Miko, but the beast reached out for Miki and grabbed her towel, pulled it away which made her spun around landing on her back. The monster this time grabbed both of her hands and pinned her to the floor. She looks up to the monster who was looking down at her with big grin, she tries to fight back by kicking it. But as she moved her legs around she suddenly felt something long and warm. She looks down and sees monsters member and it was rock hard, Miki looks at Miko with a panic look on her face. “MIKO! GRAB THE SCISSORS HURRY!!!” Miki yells as she let go of the scissors, Miko tried to reach for the par but the werewolf tried to bite her hand off but she quickly pulled her hands. But do to that the werewolf bites down on the scissors and throws them away out of reach. And with that the wolf looks down at Miki, ready to have its way with her, it was at that moments that Miki’s natural instinct kicked in. She started shake her body and screaming and the wolf just smiled sticking it’s tongue out. Suddenly she flew upward, through the monster and towards the ceiling and stop in the middle of the air, she was just floating there, unsure of what just happened. She looks around herself and then back down to see the beast was in the same position as it was holding her before. Miki heard Miko call out to her, She saw her who was still against the wall looking at the wolf. Miki floats down to her and was trying to talk to her. “Miko! I… I don’t know what’s happening to me!?” She said but Miko was not even paying attention to her who was floating beside her, she was instead shocked on what’s in front of her. Miki turned her head to see what Miko was looking at, and she saw, Miki, herself? There was another Miki her place, only this one was breathing heavily and had big grin on her face with white eyes. The wolf didn’t do anything, in fact it looked like it was in pain, she look underneath the wolf and saw that the other Miki was holding the creature’s member with her own feet. She clenched the testicles hard and ripped them off with force that she didn’t even have herself. The wolf screamed in pain that it let go of her and backed off, holding its crotch, Miki watched as the other her stood up, smiling, and then her body began to morph.

Her finger nails becomes longer and sharper, becoming more like claws. Her skin becoming more bluish, her teeth gets sharper like fangs, she brought her head down grunting, her body made cracking noises. She stood on her toes and flung her head back and screams as the muscles on her body began to grow, abs became more visible and her boobs getting bigger, the shoulders got broader and the bicep got bigger. Her four smaller toes of each foot morphs in to two toes with claws on them, another claw grew out of the back of the foot. Dark red fur started to cover her leg all the way up to the thighs, her crotch grow more fur, fur then grew on her elbows to her fingers, not the palm. A pare of dark red lines forms from her upper back over her shoulder and down to her tits. Her head flung back front, her face no longer resembling Miki at all, lines forms around her eyes and down her checks. Her hair started to shape into a pare of bat like wings, five horn grows on her forehead, the two outer horns grow longer then the three in the middle. The back of her head gets light brown bald, she grows a tail, the transformation complete. Miki just stared at this new creature standing before her, a girl turning into devil, yet still beautiful to look at, a lady like devil, a DevilLady.

In a fit of rage the wolf launches at the DevilLady with open maw, but the DevilLady just smiled and thrusted her arm right in it’s jaws. The wolf stopped, blood dripping from its tongue, however DevilLady was not done with the wolf, she grabbed it’s arm tightly and torn it off. The werewolf backed off, screaming in pain, fell on its back and dies, which finally caught the attentions of the other monsters in the room. Miko was too excited and too shocked of what she saw so she fainted. DevilLady looked behind her to see Miko laying on the ground, she looked at her for a moment before to turning back to face the monsters. They drop the girls, and went for DevilLady, she smiled and launches grabbing the first monster’s head and did a back flip behind him and ripped off his head along with his spine. Yellow blood spraying almost everywhere, she took the spine end and start to swinging the head like a club at the other three monsters. Hitting two of them before grabbing the spine with both hands, spinning it above her, then swung it down and finally smashing the third ones skull with the head. One of the two got up and attack her from behind, but she spun around and punched it really hard in the jaws, breaking some teeth. The bat creature scream in pain, making DevilLady smile, distracting her from another werewolf rising up up behind her. The werewolf raised its arm ready to slash her back, but her eyes look back, The wolf slashed down but she jump aside making wolf slash down the bat creatures face ,cutting it open. She then grabbed the wolf’s arm and started to punching him in the face and on his arm, she then grabbed it’s upper jaw tightly and grabbed the bottom jaw with the other hand and started to tear it down to the point of tearing the cheats off, and with that all of the monsters have been slain, Miki was shocked of what she saw.

'Holy shit’ she thought to herself as the DevilLady stood there in the middle, breathing heavily, only for things getting darker for her. “WAIT… NO, WHAT IS HAPPENING!?” She yells out in panic as her vision went dark. For a moment nothing happens, All of the sudden SHE is the one breathing heavily and felt the smell blood. Slowly her vision comes back, she saw that everyone and everything was as she last saw it, expect the DevilLady was no where to be seen. She looks around, she was nowhere in site, she suddenly is having a terrible headache so she puts her hand on her head, only to grab what felt like a wing sticking out from the sides of her head. Not only that, she felt some kind of liquid from her hands, she looks down at her hands and saw not the small human hands, but huge bluish hands with claws for nails and yellow blood covering them. She then realized that the DevilLady didn’t disappear in thin air, she had become the DevilLady!(it was her body after all) She started breath every intensely, her heart beating faster as she started to panic, not knowing what to do or what to think, what has she done? Just what the hell has she become!? She then stopped after hearing a moan coming from behind her, she looks back to see Miko laying there on the floor, shivering. “Miko!” She calls out while running to her, but Miko did not respond to her calls. Miki crouch down next to her to see if she was injured, luckily she seem to be unharmed. She reached to grab her shoulder, it was cold, she was freezing. Miki realizes this so she lifted her friend up and took her to the bedroom where they were hiding earlier, but when she entered the room she saw that all of the bed sheets were all torn up to tiny pieces. Not a single one was intact, so she has to find another way to keep her friend warm, before she could think any further to help her friend, she heard more moaning from the other room. All of the other girls are freezing as well, now this got more complicated, she couldn’t think of any other way to keep them all warm without any bed sheets, except one way. And with that in mind she puts Miko on the floor and went to get the other girls.

While she’s doing this, Miki didn’t noticed that Nagasaki was watching her through the window and taking pictures. He crouch down from the window and started to shiver, not out of the coldness but both out of fear and excitement, He looked through each and every single picture that he took of DevilLady slaughtering those monsters, this made him so excited that he began to chuckle to himself. “Hmm, hmm hmm, hmm (X10), this is it, this is a huge scoop, I shoot something with tremendous power, this… This could… THIS COULD CHANGE WORLD HISTORY FOREVER!” He got up and ran to his car, full of excitement to show this to the public, this, this is what he has been looking for. He reaches out to grab the handle of the car but then stopped, He look back at the house with a concern face. He thought to himself 'but Miki is still in their with that thing, I just can’t stand here and let that happened to her, then again, I’m quite curious of what that thing will do to the other girls.’ His curiosity got the best of him, With that in mind and the camera in hand, he went back to the house. He slowly walked towards the front door, nervous of what might happen next, each step he took send a shiver done his spine. He stopped by the door but didn’t open it, he just stood there. He was having a struggle in his head, he didn’t want to do this but he felt like he must. He grabbed the handle, twisted it and pulled it back, he was not prepared for the foul odor that flies out of the building. The smell of raw rotten meat almost made him puke when it went trough his nostrils, he covered his mouth with both of his hands and stepped away from the door and get some fresh air and to swallow whatever was coming up his throat. He coughs a few to times, took a deep breath and went back to the door, he opened the door slowly and went inside. Nagasaki was being very careful in where he took his step, there was blood almost everywhere not to mention all the body parts and guts from those monsters spread all over the floor. Slowly but surly he he got to the door in which the only remaining monster took all of the girls, he placed his left ear on the door, listing for something. He could only faintly hear the sound of moaning coming from the other side of the door, he then tried to look through the key hole, he could only slightly make what he could see through that tiny hole. Piles of body’s lying on top of each other, but could not make out the rest so he has no other choice now. He grabs the knob above the key hole, twist it and slowly pushes the door, not the whole way but enough to puke his head through. He pukes through the opening, he was shocked at what he saw, all of the girls huddle around the DevilLady with Miko in middle, held closed to the DevilLady chest. Nagasaki could not believe what he is seeing, was that thing, that has slaughtered all those other monsters in the other room, is it trying to keep the girls warm from the cold? Either way he took out his camera and aims at the piles of body’s, hit record and filmed them, at least that’s what he thought of doing. But instead he pressed the wrong button and the camera flashed when it took a picture, and that was enough for the DevilLady to open her eyes and turn her head towards the door.

