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SCM - Department Of Wishes
Karno ♋- Breathtakingly Gorgeous
For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )
A/N: Today is Karno's day!🥺💗💗💗 Hopefully i did him justice. I hope you enjoy reading this!🌹
Prompts: urgency | kneel | rural
9th February, 2024
The rain poured down from the sky, like water flowing down from waterfalls. Not a single soul could be seen outdoors.
Leaning against the wall a man stood with a pen and some papers in his hands. His gaze was focused at the sight of the falling rain.
What was he thinking, Leon wondered? Placing his hand on Karno's should he asked, "What's on your mind?"
Karno stood motionless, as if only his physical form was present there; his mind was elsewhere. Leon tapped on his shoulder.
Karno finally replied,"I have been thinking about her...a lot." His honest answer brought a smile on Leon's lips.
"Why don't you tell her, how you feel?" Leon suggested.
"I will." Karno replied nodding his head in agreement. "But first i need to grant the wishes on these lists."
Leon knew how serious Karno was about his responsibilities since childhood. So Karno's answer brought a delightful smile on his face. He softly patted Karno on his back and said, "Well of course."
Karno sighed as the last wish on his list disappeared after being granted. As if reading the change in his mood, the images on the reflecting pool shifted; and showed you, walking down the road in a rural area.
Karno snapped his fingers.
Untouched by the rainstorm, this land was dry. The Sun shore brightly, bringing warmth to one's soul as they walked by. Green fields filled one's vision as far as the eyes can see.
An enormous house stood on the right side of the road. It's large glass windows reflecting the sunlight.
Standing there Karno pondered whether he should go inside or not. He still had the chance to leave after all, didn't he? Not a single soul would know that he came here.
"Karno?!" a delicately, soothing voice brought him out of his thoughts. You walked upto him.
A lighthearted smile graced on your lips, "Why are you standing outside?" you asked. Before Karno could reply you took his hand in yours; leading him inside the house.
"Make yourself comfortable." you said. As you were walking to the kitchen,"I will bring some tea and snacks."
The delightful aroma spread across the room as you walked in. Two cups of tea and some cookies on one plate and some chips on the other were on the tray; which you kept on the table.
You sat next to him on the sofa. "I hope you like our special tea." you said.
His face lit up as he took the first sip. "Thank you for the tea." A thankful smile adorned his face.
"Is there something you wanted to tell me?" you asked. There was a strange feeling in your heart. A combination of hope, fear and excitement. Whatever he was about to say is extremely important, you thought.
"I wanted to tell you about my feelings." He peered at you, carefully noticing, each and every expression that crossed face. His intention was to share his feelings, not to scare you or to make you uncomfortable.
Kneeling in front of you, he snapped his fingers. A vibrant rose, blue in colour appeared in his hand. " (Name), i love you." His gaze locking into yours.
"Don't feel pressured to accept my feelings. Do what your heart tells you." he said as the reassuring smiled appeared on his lips. The stars glowing brighter in those warm, gentle eyes.
Kneeling down infront of him, you wrapped your arms around his shoulder and hugged him. "I love you too." you said as you accepted the rose; putting it in your braid.
" How do i look, sweetheart?" you asked in a flirtatious tone. "Breathtakingly gorgeous." he replied earnestly as he softly kissed you.

"Every sunset and sunrise"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Tauxolouve × reader
Warnings: none
For the fluffbruary event (@fluffbruary )
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this!!! Tauxy is being very sweet and emotional for today's episode 😚💕💕

Prompts: urgency | kneel | rural (Day 9/2024)
It had been long, since the sun had started to set and the vibrant orange mixed with the hue of your irises, your eyes like gems, precious and rare, according to Tauxolouve's judgment.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He asked, sparing the bleeding horizon a single spare glance, before turning to your face.
The shadows cascaded upon the correct spots on your face and the colors of the sky enhanced the ethereality of your fairness. "It is indeed." You sighed, a tranquil smile across your lips, as you rested your temple against your boyfriend's shoulder. "Thank you for showing me this."
He smiled too, but a little more sentimentally, as he wrapped an arm around your arms, his hand squeezing your shoulder gently. "I should be the one thanking you."
"Me?" You questioned, curiosity causing the sight of the sunset to fade ever so slightly from your gaze. "You brought us here."
"My little lady, I'm not only talking about the sunset." Tauxolouve took your hands in his and ushered your body to face him properly, your head tilted backwards, so you could behold the entirety of his face, which seemed so flawless to your eyes.
You stayed hushed, awaiting his next words, as you watched him inhale deeply, his eyes closing for a few moments, before opening again, diving within your own in a rendezvous of orange, pink and red.
"My little lady..." He breathed.
"Tauxy," You placed a palm against his cheek, your thumb tracing his cheekbone. "is something on your mind? Perhaps any urgencies from the Heavens?"
"On my mind?"
You nodded. "You're acting strange. As if you're considering something you're unsure of."
Tauxolouve chuckled, a bit of a nervous laugh, but still sweet and endearing, coated in nothing but love and adoration for your whole existence. "I'm not unsure, I know I want this, but... Do... You want this?"
Your eyebrows furrowed. "Want what?"
Tauxolouve sucked in a shaky breath and let go of your hands, the warm breeze of the rural field enveloping them like gloves made out of everything gods created. He took a few steps backwards, his dark eyes never parting from your own, as if they were a lifeline, that'd kill him upon loosing.
You remained in your spot, your body unwavering against the tender breeze, that came to bid the sun farewell, along with the birds that flew towards the unreachable end of the sky, as if chasing the truth humans had no chance discovering.
