Sg Miko - Tumblr Posts

Tfp sg headcanons!

1- I'm going with the interpretation that the sg wreckers are basically the mob. This ain't just a small group we're talking a sprawling criminal syndicate that's essentially a faction all it's own.

2- the wreckers we know are the top dogs out of all of them and easily the most feared to the point where most prefer to call them by nicknames instead of using their real ones.

3- to most sg miko seems like a doll; proper prim and polished complete with a custom made sun dress, an unchanging expression, lifeless eyes and a completely artificial exterior.

4- seriously though miko or "doll" is basically the human personification of one of those creepy porcelain dolls and she's just as creepy, never speaking, never dropping the calm smile on her face, and never quite human. Mostly because she isn't.

5- well more like she isn't all human. Sg wheeljack has done alot of work on her with cybertronian tech to make sure she can keep up with the big boys. Despite being limited to acquiring Intel and behind the scenes management Jackie likes to make sure she can handle herself in a fight if need be.

6- speaking of which sg wheeljack or "slicer" is somehow even more freaky. Just like miko he never really talks but he's not as quite as her infact he's never quite given he's always giggling and humming to himself.

7- he's a twitchy, high strung type with a nasty habit of looking at people like he wants to dissect them and absolutely zero concept of personal space.

8- he's a wild card with a complete apathy for anything other than violence, science, and the wreckers most of all miko who he treats as his own daughter and dotes on endlessly. plus bulkhead who he is unflinchingly devoted to, to the point of freaking out whenever they're apart to long.

9- on that note bulkhead "brute" is the embodiment of the strong silent type with a violent streak a mile wide and zero interest in anything other than fighting and his "family"

10- opposite to wheeljack he's cold and collected which many of those that employ him appreciate and many who fight him respect.

11- all three of them are fake on the outside, hiding how truly intelligent they really are, with nothing on the inside except a desperate, hungry, clawing need for connection leading to them being close if extremely codependent.

12- miko hides behind a cold, flawless mask in order to cover the scared little kid desperate to be accepted and loved and terrified of being abandoned. This desperation for love has lead to miko being terrifyingly devoted and driven, traits made even more dangerous by her intelligence, and endless drive.

13- bulkhead plays the brute but in reality he's the extremely intelligent true leader of the wreckers with a habit of using people for his own gain and almost zero empathy Despite that however he has a deep set need to be needed which he uses miko and wheeljack to sate.

14- wheeljack is a straight up mad scientist. There's no beating around the bush he's crazy and childish as they come but extremely intelligent and extremely dependent on bulkhead and miko for purpose, approval, comfort and above all, affection with bulkhead essential being his comfort blanket and miko an emotional support animal.

15- miko and wheeljacks' dependence on bulkhead is entirely by design of course. As I said, he needs to feel needed and when he happened to come across someone so talented and so desperate for validation he happily took them in, into his "family" and into his possession.

16- seriously as far as bulk's concerned miko and wheeljack belong to him same as pets. Very loved and useful pets but pets all the same.

17- does miko know he sees her like this? Yes. Does she care? Not at all. After all as long as she's wanted it doesn't matter. Besides it's not like she doesn't use him right back.

18- wheeljack also knows his bulky only sees him as a glorified pet but he kind of just... ingnores it. Miko uses bulks need to be needed for her own gain while wheeljack would rather pretend everything's fine. Like I said he's extremely childish and he doesn't want to face how truly twisted and toxic his little "family" really is.

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Sg tfp drabble

Starscream would admit to being unnerved by miko ever since he met the girl. Despite years as megatron's second in command, battling autobots and wreckers alike something about her put him on edge like nothing else. Perhaps it was the eyes. Cold and lifeless but not empty, there was something behind them a sparkle of something predatory that didn't match such a calm face. That sparkle was gone now. Replaced by a frigid emptiness as if the life had been drained out of her.

He had never noticed how small she was before. Small and pale and almost fragile looking. He once agreed with the comparison of her to a porcelain doll but now it was like he was suddenly seeing her properly. Instead of something inhuman crafted from flawless China and given life she looked sickly, a child suffering a fever. She had kept her signature demure smile but even that seemed weaker somehow. It was like some glamor had been lifted and he was finally seeing the child behind the monster and myths. He wasn't sure how he hadn't noticed how unhealthy she looked before but he was sure what had finally made it all click.

The sight of those scars on her to small frame would forever haunt him. For primus sake she was a teenager! She had no business sporting a vivisection scar nevermind a brand! She was missing her legs! They had all known that wheeljack had been doing work on her yet it took seeing the scars, seeing the wrecker seal burned between her shoulder blades for the reality to sink in. It had taken witnessing the flawless white plastic that made up her legs for him to understand what he had to do.

"Knockout says you're good to go my dear so why don't I escort you to your new room?" Starscream stated amicably as he walked up to her offering her a soft smile and an outstretched hand. Those lifeless eyes bore into his very core picking apart and judging every detail of his being but the memory of that symbol burned into to pale skin buried those thoughts. A beat passed before a dainty hand was placed in his own and she slid off the medical bed. As he walked her through the halls he kept her close to his side and made a silent promise to himself which he burned into his heart.