“Who… WHO’S THERE?” She shouted with a growling voice, She saw a head poking from behind the door but quickly went back. “I know you’re there, come and show yourself!” She demanded him to come out, but instead of obeying her he went for the direction. He ran passed the monster carcasses, through the front door, outside, and got to his car. He tried to pull out his keys only for him to drop them to the ground, he looks back in a panic but the DevilLady was no where in sight. He picks the key back up and frustratingly tried to put in the key hole but kept missing it, until finally he got it in, open the door and got inside of the car, Only to get pulled out by the DevilLady and thrown away from the car. Nagasaki hit the ground hard when he landed, he tried to crawl away but the DevilLady caught up with him, grabbed him by the neck and lifted him to her eye level and demand to tell her who he is. “WHO ARE YOU!?” She shouted at him but then stops when she realizes who it is. - “it… cannot be, mr… Mr Nagasaki?” When she said his name he looks at her with both confusion and fear on face, who does it know his name? She puts him down on the ground carefully, making sure got his balance. When she lets go of him he backs off from her getting some distance between them. “H… Ho… How… How d… Do yo… Kno… My name?” He asked the demon nervously, afraid of what it’s respond will be. But to his surprise the demon did not look like it wanted to hurt him, rather it looks sad. With a sad expression she gave him the answer. “It’s me Nagasaki.” She said with tears streaming down her face. “M… MIKI… IS… IS THAT YOU!?” he asked even more confused then before. “Yes, yes it is me, of course you don’t recognize me because of how I look.” She face palm while she fell to her knees, crying like a baby. “I don’t know what’s happening to me? I… I… I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!?” She sat down on her butt, wrapped her arms around her middle and tucked her legs in, as if she’s trying to keep her self together, while still crying. At this point Nagasaki didn’t know what to feel, he honestly feels bad for the demon in front of him, but he’s also surprised and confused that the demon he saw killing those monsters was actually Miki. Miki would never hurt a fly, and yet here she was, transformed into a devil-like creature, crying? He wants to comfort her however he scared of he does something or say something wrong. “Hay… Um… Look on the bright side!” He started nervously. “You did… Save those girls from getting… Raped and d d… Devoured, yes!” Miki calmed down just a bit after hearing that last statement. “Your just saying that, *sobbing*” “Aaand… not to… Mention… You’re… Keeping all the other… Girls from freezing to… Umm… Death.” He finished his statement. “And Besides… I think your friends would understand…like Miko and… And… What was her name… Veronica yes! She would probably understa-” as soon he said that name she snapped. “VERONICA!!!” She shouted and got up, walked passed Nagasaki and back to the house at a fast paste. “Please lord let her be alive!” She pleaded as tears still streamed down her face, she enters the house leaving Nagasaki alone outside, again. Upstairs...

Miki got upstairs really quickly and when she did, it was still dark but to her surprise she could see perfectly clear in the darkness, But she couldn’t hear anything, it was too quiet, something wasn’t right. She found the body of the first beast they have encountered earlier, laying there on the floor on its stomach, motionless, it was dead. Did Veronica kill it? If so here did she go? There was no sign of human blood trail leaving the body. That mean one thing, she grabs the body and flipped it to its side, to her shock and fear her eyes went wide open, she was right, Veronica laying there, motionless, knife in hand, soulless eyes, blood coming out of her mouth as her throat has been bitten off, she is dead. Miki shiver, she fell to her knees reaching out for the body, calling out her name. “V… Veronica..? No… Don’t go… Don’t leave me here… Please… Say something…” She pleaded for Veronica, but she got no respond, she gently grabs Veronica’s face, tilt it towards her own face and looked in her eyes, there was no life in them, tears began to fall out of her eyes and on to Veronica’s cheeks, making it look like she crying. “Please… Don’t go away… You were suppose to cheer for us in relay race… *Sob* don’t leave me alone here!” She brought the body in for a hug. “Don’t GO! Stay with ME! VERONICA!!!” She throw her head up and screamed out her name in vain. She just sat there holding the body of her deceased new friend, crying, not noticing that she was reverting back to her human form.

Meanwhile downstairs...

 Nagasaki was looking up at the stairs, wondering what she doing up there. He then looks to his right towards the bedroom, are the girls still unconscious, if so he might take a few pics of them, he thought to himself and he looks back up at the stairs, he then tip toed his way to the bedroom. He opened the door entirely and saw all the other girls were just laying there unconscious and they were all naked, this makes him smile. He looks back at the stairs then took his camera and was ready to take a few more pics of the girls, but he then heard something creaking from behind, he looks over his shoulder and saw Miki coming down the stairs. He quickly turns around and puts his camera behind his back and tries to make an innocent smile and said - “I didn’t do anythi-” but he then stops when he sees that it’s Miki the girl walking down stairs and not the DevilLady that he talked to earlier. “M… Miki! Your back!” He shouted with excitement, but got no respond from her. She continues to walk down the stairs and stops at the bottom and sits on the last step with her head looking down. This actually got him worried so he walks up to her and ask her. “Miki? What’s wrong?” “She’s dead.” “HUH!?” “Veronica is dead, she’s dead because of me! I tried to help her but I only ended up getting her injured! She sacrificed herself just so I could escape! I… I got her killed!(Sob) I killed her!!” She covered her face with her hands and started crying again. Nagasaki did not like seeing Miki cry, he tries to think of something to cheer her up or least make cry less. But it was real difficult when she was sitting there butt naked, that just makes him blush. He sit right next to her, and puts his hand on her shoulder. “Miki… I’m really sorry, I truly am, but listen, you can’t just sit here and moan for her, I mean don’t get me wrong, I mean no fence to your friend, but she gave her life for you so that you and the others could live on and… Ummm….” Miki looks at him with tears streaming down her face while he gets up and scratches his head, puts his other hand on his hip and sighs. “This is hard… Ummm… Think like this, if you sacrificed your life for hers, then what would she do if she was in your position, right now that is?” Miki stares at him for a good moment with wide eyes and slightly open mouth, she then looks down at her hands, seeing them both shiver and twitching, before clenching them into fists and then closes hers eyes. “She would make sure that the others are alright, and call for help.” She said quietly to herself, Nagasaki could barely heard her that he leaned a little closer. She then stood up with a confidence look to Nagasaki’s surprise. “Mr Nagasaki, help me get the girls out of the building.” “Oh, umm… Okay.” Nagasaki did expect for her to change her tone that quickly but he just rolled with it. They then started to carry the other girls outside, what’s weird to Nagasaki isn’t that he’s carrying just one girl who’s naked but the fact that he’s carrying one while Miki easily carrying two at the time, it’s kind of embarrassing for him. After he lays the girl in the van among the others, he looks back to see Miki carrying Miko in her arms. Nagasaki would love to take a photo of them but Miki would not like that and would kill him, so it’s best to not anger her when she could turn into a demon any time she wants. Miki lays Miko in the van, and before closing them in she stroke Miko’s chin, hoping that she’s alright.

