Hi. Can You Write Scorpio Meeting Mc's Family Fic? He Gets Invited To Her Family Get Together And They
Hi. Can you write Scorpio meeting mc's family fic? He gets invited to her family get together and they had a date ( sort of) after meeting her family. Have a good day or night. 🌹
SCM- Department of Punishment
SCORPIO- Night Light
A/N: Thank you for requesting anon. I have tried my best to write this, i hope you like this. I will post the other requests as well after my exams are over. 💛💙
"Scorpio? Are you on your way somewhere?" Scorpio was packing a gift-wrapped box in a small bag when Dui questioned.
"Yes, I am going to ( name)'s house." he replied quickly and snapped his fingers, which brought him infront of your house.
He took a deep breath and thought, " Everything is going to be fine. I must meet her family at some point."
After five years, your uncle had returned home. Therefore, when your uncle decided to host a party for the family, it was the ideal time to introduce your boyfriend to them.
Your sister answered the door when the bell rang, saying, "Mr. Scorpio is here, sis." Which focused everyone's gaze on him.
His hands started to slightly shake as a result of so many eyes on him.
You rushed to his aid, held his hand, and began introducing him to your family. You approached your parents and introduced him, "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Scorpio. " you said.
He bashfully handed you mom the gift wrapped box and said, " Hello it's nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs ( surname )!".
Your parents smiled at you both. " I assume you will join us for dinner." you mother asked. " Yes ma'am. " he replied promptly earning a chuckle from her.
After dinner Scorpio was talking with your parents and uncle when you decided to get some fresh. You sat beside your sister on a chair on the balcony.
" Sis? " she asked. " Humm". " You seemed so worried about introducing Scorpio to us, that i almost assumed there was something wrong with him." ( sister's name) said.
" Yeah like you always assume the worst thing." you said. " Still it was kinda weird and he seems shy. " ( sister's name) said raising her hands. " But i am sure he is a good person. " she said.
" I will talk to you in the morning, sis." she winked at you and left.
Scorpio sat down on the chair beside you and smiled. He seemed happy, which was an indication of how well the conversation with your parents and uncle went.
You both sat there silently, enjoying the gentle breeze. Fire flies could be seen in the distance. It was a full moon night, full of light and hope.
" Scorpio? Are you happy?" you asked. " Yes." he replied smiling at you. " I am kinda scared. " you said looking at your hands on your lap.
He held your hands making you look up at him. " You know, when ever life gets a little too good, i get scared that my happiness will not last very long. I have always been like this." you replied ruefully.
" ( Name), you know there was a time. " he paused carefully choosing his words, " When i first came to heaven, i was always scared of happiness. Whenever someone complimented my work or simply praised my existence as a person." he sighed.
" I felt i would make a mistake and they will hate me. I would drown in self pity while pretending everything was fine. It took me years to realize that how many precious moments of happiness i have lost in this process. At the end of the day we cannot control our fates. So, ( name) be happy, live a life that you will find worth living. I will always be there for you. " he said.
His words had a soothing effect on you. You took a deep breath, closing you eyes. Letting go of all the intrusive thoughts. You saw Scorpio staring at you, admiring you beauty as you opened your eyes.
" Is there something on my face? " you asked. He nodded his head in denial and said " You are beautiful my love. I was just admiring you." you blushed at his words, and looked away.
" Its true, my moon." he said. " Moon? " you turned to look at him, " I didn't know you were so good at flirting. " you said cheerfully.
He rolled his eyes, trying to suppress his smile. He looked adorable.
"Maybe it's because of all the movie that Karno is suggesting me to watch." he said. " Then i must thank Karno." you said pulling Scorpio in a tight embrace.

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More Posts from Mairablue
hi could you possibly write another huedhaut fluff? You're writing is so good!!
SCM- Department of Wishes
HUEDHAUT ♒ - In The Moonlight 🌙
A/N: Thank you for requesting anon! 💙 I am sorry for taking a 1000 years to write this, and i am not sure if this is good enough considering how short it is. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this. ♥️
The room was filled with the pale glow of the moonlight, while a girl with (h/c) hair sat by the window, holding a book in her hands and her gaze fixed on its pages.
A soft breeze blew, filling the room with the delicious aroma of baked goods that wafted from the bakery across the street.
She stood up and glanced out the window, observing the leaves producing a gentle and harmonious sound as they rustled in the wind.
As she gazed at the brilliantly shining moon on the cool midsummer night, a feeling of immense contentment filled her heart.
Huedhaut entered the room and the door closed behind him with a soft clang.
He stood next to her, but unlike her, his attention was fixed on the beauty next to him. He carefully observed every feature of her beauty: her compassionate and optimistic eyes, her coral lips, that smiled as she looked at him, her lovely hands that held the book.
"A shooting star", she said, pointing to the sky. She slid her eyes shut. Huedhaut stood next to her, simply admiring the beauty of the night sky and the falling star.
As she opened her eyes, he inquired, "What did you wish for, my dear?"
"I wished, we could spend more nights like this, together," she said, looking up at him. He smiled at her and placed a delicate kiss on her forehead.

A/N: Thank you for reading! 😊

So Much Fanfiction
You have so, so much fanfiction, either because you're so shippable, or because you're hot. Maybe both. Probably both. You definitely flirt with everyone, either way. Tumblr and Twitter love you and showers you with queer headcanons. Reddit keeps a safe distance.
Wow, that was unexpected. 😄
Tagging: @fang-and-feather @foxgrrl
@fizzyxcustard @alucarddear
And everyone else who wants to join. 💙💛
So I yoinked this from @lizofalltrades post, coz I wasn't tagged but wanted to play, soooo
1. FIRST, create a picrew using this maker, and then 2. SECOND take this quiz on how fandom would see you if you were a fictional character. 3 (THIRD) POST YOUR PIC AND YOUR DESCRIPTION IN THE REBLOG!
I'll go first (for this thread)

The Weird One
You're the weird one, the one that half of tumblr babygirls and all of twitter is slightly scared of. You're probably autism-coded, and you probably also know some vital information that you shouldn't, for some reason.
I (no pressure) tag @taelonsamada, @andr0leda, @glassbearclock, @thatlesbeanjew, @pearl-kite, @ejunkiet, @dominimoonbeam, @strawberrychrome, and anyone else who wants to play. Go NUTS
“Oh my god you’re a writer? Can I read your stuff?”