"My little lady, (name)..." The sound of your name made you blink in uncertainty, a ticklish feeling set alight within your stomach, your core shivering. He kneeled and you swallowed thickly, your mind whispering you the continuation. "My angel..." He addressed you once again, as he reached within the pocket of his beige pants.
Your breath hitched, when you witnessed the small square box between Tauxolouve's fingers and your legs began to tremble by shock and anticipation.
"Earlier, I thanked you not for this sunset, but for every sunset." With one knee digging into the grass, he opened the black velvet box in his hands, the small diamond on the silver base shinning with the beauty of the stars, that had yet to come out. "I thanked you for every sunset and sunrise you allowed me to admire. You brought my life inner peace and happiness, gave my life purpose and rebirthed me... I cannot thank you enough, but if there's one thing I can and want to do, is keep you by my side... Forever." Kind wrinkles formed at the corners of his eyes and when you peered into his face, his eyes resembled gems in the bottom on a fountain. His voice cracked a little, but he was able to keep it under control and spoke up once again, after swallowing thickly. "If you think this is something you want as well and that it'll make you happy... Will you marry me?"
You nodded and a single tears fell from Tauxolouve's eyes, dripping from his eyelashes and streaming beside the corner of his emotional and slightly quivering smile. "Yes!" You cried out and kneeled in front of him, before throwing your arms around his neck.
The two of you tumbled to the grass, the sun disappearing from the sky to spread the blissful news to the rest of the globe as well.
"Like an angel"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Huedhaut × reader
Warnings: none
For the fluffbruary event (@fluffbruary )
A/N: Love ya all, babes!!💖💖💖💖 (Yeah, that's it. Just enjoy Hue!)

Prompts: flush | angel | owl (Day 10/2024)
Your forearms were folded onto the railing, as you stared off at the horizon that spread out before you eyes, dark and starless, with the city's lights as its jewels. An owl was hooting from between the trees, breaking the silence somewhat unsettlingly, yet soothingly.
Something soft and warm enveloped your back and your breath hitched a little. You stared to the side and dark hair, the color of the starless night sky, fell by the corner of your eye. "You'll catch a cold if you keep this up?"
"What do you mean?" You asked, still focused on the city lights that lit up the roads and offered you a coastline for the far off distance, that would've seemed endless without it.
He sighed, shaking his head with an exasperated smile. "Wear this."
Your hand touched your shoulder, grazing his own fingers and feeling the sensation of the soft fabric of his uniform's jacket. You wrapped it around you, its size bigger than yours and longer. You breathed into the collar, inhaling his soothing scent and then stared up at him, smiling. "Thank you."
Huedhaut's eyebrows rose at first and then he looked away, a flush draped across his cheeks, making them look kissable and soft. "Don't mention it..."
Seeing the blood rising to his face, you snuzzled closer to him, your hands snaking up his arm. "You look cute when you blush." You commented, your chin grazing his arm as you stared up at him.
Huedhaut's eyes turned to stare at you, both of them like sapphires and you couldn't believe anything was missing from them, their beauty enchanting just like it is right now, in this moment. "You're awfully bold for someone that was trying to hide last night, when you—"
"No no no! We agreed this will stay buried in the past!" You rushed to stop him, the volume of your voice rising frantically at your desperation. "We're not talking about this! Absolutely not!" You demanded, mentally shivering at the memory of you committing something so embarrassing last night. Something Huedhaut teased you and joked about.
Your beloved's chuckle rang out into the midnight breeze, swirling around the crown of your head like oxygen and looking up at him, as his laugh continued, your own lips curled into a smile as well.
His eyes, which reminded you of precious gems, twinkled with the lights of the city in the horizon, his pearly teeth bright, as he laughed more and more at the memory. Huedhaut's face relaxed and he let go of everything holding him back from experiencing true happiness. He wasn't hiding nor concealing anything in the comfort of your presence.
"Hue..." You breathed out his name, squeezing his arms within your hug. "You look like an angel right now."
"An angel?" He repeated, twisting it into a question, as he stared down at you. "Did you just lower my rank?"
"Oh...!" You laughed out loud, once having understood the meaning of his words. "I hadn't noticed!"
He laughed with you, his body turning around to face you and he wrapped his free hand around your waist, pulling you into his chest. "If I look like an angel," He spoke against the top of your head, the tone of his voice calmer now. "then you look like a goddess."
This time around, it was your turn to blush and Huedhaut pressed a kiss to each one of your cheeks, bringing a smile to your lips, that raised the apple of your cheeks, pushing against your lower eyelids.
SCM - Department Of Wishes
Tauxolouve ♐- Good Night, My Love
For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )
A/N: I was half asleep while writing this. Hopefully it turned out alright.😅 I hope you like reading this.
Prompts: reflection | water | apology
11th February, 2024
The bag hung low on your back, as if all the weight of the world was on your shoulders. Why did the bag feel so heavy on days when there was a lot of work to do? You wondered.
Opening the door and dropping the bag on the sofa you sat down. Hands resting on your side, eyes closed, head leaning against the backrest of the sofa. You inhaled and exhaled until you felt a bit better.
You took a quick shower. Brushed your hair, putting it in a loose ponytail. Staring at your own reflection in the mirror, you notices the dark circles that have started to form under your eyes. Your lips looked slightly pale and chapped. Putting on some moisturizer; you went back to the living room to collect your bag.
Bringing it in your room.
The reflecting pool was softly glowing, as the wishes were being swiftly granted one by one.
"You seem to be, in a hurry." Aigonorus commented.
