malestransforming - Males Transforming
Males Transforming

I write about men transforming.

73 posts

Hey Man Lifes Stressful. Do You Think You Could Change Me? Take Away Some Of That Stress And Make Me

hey man life’s stressful. do you think you could change me? take away some of that stress and make me dumber and buffer


Welcome to my changing room. No need to thank me. You have been selected! You're going to love what I have in store for you. I heard the poor baby has some stress in his life. Oh dear, what a poor baby. Let me make it better for you. I'll change your life so your only stress is not having enough hours in the day to pump in the gym.

Oh you like that idea, huh? I can tell — your dick is already hard. Let's start there... I'll make it a little bigger. Oh, your balls need to be much lower than that, and they need to be fucking heavy man. Give 'em a squeeze. Feels good, right?

Now where to go from here? How about down? Your butt is awful flat... I'll fix it. Feel it grow and inflate. Feel it firm up and shift out. Feel it squeeze and tighten. Damn, that's a great ass.

Your thighs and legs. They're bigger. Those muscles might be sore for a bit — you just finished a big workout!

You want a 6 pack? 8 pack? Must be nice to watch all that fat and chub melt away... to be replaced by chiselled abs and an adonis belt you could hang a spoon off of. Go ahead and flex that. I'm gonna widen your shoulders a ton. You're gonna have trouble fitting through doorways son! You'll need thick arms, bulging veins. You are a fucking muscle beast bro!

I'll add some muscle to your chest and pecs. Feel that burning and stretching. Your nipples are relocating to the tip of your pec. Perfectly little brown circles. And just a wee bit sensitive. Especially if I rub my finger around like this.

You like that. I saw your dick twitch. You love nipple play now. Especially when guys, ahem - you're gay too, when guys lick around it with their tongues.

Time for your face. Boyish looks. You have the bod, but your face is clean and smooth. And this is going to be the fun part for me — the mental changes! You're fucking dumb as all shit bro! Ch'yeah bro, don't worry about using that head of yours. Just keep pumping that muscle up and taking selfies in the mirror. With a face and a body like yours, who needs to think?

Hey Man Lifes Stressful. Do You Think You Could Change Me? Take Away Some Of That Stress And Make Me
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More Posts from Malestransforming

1 year ago

Punish me, if you dare.

malestransforming - Males Transforming
2 years ago

Argh, I hate these muscle hunks that you’re turning everyone into. My neighbourhood is now full of them, it’s like a curse!

Watch out, one day I’ll find a way to revert everyone’s changes… just have to do it before you get to everyone.


Welcome to my Changing Room. What’s wrong? You look angry. Sorry, that door is locked. … So is that one. Yeah, you’re pretty much trapped here. Let’s get you strapped in. There we go, you’re secured in the chair now. The straps around your wrists and ankles aren’t too tight are they? They’ll adjust, so don’t worry.

Dude! Stop thrashing your head around like that. Calm down. You’re going to leave here soon and be so happy. I promise. Oh no… Why are you crying? Begging won’t fix anything. It’s not my fault I caught wind of you trying to undo my plans. That’s on you for spilling the beans. I can’t have people working against me, and now I need to make an example out of you.

Where to start, where to start. How about your chest? I'm going to use you to send a message, so I'm going bigger. But first ... taller. How's the weather up there? You're approaching 7 feet! Wider jaw, square-r head, big flat forehead, salt and pepper scruff on your face and chin. No mental changes yet, I want you to see how big you're going to get before I make you a dumb muscle jock.

Try to enjoy your shoulders cracking and stretching. They're so wide. You have a huge wingspan. Let's make your arms and chest bigger. Hm, not big enough. Feel the muscles pulsating and heating up. Still not big enough! More, more, more. It looks like you have balloons under your skin. Look at those veins! You're a heavy lifter. Just look at yourself!

Argh, I Hate These Muscle Hunks That Youre Turning Everyone Into. My Neighbourhood Is Now Full Of Them,

Oh stop crying. I'll wipe your tears away — yum, delicious. You love this. I can tell from your dick. Let's make it a little smaller, but thicker and wider. Chicks will love that.

Your legs are going to be massive too. Feel your body rise up in the seat as I pump up your ass. Your thighs are stretching to the limit! There's absolutely no thigh gap now. Your legs skin are basically always touching because of how big your mass is.

Argh, I Hate These Muscle Hunks That Youre Turning Everyone Into. My Neighbourhood Is Now Full Of Them,

Time to release the restraints. Go ahead, have a feel of your body, bro. It's meaty, right? What's that? You like it? You want me to finish the job? I thought you'd never ask!

The world is slowing down. You're a simple kind of guy — wake up, pump up, eat up. The gym is your home, and your life is just about cutting, shredding and packing on the muscle.

You're my warning to the rest of the world; if you think you can defy my plans, then you have another thing coming. I can do anything, don't forget. Now get out of my sight.


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1 year ago

So good that I wish I had written it!

Two sides of the same coin - MVP

"Come on! That shot was easy! Even a baby could have done it, even Cedric here!" Buck shouted in full voice.