“Okay, now we got them out of the house, what do we do now?” “Do you have a lighter?” “What?” “Do. You. Have. A. Lighter?” Miki asked with a commanding tone. “Umm… Yes?” “Hand it over.” “Umm, sure but I don’t have anything on me.” He said as he gives her the lighter. “I’m not going to smoke!” “What are you gonna do then?” He then sees that she was holding a bottle of alcohol with a piece of cloth at the top, which she then lights up, turning it into a Molotov cocktail. “Wait, what are you doing!?” He asked her with questioning look on his face. Miki then tossed the cocktail into the house, through the doorway and on to the corpses of the monsters which it shatters, spreading the fire, This didn’t make him happy. “NO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?” He shouts at her, she is not faced by it. “I’m burning it to the ground.” “B… B… B… BUT YOU’RE GETTING RID OF THE EVIDENCE!!!” “Let them be burned.” “BUT HOW IS EVERYONE SUPPOSE TO BELIVE US WHEN ALL OF IT IS GO-” “we’re not going to!” “WHY NOT!!?” “BECAUSE SOCIETY IS NOT. READY FOR THIS, DIPSHIT!!!” Nagasaki went quiet, he was shocked to hear her say that. Miki would never say those kind of word, she is not that type of girl. “IF WE TELL THEM ABOUT THESE MONSTERS NOW, THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THINK OF THEM OR EVEN HOW TO HANDLE THEM, HELL WE DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE OR WHAT THEY ARE EVEN CAPABLE OF! Now stop bitching around and call. FOR FUCKING HELP! AND NO! YOU’RE NOT GOING TO TELL THEM ABOUT THOSE MONSTERS, TELL THEM THAT IT WAS AN EXISTENT! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLARE!?” She finally finished, but he just stares at her. “Right… I mean, yes ma'am!” He said and picked up his phone and called for help while Miki looks back at the house which has begun to finally catch on fire. Miki looks on until her eyes catches something laying on the ground, she went for a closer look and saw that it’s Veronica’s cap. Miki must’ve knocked it off of her when she tackled her before. She picks it up and looked at for a long moment before putting it on her head and with angry look on her face she looks back at the house which has fully been covered with flames. “Veronica, I swear, your sacrifice will not be in vain!” Miki said as the fire involves the house, as the ashes flew into the night sky.

Chapter 1: THAT NIGHT! End.

Let me know what you think of the story by sending a note or go to my deviant art and comment on my chapter 1 cover.

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3 years ago
Amelia Cameron was murdered by a man in the shadows. Will the two detectives solve the case? What does Nicholas Anderso...

Hello there, 

This is my first murder mystery novel. First chapter is up. If you comment on it please be nice.

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7 months ago
The English Version Is Below ;))

The English version is below ;))

Capitulo 1:El comienzo.

Bueno,¿cómo comenzamos esto?Como sea…

Todo parecía normal para el gran y poderoso Once-ler,al menos eso decía ese periódico.

Warden:Oh,vaya…interesante,entonces así de grande y poderoso es?Jailbot!

El robot entró a la oficina de su jefe,rompiendo una pared,como siempre causando un gran desastre.

Warden:Papá necesita que le traigas a esté tipo,así que…ve por él! -sonriendo y mostrando esa hoja de periódico-

El robot hizo caso,yéndose y rompiendo está vez una ventana.El guardián solo vio como se iba,despidiéndose con la mano.

Warden:Tráele ese criminal a papá-sonrisa un tanto maliciosa-


Era un día normal para Once-ler,nada particularmente especial.Esté se encontraba en su balcón,mirando lo de afuera y viendo el particular paisaje gris.

Once-ler:Mmm…Gris,nah no es tan malo…solo gris-reflexionando mientras sostenía con una mano su cigarro-tal vez vendría bien algo de diversión…

Todo parecía aburrido y hasta cierto punto extrañamente “normal”,pero…hubo algo que no era normal,hablando de los sonidos normales que solían estar por ahí.

Once-ler:Mmm…qué es…suena como sí-buscando el sonido extraño y bajando un poco por las escaleras del mismo balcón-

Estaba tratando de buscar,cuando de la nada algo le tocó su hombro,como llamándolo.

Once-ler:Qué?...¿Quién eres?-viendo al robot con curiosidad y un tanto impactado-

El robot cambió a una cara roja,aún con esa sonrisa pixelada y maliciosa.

Once-ler:Oh,ok…entonces debo correr?-esté aventando su cigarro y tratando de huir corriendo-

Trato de huir corriendo huyendo de su oficina,pasando por los pasillos y tratando de buscar una salida.

Once-ler:Aaa!qué mierda?...cuando dije que quería diversión,no me refería a esto!-tratando de huir aún,un poco cansado y escondiéndose-

El robot carcelero solo rompió lo que podía,buscando al joven y sin importar si hace un gran desastre…después de todo;no importa el desastre,lo importante es cumplir con su deber.

Once-ler se escondió en una habitación oscura,cerrando la puerta y tratando de hacer silencio.

Once-ler:Uff,-susurrando- creo que aquí estaré bien…solo está un poco oscuro…

Esté sacó un cigarro y trato de buscar su encendedor.

Once-ler:En dónde lo…

Una pequeña flama apareció,ofreciéndole prender su cigarro.

Once-ler:Oh,gracias ami…ou,vaya… -dejando caer el cigarro y tratando de escapar-No,no,NO!

Esté desesperadamente tratando de abrir la puerta,con miedo y terror de ese robot.Jailbot simplemente siguió con esa sonrisa y se acercó al joven aún más,tal vez tratando de llevárselo.

Once-ler:No,no,no!sue-suéltame…sabes quién soy?soy el Once…

Este fue atado con cuerdas y su boca cubierta con cinta;obviamente esto a Once-ler no le agrado pero igual ya no podía hacer nada.Jailbot se lo llevó igual que a todos los reclusos que van a Superjail.


Traducción:Suéltame!pedazo de metal…

Esté tratando de pelear contra las cuerdas y el agarre del robot,pero parecía inútil.Después de un rato el extraño portal que llevaba directo a Superjail,fue abierto y dando entrada a los dos.

El robot entró,yendo directamente hacía donde se encontraba Warden,más específicamente en el patio,explicando algunas cosas extrañas de siempre.

Warden:Oh,ahí estás mi gran robot asesino,trajiste lo que papá pidió?-sonrisa y estando energético-

El robot tiró al joven al suelo,lastimándose y aún atado.Once-ler simplemente se quejó y miró al robot con odio.

Warden:Hey,hey!Jailbot,no lo tires es delicado…no es como nosotros-tratando de sonar como un regaño y explicando con las manos-simplemente no lo tires,ok?

El robot carcelero simplemente asintió a las órdenes de su creador,yéndose después a atrapar a otros más.

Warden se acercó al joven,quitándole la cinta de la boca y siendo ese tipo lunático de siempre,dándole la bienvenida.

Warden;Hey,amigo…estás bien?

Once-ler:No!-sonando enojado y mirándolo-

Warden:Bien,Bienvenido a Superjail!-mostrando un cuadro completo de la cárcel-

Once-ler:Tiene que ser un sueño..-sonando irritado y aún tratando de zafarse-

Warden:¡Lo sé!es increíble,¿no?-sonriente y orgulloso de su creación-

Once-ler:No me refería a eso…podrías soltarme de esto?extraño hombre…

Warden:Oh,claro…lo siento,a veces Jailbot es un poco agresivo jeje -sonrisa nerviosa y desatando con su magia,convirtiendo las cuerdas en mariposas-

Once-ler:Mmm?qu-qué fue eso?-viendo las mariposas irse y levantándose-

Warden:Oh,eso?magia,mi estimado-rodeándolo con un brazo y acercándose al otro-

Once-ler:Nah,no es la primera vez que tengo lidiar con magia y cosas extrañas como esa-limpiándose y dándole un pequeño manotazo a la mano del otro para que lo suelte-

El otro lo soltó,sobándose la mano pero aún sonriente.Once-ler trato de pensar en ¿cómo acabó ahí?