"I am going out with, (Name) tonight." Tauxolouve replied before directing his attention back, at the paper in his hand.
Aigonorus nodded his head, "Where are you two going?" he asked.
"We haven't decided yet. But there is a movie that she was telling me about last month." The corners of his lips curled up as soon as the words escaped from his lips.
They stayed silent for the next half an hour.
"Have fun." Aigonorus said smiling; as Tauxolouve was about to leave. "We will." Tauxolouve said, smiling back at Aigonorus.
You slowly opened the door. A bright smile adorned his face. But that smile soon disappeared as his eyes fell on you. You smiled at him; still the tiredness was visible on your face.
He walked in the living room, softly closing the door behind him. You broke the silence, "I am sorry. We got some assignments today. I will need at least 4 hours to write all of that. I can't go out tonight." You apologized. The plans were made three weeks ago, when you both found a little off time in your respective schedules.
"Don't apologize, little lady." Tauxolouve softly caressed your face,"Moreover i wanted to spend some time with you; whether we go out or not." His voice was reassuring.
You nodded your head; unsure of what to say. This is not how you had, envisioned to spend the evening with Tauxolouve. But you were not complaining. How could you after all? Not seeing him for three weeks had been more agonizing than you were willing to admit. You gently hugged him.
The window was partially open, allowing the soft glow of the setting Sun into the room.
The generally organized study table, was messy. Three books, an opened notebook and a few pens and pencil were scattered on it.
Picking a book from the shelf, Tauxolouve sat down on another chair. You sat on your chair and started writing.
Time flew by swiftly; six more pages and it will be done. "( Name )?" Tauxolouve softly called out your name, offering you a glass of warm water. Taking the glass from him, you drank the water slowly.
Ten minutes later, you closed your notebook, books, and pen. Yawning, you stretched your arms a bit.
You walked downstairs and sat down on a chair in the dining room. "What did you get?" you asked.
"Soup, vegarable fried rice... they also told me to take some potato curry, so i bought that too. I wasn't sure what else to get." He replied sheepishly.
"Thank you." you said. You two ate in silence.
Lying on the bed, he started stroking your hair. "How have you been?" you asked.
"I was very busy. Perhaps the most work, i have done in months." He signed softly at the thought of the past three weeks.
"You were looking forward to this date..." you said quietly. "I wish the teachers would have told us sooner about those assignments."
"(Name), i don't want to go on dates, or watch movies, or go to the Cafe, or to the park. I like doing all of that because i get to experience them with you. If you are not there, then none of those activities seem interesting to me anymore." His reply was earnest.
"I wanted to see the movie with you tonight. I don't know when we will get some free time again." you said. Your eyes focused at the ceiling. "I missed you." you added. His cheeks turned a slight shade of red as you said that.
"I missed you too, my darling." He said. You rolled over on your side. Your eyes locking in with his. "I love you." you said softly; bringing your lips to his cheek.
His heart skipped a beat as the stars in his eyes glowed brighter. "I love you too." He said, holding you close. " We can spend some time tomorrow in the afternoon, if you want to." He suggested. "I would love that." you said. "Good night, my love." Was the last thing that you heard as sleep overtook you.

"A kid's wish"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Tauxolouve × goddess!reader
Warnings: none
For the fluffbruary event (@fluffbruary )
A/N: Goddess reader for today😚💕💕 Tbh, this one woke up memories in me. Because when I was like.... What? 7? 9? I had a friend of mine move away and I remember both of us feeling so sad about it. We're not friends anymore, because we both changed growing up... And now she's making unhealthy decisions in her life, if you know what I mean💀

Prompts: reflection | water | apology (Day 11/2024)
Tauxolouve stared into the ripping water filling up the reflecting pool, his own reflection depicted on its surface, between the everchanging scene of Earth and those of people's smiling faces after having their wishes granted.
He snapped his fingers, changing the view of this elderly lady from Italy to the one of a young boy from Canada. He peered at the list beside him, holding it up and reading over the letters there, informing him of what this very young man yearned for. "Well, that's strange..." He muttered to himself, staring intensely at the paper in his hand.
The human boy didn't wish for something specific, in fact, the very wording of his wish was odd and difficult to understand.
Tauxolouve set the list aside and approached the water once more, staring at the young boy, as he gazed absentimately out of the window of his bedroom, dressed in light blue pajamas, decorated with trains of red and green. The boy's dark eyes were casted high up into the sky, as if looking for something.
'I wish for something from him.'
"Of who...?" Tauxolouved said, speaking in whispers and the silence didn't offer answers.
"This kid..." He heard your voice, beautiful and melodic in his ears, that longed for nothing other than just to hear it by his side. You walked to his side, your heels clicking against the floor, as you came to stand in front of the reflecting pool as well, your tunic swaying behind you as you moved. You placed your palms upon the rim of the pool and peered inside, a soft and tender smile across your lips. "I remember him."
Tauxolouve stared at you, curiosity turning his mind into a skein. "You've granted his wishes before?" He asked.
You nodded, cutting the string of the skein that entangled his brain. "His friend moved away recently and he's been missing him a lot. It's kind of difficult for them to meet up for now, with all the preparations for his friend's new house, but they talk on the phone..." You paused, seemingly wanting to say more, which you did, after a while. "He still misses him. He wished for something from his friend. Nights remind him of their fun little sleepovers."
Tauxolouve's eyebrows rose slightly and his eyes lit up with understanding. "I see how it is..." He stared back down at the child depicted upon the surface of the rippling water and thought for a few moments, wondering what he could do.
