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Mostly just reblogs and likes

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Cursed Pigs

Cursed Pigs

Content Warning: Incest, Weigh Gain, Homophobia, Misogyny

Cursed Pigs

Mason was about to go on a date with his girlfriend, he sent a snap to his story to show off his body. Mason was a sophomore in college, he loved to workout, he’s the type of man who could easily steal your girlfriend.

Mason was an arrogant asshole who didn’t care who he was mean to, he was as homophobic as it gets, genuinely being disgusted by gay men. If any girl he dated had a gay best friend he’d force her to drop him, and they’d always listen because he was extremely good in bed. He hated fat people the most, found fat women to be disgusting and fat men to be pathetic. He learned all of this from his father of course, who he was on his way to visit for Labor Day weekend. His father was a muscular daddy type, if Mason had been in his 40s they could be twins.

Cursed Pigs

He couldn’t wait to meet his dad for Labor Day, he and his father and they were planning on going camping. Mason had gotten home and called out for his dad. “

“Dad! I’m home!” Mason walked into the living room where the tv was on and his dad was in his cushioned arm chair, but his dad looked different. His dad had become fat, his once muscular body had been covered in blubber. There was a thick musk in the room, and he was just in underwear that had been clearly stained with cum and piss.

Cursed Pigs

“Dad what the fuck happened to you, when did you become a fatass?!” Masons dad said nothing, instead he let out a rank fart. Frrrrrbbbbttt. “Oh god dad that reeks!” Mason didn’t realize what was on the tv, it was playing a weird sound and as Mason looked closer there were fat fags feeding each other with junk food. “Dad what the fuck are you watching?? What’s wrong with you!” As Mason yelled his minds started to feel numb, he started watching the TV and taking his shirt off.

Cursed Pigs

A drip of drool started to fall from Mason mouth as he watched the fat men stiff each other with doughnuts, cake and burgers. He watched as the fat men started getting fatter, he was feeling hungry. “D-dad
 what’s happening?” His dad continued to stay silent as he rubs his stinky crotch. Masons body started to soften, all of the hard work he had put into his muscles was being wasted.

Cursed Pigs

The softening of his body continued, a feeling that was foreign to Mason. “You’re started to look good, boy” Masons father finally said something, his voice had gained a southern twang, which made no sense since they were from Jersey. Mason had a hard time getting his words out, he tried really hard to protest, but his cock was starting to stiffen.

Cursed Pigs

“Da- daddy please
 what’s happening?” Mason’s belly started to hang over his waistband, his chest was quickly becoming plump moobs. His v-line has become a u-line. “I-I’m getting fat
 daddy why am I talking l-like a fag-got
” Mason grabbed his fattening belly, causing him to moan.

Cursed Pigs

Masons body began to become covered in body hair, where he use to shave regularly, now he looks like he’s never seen a razor. A piercing formed into his nipple, his dad got up and tugged on it. “Smell my musk, boy” Mason’s daddy groped his moobs and played his with sons growing belly. “Mmmm your cock is getting covered in fat, boy. Fat boys don’t get big cocks, you know that piggy.”

Mason reached down and felt that his once 8.5in cock shrunken down to a 3in nub. Fat was swallowing his body and Mason fought with the urge to run and the urge to worship his daddy’s smelly cock. Mason was starting to get smellier and smellier, BO and musk emanating from his body.

Cursed Pigs

Masons transformation was almost over, as his daddy played with his fat belly his brain was becoming foggier and foggier. His cock a useless nub that he can’t use to fuck bitches anymore. The misogynistic muscle head was gone and was replaced by a slobby, stinky fat pig.

What Mason didn’t know was that his father had pissed off a fatass on twitter, and she cursed him and his jock son to be fatass faggots. Because of her, Mason and his daddy were closer than ever before
 and they could no longer spew ignorance because they were too busy shoving food into their mouths.

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More Posts from Mainblogyy

6 months ago

Hey all!! Thanks for following me and enjoying my content. Transformation is totally hot! I'm glad to have this community of kinky perverts that share some of my most twisted fantasies.

Just letting you all know I'm open for transformation story commissions again :) My going rate is $50 for 2500 words. I love writing about guys getting transformed into objects, absorbed into body parts, or even vored 😏

I also would like to do more comissioned captions, those are just $10. Have you always dreamed of being TFed into a hot guys shoe, or sock? Maybe his dick? Let me help you make that fantasy a little bit more of a reality 😁

Comment here or DM me if you're interested. And as always, stay tuned for more free content as well. Stay horny, my friends! đŸ”„

And now something to thank you for taking the time to read this...

Hey All!! Thanks For Following Me And Enjoying My Content. Transformation Is Totally Hot! I'm Glad To
6 months ago

Another way to help a bro turn on over to the goon mutant side.

Another Way To Help A Bro Turn On Over To The Goon Mutant Side.

"Bro my dong its-!"

"I know bro, don't worry I'm inside ya."

"What man I don't understand. It feels so good but bro this is that-!"

"I know it is bro I know. I'm one of em, thought this would be the best way to turn ya to. How we usually did it."

"What man you're in-infected too! No I can feel my nuts! c-changing!"

"Shh I got ya bro. Lemme stroke ya dong, up and down greasy donger dude!"

"N-nuh fuck man...."

You press your lips to his ear. Whispering gently as you let your infectious pre seep into his cock. Squeezing tightly, not to stop but to really hold him close. Hugging him. Letting your new skin affect his. As you whisper, your breath flows into his nose. Bringing him to breath in your strong essence, filling his mind with a sense euphoric and immense pleasure.

"That's it I got you bro, your musky bro got you man. Hehe so go ahead and goon for bro man. Goon for bro. Just start drooling and let your brain just go crazy."

"Fuck you doing to me man. You're inside my penis man, you're in my mind. No I feel you in my nuts, I feel it-!"

"Yeah man keep feelin it all over you. In your brain, in your your peni- no wait; in your nuts. Let me infect you bro. Mmmmmm hehe!"

"Fuck man fuck fuck fuck fucm OH fuck man oooooh ooooooooh my balls. Oh fuck you're gonna make me blow man!"

"Do it. Sperm all over, sperm your new load all over yourself. While hold you tight with my big Ole arms bro.