Warden:Sí,jeje…bueno,amigo mió,tú verdaderamente estás en problemas-dando golpecitos al pecho del otro con un dedo-

Once-ler:¿A qué te refieres?y primero que nada…¿tú quién eres?-cruzándose de brazos y mirándolo con el ceño fruncido-

Warden:Oh,cómo pude olvidarlo?soy tan distraído-arreglándose el sombrero-pues yo soy Warden,guardián de está increíble y paradisíaca cárcel-un cuadro de la cárcel mostrando la extrema violencia de está-

Once-ler:Emm…sí,claro-mirando a todos lados -mira,fue un gusto visitar tu…””bonita””cárcel pero quiero ir a mi hogar y ARREGLAR EL DESASTRE QUE HIZO TU ROBOT!-enojado y totalmente exaltado-


Once-ler:Qué dices?-mirándolo incrédulo-

Warden:Mira,mi estimado amigo…¡tú verdaderamente perteneces aquí!eres un criminal,aunque debo admitir que uno muy elegante y atractivo-mirándolo y ciertamente curioseando-

Once-ler:Mmm…oye hombre,lamento decepcionarte pero no!no pertenezco aquí y no eres mi tipo -manteniendolo alejado con las manos y aún enojado-

Warden:Pff,qué?no,no…tampoco,solo dije que eres atractivo y elegante,pero eres un criminal,sin dudar -sonrisita- aparte,tengo a mi dulce Alice…no te comparas a la belleza de ella-pestañeando y entrelazando sus propias manos-

Once-ler:Oye,no estamos hablando de mi atractivo,para tu información soy un hombre importante,con trabajo importante y créeme!no estoy para este tipo de estupideces-caminando intimidantemente hacía el otro y sonando enojado-

El otro no estaba intimidado,lo que hacía el otro solo hacía que se emocionara más y se interesara más por el otro de más amistosa.Once-ler aún estaba enojado y quería matar al otro.

Once-ler:Sabes,te mataría pero hacerlo…mancharía mi reputación y no voy a dejar que un escándalo por asesinato,manche esa GRANDIOSA reputación…ahora!solo sácame de aquí!-cruzándose de brazos y con un puchero-

Warden:Uff,eso suena tentativamente peligroso…interesante!pero…en serio te interesa volver a ese lugar?-mirándolo con curiosidad y interesado-

Once-ler:Pues sí!sabes…es mi hogar,necesito ir ahí  y ganar dinero-sonando preocupado-si me quedo aquí voy a perder mucho de eso y no me gusta hacerlo…me entiendes?

Warden:Mmm..creo que sí,pero…oye,oye,quiero ver ese lugar,¿podrías enseñarme?-mirándolo con un puchero y suplicante-

Once-ler:Oye n…mmm -pensando en la idea y teniendo una a la vez -ok,ok…creo que no sería una mala idea,Jajajaja -risa maliciosa-

Warden:Sí,Jajaja -riendo también sin saber porque-



Chapter 1:The beginning.

Well, how do we start this? One way or the other…

Everything seemed normal for the great and powerful Once-ler, at least that's what that newspaper said.

Warden: Oh, wow…interesting, so that's how big and powerful he is? Jailbot!

The robot entered his boss's office, breaking through a wall, as always causing a huge mess.

Warden: Dad needs you to bring this guy to him, so…go get him! -smiling and showing that sheet of newspaper-

The robot complied, leaving and this time breaking a window. The guard only watched as he left, waving goodbye.

Warden: Bring that criminal to dad-somewhat malicious smile-

…………………………………………………………………………………….. ..

It was a normal day for Once-ler, nothing particularly special. He was on his balcony, looking outside and seeing the particular gray landscape.

Once-ler: Hmm… Gray, no, it's not that bad… just Gray-thinking while holding his cigarette with one hand-maybe some fun would be in order…

Everything seemed boring and to some extent strangely “normal”, but… there was something that wasn't normal, talking about the normal sounds that used to be out there.

Once-ler: Mmm…what is it…it sounds like it?-looking for the strange sound and going down the stairs of the same balcony a little-

He was trying to search, when out of nowhere something touched his shoulder, as if calling him.

Once-ler: What?…Who are you? -looking at the robot with curiosity and a little shocked-

The robot changed to a red face, still with that pixelated, malicious smile.

Once-ler: Oh, okay… so should I run? -he is throwing away his cigarette and trying to run away-

He tried to run out of his office, running through the hallways and trying to find a way out.

Once-ler: Aaaa! What the fuck?…when I said I wanted fun, I didn't mean this! - still trying to escape, a little tired and hiding -

The jailer robot only broke what he could, looking for the young man and regardless of whether he makes a big mess… after all; the disaster doesn't matter, the important thing is to do his duty.

Once-ler hid in a dark room, closing the door and trying to keep quiet.

Once-ler: Ugh, -whispering- I think I'll be fine here…it's just a little dark…

He took out a cigarette and tried to look for his lighter.


A small flame appeared, offering him to light his cigarette.

Once-ler: Oh, thanks friend… ou, wow… -dropping the cigarette and trying to escape-No, no, NO!

I was desperately trying to open the door, in fear and terror of that robot. Jailbot simply continued with that smile and approached the young man even closer, perhaps trying to take him away.

Once-ler: No, no, no! le-let me go… do you know who I am? I'm the Once…

They tied him with ropes and covered his mouth with duct tape; The Once-ler obviously didn't like this, but he couldn't do anything anyway. Jailbot took him like all the inmates who go to Superjail.

Once-ler: Mmm! Mmm…agg

Translation: Let go of me! piece of metal…

He tried to fight against the ropes and the robot's grip, but it seemed useless. After a while the strange portal that led directly to Superjail opened, giving entry to the two.

The robot entered, going directly to where the Warden was, more specifically in the courtyard, explaining some usual strange things.

Warden: Oh, there you are my big killer robot, did you bring what dad asked for? -smile and energetic-

The robot threw the young man to the ground, hurting himself and still tied up. Once-ler simply complained and looked at the robot.

Guardian: Hey, hey! Jailbot, don't throw it, it's delicate… it's not like us - trying to sound like a scold and explaining with your hands - just don't throw it, okay?

The jailer robot simply nodded at his creator's orders and then left to catch more.

Warden approached the young man, removing the tape from his mouth and being the usual lunatic, welcoming him.

Warden: Hey, buddy… are you okay?

Once-ler: No! -sounding angry and looking at him-

Warden: Well, welcome to Superjail! -showing a full image of the jail-

Once-ler: It has to be a dream…-sounding irritated and still trying to get loose-

Warden: I know! It's amazing, right? -smiling and proud of his creation-

Once-ler: I didn't mean that… could you let me go? strange man…

Warden: Oh, sure… Sorry, sometimes Jailbot is a little aggressive hehe - he smiles nervously and releases it with his magic, turning the ropes into butterflies -

Once-ler: Hmm? What was that? - See the butterflies come out and rise -

Warden: Oh, that? Dear friend – putting an arm around him – magic!

Once-ler: No, it's not the first time I've had to deal with magic and weird things like that - cleaning myself and giving the other's hand a little hit to make them let go -

The other let him go, rubbing his hand but still smiling. Did Once-ler try to think about how he ended up there?

Warden: Yes, hehe… well friend, you're really in trouble – hitting the other's chest with a finger –

Once-ler: What do you mean? And first of all… who are you? -crossing her arms and looking at him with a frown-

Warden: Oh, how could I forget? I'm so distracted - adjusting his hat - because I am Warden, guardian of this incredible and paradisiacal prison - a imageof the prison that shows the extreme violence of this -

Once-ler: Umm…yeah, sure-looking around -look, it was a pleasure visiting your…""nice""prison but I want to go home and FIX THE MESS YOUR ROBOT MADE!-angry and totally exalted-

Warden: Hehe, yeah…hey…no.

