Hello Mello it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm M.A.J Boughey an aspiring illustrator, graphic designer, and story/poem writer. My goal in life is to be an author and illustrator of my own book series.
28 posts
This Is An Old Design Of My Avatar That I Created A While Back. I Plan On Recreating This Sometime In

This is an old design of my avatar that I created a while back. I plan on recreating this sometime in the future with the updated version of my avatar.
This was sketched out then created on Illustrator.
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This is the last part of the poem book I created as my FMP (Final Major Project) of my level 3 Graphic Design course.
The book is called ‘A Poet’s Quarry’, it’s called this because it’s a place that inspiration can be found and extracted. All the poems were written by me through out my life and were finished off for the FMP.
The illustrations that go with the poems were created using mixed media, such as collage, water colour paint, photography, and others. They were first sketched out by hand, then they were edited and coloured in Adobe Photoshop. Some of the illustration also include the latest version of my avatar in them.
The physical book was bound and put together by me by hand.
The book, illustrations, and poems are all created by me.
I didn’t make the fonts.
The first part of the book is here: https://majboughey.tumblr.com/post/709520855673225216/this-is-the-first-part-of-the-poem-book-i-created
The second part of the book is here: https://majboughey.tumblr.com/post/709521110655533056/this-is-the-second-part-of-the-poem-book-i-created

These are backgrounds I created for the Unit 33 Applied Practice Collaborative project for my HND course in year 2. The project was to create a collaborative presentation on the climate crisis, with a group of people from our class. The group I was in had five people including me, and we all assigned roles to each other for the project. One of my roles was to create the backgrounds for the presentation, as illustration and drawing are two of my strengths.
I created the backgrounds using my drawing tablet to sketch out ideas based on the climate crisis. I then asked my team members which ones they wanted to use and then finish the final backgrounds for them.
Each background has a name: The green one is called “Green Foliage”, the purple one is called “Melting Ice Cave”, the blue one is called “Pottery Waves”, the pink one is called “Fire flowers”, and the yellow one is called “Forest Fire”.
The backgrounds were created in Photoshop by me.

This is a quote poster and font that was created by me for my typography project for HND course year 1. The brief we got instructed us to design a poster for the Ministry of Sound using a song quote of our choice.
We had to create a font based on that quote we chose. I chose the song quote ‘Garden of Sound’ from the song ‘rock and roll heaven by The Pretty Reckless’. I created a font based on the garden of Eden as the quote reminded me of it, especially paired with the title ‘rock and roll heaven’. I drew the font by hand with pencil first then inked it with pen. I then edited it in Adobe Photoshop.
I hand painted the background first, then edited it in Adobe Photoshop.
The quote belongs to The Pretty Reckless.
The Ministry of Sound Logo belongs to the Ministry of Sound.
The font was created by me.

This was a poster that was requested by a staff member at the college that I’m friends with. She requested it after she saw my quote that I created for remembrance day. I drew the illustration for the poster by hand, and edited it on Photoshop to have the quote, and borders on it. It was my first time drawing tigers, so I'm still quite proud of it.
I don’t own the fonts.

This is the first part of the poem book I created as my FMP (Final Major Project) of my level 3 Graphic Design course.
The book is called ‘A Poet’s Quarry’, it’s called this because it’s a place that inspiration can be found and extracted. All the poems were written by me through out my life and were finished off for the FMP.
The illustrations that go with the poems were created using mixed media, such as collage, water colour paint, photography, and others. They were first sketched out by hand, then they were edited and coloured in Adobe Photoshop. Some of the illustration also include the latest version of my avatar in them.
The physical book was bound and put together by me by hand.
The book, illustrations, and poems are all created by me.
I didn’t make the fonts.
The second part of the book is here: https://majboughey.tumblr.com/post/709521110655533056/this-is-the-second-part-of-the-poem-book-i-created
The last part of the book is here: https://majboughey.tumblr.com/post/709522052408852480/this-is-the-last-part-of-the-poem-book-i-created