Your bro's language goes from whimpering, moaning, to growling, and howling in under matter of seconds. Under your new infected power. You held tighter as you felt the flow of his sperm edged ever closer to his complete transition. You focused nice and deep, long and hard into connecting with virus inside his nuts. Making his balls swell further, yet pushing more and more pre for his cock like it were a broken water pump. Your friend had been howling and wailing from pleasure you had been putting him through. Going as far as to affecting his prostate.

Leading him to pressing deeper into huffing your musk, and thus causing his nose to leak snot and the like. A goon like expression would form across his husky face. A large grin from ear to ear, and deep chuckle. He could barely keep his eyes open as he stared at you. Looking peaceful and happy with this, and so were you back at him. Still grinding your face against his.

"Thanks bro, fuck I wanna blow so bad please. Please bro I feel it so fucking deep!"

"Hehe sure bud. Here let me help yah really release."

Suddenly your buds body arches aggressively, whincing, twisting, gritting his teeth. Coming howl once crying out once more. His balls jumped and throbbed, before sending ropes and ropes of faintly glowing seed across the room, before you point it to his face. Each load that his face he would swallow, and each of those woukd bring him deeper and deeper into this new existence he would face.

The ropes cum would sit on his already hairy and torso. Seeping into his body hair and growing. Making him moan a little more afterwards. His cock finally coming down and laying on his new carpet of chest. Not before leaving with a growth of new length, traveling up to his nipple and dripping with pre.

Both of you, your friend in particular exhausted from this session. You turn to him asking how he feels. Seeing him look on down at his nuts. Looking at the two swollen masses, then his dick. About the size of his forearm, and his hair. Enough to suffocate someone in its warmth and new smell.

"I feel...great bro fuck I feel good I could...go again haha. Look at my dick man. It's so big and slimy hehe."

"Yeah you look good now, there's really more to this than where that came from hehe. You'll be looking like me in no time. "

"W-well man what're we waiting for ah haha mmpf. I wanna be looking like you bad mmpf so bad.

"Yeah man. You want this!"

"Fuck yes man! I swear on the new dong dangling, and dripping between my legs I-I wanna grow into yah. I wanna swallow whatever this thing is, right out from your tanks."

"Hehe got me really stiff now. That was only the introduction. Okay bro come and pucker up, and get a sweet taste and down as much of my dirty sperm as yah can."

"Oh I'm gonna man, I'm so horny my body it needs more its hungry for something."

"Eat up then, it's dripping just for ya brother. Open wide."

Your friend now swallowing your dong. Would go on to connect with you through this bate ritual. The rest of night would go on as you would pump him full of your mutant jizz. Prompting him to fully converting. Full of overwhelming joy and arousal. As you continued to full each other's brain with lust, penis, and pursuit of gooning.

6 months ago

Herbal T

Herbal T

After a sudden breakup Clark decides to finally conquer his wanting sex drive by overdoing an herbal remedy. Soon enough he finds himself nothing more than a servant of his newfound lusts.

I did it everyone, I finally wrote a story under 3k words! Enjoy this, only relatively brief, story of a man’s hypersensitive existence! -Occam

(Also if any writers out there want to participate in my 2k follower writing contest/challenge do check it out here: Occam2000 !)

Herbal T

Clark had never really minded his low sex drive. It’s not that he found sex debasing, he’s just never that horny. He wasn’t quite ace, but as many men would learn throughout the years, his libido moved at a glacial speed. After his longest term relationship to date ended due to his proclivity for nigh-celibacy, he was starting to reconsider the urgency of his desires. Over the years Clark had tried a litany of home remedies and aphrodisiacs to little difference at all. Doctor’s visits and his own research point to him being hale and hearty. Still, as he lays in his bed, alone once more, he’s determined to come to a solution.

Finding sleep fleeting he tosses and turns before he remembers some long-forgotten herbs stuffed in the back of his bureau given to him by an ex. Clark was hesitant to use them at the time, but now that he’s nearing his breaking point he’s decided that no holds are to be barred. He needs to increase his sex drive at any cost, then surely Paul will come crawling back to him. Digging through drawers to find the small tin, Clark quickly produces it only to find no information or instructions on the cylinder. No wonder he neglected to try them at the time. Opening it he can’t quite decide if they should be brewed as a tea or smoked.

Fortunately for him, as soon as he’s inhaled the fumes released from his opening the jar, Clark is immediately struck woozy. He barely gets the lid back on before he spills backwards onto the bed, narrowly avoiding falling on his ajar laptop. He babbles to himself as he is struck dumb with desire, blood from every extremity rushing to his cock with such overwhelming haste he can’t help himself but release a single guttural grunt before he is unconscious. His sleepful hands claw at his strained shorts while his package surges larger than past partners could have ever imagined it being.

Unfortunately for them, no one is to reap the benefits of Clark’s cock at its most turgid. His balls swell beneath the growing length as they send sex hormones down nerve pathways his body has long since abandoned. His mind races with fantasies and fetishes he never imagined it would entertain. Sex with faces familiar and random passersby fly through his imagination and his underpants are promptly soaked through as Clark experiences his first wet dream at such an intensity it may well make up for his decade and a bit of passed on opportunities for sex.

The new urgency in his crotch is not the only physical change coursing through his body at his first waft of the herbs. Testosterone has always been on the scene but never has it taken such a dominant position in his body. Hands rub across the whole of his body as he remains unconscious, gracing tightened skin as muscle expands beneath. Veins bulge on his arms as his hips hump into shorts that are rapidly becoming too tight for comfort. 

Clark grits his teeth as abs punch their way onto his torso. His hands hesitate their rapturous exploration of his growing chest to instead scratch at the light itches beginning to arise at every expected area. His armpit burns as his few pit hairs lengthen before thick new strands shove themselves in all the real estate available between hairs and further afield. Turning his head he feels stubble that has never quite graced his face scratch against his sweat stained pillow and his eyes bolt open.

Herbal T

Awake yet again his mind hasn’t even enough awareness to question the fact that he’s sitting in a pool of his own bodily fluids as his hands quickly remove the only obstacle between himself and gratification that he has never truly desired before now. His mind moves like putty while his hands are twitchy in hyperactivity, every changed muscle fiber quivers as pangs of satisfaction and a lust for even more courses through him. His fingers flit between the keyboard and his crotch, with each touch light or deliberate he writhes and his mind tosses philosophies and intelligence like ballast weight. He struggles to produce any porn at all having never had the need before. He stumbles on a website and at the first image is struck with unparalleled bliss, his core convulsing as he flips to instead hump his bed.