Once-ler: What are you saying? -looking at him in disbelief-

Warden: Look, my dear friend… you really belong here! You are a criminal, although I must admit, a very elegant and attractive one - looking at him and certainly snooping -

Once-ler: Hmm…hey man, sorry to disappoint you but no! I don't belong here and you're not my type - keeping him away with his hands and still angry -

Warden: Pff, what? No, no… neither, I just said that you are attractive and elegant, but you are a criminal, without a doubt - he smiles - aside, I have my sweet Alice… you don't compare to her beauty- blinking and clasping her own hands-

Once-ler: Hey, we're not talking about my attractiveness, for your information I'm an important man, with an important job and believe me! I'm not prepared for this kind of nonsense - walking intimidatingly towards each other and sounding angry -

The other was not intimidated, what the other did only excited him more and he became more interested in the other in a friendly way. Once-ler was still angry and wanted to kill the other.

Once-ler: You know, I would kill you, but doing so… would tarnish my reputation and I'm not going to let a murder scandal tarnish that GREAT reputation… now! Get me out of here! -crossing his arms and pouting-

Warden: Phew, that sounds tentatively dangerous… interesting! but… are you seriously interested in returning to that place? -looking at him with curiosity and interest-

Once-ler: Well yes! You know…it's my house, I need to go there and make money-he seems worried-if I stay here I'm going to lose a lot of it and I don't like doing it…do you understand me?

Warden: Mmm…I think so, but…hey, hey, I want to see that place, could you show me?-looking at him with a pout and pleading-

Once-ler:Hey no…mmm -thinking about the idea and taking one at a time -ok,ok…I think it wouldn't be a bad idea, Hahahaha -malicious laugh-

Warden: Yes, hahaha – also laughing without knowing why.

To be continued...

Tags :
6 months ago
El Capitulo Ya Fue Estrenado,los Captulos Sern Estrenados En El Blog De"Congratulations!you Are Recluse",probablemente

El capitulo ya fue estrenado,los capítulos serán estrenados en el blog de"Congratulations!you are recluse",probablemente aquí también suba los adelantos o progresos. Blog:


The chapter has already been released, the chapters will be released on the"Congratulations!you are recluse" blog, probably the previews or information will also be uploaded here. Blog:

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6 months ago
The English Version Is Below ;))

The English version is below ;))

Capitulo 1:El comienzo.

Bueno,¿cómo comenzamos esto?Como sea…

Todo parecía normal para el gran y poderoso Once-ler,al menos eso decía ese periódico.

Warden:Oh,vaya…interesante,entonces así de grande y poderoso es?Jailbot!

El robot entró a la oficina de su jefe,rompiendo una pared,como siempre causando un gran desastre.

Warden:Papá necesita que le traigas a esté tipo,así que…ve por él! -sonriendo y mostrando esa hoja de periódico-

El robot hizo caso,yéndose y rompiendo está vez una ventana.El guardián solo vio como se iba,despidiéndose con la mano.

Warden:Tráele ese criminal a papá-sonrisa un tanto maliciosa-


Era un día normal para Once-ler,nada particularmente especial.Esté se encontraba en su balcón,mirando lo de afuera y viendo el particular paisaje gris.

Once-ler:Mmm…Gris,nah no es tan malo…solo gris-reflexionando mientras sostenía con una mano su cigarro-tal vez vendría bien algo de diversión…

Todo parecía aburrido y hasta cierto punto extrañamente “normal”,pero…hubo algo que no era normal,hablando de los sonidos normales que solían estar por ahí.

Once-ler:Mmm…qué es…suena como sí-buscando el sonido extraño y bajando un poco por las escaleras del mismo balcón-

Estaba tratando de buscar,cuando de la nada algo le tocó su hombro,como llamándolo.

Once-ler:Qué?...¿Quién eres?-viendo al robot con curiosidad y un tanto impactado-

El robot cambió a una cara roja,aún con esa sonrisa pixelada y maliciosa.

Once-ler:Oh,ok…entonces debo correr?-esté aventando su cigarro y tratando de huir corriendo-

Trato de huir corriendo huyendo de su oficina,pasando por los pasillos y tratando de buscar una salida.

Once-ler:Aaa!qué mierda?...cuando dije que quería diversión,no me refería a esto!-tratando de huir aún,un poco cansado y escondiéndose-

El robot carcelero solo rompió lo que podía,buscando al joven y sin importar si hace un gran desastre…después de todo;no importa el desastre,lo importante es cumplir con su deber.

Once-ler se escondió en una habitación oscura,cerrando la puerta y tratando de hacer silencio.

Once-ler:Uff,-susurrando- creo que aquí estaré bien…solo está un poco oscuro…

Esté sacó un cigarro y trato de buscar su encendedor.

Once-ler:En dónde lo…

Una pequeña flama apareció,ofreciéndole prender su cigarro.

Once-ler:Oh,gracias ami…ou,vaya… -dejando caer el cigarro y tratando de escapar-No,no,NO!

Esté desesperadamente tratando de abrir la puerta,con miedo y terror de ese robot.Jailbot simplemente siguió con esa sonrisa y se acercó al joven aún más,tal vez tratando de llevárselo.

Once-ler:No,no,no!sue-suéltame…sabes quién soy?soy el Once…

Este fue atado con cuerdas y su boca cubierta con cinta;obviamente esto a Once-ler no le agrado pero igual ya no podía hacer nada.Jailbot se lo llevó igual que a todos los reclusos que van a Superjail.


Traducción:Suéltame!pedazo de metal…

Esté tratando de pelear contra las cuerdas y el agarre del robot,pero parecía inútil.Después de un rato el extraño portal que llevaba directo a Superjail,fue abierto y dando entrada a los dos.

El robot entró,yendo directamente hacía donde se encontraba Warden,más específicamente en el patio,explicando algunas cosas extrañas de siempre.

Warden:Oh,ahí estás mi gran robot asesino,trajiste lo que papá pidió?-sonrisa y estando energético-

El robot tiró al joven al suelo,lastimándose y aún atado.Once-ler simplemente se quejó y miró al robot con odio.

Warden:Hey,hey!Jailbot,no lo tires es delicado…no es como nosotros-tratando de sonar como un regaño y explicando con las manos-simplemente no lo tires,ok?

El robot carcelero simplemente asintió a las órdenes de su creador,yéndose después a atrapar a otros más.

Warden se acercó al joven,quitándole la cinta de la boca y siendo ese tipo lunático de siempre,dándole la bienvenida.

Warden;Hey,amigo…estás bien?

Once-ler:No!-sonando enojado y mirándolo-

Warden:Bien,Bienvenido a Superjail!-mostrando un cuadro completo de la cárcel-

Once-ler:Tiene que ser un sueño..-sonando irritado y aún tratando de zafarse-

Warden:¡Lo sé!es increíble,¿no?-sonriente y orgulloso de su creación-

Once-ler:No me refería a eso…podrías soltarme de esto?extraño hombre…

Warden:Oh,claro…lo siento,a veces Jailbot es un poco agresivo jeje -sonrisa nerviosa y desatando con su magia,convirtiendo las cuerdas en mariposas-

Once-ler:Mmm?qu-qué fue eso?-viendo las mariposas irse y levantándose-

Warden:Oh,eso?magia,mi estimado-rodeándolo con un brazo y acercándose al otro-

Once-ler:Nah,no es la primera vez que tengo lidiar con magia y cosas extrañas como esa-limpiándose y dándole un pequeño manotazo a la mano del otro para que lo suelte-

El otro lo soltó,sobándose la mano pero aún sonriente.Once-ler trato de pensar en ¿cómo acabó ahí?

