Everything Powers - Tumblr Posts
Hey. I'm not happy with who I am. Can you make a change, please? I don't care what it is.
Oh hi. Thanks for your question.
How did you know I could do anything? It's a secret, but I have everything powers. I can do anything and everything. First of all, let me snap my fingers and magic you to The Changing Room.

Welcome. It's pretty plain here right now, but it will work.
So let's get a good look at you. You're skinny fat, short, wear glasses, nothing interesting or uninteresting. So let's change that. First of all you need to be naked, whoop, there go your clothes.
You need some meat on you! Let's bubble up those thighs and calves, get them muscled and big. Yeah, that's it. It feels like I'm squeezing your muscles really hard, and I am, just not literally. Look down, those massive hairy legs are yours now. I'll make the feet bigger too. Your thighs are massive bro, you squat every fucking day and you love it.
Feel the heat around your dick? It's getting bigger. You're a show-er and a grow-er now. It's fucking thick and might. Go ahead and touch it. Feels good, right?
Okay, I'll widen your hips and torso now. You've got some abs — they're not chiseled, but they don't need to be. You're built for power and strength. Your chest and pecs though bro, you're gonna love them! Feel that heat? Steady now, you're losing your balance. Use those massive trunk thighs you've got to stay steady. Oh yeah, you're jacked. Let's move to your shoulders and go down your arms and make them huge to match. Did you hear that pop? Your shoulders are fucking huge man. Let me rub your arms for you, they are looking perfect too.
Actually, I just want to go back and add some slight definition to your obliques. You feel that? Felt like you were getting bigger, and you are! Okay, you look weird with just the bottom half covered in hair. Let's add some more to your top. Don't scratch it! I know it tickles, but it's gotta come in properly.
Okay, the face. You're like 35, 36 right? We'll keep you at that age. You are large and in charge. I'll make your nose slightly smaller, your eyes bigger and poof up your hair a little. I want to add some character to your face, so let me lift up your ears a little bit. Don't worry, I won't make you look weird, I just think you should have a cute feature. Perfect.
And I'm done. Nice job by me, if I do say so myself. I'll sprinkle some mental changes too I think... You're a bro, you love to work out and lift weights, but you're not a dumbass. That head squeeze was me just passing on those changes.
Okay before you go, I have these swim suit for you. Throw this on. Damn, you're sexy. It really brings out your fucking thick legs! I did good on those, eh?

I saw your post. Can you change me? I want to be a beefcake... Please!!
I love beefcakes. The bigger the better!
And you asked so nicely... Sure, I will help you. Let's go all out on this one, shall we?
Welcome to my Changing Room! Nice to have you here. Now let's take a look at you... Fuck man, you're tall. And slightly overweight. That's good though. We can work with this.
You know, there are a lot of different types of beefcakes — it isn't a one size fits all type of thing. I can tell you're eager man, you want to be fucking huge, and I'm gonna do that for you. Let's go.
Your pecs have to be massive. They're pushing out right now, just pure fucking muscle, flowing over your torso. They're heavy. You're going to be so fucking heavy. Your oblique and abdominal muscles are shredded. They're perfect and absolutely jacked. Go ahead and clench your abs, tight right?
I can see you're getting hard already. Don't touch your dick yet. I'm actually going to make it slightly smaller, not but much... it'll still push 7 inches when fully erect, but it's going to be MEATY bro. Look at how thick that fucking thing is. Okay, go ahead and touch it now. How does that feel?
Your ass has to be tight too. It has to match the size of your chest. You've got some massive padding down there.
Okay back up to the shoulders. This part will feel weird because I'm going to crack your shoulders apart and make them wider. Your arms are absolutely massive. Look at those veins man. Flex them! You're a beast. Your hands are meaty, calloused and gigantic.
Thighs! You have no thigh gap now. Those things are trunks. Take a look, see how they're expanding and pulsing. All that is pure muscle. Some fuckers skip leg day, but not you — you put in the work. Your calfs too are pristine and packed with muscle.
Let me go back to your shoulders. I really want to make those look good. Your legs are great, but you spend the most time working on your shoulders, pecs and deltoids. Feels weird, right? It's years of intense workouts happening all at once as I build muscle instantly.
Okay, last few changes. I think I you're gonna lose your hair, and it's not because I don't like you... It's because I have something special planned. So your head is hairless, but you have some great facial hair and an excellent moustache. Just want to widen your nose and make your lips slightly smaller... Perfect.
Okay, I'm gonna do the final changes now. That pressure on your head is just my thumb. I have to do the mental changes, because a guy who looks like you has to act different! First, you're younger, 25 years old. You basically live at the gym... Exercise is your job. You're bisexual and you're a fucking dumbass meathead. And now you're perfect.
Take a look at yourself buddy. Do a pose for me. Flex that chest! Okay, now stand and just look at me like you're the most badass person in the world — because you are!