Face down, he continues his exercise in staining his sheets, slicking up a new treasure trail as it inches its way towards his developing chest. Hesitant to return to the overwhelming images on the screen, his eyes turn and land upon the small tin of herbs that introduced him to this state of ecstasy and and before a second passes, the canister is in his hand. Caution to the wind, fuck whatever he thought before he needs more. His lust-addled mind hasn’t the wherewithal to consider the options in consuming the dried mystery herbs within. Inhalation got him this far but that’s baby steps, he wants to be inducted to whatever plane of pleasure this concoction will usher him to.

He forces his clumsy cum-covered hand into the tin and simply shoves as much of the mix as he can muster into his wanting mouth. His eyes cross as he falls backwards onto the bed, the half-handful of the mixture that missed his mouth scatters around his bedsheets, sure to be licked up later, once whatever shreds of his mind that remain return. For now his desire, pleasure, sensitivity all rush to higher heights than one should ever experience. Clark feels the burning of his body changing, mouth lolling open as even the thickness of the air on his tongue brings him closer to the satisfaction just out of reach as he stretches and flexes in turn. He languishes on the bed, effortlessly becoming the perfect vessel to induce this ecstasy anywhere he so wills it, with whomever he desires.

Herbal T

His sharp wit and conscionable conscience rot in his now unending lust focused mind like overripe fruit. Taking a deep breath and smelling his own salty-sweet ichor mix with the miracle herbs, Clark couldn’t possibly bring himself to be concerned with the meager problems of his real life. He feels every thickening hair cry out with new nerve endings, from the sweaty forest of curls in his pits as they rub against each other and the fattening biceps that contain them. His mouth falls open once more as facial hair begins its spread outright, stubble that will never leave his face for more than a moment paints itself across the whole of his jaw before aiming to race towards his equally dusted chest. At the epicenter of his new existence his cock bulges larger as it is surrounded in a true jungle of dark pubes as they curl upwards towards his weightier pecs, ever wanting to expand his body into the garden of delights he oh so wants it to be.

His meatier hands need not even touch his cock as every screaming sensation, from his back on the wet satin sheets to the friction of his own sweaty skin on skin, fills him with immeasurable pleasure. Every cell sends signals so hypersensitive it's as if every part of him is an erogenous zone. His mind continues to atrophy into this state of permanent yearning. Were he even able to look beyond the explosive sensations he’s bathed in, he would see no purpose in anything besides the continual exploration of his new world of sexual indulgence. Losing count of how many consecutive cumshots he’s loosed into the air quickly enough to make one wonder if he even has the capacity to count, Clark stumbles to his feet only to find more sickly delight in his soles against the carpeted floor.

Herbal T

After an immeasurable time of his body continuing its development towards the end of perpetual pleasure seeking, Clark’s sluggish mind plods to the idea that he could garner even more satisfaction were there another body here with him. He swallows the drool pooling in his mouth as he grabs his phone and struggles to remember the password, after mashing a few buttons he groans before being succinctly locked out of his phone.

His arms tense as he fights the urge to chuck the machine against the wall before he starts to move and loses his footing. Completely unfamiliar with how to carry the new top heavy weight he falls back onto the bed and once more begins writhing in delight, moans of pleasure seamlessly merge with guttural grunts as he bucks. They are swiftly followed by an existential laughter as whatever mind remains within Clark  realizes he couldn’t even summon his own phone password to his mind.

  Before he’s able to begin reflecting on his new state in whatever pitiable way he can, fortune smiles upon his lustful self as he gets a phone call. Who could it be other than the man who began his descent. At the chime of the second ring, Clark has answered and wrenches the phone to his ear. It almost slips out of his hand from the sweat as he struggles to focus on his ex’s words.

“Hey Clark I- I don’t know what got into me. I-” There’s a sigh and a pause as the man on the line rubs his face in embarrassment for having put his own sex drive ahead of his love for his dearest, “Would you want to grab coffee later today?”

There’s a long pause and Paul squints as he hears Clark pant. Batting away images of the two men frotting and fucking he struggles to think even one step ahead. He grunts before he tries to speak coherently, “Paul.” His voice dry and raspy, Clark quickly clears his throat and stretches his jaw and mouth as if he must relearn how to control it. His hand reaches to his own neck and he shivers from the sensation, “Me want-, uhhh.” His eyes glaze over as something inside him realizes just how truly his higher functions have deteriorated. Given pause, his untenable desires take the wheel with another grunt and he speaks plainly and thoughtlessly, “You come here? Me- Grgh. Me over it. Fuck?”

Paul was second guessing himself as soon as he heard the man speak, sounding deeper than he did even on his sickest days. As the breathy words spill out sounding strained, he concludes something must be up. Hearing the content of Clark's bizarre words he blushes before hastening to depart to Clark’s at once, out of concern as well as excitement at the potential that they have both learned something in his petite absence. He smirks as he thinks himself to be the one to finally awaken desire in the sexually sedated man, not knowing what a beast lies in wait for him when he gets there. “I’ll be there in five babe,” he winks to no one, “Don’t forget the protection.”

The line goes silent and Clark grimaces at the words said in parting, protection? He scratches his head in confusion at what that could even mean, shifting to scratch at his pit dripping with sweat he sniffs his hand before shoving his own head directly in his pits with a deep chuckle. He’s vaguely aware that there should be some preparation done, but looking around at his sweat and cum covered bedroom cleanliness is so far removed a priority it may as well exist no longer to him. 

He flexes at himself in every reflective surface he can find, biting his lip and shivering as the cool air washes across his sweaty skin. Unable to fathom any real preparation to be done before the arrival of his, uh lover? Fuckbuddy? Whatever- He instead does the hardest thing he can imagine, taking a break from touching himself. Abstinence has a new meaning for the man now that any stray sensation can send him over the edge. 

He takes deep quivering breaths as he stands still in wait, imagining just how sweet his next release will be once he feels the incoming man in his arms. Each passing second the anticipation only continues to heighten his heady needs. By the time he arrives Clark’s so eager and hungry Paul’s lucky to get the door closed before the lustful giant pounces. Shocked at what has become of the man he knew Paul hasn’t a moment to think before he too is overwhelmed by senseless pleasure. After all, what could matter more than the pursuit of this everlasting delight.