Warden:Sí,jeje…bueno,amigo mió,tú verdaderamente estás en problemas-dando golpecitos al pecho del otro con un dedo-

Once-ler:¿A qué te refieres?y primero que nada…¿tú quién eres?-cruzándose de brazos y mirándolo con el ceño fruncido-

Warden:Oh,cómo pude olvidarlo?soy tan distraído-arreglándose el sombrero-pues yo soy Warden,guardián de está increíble y paradisíaca cárcel-un cuadro de la cárcel mostrando la extrema violencia de está-

Once-ler:Emm…sí,claro-mirando a todos lados -mira,fue un gusto visitar tu…””bonita””cárcel pero quiero ir a mi hogar y ARREGLAR EL DESASTRE QUE HIZO TU ROBOT!-enojado y totalmente exaltado-


Once-ler:Qué dices?-mirándolo incrédulo-

Warden:Mira,mi estimado amigo…¡tú verdaderamente perteneces aquí!eres un criminal,aunque debo admitir que uno muy elegante y atractivo-mirándolo y ciertamente curioseando-

Once-ler:Mmm…oye hombre,lamento decepcionarte pero no!no pertenezco aquí y no eres mi tipo -manteniendolo alejado con las manos y aún enojado-

Warden:Pff,qué?no,no…tampoco,solo dije que eres atractivo y elegante,pero eres un criminal,sin dudar -sonrisita- aparte,tengo a mi dulce Alice…no te comparas a la belleza de ella-pestañeando y entrelazando sus propias manos-

Once-ler:Oye,no estamos hablando de mi atractivo,para tu información soy un hombre importante,con trabajo importante y créeme!no estoy para este tipo de estupideces-caminando intimidantemente hacía el otro y sonando enojado-

El otro no estaba intimidado,lo que hacía el otro solo hacía que se emocionara más y se interesara más por el otro de más amistosa.Once-ler aún estaba enojado y quería matar al otro.

Once-ler:Sabes,te mataría pero hacerlo…mancharía mi reputación y no voy a dejar que un escándalo por asesinato,manche esa GRANDIOSA reputación…ahora!solo sácame de aquí!-cruzándose de brazos y con un puchero-

Warden:Uff,eso suena tentativamente peligroso…interesante!pero…en serio te interesa volver a ese lugar?-mirándolo con curiosidad y interesado-

Once-ler:Pues sí!sabes…es mi hogar,necesito ir ahí  y ganar dinero-sonando preocupado-si me quedo aquí voy a perder mucho de eso y no me gusta hacerlo…me entiendes?

Warden:Mmm..creo que sí,pero…oye,oye,quiero ver ese lugar,¿podrías enseñarme?-mirándolo con un puchero y suplicante-

Once-ler:Oye n…mmm -pensando en la idea y teniendo una a la vez -ok,ok…creo que no sería una mala idea,Jajajaja -risa maliciosa-

Warden:Sí,Jajaja -riendo también sin saber porque-



Chapter 1:The beginning.

Well, how do we start this? One way or the other…

Everything seemed normal for the great and powerful Once-ler, at least that's what that newspaper said.

Warden: Oh, wow…interesting, so that's how big and powerful he is? Jailbot!

The robot entered his boss's office, breaking through a wall, as always causing a huge mess.

Warden: Dad needs you to bring this guy to him, so…go get him! -smiling and showing that sheet of newspaper-

The robot complied, leaving and this time breaking a window. The guard only watched as he left, waving goodbye.

Warden: Bring that criminal to dad-somewhat malicious smile-

…………………………………………………………………………………….. ..

It was a normal day for Once-ler, nothing particularly special. He was on his balcony, looking outside and seeing the particular gray landscape.

Once-ler: Hmm… Gray, no, it's not that bad… just Gray-thinking while holding his cigarette with one hand-maybe some fun would be in order…

Everything seemed boring and to some extent strangely “normal”, but… there was something that wasn't normal, talking about the normal sounds that used to be out there.

Once-ler: Mmm…what is it…it sounds like it?-looking for the strange sound and going down the stairs of the same balcony a little-

He was trying to search, when out of nowhere something touched his shoulder, as if calling him.

Once-ler: What?…Who are you? -looking at the robot with curiosity and a little shocked-

The robot changed to a red face, still with that pixelated, malicious smile.

Once-ler: Oh, okay… so should I run? -he is throwing away his cigarette and trying to run away-

He tried to run out of his office, running through the hallways and trying to find a way out.

Once-ler: Aaaa! What the fuck?…when I said I wanted fun, I didn't mean this! - still trying to escape, a little tired and hiding -

The jailer robot only broke what he could, looking for the young man and regardless of whether he makes a big mess… after all; the disaster doesn't matter, the important thing is to do his duty.

Once-ler hid in a dark room, closing the door and trying to keep quiet.

Once-ler: Ugh, -whispering- I think I'll be fine here…it's just a little dark…

He took out a cigarette and tried to look for his lighter.


A small flame appeared, offering him to light his cigarette.

Once-ler: Oh, thanks friend… ou, wow… -dropping the cigarette and trying to escape-No, no, NO!

I was desperately trying to open the door, in fear and terror of that robot. Jailbot simply continued with that smile and approached the young man even closer, perhaps trying to take him away.

Once-ler: No, no, no! le-let me go… do you know who I am? I'm the Once…

They tied him with ropes and covered his mouth with duct tape; The Once-ler obviously didn't like this, but he couldn't do anything anyway. Jailbot took him like all the inmates who go to Superjail.

Once-ler: Mmm! Mmm…agg

Translation: Let go of me! piece of metal…

He tried to fight against the ropes and the robot's grip, but it seemed useless. After a while the strange portal that led directly to Superjail opened, giving entry to the two.

The robot entered, going directly to where the Warden was, more specifically in the courtyard, explaining some usual strange things.

Warden: Oh, there you are my big killer robot, did you bring what dad asked for? -smile and energetic-

The robot threw the young man to the ground, hurting himself and still tied up. Once-ler simply complained and looked at the robot.

Guardian: Hey, hey! Jailbot, don't throw it, it's delicate… it's not like us - trying to sound like a scold and explaining with your hands - just don't throw it, okay?

The jailer robot simply nodded at his creator's orders and then left to catch more.

Warden approached the young man, removing the tape from his mouth and being the usual lunatic, welcoming him.

Warden: Hey, buddy… are you okay?

Once-ler: No! -sounding angry and looking at him-

Warden: Well, welcome to Superjail! -showing a full image of the jail-

Once-ler: It has to be a dream…-sounding irritated and still trying to get loose-

Warden: I know! It's amazing, right? -smiling and proud of his creation-

Once-ler: I didn't mean that… could you let me go? strange man…

Warden: Oh, sure… Sorry, sometimes Jailbot is a little aggressive hehe - he smiles nervously and releases it with his magic, turning the ropes into butterflies -

Once-ler: Hmm? What was that? - See the butterflies come out and rise -

Warden: Oh, that? Dear friend – putting an arm around him – magic!

Once-ler: No, it's not the first time I've had to deal with magic and weird things like that - cleaning myself and giving the other's hand a little hit to make them let go -

The other let him go, rubbing his hand but still smiling. Did Once-ler try to think about how he ended up there?

Warden: Yes, hehe… well friend, you're really in trouble – hitting the other's chest with a finger –

Once-ler: What do you mean? And first of all… who are you? -crossing her arms and looking at him with a frown-

Warden: Oh, how could I forget? I'm so distracted - adjusting his hat - because I am Warden, guardian of this incredible and paradisiacal prison - a imageof the prison that shows the extreme violence of this -

Once-ler: Umm…yeah, sure-looking around -look, it was a pleasure visiting your…""nice""prison but I want to go home and FIX THE MESS YOUR ROBOT MADE!-angry and totally exalted-

Warden: Hehe, yeah…hey…no.

Once-ler: What are you saying? -looking at him in disbelief-

Warden: Look, my dear friend… you really belong here! You are a criminal, although I must admit, a very elegant and attractive one - looking at him and certainly snooping -

Once-ler: Hmm…hey man, sorry to disappoint you but no! I don't belong here and you're not my type - keeping him away with his hands and still angry -

Warden: Pff, what? No, no… neither, I just said that you are attractive and elegant, but you are a criminal, without a doubt - he smiles - aside, I have my sweet Alice… you don't compare to her beauty- blinking and clasping her own hands-

Once-ler: Hey, we're not talking about my attractiveness, for your information I'm an important man, with an important job and believe me! I'm not prepared for this kind of nonsense - walking intimidatingly towards each other and sounding angry -

The other was not intimidated, what the other did only excited him more and he became more interested in the other in a friendly way. Once-ler was still angry and wanted to kill the other.