Two Sides Of The Same Coin - MVP

Cedric tried to crawl into the plastic seat he was sitting in even further. If there was a dictionary entry for "cringe", there would be a picture of his father right next to it. The older man had been drinking heavily since noon, and when he wasn't shouting about how much better he was than everyone else, he was busy humiliating Cedric. Sometimes, like right now, he even managed to do both at the same time.

His dad, Buck, was the very definition of a redneck. From drinking during the day to the pickup truck he drove, everything about that 40 year old man fit together to form one big cliché. He was loud, drunk and always ready to pick a fight. He never missed an opportunity to tell you that you were doing something wrong or that you should try harder. And of course, he was always better than everyone else, at least in theory. The very definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Cedric, on the other hand, was nothing short of a nerd. He had been raised by his mother after his parents divorced when he was three years old and was a smart guy. With his 20 years, he was already half way through university and working towards a Master's degree in computer science. But all that meant little to Buck. He couldn't stand anyone who wasn't as dumb as he was, and he especially hated nerds. Of course, another thing that made their relationship difficult was that Cedric was gay - a fact that Buck knew and constantly made fun of every chance he got.

Two Sides Of The Same Coin - MVP

Every now and then, Cedric tried to better his relationship with his dad, like today, where they went to a hockey game together. Cedric hated every second of it. The mind-numbing sport, the shouting, the drinking, the cliché male atmosphere... and of course his father. Well, it was halftime already, not much longer to endure.

"Hey, are you listening, boy?" Buck's pronunciation was slurred slightly, as he leaned closer.

"I said that I need to take a piss!" Buck said more loudly than necessary. "Come!"

Cedric didn't know why he had to come along, but he groaned and followed his father.

Since it was halftime, there already was a long line of men in front of the public restroom.

"See, that's what I'm talking about, they don't teach you the useful shit in your fancy school." Buck grumbled and pointed at the line. "Now look at them. They're all waiting their turn like good little boys. And they're gonna miss half of the game. Come on, this way."

Buck led Cedric through maintenance corridors until they arrived at a door, which he opened with a grand gesture.

"But this locker room here is never ever used. The players are all out in the field now and the door is always unlocked. If I were the manager here, I'd fire the janitor."

Buck shrugged his shoulder and walked to one of the steel urinals on the wall.

"You stand watch while your old man does his business!"

All of this made Cedric really uncomfortable. This was basically breaking into an area they were not supposed to be in, and he had to stand here and watch over his horrible dad.

Something on the ground caught his attention and he bent down to pick it up. A curious coin was lying on the floor. He pocketed it to show it a friend who was into collecting later. Perhaps at least something positive would come out of this.

He was interrupted in his thoughts by his father shouting loudly: "What the fuck!"

As he looked over, he saw that Buck was looking down at his crotch. At first, Cedric thought it was some kind of bad joke, but the surprise seemed genuine. Curiosity got the better of him and Cedric looked over. At first, he didn't understand what was wrong until he saw his dad's cock. It was really big, really dark and really stiff. Cedric didn't know why Buck was so aroused all of a sudden, but then he noticed something was clearly wrong. As he was watching, the stiff member got even darker and, more importantly, even longer. It was growing out in a frightening speed and looked less and less like flesh by the second.

"What's going on? Hold on, I'm gonna call the ambulance." Cedric took out his phone and cursed under his breath. No reception. Then he froze. The hand that was holding his phone was wrong. It was not his hand, but it was much bigger. His whole body was tingling weirdly, as his frame shot up in height and width. All of a sudden, his clothes felt tight and uncomfortable, and Cedric struggled to get out of them.

"What the hell?" He muttered, as he watched himself grow larger quickly. He was still wearing his jeans, but they were too small for him now. He quickly pulled them off and threw them away before he looked over to his dad again.

The older man had his own troubles. His cock had grown to at least 75 cm length by now and was obviously made out of blackened wood. The tip was larger and bent. Overall, it looked like a hockey stick that was firmly attached to the older man’s groin and just finished growing into the full size.

Just then, a clacking noise was heard as something fell down to the ground below Buck. He looked down to see a hockey puck between his legs and his face went white as he grabbed between his legs with his left hand.

"That's my balls! That's my freaking balls!"

Meanwhile, Cedric's body was becoming more and more muscular. His bi- and triceps grew huge, and his legs got stronger with firm muscles as well.

A slight coating of hair grew in on his pecs that became more manly and impressive by the moment. Impressive was also a good word to describe his crotch! A large cock and balls surrounded by some curly manly hair hung proudly between his massive legs.

Meanwhile, Bucks cock had finished transforming into a hockey stick. His clothing dissolved and revealed a most unusual sight: The skin on his upper body was getting redder, unnaturally so. However, below the waistline, his legs turned a bright blue. His whole body puffed out and looked more and more like synthetic fabric, probably polyester. His head on the other hand, became red and shiny metallic with his face forming into a protective metal grate.

Buck's crotch, which was already cock- and ballless turned into a protective cup, complete with jockstrap.