Herbal T
6 months ago

Genetics (twink to bear tf)

Genetics (twink To Bear Tf)

"Urgh, you know what I fucking hate? Fat men. Like, bears, you know? It's just so gross. I can't believe they don't take care of their bodies"

I fucking hate twinks like this. Just because he's skinny, smooth, pretty, he thinks he's so special? It's just genetics! It's not anyone else's fault their DNA has made them a real man, not like him.

If he thinks it's so fucking easy to be them, why doesn't he try walking a mile in their shoes?


Genetics (twink To Bear Tf)

SNAP - a nice, big, pair of work boots (don't mind the smell). Their last owner has soaked then nice and deep in sweat, and the traces of DNA left in them will be just what this twink needs to remodel his life.

I leave them in his bedroom. When he finds them, his curiosity will get the better of him, and as he slips them on his cells will start to squirm and wriggle and edit their genetic code into the perfect pig. His balls swell, pumping more and more testosterone around his body. His muscles thicken and bulge, and a layer of fat coats his stomach. He tries to yelp, but a low, rumbling growl comes out of the new, thick Adam's apple instead. When he clutches it, he feels that his hands are thicker, meatier.

A real man should have thick, sweaty armpit hair too. All that extra testosterone makes you stink, you know? It's intoxicating, and he reaches down and grabs his new, thick cock.

Fuuck, he smells great. At least, he thinks so ;)

Genetics (twink To Bear Tf)

But damn bros, I dunno, do you think it's enough? That's not a bear, that's a cub at best

Cuz like, while his old twink genetics had kept his body hair to zero, in a real man, those follicles get turned on everywhere. His back, his hands, especially his ass. He should have after wave of dark hair creeping all over him, up over his shoulders, deep into his crack...

Genetics (twink To Bear Tf)

And no one keeps up a gym routine forever. Eventually he'll start skipping, taking cheat days, and those things have consequences, ya know: big consequences. With all this new appetite his body starts to bulge, stretching out at the waist, each can of beer going straight into his new gut. His brain cells rewire - from now on, he's gonna be always hungry, always just wanting to sit on the couch, scratch his balls, and stuff his face like a pig

Genetics (twink To Bear Tf)

There, bros, don't you think he's perfect? Of course when he snaps out of it, he's gonna scream, sob, and whinge about his new body, but I'm sure he'll come round eventually. He'll understand how much better it is to have a body like this, to have a set of genetics blessed by the god of pigs

But if not, hey, he can just lose some weight, right? It's so easy

[I hope this one is good! Remember, asks and dms are always open for tf requests or roleplay. Maybe tell me what you'd do to me, or request a visit from the god of pigs]

7 months ago

Jun Gets Huge

Jun was a young fairly unassuming university student, he’d been working out for years and at 22 he had a great sleeper build under his shirt but many people thought he was just an average guy, unless he took his shirt off and flexed. Whilst Jun was incredibly proud of his progress part of him wanted to be one of those enormous beasts who waddled around in a tank and skin tight gym shorts however his personal values of permanently natural gains kept his temptations at bay, maybe in a few years he wouldn’t have to announce people that he considered himself a bodybuilder.

Jun was leaving the university campus gym when he bumped into a guy coming in.

“Oh shit, sorry Jun”

“OH, errr, hey, hey there, heyyyy Mike
.my bro
my, eh, haha” Jun nervously scratched the back of his head as he locked eyes with Mike.

“hah, yeah man, anyway just gonna, squeeze past you and..”


Jun’s face turned bright red and he squeezed himself against the doorframe. Mike chuckled and squeezed past him, rubbing against Jun due to the lack of space in the door. Mike grabbed Jun’s pec and bicep as he finished getting past and jokingly said.

“Damn bro, gettin big” Mike winked at Jun.

“AH, yeah, ummm, thanks bro, yeah I’m, I’m a body
.well I’m a bodybuilder so”

“yeah man I know, all natural, you’ve told me before” Mike chuckled at Jun’s nervousness as he turned away and walked into the gym

Jun let out a sigh of embarrassment and made his way to the bathroom to calm down. He saw himself in the mirror, he had a great pump and looked good in his shirt, he snapped a pick to add to his progress folder. He still didn’t have any shirtless progress pics as he was too embarrassed to take any. He thought when he was skinny that when he finally worked to get big confidence would come with the muscles but he was still the same easily embarrassed dork he was years ago.


Walking home from the gym Jun could see his pit stains from working out and he could smell his body odour. He was proud of the displays of hard work
but he also hated them, he always dreaded having to stop in at the shops on a Thursday afternoon to grab dinner on his walk home after the gym but he didn’t have his pay come in until after lunch so he couldn’t get food before.

Jun stood in front of the small supermarket dreading having to go in, it was a small family run business and there had been a few comments from the older couple that owned the place asking if he was a tradie because of the afternoon sweat. Jun put his nose to his arm pit and grimaced at the smell, he began to get nervous thinking to himself his pit stains were worse than normal. 

Looking around Jun was procrastinating going in the store when he spotted a small stall in the almost empty carpark. The afternoon sun was hitting the shiny metallic cardboard, making it almost impossible to read. With a slight interest, and not wanting to be in a closed space in his current state Jun walked up to the stall. 

“Good afternoon young man, something catch your eye?” an man in his mid 40s greeted Jun

“Good afternoon, ummm, what are you selling”

“oh ho ho, straight to the point I see big man, I think I got a few things you might like” 

Jun’s ears perked up being called ‘big man’ he was slightly embarrassed but also happy his sleeper build wasn’t being overlooked. The stall keeper gestured down to a set of men’s chain necklaces. All of them seemed fairly cheap and Jun was sure they’d leave a green line around his neck once he was done wearing them but one caught his eye. A gold chain that looked like it could be from a professional Jeweller, he began to pick it up when the man interrupted his thought.

“Ah, an incredible choice man, it would look incredible on you” the man was clearly trying to sell Jun on the chain but it was working.