"Any ideas...?" You asked, staring at the skeptical profile of your husband.
"I might have, yes." Tauxolouve responded and the snap of his fingers echoed amongst the layers of silence that covered this place.
The two of you remained wordless, as you stared down at the sight of the child's head turning to stare at his mother, that had just entered the room.
The mother handed him her phone, the screen bight with his friend's mother's name across the screen.
The young boy's eyes lit up, as he eagerly grabbed the phone out of his mother's grasp and brought it to his own little ear. The boy's wish vanished from the list and Tauxolouve smiled, staring down at the happiness that colored the kid's cherubic face.
"I guess they hadn't spoken in a while." You said, resting your temple against his shoulder, as you watched over the kid too.
Tauxolouve's hand slipped around your waist, holding you close as the image of the young boy faded from the reflecting pool. "I'm sorry, I suddenly got extra work and had to stay behind longer than usual." He said, apologizing for not returning home at the usual time.
"It's fine, you had work, that's understandable." You said and you lifted your head to gaze at him properly.
"My little lady, I missed you so much." He said and brought his face down to yours, your lips meeting in a sweet rendezvous. "Every second away from you was torment." He said, between kisses and you smiled against his lips, his cupid's bow grazing your upper lip.
"I love you, Louie." You kissed his cheek and whispered against his skin.
"I love you too. I love you so much."
I would love to read a story about Karno or Tauxolouve x female reader from you. Write only if you want to. No pressure. 🙂❤
Star-Crossed Myth fandom, I didn't chose which god yet but:
Also if you have a god you prefer to fit your chosen style, you can tell me in the comments/reblogs
SCM - Department Of Punishment
Scorpio ♏- Dance With Me, Tonight
A/N: This is a continuation of the story Home Where The Heart Belongs. This didn't turn out as fluffy as i had hoped. Sorry about that.
For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )
Prompts: graceful | volcano | blanket
12th February, 2024
Soft golden light of the morning Sun crept into the room, from the slight gap between the curtains. Opening his eyes, Scorpio was surprised to see the unfamiliar ceiling. The wall on the right side was light yellow in colour unlike the old wallpaper ridden walls of the small rented room that he had been residing in for the past three months.
Putting the pillows on the chair, and folding the blanket. He dusted the bedsheet before putting it back on the mattress. Putting the pillows and the blanket on one side of the bed he opened the curtains, before opening the window.
He took a deep breath; feeling the morning breeze brush against his face. His heart felt at peace.
Taking a warm shower and brushing his teeth; he walked downstairs to the kitchen.
You were pouring some tea in a cup. "Good morning." He said standing beside you.
"Good morning", you replied smiling,"I hope you don't mind eating oats for breakfast."
"I would love to have oats", he said returning your smile," i just need some Apples."
He washed three Apples; cutting them into small pieces. He took two bowls and filled them with the oats from the pot. Putting the bowls on the tray, beside the cups and the plate full of Apple pieces, he walked out of the kitchen. Setting the tray on the dining table he sat on the chair next to you.
Taking a sip of the warm tea, he asked, " You wrote about someone's wedding reception in the letter..."
"You remember Alice, my cousin", you took a sip from the cup, "she got married last week. Tonight she and her husband have organized a party for both of their families and some close friends. She has invited us...well me, but i would like to go with you." you said. The tone in your voice hopeful.
"It's ok if you don't want to." you added quickly. Scorpio shook his head and smiled,"I would like to go there with you." He was tired, but he wanted to spend sometime with you at a social gathering. After all who knew, this could be the very last one he ever attends.
After finishing your breakfast you washed the dishes and started chopping some vegetables. Scorpio prepared lunch which you two ate in silence around 12 PM.
The rest of the afternoon was spend, sitting on the sofa in the living. He told you how the lives of the ordinary people had been affected, in great details. Details which had not made into the newspaper paper. People were suffering.
The party was being held in a ball room of an enormous hotel. The hotel once had many clientele, but now most of it's rooms were empty. The few staff members who still worked there greeted the guests.
Once all the guests had arrived and were introduced to each other. The staff members brought a few musical instruments and started playing. One played the Harp, another the Cello, another the Violin, and another played the Piano.
"Grandma let's dance." a little girl said. Her grandmother was smiled, as the girl lead her, to the middle of the room and started dancing.
Seeing them some of the couples starting dancing as well. Soon Alice held your hand and started dancing. Her light pink dress and your blue dress swinging as you two moved gracefully across the dance floor. Scorpio sat on a chair watching you dance. He was never much of a dance after all.
Alice wishpered something in your ear and you both started laughing. It's been months since you have laughed like that. Scorpio smiled, recalling the memories of the first-time he had ever danced with you. Soon those memories started to fade as a dreadful thought came to his mind.
The song was coming to an end.
Scorpio walked up to you. Offering you his hand,"Will you dance with me, my lady?" He even tried to put on a princely accent, but miserably failed at it, making you and Alice giggle. He smiled, hiding his embarrassment. But his cheeks turned red as soon as you said," That would be my pleasure, sir." Alice laughed; her laughter only made his ears turn redded.
You two danced slowly; in perfect harmony. As the song came to its conclusion, you softly kissed his temple. " I love you." he wishpered. His voice filled with emotions which he found too difficult to express. " I love you too, Scorpio. " you said as a drop of tear slipped from the corner of your eyes, which you quickly brushed away.
Music flowed through the room like breeze; warm and comforting. You took the lead and he followed. The soothing sound brought a sense of peace in your hearts. No matter what tomorrow held, tonight, in this moment both of you were together.