Cedric could only watch in shock as his former father collapsed to the ground, now nothing more than a heap of protective gear for a star hockey player. A hockey player like... Cedric? Cedric held his head, which squared out into a manly, rugged face. Yes, that seemed right. He needed to hurry, halftime was nearly over. He needed to get back to the ice, to bring his team to victory!

Cedric briefly wondered why he had stripped completely just to use the urinal, but he finished pissing quickly and got dressed again.

The bulky hockey uniform that was once Cedric’s father felt proud of his son for the first time as he tightly wrapped the large masculine body. His son was a star ice hockey player, and his job was to protect his body and be his tool - a task he felt most useful and content in.

Two Sides Of The Same Coin - MVP

If you enjoyed this story, perhaps the other ones of the series are also something you'd like.

2 years ago

Hey! Huge fan from FA! I'm so glad you're back! I always wanted to see how I would look like in any kind of uniform. Would you be so kind to grant that wish?


Welcome, welcome, welcome. Yes, you're here. No, you're not dreaming. Yes, you can get naked. In fact I encourage you to be naked.

You want a uniform, huh? I love uniforms.

Let's get a good look at you... You're on the short side. I can fix that. Feel your body aching and stretching and cracking, as you grow up to over 6 foot. You're like 6 foot, 3 inches now. Tall. Nothing wrong with short guys, but tall guys can get it too.

Your top half is going to be bigger than your top half. Sorry, my guy, you like the gym but work is going to get in the way of going consistently. So, I think you'll have big, broad shoulders, beefy arms and some meaty legs. ... Fine, I'll give you a chest and abs to match. Feel the burn, the prickling skin as it matches to fit in your expanding muscles. Feel your blood rushing through your veins, pumping through your new muscles.

Man, you look better than I expected.

Face time! This is my favourite part. I'm going to crack your skull and face wider — big, pinch-able cheeks. With some great beard growth. Dark eyes, dark hair - it's the perfect combination. You're cute, with a big body to go along with it. Dark hair. Slicked back, dark hair! Oh, you're vaguely Italian? From New Jersey. You love your Italian roots.

Okay, take a look at yourself. Looking good! All that's missing is the uniform you asked for. Put these black dress pants on, and these black sneakers. I have a black t-shirt too — careful not to spoil your hair! You spent ages getting it perfect. And the pièce de résistance, your new Starbucks apron. Slip it on bro. You look great! You look disappointed... Why are you bummed out? It's not the uniform you wanted? Oh, I can change that too. I'll finish off with those mental changes.

You're in your twenties, working at Starbucks to save for college. You get to the gym every now and then, but you spend a lot of time slinging coffee. You played football in high school - those were the days. In your spare time you like the clubs down on the Shore, fist bumping until the wee hours.

One last touch, you have to have that one perfect thing... Give me a smile; I'll just tweak your teeth and lips and perfect. Okay now, back to work!

Hey! Huge Fan From FA! I'm So Glad You're Back! I Always Wanted To See How I Would Look Like In Any Kind

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2 years ago

I’m hoping you can work your magic on me a bit. Any chance you could turn me into a massive muscle-bound Himbo? I’ve always wanted to push the limits of how muscular the human body can get, but have been struggling to get big enough myself to test those limits.


So I hear you want to be a muscle himbo. I really want this for you. You deserve it. I’ve got to make you bigger. You’re going to be huge. Get ready! Yes, take off your clothes - I’m going to make a new you so it’s better if we can see all of it.

Remember, bigger is better. So that’s why I’m going to shrink you down to about 5 foot 10. I know, I know - I did say bigger … Trust me on this. You’re a shorter guy now! Please don’t be sad, I’m gonna bulk you up hard - you’ll see. It all starts with your chest… a slight prickling under the skin. Like your muscle is pulsating. The it spreads down your arms, to your back and stomach. The pulsing is growing in intensity now. Your insides are heating up and your muscles and skin a beginning to stretch and expand. That feeling is wrapping around your thighs and quads, heading down to your legs and feet. It’s getting stronger. It feel like your skin is burning - waves of warmth and intense muscle pain are going through your whole body, faster and faster and faster.

Open your eyes! Look down! You’re getting bigger! Every muscle is stretching and growing. You’re feeling a burn on every part of your body. Watch your pecs push out to two gigantic globes. Feel the instense strain on your oblique muscles near your perfectly chiselled abs. They’re stretching out! You may be shorter, but you’re getting wider too. Try and put your arms down by your sides… You can’t do it bro, you’re too fucking big!!

Feel the last little bit of you grow now. You’ll have a cute face. Smaller nose. Shaggy, brown hair. Thick lips. And himbo energy! You’re all about yourself and the gym. You fuck anything that moves, but you’re an idiot. Try to think of a word with 3 syllables - you can’t do it. You don’t even know what a syllable is.

Here are some gym shorts and a baseball cap. Throw them on! No, no, no — put the cap on backwards. That's the kind of guy you are now! Do a pose for me. Perfect. It’s time to hit the gym! I love the new you.

Im Hoping You Can Work Your Magic On Me A Bit. Any Chance You Could Turn Me Into A Massive Muscle-bound
Im Hoping You Can Work Your Magic On Me A Bit. Any Chance You Could Turn Me Into A Massive Muscle-bound

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