Once-ler: You know, I would kill you, but doing so… would tarnish my reputation and I'm not going to let a murder scandal tarnish that GREAT reputation… now! Get me out of here! -crossing his arms and pouting-

Warden: Phew, that sounds tentatively dangerous… interesting! but… are you seriously interested in returning to that place? -looking at him with curiosity and interest-

Once-ler: Well yes! You know…it's my house, I need to go there and make money-he seems worried-if I stay here I'm going to lose a lot of it and I don't like doing it…do you understand me?

Warden: Mmm…I think so, but…hey, hey, I want to see that place, could you show me?-looking at him with a pout and pleading-

Once-ler:Hey no…mmm -thinking about the idea and taking one at a time -ok,ok…I think it wouldn't be a bad idea, Hahahaha -malicious laugh-

Warden: Yes, hahaha – also laughing without knowing why.

To be continued...

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7 years ago

Wattpad update!

Perseverance: Chapter 1 is now out on Wattpad!

Took me a little longer than planned to finish it, but it's done! It's a little shorter than the Prologue, but it'll do.

If there are any questions, don't be shy to ask!

Tags :
6 years ago
Gangs, Killers And Hitmen: Chapter 1 Is Now Out On Wattpad, Archive Of Our Own And Tumblr!

Gangs, Killers and Hitmen: Chapter 1 is now out on Wattpad, Archive of our own and Tumblr!

Art is mine, so pls, DO NOT REPOST.

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5 months ago

Chapter 1

It has been decades since the hotel has been built and since the Tepes family permanently moved there as well as other monsters. Some still lived in their own homes and regularly came to visit the hotel, specifically for Mavis's birthdays. Dracula and Alucard both tried to make sure that she is safe in the hotel and that she doesn't have to see what humans can do. For nearly 118 years they have kept her trapped but just a couple of hours before she had yet again asked her father to let her go out and see the human world, he agreed, saying that there's a village nearby and that despite it not being much it's good enough for her first time. Despite Mavis wanting to see more she was happy with it and flew there immediately. Only for it to be a complete disaster, making her not want to see any more of the world or humans. But what Dracula didn't realise is that two humans saw the incident and decided to follow the burning 'humans' back to the hotel. 

The two brothers were currently in the lobby, enjoying the peace that they currently had. Dracula was in an especially good mood after his planned worked, despite the zombies having nearly blown their cover but Mavis was too naïve to connect the dots. Alucard wasn't like the bubbly vampire that his brother was, no, he was more dark, cruel and had hidden his heart from others including his own family after the horrendous death of his wife and child by the human villagers, just how they had killed Martha, Drac's wife, a week later. Neither of them knew how the humans found them but they had a feeling someone was leading them but they never found out who. Despite being so cold, Alucard still truly and deeply loved his family, he was devoted of it even, despite not really showing it. His brother and niece still loved him though and often tried to get him out of his shell, sometimes it worked other times it didn't. Hence why the moment Dracula saw the two humans he immediately rushed to get them out of Alucard's sight as to not get him angry and trigger his trauma and to stir trouble in the hotel. 

However, Alucard did spot Dracula dashing away into a nearby closet, gripping two figures tightly in his arms. Despite his sharp eyes, sharper than regular vampires and monsters, he couldn't really make out what the figures looked like. He decided not to speak up about it nor check the closet himself, just stay in the corner observing everyone with his glowing eyes. He wasn't one to hang out and socialise with others. He enjoyed his peace and quiet but he had to make sure that no one caused trouble in the hotel. 

"Wowow, chill out dude. What has gotten you so pent up and bothered?" Jade said very confused as she and Johnny got shoved and pinned in a very small and cramped closet out of the blue. How the hell did he even move that fast?! What was his issue? The man in front of them was acting as if they intruded on something that they shouldn't have. "Quiet, you fool! What weapons are you keeping in this container? Your pitchforks?!" Dracula spat pulling out stuff out of Johnny's bag first at lighting speed before he ended up pulling out a shirt that smelled very badly. Being a vampire his sense of smell was very sensitive causing him to drop the shirt on the floor and curled up in a corner covering his nose. "Oh god!! I can't breathe. It's killing me!" Johnny picked up his shirt without a care and put it back in his bag, unbothered by Dracula acting like that. "Yeah definitely overdue for a fluff and fold." he said which caused Jade to burst out laughing. "Overdue is an understatement Johnny. It doesn't need a fluff and fold but a good scrubbing and cleaning if the man is this bothered by the smell she said as Johnny's iPod turned on in his pocket. 

This immediately caught Dracula's attention, as he quickly grabbed it out of the pocket and inspected it with a glare. "What is this? A torture device? A secret mind controller? You won't read my thoughts. I won't let you." Dracula dramatically screamed, glaring down at the music pod as if it would murder him and his family. He had no sense of modern technology nor did he know about what truly is a man's world and how what he showed on the slideshow to the other monsters isn't true. 

"Dude chill it's just music. Here have a listen." Johnny said as he put his earphones into Dracula's ears and pressed play. Dracula's face was a mixture of confusion and disgust before she shock the earphones off immediately. Once again behaving like a drama queen and Johnny even called him a 'grandpa' just assuming that he was one of those people who couldn't accept change. "You two need to go. No human has ever entered this castle. And is someone should see you, the sanctuary, no one would ever come again." Dracula declared dramatically, closing his eyes tightly at the thought of no one returning to his beloved hotel, the place that's a sanctuary to his family. Jade and Johnny laughed and mocked him, doing their own impressions of his speech, thinking that he's just playing the role of Dracula. 

"And Alucard and Mavis?! If they both saw you two, Mavis would know that I lied and Alucard would kill you both then me. No!" Dracula wailed as she covered his face and groaned, curling himself up in a corner again. Jade and Johnny clearly weren't bothered or taking his warning seriously. "Who's Mavis and Alucard? This their room? Me and Jade are pretty good with roommates since we usually room together and we both have large families. I have six brothers and she has way more than me so we can totally share" Johnny said as the two of them sat down on what seemed to be a chair or a wooden desk. 

"I can't kill them. It would set back monsters hundred of years" Dracula turned away as he muttered to himself as Johnny continued to yap about his roommate incidents. He was tempted to give them both to Alucard and let him deal with them but that would undo a lot of progress in the monster community. He continued to ignore the two of them, still in deep thoughts until Johnny and Jade pointed out the costumes. "Costumes?" Dracula said, lighting up as he got an idea. He smirked widely before turning to face them as he removed their bags and placed them next to himself. "What's this? Sorry man. I just can't be without my backpack, all of my stuff is there including some of Jade's stuff that she couldn't fit in hers" Johnny said getting defensive and panicky about this. Jade was also pissed, rightfully so. "Hey what the hell are you doing dude?! It's our stuff!"

"It stays here!" Dracula said, ignoring the two of them pleading to get their stuff back. He put them in their costumes, using clothes, paint, makeup and some random hair products. He turned Johnny into a homemade Frankenstein whilst Jade into a homemade vampire one so that they both would fit into the hotel and not attract unwanted attention whilst he figured out a way for them to get out. He did a pretty decent job at it too, they did look very convincing and no one battered an eye even as Johnny started bragging about the costume as they walked out of the closet. 

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4 years ago

Saesang Idol.

Chapter:- 1.

Saesang Idol.

Summary:- Everyone in the K-pop community has heard of the term 'Saesang' or 'Saesang fan' which means a crazy fan. No one has ever heard of a Saesang fan who is an idol. In other words, an idol became a Saesang fan of another idol and the 'Idol Saesang fan' are none other than the well-known idol group; BTS. With the biggest fandom, it's hard to for Y/N to tell anyone and it's even harder cause she is a struggling rookie that comes from a company that is not well known.

Disclaimer:- This fanfiction contains Yandere themes that some people might find triggering, so if you get triggered by this type of themes please don't read this fan fiction.

Pairing:- Jimin X reader.

Genre:- Yandere au, Idol au, idol bts x idol reader au.

Warning:- Some disturbing thoughts.