“ye-yeah, it looks great, but I just can’t afford it, I’m on student benefits” Jun shrugged his shoulders

“oh come on man, a young bodybuilder like yourself has gotta have some bling around his neck”

Jun’s ears perked up once again has his heart started pounding in his chest. He had struggled to call himself a bodybuilder in the mirror, let along tell people but being called one out right had him spiralling with emotions, pride, embarrassment, joy, shame, his storm of thoughts was interrupted.

“ya know man, these things don’t cost money?”

Jun snapped back to reality “free? really, the one I picked looks expensive”

“well I got no use for it mate, It’s not my style and I really don’t like what’d it’d do to me, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it at first”

Jun raised his eyebrows “what do you mean?”

“don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll love it, just make sure you figure out the cost before you don’t wanna pay” The man smiled and put the expensive chain in Jun’s hand “have a good week my man”

Jun thanked the man and turned and walked away, he looked down at the expensive chain in his hand, he had no idea what the man was talking about but he assumed the guy was high on drugs and would regret handing this away for free. Either way Jun shrugged it off finally going into the shop to buy his Dinner.


Jun sat with his back against his couch watching TV. He placed his empty bowl from dinner on his coffee table as he finished chewing his food. Jun turned his head and sniffed his arm pit, it smelt fresh of pine and sea salt from his ‘X-TRA MAN’ cheap soap but the joke the store owner made about his sweaty pit stains had him questioning how awful he smelt even after he took a 40 minute shower and knowing he smelt fresh his insecurities kept stinging his self-esteem.

Jun looked over at the gold chain he had set down on the coffee table, he picked it up and looked at it. It definitely looked a lot more expensive than the others, it wasn’t likely to give him an oxidisation mark
and even if it did it wouldn’t be too bad he could wash it off. Jun shrugged and put it on. It dangled from his neck, he began to feel strange, his stomach felt warm and the feeling spread out to his entire body. He saw his biceps begin to deflate every so slightly. Jun’s eyes widened but then he noticed the shrinking stopped as his bicep peak became more defined and his veins became more prominent. Jun heard his stomach gurgle and he lifted his shirk to see the slight slight amount of fat he had covering his six pack melt away and his abs become more defined. Jun’s mouth fell open as he watched his body fat shrink and his muscled become even more defined, he wasn’t due to start cutting for another 4 months but he was getting a summer ready body in a matter of minutes.

After 10 minutes the changes had stopped and Jun was standing almost naked in front of his mirror, he had taken almost 40 photos already, before tonight he could never in his life imagine taking a shirtless pic of himself let alone ones of him in his underwear but he couldn’t take his eyes off his body, all thoughts of embarrassment or shame had completely left his mind, Jun took a confident pose and took another picture whilst practicing pick up lines in the mirror.

“oh yeah Mikey, this, yeah well I’m a bodybuilder cutting for a show


Jun threw himself back on his bed chucking his phone to the side whilst laughing and running his fingers through his hair. He couldn’t figure out what was happening to him but he kissed the chain and stared up at his roof feeling his defined abs until he passed out and fell asleep.


In the morning Jun was woken up by the vibrating of his phone alarm on his bed. He opened his eyes and instantly jumped up and inspected his body, he flexed his body, he felt bigger than yesterday but was still lean like when he fell asleep. Jun couldn’t help but confidently laugh at himself. He still couldn’t get over how incredible he looked. He wanted to go to the gym and see if he could improve on any of his personal bests. Jun picked up his phone and called his campus gym ahead of time.

“Hey man, umm can I get one of the smaller rooms to use”

“oh sure, what room, do you want one of the group training rooms or is this for a sports club meeting”

“actually I was hoping for the photo room, if, if non of the sports clubs have any shoots booked for the newsletter” nervousness began to creep into Jun’s mind

“oh no, the room isn’t book for another 3 hours, I can book it for you if you can get down here before then I just need a name”

“yeah sounds great! I’m leaving my place now be there in about 20 minutes, can you book it for Jun-” 

“Oh Jun hell yeah man” the receptionist cut off Jun before he could give his last name “I’m proud of you man, I know you had some issues with photo’s itll be really good for you to get a few pics of yourself lifting and the lighting is great for shirtless pics”

“eerrr, umm , ye- yeah thanks mans” Jun’s voice started to quiver 

“Don’t worry man, Ill make sure you got all the privacy so you can work on that confidence, see you in a bit bro”

Jun brought the phone down to his side, complete embarrassed at how nervous he seemed over the phone, now everyone in the office would be talking about working on his body confidence. He took another look at himself in the mirror and gripped the chain around his neck letting out an embarrassed sigh readying himself to go.


Jun entered the gym, he was hot from the morning sun on his back and he could feel how it stuck to his back from the sweat. He politely took the code for the photo room from the front desk and made his way to the room. Shutting the door he checked the door was locked 4 times before walking away and taking his shirt off. He saw the sweat stain on the back of his shirt and frowned, thinking the people at the front desk surely made jokes about him as he walked away, he looked up in to the wall mirror at his shredded upper body and his frown sheepishly turned into a smile.

Jun spent a few hours working out with what little equipment was in the room giving himself a monster pump and taking as many pictures as he could. It didn’t take long before his pants were off and he was taking photos of himself in a jockstrap. He bought the jockstrap a few years ago when he finally filled out a shirt thinking he was gonna get laid but he was always too embarrassed to wear it on a date but he finally felt he looked good enough to pull of something like this, even if the photos were only for himself, he purposely flexed his glutes in side on pics to make sure it looked good.


Jun noticed in his pics his muscles were looking even fuller. He looked the best he ever did. He turned face to the mirror, putting the chain partly in his mouth, smirking at himself as he snapped a sexy thirst trap.

Suddenly the locked door swung open and Mike walked through. Jun saw Mike walk through the door and see everything in the reflection of the wall mirror, and he saw Mike’s smirk as he looked down at his ass. Jun’s eyes widened in shock and he dropped to the ground scrambling to pick up his clothes and gym towel to cover himself up.

“I- errr, I’m sorry, I- I had no idea my time was up, I” Jun sputtered as he quickly squirmed into his shorts.

“no no, I should have knocked, I should be apologising man, I didn’t mean to freak you out”

“I didn’t mean, I’m sorry I was
ya know
.” Jun continued to get dressed and tried his best to hide his body.