He would never let someone harm her again.

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Tfp sg drabble part 2

Part one here


Good girl.

That's what she heard each time.

Good girl. He would say, his deep rough voice warm with approval and satisfaction and a pleased glint in his eyes every time she display the proof of a successful mission to him like a cat presenting a dead animal to its owner. Most of the time it was Intel of some sort, rarely it was recovered goods retrieved from whoever was fool enough to steal from them. Occasionally it was a body. Regardless of what her score was she would always return to the ship and present it, sometimes with blood on her, to the closest thing she had to a family just to hear the two words that kept her going. Good girl. Bulkhead had never been one for speaking without good reason. That was something they shared and that was why when he spoke those words it meant the world to her. It was a fondess reserved just for her, a love he only openly showed to her and wheeljack.

It was a comfort when she returned in failure torturing herself for her mistake only for him to take her into his arm and sooth her, strong calloused hands smoothing out her hair, wiping away her tears, and telling her that she was still his good girl as wheeljack fussed over her like a brooding hen.

That was what she heard every time she was left covered in bruises from those same hands. He'd purr it in her ear after his hunger had been satiated as he once again took her in his arms and carried her sore, exhausted body to his private bathroom to wash away the stains of his indulgence in her. Those strong hands would would become gentle again as he tenderly scrubbed her skin and washed her hair with the special soaps he kept in there just for her. It left her smelling like cinnamon and cloves just like his favorite cologne. He'd tell her how much he loved her, how proud he was, how valuable she was to him all while calling her his good girl.

That was what he said when she returned from her first successful mission, what he said when she had first taken a life, what he said when she got her first augmentation, and what he said when he branded her with the wreckers seal right between her shoulder blades. She didn't remember the pain very well, just the smell of burning skin and the words her closest friend spoke as he held her when it was done. Good girl.

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MORE Sg tfp headcanons

Part one is here

1- despite being mostly composed of absolutely ruthless mercenaries the majority of which have criminal records the wreckers have a very strict code of conduct including a set intrinsic values many of which are shared with the decepticons which is why they're willingly to work with them when needed.

2- I won't discuss the whole rule book but the big three to know are a-never leave debts unpaid. Which refers to both traditional currency debts and "honor" debts.

2a- the honor thing is essentially just return the treatment you get, if someone does you a favor give a favor back, if someone's a dick match their energy.

2b- a wreckers only as a valuable as their word. Seriously honesty and keeping your word is a big deal to them they hate lying but in the fae way where while straight up lies are bad half truths and misdirection are fine.

2c- and always look out for your own, a chains only as strong as its weakest link. Loyalty is everything to the wreckers and honestly they're pretty culty about

3- surprisingly enough they have no biase against organic life. Mostly cause they don't care what you are as much as what you do, hate or respect is earned by deeds of the individual.

4- they have a chart of clients ranking who's the best to work with that impacts how much they charge them. Surprisingly enough the cons are some of their favorites.

5- there are several sub-factions within the wreckers as a whole based on what you do, theirs the shadow core made up of trackers, snipers, spies, hackers and other stuff like that

6- there's also the silver tongues who are basically the salesmechs and negotiators, the metal core who make all the weapons, armor, and vehicles they use. Then the blood core aka the essential jobs like medics, janitors, cooks, repair mechs and other such things. Just to name a few.

7- hell they even collect bartenders and musicians but they mostly operate in the various clubs and casinos the wreckers own across the galaxy.

8- back in the early days of the war people would go to the wreckers to get operations and medications they otherwise couldn't afford for ludicrously cheap which is part of how they'd recruit people.

9- speaking of which the wreckers tend to prey on mechs on the outskirts of society when it comes to recruits, former felons, homeless mechs, addicts, and sex workers. They prey on the desperate.

10- as a result it's not that uncommon for cons to have former associations with some aspect of the wreckers and vice versa.

11- onto more personal matters bulkhead is known to dislike magnus, no one knows why but the most prominent theory is because magnus is a former of wheeljack who is currently bulkheads partner.

12- speaking of brute despite his gruff demeanor he's a very skilled artist and quite the literature buff, though he does have a preference for more historical works, his personal library and collection of classical art is rumored to be valued in the millions.

13- similarly miko or "doll" has a habit of collecting antiques ranging from furniture to clothing to China and even her own namesakes, though her true passion is entomology.

14- she raises spiders as a hobby and tends to have a few on her at all times.

15- 90 percent of all prosthetics the wreckers use are made or atleast designed by wheeljack.

16- in particular miko has undergone alot of cybernetic modification courtesy of wheeljack who is the sole person with the knowledge to properly maintain them.

17- wheeljack is very doting with miko treating her as his own daughter to the point of picking out her outfits everyday and helping her get dressed no matter how much she insists she can handle it herself.

18- bulkhead is similarly doting albeit in a more subtle way, he shows his affection through gifts and sweets, keeping her favorite tea stocked in his quarters for when she has nightmares, and helping her in the bath after nights when he's feeling particularly "affectionate"

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