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That Feeling When You See Someone Wearing A Jacket With A Shit-ton Of Patches And You Need To Get Closer
that feeling when you see someone wearing a jacket with a shit-ton of patches and you need to get closer so you can tell what type of punk they are
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More Posts from Magicalprofessorsludgedeputy

'do you think you're superior for not using AI in your work' thank you for asking! yes i do

MORE Sg tfp headcanons
Part one is here
1- despite being mostly composed of absolutely ruthless mercenaries the majority of which have criminal records the wreckers have a very strict code of conduct including a set intrinsic values many of which are shared with the decepticons which is why they're willingly to work with them when needed.
2- I won't discuss the whole rule book but the big three to know are a-never leave debts unpaid. Which refers to both traditional currency debts and "honor" debts.
2a- the honor thing is essentially just return the treatment you get, if someone does you a favor give a favor back, if someone's a dick match their energy.
2b- a wreckers only as a valuable as their word. Seriously honesty and keeping your word is a big deal to them they hate lying but in the fae way where while straight up lies are bad half truths and misdirection are fine.
2c- and always look out for your own, a chains only as strong as its weakest link. Loyalty is everything to the wreckers and honestly they're pretty culty about
3- surprisingly enough they have no biase against organic life. Mostly cause they don't care what you are as much as what you do, hate or respect is earned by deeds of the individual.
4- they have a chart of clients ranking who's the best to work with that impacts how much they charge them. Surprisingly enough the cons are some of their favorites.
5- there are several sub-factions within the wreckers as a whole based on what you do, theirs the shadow core made up of trackers, snipers, spies, hackers and other stuff like that
6- there's also the silver tongues who are basically the salesmechs and negotiators, the metal core who make all the weapons, armor, and vehicles they use. Then the blood core aka the essential jobs like medics, janitors, cooks, repair mechs and other such things. Just to name a few.
7- hell they even collect bartenders and musicians but they mostly operate in the various clubs and casinos the wreckers own across the galaxy.
8- back in the early days of the war people would go to the wreckers to get operations and medications they otherwise couldn't afford for ludicrously cheap which is part of how they'd recruit people.
9- speaking of which the wreckers tend to prey on mechs on the outskirts of society when it comes to recruits, former felons, homeless mechs, addicts, and sex workers. They prey on the desperate.
10- as a result it's not that uncommon for cons to have former associations with some aspect of the wreckers and vice versa.
11- onto more personal matters bulkhead is known to dislike magnus, no one knows why but the most prominent theory is because magnus is a former of wheeljack who is currently bulkheads partner.
12- speaking of brute despite his gruff demeanor he's a very skilled artist and quite the literature buff, though he does have a preference for more historical works, his personal library and collection of classical art is rumored to be valued in the millions.
13- similarly miko or "doll" has a habit of collecting antiques ranging from furniture to clothing to China and even her own namesakes, though her true passion is entomology.
14- she raises spiders as a hobby and tends to have a few on her at all times.
15- 90 percent of all prosthetics the wreckers use are made or atleast designed by wheeljack.
16- in particular miko has undergone alot of cybernetic modification courtesy of wheeljack who is the sole person with the knowledge to properly maintain them.
17- wheeljack is very doting with miko treating her as his own daughter to the point of picking out her outfits everyday and helping her get dressed no matter how much she insists she can handle it herself.
18- bulkhead is similarly doting albeit in a more subtle way, he shows his affection through gifts and sweets, keeping her favorite tea stocked in his quarters for when she has nightmares, and helping her in the bath after nights when he's feeling particularly "affectionate"
Alright so when we and garmadon go looking for the sibs they're both befuddled to find them gone so both sides are stuck spending like a year looking for them until one day when garmadon has the skeletons attack a town only to be violently pushed back by a certain pair of elemental users. Obviously they try to kidnap one but only get the car stolen for their troubles. The ninja arrive just in time to see the tail end of the battle but they're unable to find the pair.
Until the next day when the front door gets kicked in as pythor yells wu's name and announces that he will be helping him defeat garmadon. Why you may ask? Simple, garmadons minions attacked his minions so obviously this means war and he must pay for this slight! He and the siblings get moved in as wu explains the whole serpentine deal to the other ninja who are just baffles at this point. When the five are training together later that day, yes five the Smith siblings are a package deal, pythor takes to opportunity to brag about his children minions.
"Oh wu your students didn't even know about their powers till today well my minions started mastering them years ago." "Oh so your blue ninja, Joe was it, is a mechanic? My nya is absolutely brilliant with machines just recently she made this wonderful flying ship you'll have to visit sometime." He is that dad at the pta meeting and he couldn't be more smug.
papa pythor au.
alright I've jumped back on the lego ninjago band wagon and I'm seriously lacking inspiration for my usual stuff so I'm making it yalls problem.
alright au where pythor somehow gets out of the tomb early, like several years early and sets about getting revenge starting taking out a few elemental masters. Hey manages to track down Ray and Mayas shop but when he gets there instead of the fearsome warriors he was expecting he's met with small children, a boy and a girl both far to young to be alone. He could probably just eat them and be done with it but then he gets a much more juicey idea. If he raises them as his minions he'll have two powerful and loyal servants helping him in his quest for revenge, servants that can blend in with the humans and act as spies until the time is right. GENIUS!!!
He emgratiates himself to them and soon enough they leave town together.
Unfortunately he gets attached and begins seeing them as his own children, not that he'll admit of course. He still calls them his minions but it's basically become his word for babies/little ones. He insists that every bit of kindness amd love he offers them is just to ensure their completely loyal to him or to make them more efficient. Of course he encourages nyas tinkering why wouldn't he want a minion who can build things for them. Of course he helps Kai channel his anger, he can't have a reckless minion that'll get tricked by his enemies. Of course he tells them stories and sings them to sleep and soothes them whenever they cry, it's all part of the plan.
He teaches them about the former elemental masters and teaches them to fight and wild theirs at an early age. Does he know the first thing about elemental powers? Of course not! He's completely winging this but somehow it works insanely well. The pair grow into their power and their true potentials rabidly much to their beloved papa pythons delight.
Nya and Kai thrive with their "papa" growing up loved, and accepted and so so fucking feral. Pythors idea of a good education included how to kill a man 80 different ways barehanded, alongside strategy and manipulation. Their version of family bonding time usually either involved trying to murder eachother or creating chaos in whatever village they were passing through at the time. As they got older they started to compete over how much chaos they could cause with their powers. These children are demons and their daddy snake thinks it's the cutest thing ever.