“man, you seriously looked good, if you don’t mind me saying, It good to get photos for yourself
unless it was for
someone special?” Mike widened his eyebrows and smirked

“Oh, haha, no no no, they were umm, they were just for me, I just, I finally was confident enough to take, a shirtless photo and it sort of got out of hand and-”

“Im glad bro, I’m seriously glad you were able to take that step for yourself, although I must say, that last photo would get a girls heart beating” Mike began to walk over from across the room

“haha, maybe, but I am more into
.I’m more into guys, I know that can weird some guys out but..yeah”

Mike stood face to face with Jun “I’m glad to hear that man, I like guys too”

Jun’s heart started to beat out of his chest, the smell of Mike’s aftershave was making him want to tear his clothes off.

“Ya know bro, I’ve been waiting for you to take a hint and ask me out” Mike placed his hand on Jun’s shoulder

“Sorry man, I’m
I’m real bad at signals”

the two men shared a laugh for a moment, Mike tried to make an advancement and kiss Jun but Jun’s shyness got in the way.

.could I take you out on that
date” Jun said with his typical nervous tick of rubbing the back of his neck.

Mike traced a finger between the line of Jun’s pecs “yeah, I’d love that I’ve always wanted to say I went on a date with a bodybuilder”

Jun’s heart started pounding even harder in his chest, he always wished people would call him that, but he could barely call himself confidently and now his biggest gym crush was not only going out on a date with him but calling describing as his dream.

“hah, o-okay I’ll, I’ll text you” Jun began to giggle as he walked past mike

“looking forward to it big guy” Mike smirked

Jun looked back at Mike as he was leaving, giving a cute little smile as he clumsily tripped forward over his own foot, almost falling over. Mike let out a chuckle and smiled back.

After Jun shut the door, a sudden wave of excited nervousness hit him. He pulled out his phone and loaded up the picture he took as mike entered the room. He stared at the cocky smile and wished he could be this incredibly confident meat head. With his thumb shaking over the send button Jun quickly sent Mike the thirst trap with the caption.

“so does it get the boys hearts racing too?”

Suddenly Jun’s heart settled, all anxiety and nervousness vanished from within him and he stood up straight, his shoulders shot back and he gave himself a confident smirk in the reflection of the window. The chain necklack began to glow every so slightly at his touch. He looked down at it, a voice in his head said it was time to take it off, he had become the man he was dreaming of and he shouldn’t wear it any longer unless he wanted to pay for it
but a tiny part of Jun was still nervous, he thought he’d keep wearing it, just until he sets a date with Mike and takes him out
.after all it was just a voice in his head, some part of his anxiety telling him there was a price behind this miracle necklace.


Jun woke up the next day a few minutes before his alarm, instantly he was hit with a wave of hunger, he heard his stomach audible growl for food and he sat up rubbing his stomach. He felt heavier than he did the day before, bigger, bulkier and then he saw it in the mirror, his body had increased in size once again but it wasn’t just his muscles that had swollen in size, he no longer had the perfectly shredded body, instead he looked like he never stopped bulking, but he still looked a lot better before he had even began to change in the first place. Whilst he missed the perfectly cut body he’d rather get the bulkers physic back now before cutting season rather than in the middle of summer. Jun flexed his arms in the mirror, he was a lot bigger than yesterday and almost twice as big as the day before that. He could still see his abs and he flexed those too, not as impressive as yesterday but he still looked incredible. With his thumb and pointer finger he pinched his gut to gauge the bulk but exploring his bigger size was cut short but another audible growl from his stomach.


Jun made his way to the kitchen and began to poor himself a bowl of cereal, but hearing and feeling his stomach’s angry requests he decided against a normal bowl and pulled out a small mixing bowl he was gifted when he moved out. Half a box of Milo Protein cereal and almost three quarters a carton of milk later Jun was soon leaning on his kitchen bench watching YouTube on his laptop as he practically inhaled the bowl. With each bite Jun would take a slurp to try and pull the milk on his lips into his mouth but he didn’t get all of it, the drops slowly made their way to his chin, which he then tried to counter by periodically wiping his chin with his bare forearm but that still wasn’t enough, aside from transferring some of the mess to his forearm which then began to run down his arm slightly the milk still began to form a stead stream dripping off his chin onto his chest and running down his abs. After Jun finished his bowl he chucked it in the sink, drank the rest of the milk straight out the carton and picked up the box of milo protein reaching his milk covered hand in to grab a handful of dry cereal and shovel it into his mouth as he walked back to his bedroom. 

Seeing himself in the mirror Jun finally noticed the state he was in.

“fuuck, I need a shower” he said to himself out loud shovelling another handful of try cereal into his mouth.

Jun stared at himself as he chewed trying to work out how he could allowed himself to look like this, he hated his workout clothes getting sweat stains mid workout but now he looked like a total slob. He had half finished his thought and his mouthful when his jaw fell slack and he instinctively tightened his core.


Jun filled the room with a guttural belch. He finally snapped out of it and grabbed what he thought was a towel off the back of his bedroom chair, he wiped the milk and crumbs off his body with a small balled up piece of clothe, Jun finished by wiping his face, once he did he unballed the clothe revealing it was in fact a tank top which he put on without thinking.

Seconds later Jun hit himself in his head with the palm of his hand realising how much of an idiot he was for putting on the shirt he just used to wipe himself down. Deciding not to go out, even to the Gym because he was clearly having an off day he instead dropped to his bedroom floor and began a quick set of push ups. He wasn’t even 3 push ups in before he began to sweat like a pig and he didn’t even realise.


The next morning went very similar for Jun, waking up seeing himself bigger, and starving. So hungry he could eat his entire pantry. He didn’t go out to buy milk so instead he ate the entire spare box of cereal he kept in the pantry mixed in a big bowl of water mixed protein shake. It sure wasn’t the most tasteful thing but it sure hit the spot and kept his stomach from eating itself. He had yet again made an absolute slob of himself but blamed it on how invested he was in his morning YouTube video. He cleaned himself up with the same shirt but managed to avoid putting it on, instead tossing it to his bedroom floor and heading in the bathroom for a shower.

After getting out the shower Jun stared at himself in the mirror admiring how big he had gotten, he never wanted to touch roids no matter what, fearing what they would do, but this necklace had finally helped him reach his dream of being huge. As he admired his body his stomach began to grown, not from hunger but from processing the family sized breakfast Jun ate to himself. He tried his best to worship and enjoy his new size but his concentration kept being broken by the bloating and painful pressure in his gut as his abs fought to maintain their shape, along with the occasional belch.