"I'll never forget you!" You said, wailing. "I will always love you!" He was your best friend after all and the morning he departed with his family, you left a small and gentle kiss on his cheek.
This is perfection! ✨✨🥺💞💞💞
"Fifteen years"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Karno × goddess!reader
Warnings: none
For the fluffbruary event (@fluffbruary )
A/N: I wrote this, deleted it and rewrote this multiple times, before finally settling with this idea/plot. I stopped, took a walk in the night air and continued writing. I figured taking a walk outside helps when I'm stuck.💗💗 I hope you'll enjoy!!💕💕

Prompts: graceful | volcano | blanket (Day 12/2024)
"Hold on!" Karno said, catching your small hand in his equally tiny one.
You gripped him tightly, as you balanced yourself on the fallen tree trunk. You gasped, thinking you were about to slip, when it rolled a little to the side, but your friend kept you up, using his second hand as well. "Okay...!" You uttered between ragged breaths.
"You're steady?" He asked, his voice thin and almost tumbling to the feminin side.
You nodded, your grin broad and the apples of your cheeks rosé, your hair disheveled and slipping out of the ribbon your mother had tied around them, forming a ponytail, before you could scurry off into the forest.
Karno's sweet face was before you, his cheeks soft and pinchable with the way they puffed out. "Your hair." He said, giggling.
"I guess I don't need this then." You said, with your childlike voice and you reached for the lilac ribbon in your hair, pulling it off completely.
"Look!" He begged enthusiastically for your attention, shoving a hand into the pocket of his white tunic. "Dad brought some of these home yesterday and I got us some." He explained, voice cheerful, while the sunlight dived into his dark chocolate eyes.
Your eyes brightened, upon the sight of the fresh strawberries that laid upon Karno's small palm.
"I knew you'd react like that." He laughed and your face felt warmer, for a reason your innocent little mind couldn't fathom just yet.
You two hopped off the tree trunk, stones and soil ending up crashed beneath your sandals and your own dress swaying, when your body was still in the air, feet not touching the ground yet.
You took a seat on a big rock nearby and shared the fruits, indulging in the slightly sour sweetness of them.
Your eyes trailed across your best friend's facial features and the smile you've been harboring this entire time faded, a shadow conquering the light in your gaze.
"What's wrong?" Karno asked, his cherubic face colored with concern, pure and limitless, wishing for no benefit.
"I can't believe you'll be moving away..." You answered melancholically, eyes casted upon your lap.
Karno's frail hand found your shoulder, ushering you to turn around and stare up at him. "We'll meet again. Don't be sad." He said, wishing from the bottom of his youthful heart that it'd return the stolen smile to your face.
"When?" You questioned, your eyes swelling with tears.
Karno's warm brown eyes remained in yours, chasing away the chill from your heart like fire in a firepit. "We're eight. So... In fifteen years?"
As the tears began their wet, sorrowful trail down your rosy cheeks, your breath hitched and you threw your arms around him, knocking his body down with yours on top, like a blanket.
Karno hugged you back tightly, as you sobbed into his shoulder.
"I'll never forget you!" You said, wailing. "I will always love you!" He was your best friend after all and the morning he departed with his family, you left a small and gentle kiss on his cheek.
The days and the nights collided, turning into months and then to years, changing your mind and body. The only thing that stayed the same was the love that had found its rightful home into your ribcage, nuzzled against your heartbeat. Maybe because this feeling wasn't an idea swirling in your head, but a yearning engraved into your soul.
With the passage of time, you were also able to realize that this love you felt for this boy wasn't just one for a friend, but one reserved for something more.
Fifteen years had gone by and now you carried a stack of books down the palace's hallway, your first day there as the archive's assistant.
Something met your body suddenly, your speeds colliding and pushing each other away, causing you to stumble backwards.
All the books fell from your hold, scattering around your feet and a strong hand gripped your forearm firmly, keeping you upright.
"I'm so sorry!" You hurried to apologize, head ducked in shame, as you crouched down to retrieve the books you dropped.
The god kneeled as well, helping you gather them and then offering them to you. "Here."
"Thank y—" Your voice died, still in your throat, when your eyes met the warm ones of this man.
"No..." He muttered, inspecting your face piece by piece. "No way..." A smile spread across his lips and its familiarity shook you to your core. "(Name)?!"
"Karno!" You cried out, throwing your arms around him without even considering. "Heavens..." You chuckled as you spoke, tears gathering at the corners of your eyes. "Look how much you've grown!"
"I could say the same thing about you!" His facial features had sharpened with maturity, yet his skin remained soft, even though his cheeks were not as puffed out anymore. "I missed you so much." He said, before squeezing you into his arms as if he was shipwrecked and you were his precious shore, the emotions flowing like they came out of a volcano. His graceful fingers tucked some tufts of hair behind your ear and his eyes squinted kindly, as he peered into your face. "You're so... Beautiful."
Karno sat up straight again and took a sip of his coffee, his lips quivering into a smile around the rim of his cup as he did so. His eyes looked at you and softened, affection coloring his expression and becoming its perfect description. He reached a hand out towards you and you placed your hand in his, on top of the table, allowing him to wrap his fingers around it and trace the back of it with his thumb. "My ophelia, you truly are the photography of happiness, right now."
He is so sweet. 🥺❤️😭😭😭
"Photography of happiness"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Karno × reader
Warnings: none
For the fluffbruary event (@fluffbruary )
A/N: What I basically wanted to do in this fic is, portray those moments, when you and your partner are just DYING from laughter! I love you all!!!💗💗💗💗

Prompts: photography | pepper | truffles (Day 21/2024)
You sat down on your chair, opposite of Karno and placed your plate on the table. "I probably filled up my plate a bit too much, but..." You chuckled, shaking your head. "These truffles looked delicious."