Word count:- Less then 1k.


Jimin sighed as Bang PD-nim explained the new variety show they were going in, it was a fake dating show just like 'We got married' but instead of getting in a fake marrage they have to act as if they were dating. It was a bunch of bullshit if idols date in real life, everyone disapproves of it as if they have done a sinful thing.

"It will profit the company, they are so desperate to have you guy in that show that they are willing to pay as much as possible. It a win-win situation as you guy can get half of the profit we are going to make from this show." Bang PD-nim explained.

"Okay, but how is this show going to work?" Namjoon asked, tilting his head as he let his body slough against the leather chair.

"Firstly, there will be 14 idols in this show, 7 male and 7 female. The male idols are going to be you guys and the 7 female idols will be randomly determined and they have to give an interview and you will have to choose a colour which would have a number written inside of it, it will determine who you are going to be paired with." The boys shared a look, this show was quite interesting, to be honest. They can already sense that this show is going to be successful.

"So, when are we going to start with this show?" Jimin questioned.


Y/N waited outside her company building alone as she was instructed by the show producers, she has to act like her as if she is waiting for her manager to pick her up. She have a camera with her filming herself, she has to act like she is blogging herself.

"Hi, guys! It's Y/N here! None other than your favourite none-YouTuber 'Youtuber'. I seriously don't know what the heck I am doing...and you know what?! My manager is late! Excellent just excellent!" Y/N said that in English as she usually speaks in English since she has more international fan then she has in South Korea.

Y/N pretend to look around as the show car pulled up, she acted as she was surprised to see the car.

Inside the car was Jimin as he was picked as her partner in this show, which he seemed to not like because first, she was not that beautiful and second, everyone else got someone who is popular and a senior, she is still a rookie who debuted in 2020 and has a small fanbase.

People might think that the worldwide famous group must look at the rookies and remember their rookie days when in reality they look down at the rookies as if they are dirt; just like how they were looked down when they were rookies. They don't get that nostalgic feeling when they look at the struggling artists that come from a small company just like how they did in the past, nope, they don't care about those idiots that call themselves an idol. They may act like the nicest people but they are not even polite. They have let the fame get in their head and why shouldn't they? They are the most famous boy group right now.

Jimin comes out of the vehicle and looked at you, another ordinary person who thinks if they can make it far into the entertainment industry, they think that they are special, unique when in reality they are just another struggling rookie trying to make it.

Y/N eyes widened as she looked at Jimin, she has to act like didn't know that she was pairing with and what is happening.

Y/N bowed 90°degree in respect and Jimin bowed back in fake respect.

"What is happening?" Y/N asked as she looked confused, Jimin was surprised to see that her acting skills are so good and if he didn't know the script, he would have been fooled by her acting skills.

Y/N made eye contact with Jimin and something inside Jimin twisted. The look of innocence her eyes gave was drawing him in, he feels as if he needs to protect her from this world, hide her away and lock her so that no one can see her again. She would be his and only his then.

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2 years ago

What Happened In RiverWind: Chapter 1 The lady in my nightmares

   What happened in RiverWind

Chapter 1: The Lady In My Nightmares

     I woke up. I was in the middle of nowhere. There was fog everywhere.. “hello? Is anyone there?'' I looked behind me and she was staring dead into my eyes in what looked like a hospital gown, she was covered in blood. She said to me, “Robin, your time has come…”. I woke up in a cold sweat, I sighed, thank goodness it was a dream, I told the counsellor what happened and how real it felt.

“Robin, thank you for telling me this.” Ms Green, the counsellor said. She stood up and walked over to a drawer. She opens the drawer and grabs what looks like a Hubba Bubba bubble gum dispenser and a box of Runts. She turns around and hands me the candy. “Thank you,” I said while grabbing the candy out of her hands. “Your welcome sweetheart, have a good day!” She told me as I grabbed the door handle, about to turn it. “Wait, Robin.” She asked “Yes?” I answered, sounding confused. “Remember you can also talk to me if you need to,” she said. “Will do Ms Green,” I replied while opening and walking out of the room. I started walking to my next class while staring at my hall pass.

I stopped in the hallway and asked myself what class I have next. Oh, wait. I think I have Math. I walked into Mrs Wilson's room, sat in my seat, and tried to forget the look on Ms Green's face. 

Later on, when I was at lunch I was drawing the lady from my nightmare. I couldn't stop thinking about what the lady said to me  in my nightmare  “BOO!” Alex said.“AH!” I shrieked. “Did I scare ya?” Alex asked, “Clearly you did, man.” I said, attempting to not spit all my food out onto Alex. Alex started laughing at me, Alex’s eyes darted towards my drawing from my nightmare. “That drawing…”  she said  “that drawing just looks like the lady from my dream” my eyes widened.

 “YOU KNOW ABOUT THE LADY TOO?!” Robin stood up, slamming her hands on the table while yelling. “Of course I do, that bitch got in the way of my peaceful sleep.” “Did she say anything to you as your time has come?” I asked “No, she said something, like beware of your future that's coming for you or something like that” Alex, said  “it's so weird how can someone have the same nightmare as somebody else it doesn’t make sense,” I said while sitting back down  “I mean it’s possible that two people can have the same dream or nightmare.”

“I guess you're right but the nightmare felt so real..” I said “ I know but did you tell anyone else this?” she asked, “well I did tell Ms Green the counsellor.” I replied “WHAT WHY WOULD YOU TELL A COUNSELOR?!” she yelled  “The look on her face told me she had the same dream as us.” “counsellors should never be trusted every single time you tell them something and they promise not to tell anyone, they are lying,” she said “Well I think I can trust Ms Green because she listens to me,” I said, continuing to eat the bag of chips I had opened. “Hey I listen to you too,” she said “I know you do, but I’m talking about the other counsellors,”  I said “ok but promise me that you won’t tell anyone else about this,” she said, “I promise,” I replied.  

The bell rang, signalling its time to go back to class. I and Alex went out our separate ways. 

As I had to dread my last two classes of the day, all I could think about is what Alex said at lunch, “I mean it’s possible that two people can have the same dream or nightmare.” Yeah, but it's very rare for two people to have the same dream, I thought.

The bell rang again, signalling us to go to our lockers, grab all of our shit and leave. So that’s what we high schoolers did.

I walked over to my locker, and Alex appeared next to my locker while opening hers. “What the hell?!” I cursed. “You need to stop scaring me like that,” I said while putting the combo in for my locker and pushing the handle up for it to open. “Maybe, you should be more aware of your surroundings.” Alex sassed while doing the same as I did. 

I pulled my locker open to grab my small black backpack off the hook and a few notebooks and letters from the bottom of my locker. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and started texting my older sister, Andrea.

                          ✨Rae Rae✨

                      Hey, can you pick me up in like 15 minutes?

No, Why don’t you ask Luke?

                        Okay then, but why can’t you pick me up?

I have to study for a history assignment.

                                       Yeah, “Studying”.

Shut up.

                               Will do, love ya Rae :) 

Love you too, Robin Hood.

I turned my phone off and put it back in my pocket, “Who were ya texting?” Alex asked me as she grabbed her backpack and closed her locker. “Oh, I was texting my older sister, Andrea.” I said, “I was asking her if she could pick me up but she said no so.” “Looks like you’re walking home again?” Alex laughed, “Not without you dumbass!” I laughed back while shutting my locker and opening my backpack to put the notebooks and letters in it. 

Me and Alex walked out of the front of the high school, where hundreds of students spilled out from the two double doors. As me and Alex are walking past the open school buses that are becoming full of sweaty and sexy teenagers, Alex asks me “Do you wanna have a sleepover at my house? I asked everyone else and they said yeah.” “Uhm. Sure, but I’m going to have to ask my stepdad cause my mum is working a late shift tonight.” I said. Me and Alex live like 10 minutes away from each other's houses, I live on Buckley Avenue, house 6298. While Alex lives on Hawkins Boulevard. “We’re so lucky it's a Friday,” I said.

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