Jun’s bloat finally dissipated and he decided to go to the gym. Finally confident to step out his door in a tank top and gym shorts Jun began his walk to the gym with a strut but soon the strut turned into his regular non confident walk. The hold midday sun beating down on him and the sheer amount of energy it took to move his new size meant he was sweating before he even made it out of the campus village. It soon became so bad he could smell his own body odour before even half way along the walking trail. By the time he got to the gym his tank was coated in sweat and he was slightly out of breath. Opening the door to the reception area a personal trainer greeted him.

“WOW JUN BRO YOU COMIN OR GOIN HAHA” the trainer laughed

Jun was shocked that the comment was about his sweat and not about how much size he had gain in just a few days. Jun quickly came up with an excuse about going on a morning run and went to go on through to the weights room, the trainer learnt over from the desk and grabbed his arm gently stopping him.

“err hey man, maybe you wanna use some of the complimentary deodorant? because well, phew if you catch my drift”

a wave of embarrassment flooded Jun’s head, his biggest fear was being asked to put deodorant on he wanted to leave straight away, go home crawl in his bed and die, but something else. His dick became slightly hard in his pants and he could feel a few drops of pre staining his underwear. Jun sheepishly took the can of deodorant he was offered and sprayed it all over himself almost using the entire can, but it didn’t make a difference. He lumbered his massive frame into the gym for his workout.

There was barely anyone inside the weights room, which was pretty common, not many people lifted weights every day on campus but the handful of people in the gym stared at Jun in awe of his massive frame. Jun expected someone to comment on the amount of size he had gained in such a short amount of time but no one did, it was like everyone but Jun was unaware of how his body was changing. Jun kept to himself, working out to his normal routine, trying to figure out what his new max out weights were. He sheepishly turned around every now and then between sets, the comment on his body odour from the receptionist had him worried he was stinking up the entire gym. People left as they normally do but in Jun’s mind they were leaving because of his smell. After finishing his workout he was craving a protein shake, normally he’d pack a capful of powder into a small container and have one after his gym session but with how hunger he was this morning he though packing 3 scoops and 3 protein shakers would be better. He stood by the water fountain refilling his shaker and mixing up a protein shake. Chugging them down one by one his mistakenly spilt some on his sweaty tank top. He had become a lot clumsier the past few days but he wrote it off as simply trying to work out his hand eye coordination with his new size.

Jun finished the final mouthful of his last shake, he soon heard his stomach gurgle processing the food. Jun let out a discomforted moan as he placed a hand on his slight bloated six pack when he felt his throat and cheeks suddenly fill with pressure.


Jun let out an enormous belch, his face turned bright red and he thanks god no one was in the weights room with him. It wasn’t even a few seconds before Jun was forced to belch again. He rubbed his handed on his bloated abs and looked at himself in the mirror, a expression of discomfort was painted across his face as his mouth opened, unable to choke down his bloat.


Jun stared at himself in the wall mirror of the gym as he let another belch out of his mouth, but this time he noticed something else, as he burped his body increased in size, soon a cacophony of burps, belches and moans of discomfort escaped his mouth one after another and with each one he grew slightly bigger.


His chest filled out his shirt stretching the sweat soaked fabric,


His shoulders bulged out more dwarfing the thick tank top straps that rested on them,

“oohhh, eerrrr, ow why am I so


with the final belch releasing the last of the pressure in his gut his Lat and back widened, giving space and support for his chest to expand further, his arms swells with size and the sweat tank top that always had a few holes forming was suddenly torn into oblivion.


Jun stood staring at himself in the mirror, taking a moment to catch his breath, his shirt was gone and only a few tiny pieces remained of it on the floor. You couldn’t even tell it was once a shirt. Jun’s face once again turned bright red and he decided it was best to try and sneak home, maybe take a few days off the gym or off from going out at all until his body became stable and he could get a more fitting wardrobe. Jun walked out the door to the weights room and tried to sneak out of the reception area without making conversation. A loud voice from behind the desk made him want to run but it was too late he had been spotted.

“HEY JUN, hey man got a sec?” the receptionist politely asked

“errr, yeah man, just, make it quick I gotta go” Jun could feel a tiny pocket of air in his gut making him feel bloated and he wanted to get out before it was too late.

“Listen bro, I know you are proud of your progress, but dude you gotta atleast wear a shirt in and out the door”

Jun was confused, he had just been seen an hour or so ago walking into the gym wearing a sweaty tank top by the same guy and now he’s being told he had to start bringing a shirt to the gym.

“we all know you wanna show off man, you got a great body, but it can be intimidating to some of the smaller guys ya hear?”

“ummm, ye-yeah sure man, sorry, I’ll be sure to bring a shirt next time” Jun simply agreed with him wanting to get out before he exploded in this guys face

“oh and Jun bro, for the last time man, you gotta wear deodorant, I dont care if you shower at home but bro you stink something awful after you work out”

Jun nodded and turned away, partly to leave, partly to shield his embarrassed expression once again he dick started to become hard from the comment about his odour. He quickly made his way to the door feeling the last bit of pressure in his gut moving upwards, as he got to the exit it swung open and Mike pumped into him as he came through the door.

“oh hey Jun” Mike smiled


Jun couldn’t hold it back any longer and he belched right in Mike’s face. There was a moment of silence. Jun was mortified but before he could apologise Mike broke the silence with a chuckle.

“Hah, damn mate, phew that was a big one, how many protein shakes have you drunk today that stunk” Mike laughed fanning the air away from his nose.

Watching Mike laugh at his mishap sent Jun over the edge and his already hard dick began to let go and pump cum into his underwear.