"Don't humans say breakfast is the most important meal of the day?" He smiled, taking a sip of his coffee, which was devoid of all sugar. "Plus, this hotel cooks wonderful things. I can understand the need to taste as many as you can." He set his cup down and continued speaking, his dark eyes enchanting you with their rich color. "I liked the dinner they served yesterday."
You nodded, the sweet taste of the cocoa exploding in your mouth the second you bit into the truffle. "True." You replied after swallowing. "I liked their steak a lot."
He hummed, listening to your words, as he took another sip of his coffee. "Except..."
"What?" You asked, staring at him expectantly, your attention unwavering from his porcelain face. The dinning hall was overflowing with noise and the occasional clattering of silverware against plates, as the residents of the hotel enjoyed their first meal of the day, bringing life to the room, even though some of them were still sleepy.
"You know..." Karno shrugged his shoulders, gazing at you. "They could've made their dishes a bit more spicy. Maybe not all of them, but at least some of them."
You shook your head from side to side and sighed audibly. "Honey, your 'a bit' is the equivalent of knocking half of the people here unconscious."
"Come on..." He casted his eyes to the side. "It wouldn't be that bad."
"You're right," You said, supposedly agreeing with him. "it'd be even worse. All of the people here would loose consciousness." He made a little pout and you broke into a smile, that widened to a grin. "Karno...!" You laughed, your eyes squinting by your broad grin. "Honey, please, don't pout!"
He turned to stare at you from the corner of his eye and just as your laugh had calmed down, it intensified again. He broke into a smile himself, yours being contagious and stunningly vibrating. "You're certainly glowing when it comes to making fun of my taste buds."
"No, I would never..." But even as you tried to speak, your cackles made it hard to and Karno couldn't help, but follow along with your amusement, even though it was against him. "I would never! And I mean, never make fun of your deceased taste buds. That wouldn't be nice...!"
Karno folded his hands before his chest, laying back against the backrest of his chair and trying his hardest to suppress a smile, but the tears at the corners of his eyes proved his struggle. "Well," He began speaking, voice trembling by the laughter. "if you're provoking me..." He reached out and took ahold of the small bottle of pepper from the table.
Your eyes remained wide, your hand going to your mouth as you witnessed him sprinkle pepper all over his truffles. "Kar-oh, my god..." You made a theatrical gasping sound, watching him pick up a seasoned truffle and bringing it to his mouth. "Karno, is there something you want to talk about?" You asked, bursting out laughing a second after.
Karno chuckled, practically giggling himself, as he bent forward over the table.
You leaned in as well and he spoke in a low voice, once he had swallowed.
"The family of four to your right..." He paused, trying to keep his laughter under control. "I just watched the father and the mother look at me with the most terrified gazes."
You snorted, burying your lips into your hands as you laughed as quietly as possible, as to not disturb the rest of the residents during their breakfast and soon enough, tears were filling up your eyes.
Karno sat up straight again and took a sip of his coffee, his lips quivering into a smile around the rim of his cup as he did so. His eyes looked at you and softened, affection coloring his expression and becoming its perfect description. He reached a hand out towards you and you placed your hand in his, on top of the table, allowing him to wrap his fingers around it and trace the back of it with his thumb. "My ophelia, you truly are the photography of happiness, right now."
The boy looked up at his father, the innocence of his gaze melting away all the sins Zyglavis had witnessed over the rippling water of the reflecting pool. "Papa..." He uttered, slowly. His hand was already within his father's, but he came closer, his small arms, fragile as they were, wrapped themselves around his father's legs. "I'm not sad." He said, voice soft, gentle and observing their interaction, you could've believed it was the song of a bird, welcoming the golden hour.
The way you describe him. 😭🥹💖💖💖
"I'm not sad"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Zyglavis × reader
Warnings: none
For the fluffbruary event (@fluffbruary )

Prompts: breakfast | valley | sign (Day 29/2024)
The morning light slipped through the tree branches like strings, turning the soil of the forest floor into a piece of golden embroidery. Birds sang in the distance, their melody awaking the souls of the forest, as it swayed and danced around the tree trunks, like nhymphs you couldn't catch with a naked eye.
The young boy's eyes brightened, wonder enhancing his features.
Zyglavis smiled down at the young boy that resembled him almost entirely. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to spend much time with you this week? Will you forgive me?"
The boy looked up at his father, the innocence of his gaze melting away all the sins Zyglavis had witnessed over the rippling water of the reflecting pool. "Papa..." He uttered, slowly. His hand was already within his father's, but he came closer, his small arms, fragile as they were, wrapped themselves around his father's legs. "I'm not sad." He said, voice soft, gentle and observing their interaction, you could've believed it was the song of a bird, welcoming the golden hour.
Your fingers tightened around the handle of the basket, a sign of the feelings that overtook you, rushing across your body along with the blood, like a river in a valley.
Zyglavis' hands slipped beneath his son's armpits and lifted him up, the smile brightening up his cherubic face matching the one his father's lips harbored right now, that he got to have him, his precious treasure in his arms. "I'm glad." He said, staring affectionately at his child. Your husband's eyes found yours, before parting again and being casted upon the young boy. "I was thinking we could have breakfast in this meadow your mom and I took you when you were a baby." He said, smiling fondly at the memories gifted to him by fate.