“ah, s-sorry man, I just, I gotta go” Jun barged past him almost knocking Mike to the ground

Mike grabbed Jun before he could fully get away, although Mike was practically dragged along for a bit by Jun’s bullish figure. “hey man, so how about that date? maybe tonight”

“yep, sure sure sure, errrr, text me, gotta go” 

Jun pushed out of Mike’s grip without fully realising what he had agreed too. By the time Jun made it to the end of the carpark he finally realised what had happened, he had just agreed to go on a date and he had no idea what would happen, was he gonna grow on the date? what if he started sweating like a pig? what if he couldn’t stop burping long enough to talk? Jun bit his lip with worry feeling his dick pump the last ropes of cum into his underwear. He looked down at his compression pants barely seeing them past his pecs and he saw a massive wet patch covering his groin and running almost down to his knee from where he filled his pants with cum. Jun bit his lip and scratched the back of his neck and stared to make his way home, sweating more with each step.


After a quick stop at the local clothes shop buying the largest sized shirt he could possibly find along with the largest pants Jun finally had something to wear that wouldn’t split in two if he sneezed. Jun had got home and instantly got in the shower, he desperately wanted to get the stench of B.O off his body as quickly as possible and after 2 hours of non stop scrubbing (and struggling to wash his own back and shoulders) Jun finally no longer smelt like a gym rat. Just in time too, Mike had messaged him wanting to meet up in just 30 minutes. Jun squeezed into his clothes, whilst they fit him it still was a tight fit but he took a moment to admire himself in the mirror. The godlike body of his dreams, hopefully now all the transformation stuff would stop. He flexed his powerful arms and felt confident for the first time all day. The necklace began to glow and Jun brought it up to his lips giving it a quick kiss, he just needed it or tonight, to keep the confidence until the end of the night, then he was locking this thing in a draw. Jun called for an Uber not wanting to get sweaty from the walk, however he had to call a second as he didn’t fit into the first one that arrived at his house.

Jun arrived at the restaurant feeling slightly underdressed that all the people around him but he ordered a drink and waited for Mike to arrive.


Mike finally arrived and Jun smiled at him from across the room. The two got a table together and began to talk about the menu. Jun took a moment to realise how big he had actually gotten, Mike used to look him in the eye but now he would be staring straight at Jun’s pecs if he didn’t look up at him. When Jun sat down in the chair he heard it strain and groan under his weight, it sounded like it could break at any moment. He lent forward on the table and within and instant the whole table had tilted up in his direction, the plates and cutlery slid down towards him and Mike scrambled to secure his drink.

The two exchanged a laugh at the situation, ordered dinner and got to talking.

“So Jun, I gotta ask, why’d you wanna be a bodybuilder not just a gym guy”

Jun’s dick got hard again, being called a bodybuilder made his heart beat fast, he was finally being described the way he had always wanted to be, with his dick starting to twitch in his pants and a read blush starting to cover his face his voice started to quiver and the confident façade he started the night with fell down.

“I- hah, well I, just kinda well, haha, well I liked big guys and so

“so you wanted to be a big guy?” Mike smiled

“haha, ye-yeah” Jun took his massive arm and scratched his neck, the nervousness in him began to swell outwards and the necklace began to glow slightly

Jun looked down and saw the necklace glow, he noticed Mike clearly couldn’t see it and so he tried to ignore it but a slurry of intrusive thoughts began to flood his mind

“oh god
.what if I burp in his face again, what if I become a big sweaty mess, oh fuck what if I grow out of these clothes” Jun couldn’t concentrate on the other questions Mike was asking him he was too trapped in his own head. He felt the muscles under his clothes tighten and he saw the veins in his forearm flair out, he watched as his hands became a bit meatier and his body began to swell with mass but no body around him seemed to notice. Jun could hear the sound of fabric straining and felt the back of his pants become tight and start to pull down revealing his underwear as his ass filled with muscle. The fabric around his biceps began to rip. Jun tried to focus on what Mike was saying but he couldn’t stop worrying he was going to erupt out of the shirt any second. Jun began to sweat slightly but when he noticed he started to panic internally, soon the slight sweat on his brow has become huge unignorable pit stains on his shirt and a massive sweat stain on his back that looked like a river. Jun began to smell his own odour, he used as much deodorant as he owned but it clearly wasn’t enough.

“so did you come straight to our date from the Gym?” Mike asked

“huh, errr, no, I got ready at home I showered, I, I promise”

“No need to hide it man, I can smell you from here
.don’t worry though I kinda like it”

Hearing those words made Jun’s dick harder than he’d even been in his life and he felt as a river of cum started to floor his underwear.

Jun tried to enjoy the evening, he had to order 3 meals just to feel slightly full but whenever her heard Mike mention something about his smell, or his size or his eating he could help but find himself getting worse and worse, growing slightly bigger, sweating slightly more and whenever Mike cracked a joke at his expense he unloaded into his pants. At the end of the night Jun thanked Mike for the date but turned down his offer to go home with him.


Jun turned sideways and squeezed through his front door, he shut it tight behind him and leant against it letting out a deep sigh. He stuck his nose in his pit and turned away at the stench, he walked forward towards the mirror in his lounge room and looked at his sweat covered body. He shirt and pants had started to rip he let out a small burp to his reflection looking at the beast he had become. His insecurities about his stench and lack of confidence raced to his mind and the necklace began to glow again, a very faint glow, like a light that was about to burn out. Jun watched as his body swell again in the mirror, the clothes tore off like nothing and he was left standing there in his cum and sweat soaked underwear. Hair started to sprout on his body and the stench set in deep.

Jun Gets Huge

Jun stood in his lounge room wondering how he got like this..then he thought back to all the times he grew, every time he was worried about his smell, or sweat, the only time he got growth with no side effect was when he was confident. He figured it out, that was it. Jun stood up, put his shoulders back and grabbed the necklace, he focused on just being a bodybuilder, having men admire him, having guys want to worship him, and imagined strutting around in a tank and gym shorts. Jun felt a tingle of energy in the necklace when it began to fade, in his hands the bright gold turned to a brown rust and the necklace crumbled to dust in his hands and around his neck.

Jun started to panic when he felt a strange sensation in his body, his core felt tight, strong he began to breath heavy, Jun tensed his core and


Jun let out a massive belch that rang out through his entire house. The realisation Jun had run out of magic hit him, he had finally cracked the code, but it didn’t matter now.

Jun took another look at the sweating beast in the mirror, he scratched his ass almost against his will, feeling the damp sweat soaked fabric. He took a deep breath in, he could smell his god awful stench even without lifting up his pits, he had turned himself into a disgusting bodybuilding slob without realising

Jun’s mouth fell slack has he looked at his grotesque that barely fit in the mirror