The young boy smiled brightly, his silky hair—that were tied into a ponytail with a white ribbon so it'd look like his father's—swaying above his frail back. "You're the best!" He announced, throwing his hands around his father's neck.
You approached the two of them, a basket filled with sweets, bread, milk and fruits in hand. You touched their soft heads softly and smiled gently. "I love you."
"We love you too." They both said in unison.
The unsuspecting victim...🤣🤣🤣
Me, coming back to Tauxy's life, to knock him out and drag him into some fic again, which may or may not be in a completely different universe and he just MIGHT die, or get several stab wounds, depending on how I feel:

This is such a lovely story... 🩷💜
I hope we see more of them in the future.
Requesting a human!Tauxolouve x Goddess Reader story. The ending is upto you. 💓
Hey there! Sorry this took so long. I had an idea almost immediately for this but then I think I got distracted by other things, including doing some Fluffbruary Fics, plus I was concerned that the timeline in this didn't make sense. (I'm still not 100% sure on that but this is somewhat an alternate timeline anyway)
Title: Wish of Fate
Rating: T
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Chapters: 2
Status: Complete
Total Word Count: 8,224
Pairing: Human!Tauxolouve/Goddess!Reader (background past Huedhaut/Clotho)
Major Characters: Goddess!Reader, Human!Tauxolouve, Huedhaut, Zyglavis, Aigonorus, The King of the Heavens
Minor Characters: Ichthys
Genre: Alternate Timeline, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: You are the Goddess of Sagittarius, heading to work to grant wishes as per usual, but with a feeling that something is about to happen. Tauxolouve is a receptionist at an Orphanage and his wishes to help the kids often reach the Heavens. When he finally wishes for himself - he asks to know what happened to his own parents. Who would have thought one innocent wish would cause such chaos? But then again, who would have foreseen that you would go to such lengths to see it granted?
A/N: The summary probably makes it clear that some details are the same as in canon, so spoilers for Huedhaut's path and Tauxolouve's path. Basically you can hopefully view this as an attempt of an 'If You Were A Goddess' special story for Tauxolouve. (Note: The Epilogue mentions MC but it's left intentionally vague who she is with so you can choose in your mind what first prologue path you think she might have taken in this timeline)
ETA (Midnight GMT): A few errors in the AO3 listing and one glaring error in the story have been fixed now, sorry everyone. 😅
Vicky (me) math is:
If Ichthys is crying = I'm crying too.
Requesting a happy Tauxolouve x goddess reader story? 😭😭😭😭🤧🥺💖💖
This is really late, sorry! And I hope a sequel to Three Months will be able to fulfil this in a way that you like.
Title: Three Dates
Sequel to: Three Months
Word Count: 6,510
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Pairings: Tauxolouve/Goddess!Reader, Teorus/MC (Shinobu) (mentioned only)
Characters: Tauxolouve, Goddess!Reader, Huedhaut, Ichthys, Karno, Teorus, Zyglavis, Cassiophilia, Scorpio, Aigonorus, Leon, Partheno
Rating: T
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Snippets of three dates that you and Tauxolouve take in the months following the events of Three Months.
A/N: Slight spoilers for the 'Autumn of Longing' special story
Karno: Looks at you. Smiles. Presses a kiss to your temple and continues doing whatever he was doing. (Spoiler alert: Tonight say bye bye to your spine. It'll be joining the Kangaroos in Australia very soon, aka tonight)
Bye bye to spine lol 🤣🤣🤣
Ice cream 🫠 🤣🤣🤣
The gods' reactions to you gripping their thigh
Leon: Rest in peace to you AND your spine
Scorpio: Blushed. Then screeched so hard he accidentally called a poor dolpin's mom a scum
Teorus: You do realize you gotta do that every day now, cause he likes it, right?
Dui: *sigghhh* He is so touch starved he almost cried at the physical contact. Please, hold him or I will
Huedhaut: This man... *sniffling* He placed his hand on top of yours and laced fingers with you *screeching like Scorpio did earlier*
Ichthys: Bro realized how much of a sub he actually is AND BOI DID HE NOT SEE THAT SHIT COMING
Karno: Looks at you. Smiles. Presses a kiss to your temple and continues doing whatever he was doing. (Spoiler alert: Tonight say bye bye to your spine. It'll be joining the Kangaroos in Australia very soon, aka tonight)
Zyglavis: "What?" "What do you mean 'what'?" "You wanted something." "I wanted to grip your thigh, Zyg, for you's sake! Let me have my moment!"
Aigonorus: "Why the grip? Something scared you?" You kinda wanna call him a dumbass, but he's too cute and you can't find the strength
Krioff: Blushes and stays silent. "Kri?" He nods slowly, still refusing to stop looking at the ground. "You okay, baby?" He nods again. His brain is like a computer that had orange juice spilt all over it
Partheno: Room overflowed with cum. There are no survivors.

Star-Crossed Myth - Karno x Reader
Words: 592
Prompt(s): New Beginnings from Flufftober Spring Edition Day 1 at @flufftober
Summary: You never thought this moment would come, and now that it did, you worry Karno only accepted it to make you happy, with the way he seems worried for your future
Tags: Fluff, Slight Alternative Canon, Reader Turned into a Goddess
Just a short something I made to warm back into the fandom. I struggled a bit with the ending but...
I have one more project in development, as well as a few requests I will finally be working on so I will be a little more active in the fandom for a while
Star-Crossed Myth Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3

Your first sight when waking up was your boyfriend’s face and the relieved smile he gave you when you woke up.
Karno was sitting on a chair by the bed
“How long was I out for?” You asked, sitting up. It felt like no time at all.
“Four days. I was worried something had gone wrong.”
“Is that even possible?” You laughed.
“Leon said it isn’t, but I would only be able to rest when I saw you were okay by myself. How are you feeling?”
“Weird. And strangely tired.”
“That’s normal for your first few days. You might take some time adjusting.”
Karno moved to sit on the edge of the bed, and you snuggled up to him, only to be caught in a tight embrace.
“You were that worried?” You asked softly, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“I just missed you. We haven’t spent that long without talking to each other for a while. I forgot how lonely that felt.”
He actually sounded a little embarrassed at the admission that he was feeling lonely, so you hugged him back, chuckling.
“Well, look at it this way. From now on, you’ll never be alone anymore.” You kissed his temple.
Karno sighed and laid down, pulling you almost on top of him.
“Sometimes I worry about what it cost you for this.”
“You agreed to it.” You reminded, gently kissing him. “I thought it was because you trusted me. I knew the consequences of my choice, but you know what I had to sacrifice was small compared to what both of us gained from this.”
Your job was the only thing holding you back on Earth, and it was a small sacrifice to stand by your husband’s side for the rest of time, instead of cursing him with the weight of your death.
“I do trust you. That’s why I didn’t try to convince you not to do this. I knew it was your decision to accept Leon’s offer or not.”
“It wasn’t. It was a decision that affects both of us. That was why I asked you. I already told you not to go along with things because I decided.”
Karno chuckled, caressing your cheek, before pulling you closer for a kiss.
“I didn’t. I really was fine with this change, and that was because you changed me. It was your choice, but if it had happened earlier, I don’t think I would have been able to accept it so easily. I didn’t need you to change for me, but I wasn’t as against the idea as I’ve been. I love you, and it wasn’t only because you were human. You’re the only person I could ever love, no matter what you chose to be.” Karno pulled you completely on top of him this time, giving you a quick kiss. “Now rest, my love.”
He pulled you down to lie down on his chest. You wanted to protest, but your body didn’t respond to your attempts to pull yourself up.
“Are you really going to stay like this?”
“As long as you won’t sleep for another four days.” He chuckled, caressing your hair with one hand, and the other took one of your hands, intertwining your fingers, before he pulled it to kiss the back of your hand. “We’ll have a lot of time together once you adjust.”
As much time as you wanted.
“See you tomorrow, then.” You whispered, tightening your hold on his hand. “I love you.”
You snuggled to him and let sleep claim you.

Tag List: @imhereforscm, @juliettebbgamer
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
Star-Crossed Myth Masterlist / General Masterlist
My personal headcanon about Leon, is that he was a chubby baby.🥺😭
One of the best fics that i have read so far. 🤧 😭❤️❤️
Some of the best moments-
The ponytailed God bowed to you.
One of the best descriptions of Zyglavis. 🤣
Tauxolouve tilted his head slightly, smiling brightly. “Yup, we grant the wishes of Humans that are strong enough to reach the Heavens. Just because Zig is old and jaded -”
“I am younger than you!” Zyglavis snapped.
LMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣
Zyglavis scowled. “The way that question was worded was a little biassed towards your department was it not? Both Wishes and Punishments are needed in order to maintain the balance of the Earth and the Heavens as you well know.”
Tauxolouve closed his eyes, smiling brightly in Zyglavis’ direction. He chuckled. “So you do admit that my department is important as well then.”
“...” Zyglavis looked to the side
LAMO 🤣🤣🤣
Your writing is wonderful!✨️✨️✨️ ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you will a write second part. Please!!! 🙏🥺
Hello! 🙂
I hope you aren't too busy at the moment.
I would like to request a story where Tauxolouve dies and is reborn as The King's son. Who falls in love with a human girl who became a Goddess. This human girl is not the MC from the game.
The details and the ending are upto you.
Thank you ❤️
Sorry this took a bit longer than I was expecting, though hopefully the length this ended up being explains that! (Was determined to get this up tonight so hopefully I didn't miss anything when rechecking through and formatting on AO3. It's gone midnight here 😅 )
Title: The Reborn Prince and The Ascended Goldfish
Rating: T
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Status: Complete
Total Word Count: 16,832
Pairing: Tauxolouve/Goddess!Reader
Major Characters: Goddess!Reader, Tauxolouve, King of the Heavens, Huedhaut, Karno, Ichthys
Minor Characters: Teorus, Zyglavis, Leon, Aigonorus, Scorpio, Dui, Partheno, Krioff
Genre: Alternate Timeline, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: The King of the Heavens refused to give Tauxolouve a home in the Heavens, but on the night of Tauxolouve's death he realises he had made a mistake and intervenes to raise his soul to that of a full God and raise him as his son.
Thousands of years later, you are a human whose business has failed due to issues beyond your control and when the King of the Heavens offers to raise you to a Goddess to start a new life, you take it.
The King offers you a place in Punishments, but Tauxolouve (who is Minister of Wishes) reveals that both departments are actually a God short right now.
However, The King immediately warns you away from Tauxolouve, and you soon find yourself wrapped up in secrecy in order to avoid the King's disapproval. All on top of discovering your divine powers and getting used to your powers and the other Zodiac Gods.
A/N: As this contains the reader finding out their divine power and talk about other divine powers and their issues, there are at least alluded to spoilers for quite a lot of the routes. Some things are still the same, but as I say this is an alternate timeline and the positions in Wishes are slightly different. As to how? Read the fic to find out! 😉 Not beta read, any mistakes ae my own.