Hey! Huge fan from FA! I'm so glad you're back! I always wanted to see how I would look like in any kind of uniform. Would you be so kind to grant that wish?
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Yes, you're here. No, you're not dreaming. Yes, you can get naked. In fact I encourage you to be naked.
You want a uniform, huh? I love uniforms.
Let's get a good look at you... You're on the short side. I can fix that. Feel your body aching and stretching and cracking, as you grow up to over 6 foot. You're like 6 foot, 3 inches now. Tall. Nothing wrong with short guys, but tall guys can get it too.
Your top half is going to be bigger than your top half. Sorry, my guy, you like the gym but work is going to get in the way of going consistently. So, I think you'll have big, broad shoulders, beefy arms and some meaty legs. ... Fine, I'll give you a chest and abs to match. Feel the burn, the prickling skin as it matches to fit in your expanding muscles. Feel your blood rushing through your veins, pumping through your new muscles.
Man, you look better than I expected.
Face time! This is my favourite part. I'm going to crack your skull and face wider — big, pinch-able cheeks. With some great beard growth. Dark eyes, dark hair - it's the perfect combination. You're cute, with a big body to go along with it. Dark hair. Slicked back, dark hair! Oh, you're vaguely Italian? From New Jersey. You love your Italian roots.
Okay, take a look at yourself. Looking good! All that's missing is the uniform you asked for. Put these black dress pants on, and these black sneakers. I have a black t-shirt too — careful not to spoil your hair! You spent ages getting it perfect. And the pièce de résistance, your new Starbucks apron. Slip it on bro. You look great! You look disappointed... Why are you bummed out? It's not the uniform you wanted? Oh, I can change that too. I'll finish off with those mental changes.
You're in your twenties, working at Starbucks to save for college. You get to the gym every now and then, but you spend a lot of time slinging coffee. You played football in high school - those were the days. In your spare time you like the clubs down on the Shore, fist bumping until the wee hours.
One last touch, you have to have that one perfect thing... Give me a smile; I'll just tweak your teeth and lips and perfect. Okay now, back to work!

hey man life’s stressful. do you think you could change me? take away some of that stress and make me dumber and buffer
Welcome to my changing room. No need to thank me. You have been selected! You're going to love what I have in store for you. I heard the poor baby has some stress in his life. Oh dear, what a poor baby. Let me make it better for you. I'll change your life so your only stress is not having enough hours in the day to pump in the gym.
Oh you like that idea, huh? I can tell — your dick is already hard. Let's start there... I'll make it a little bigger. Oh, your balls need to be much lower than that, and they need to be fucking heavy man. Give 'em a squeeze. Feels good, right?
Now where to go from here? How about down? Your butt is awful flat... I'll fix it. Feel it grow and inflate. Feel it firm up and shift out. Feel it squeeze and tighten. Damn, that's a great ass.
Your thighs and legs. They're bigger. Those muscles might be sore for a bit — you just finished a big workout!
You want a 6 pack? 8 pack? Must be nice to watch all that fat and chub melt away... to be replaced by chiselled abs and an adonis belt you could hang a spoon off of. Go ahead and flex that. I'm gonna widen your shoulders a ton. You're gonna have trouble fitting through doorways son! You'll need thick arms, bulging veins. You are a fucking muscle beast bro!
I'll add some muscle to your chest and pecs. Feel that burning and stretching. Your nipples are relocating to the tip of your pec. Perfectly little brown circles. And just a wee bit sensitive. Especially if I rub my finger around like this.
You like that. I saw your dick twitch. You love nipple play now. Especially when guys, ahem - you're gay too, when guys lick around it with their tongues.
Time for your face. Boyish looks. You have the bod, but your face is clean and smooth. And this is going to be the fun part for me — the mental changes! You're fucking dumb as all shit bro! Ch'yeah bro, don't worry about using that head of yours. Just keep pumping that muscle up and taking selfies in the mirror. With a face and a body like yours, who needs to think?

Hello generous one. You've blessed so many worlds with your talents. I'm a big fan of your writing skills too. Now what do I have to do to be your canvas that gets turned into a hunky model of a man?
You made it! Welcome. Yes I know I transported you here instantly, but I find it’s nice to engage in some witty banter and greeting, especially if I’m about to alter your DNA and change you into an entirely different person! It helps lighten the mood a little bit.
Let’s get started, shall we? I’ve been thinking about your request and the words ‘hunky model’. I see a model as being cut, and tall and muscular but not too muscular. But hunky just adds a whole new dynamic to that. I think I know what I want to do with you? It might be something I just kind of make up as I go. Anyway…
Gone are your clothes! I am going to sculpt a perfect V shape from the top of your hips down to your groin. Those muscles are tight. I’ll inflate your thighs and legs with some really intense muscle. Actually, how about a little more… And a little more. And a little more. Okay, just a smidge more. Perfect. Squeeze your thigh. What a beauty.
Oh surprise! You got a tight butt too. Yeah, go ahead a clench it. Let me give it a squeeze too.
Abs? You got them. I’m changing the fat you’ve got into pure muscle. These are some really pretty abs. You’ll need them for all the underwear you’ll model. Pecs and chest will be moderately sized. Nothing over the top here. To be honest, I may have over done it with your thighs!
Just going to pump your arms up and boom! Look at those curvy muscles. You look so good. Now, I’m having a brainwave. I’m thinking… body hair! Kind of the opposite from models, maybe, but it’s going to look good on you, you’ll see. It’ll itch as it spreads across your torso, chest and stomach. Okay that might be too much hair. I’ll scale it back to just your chest and stomach. That looks great! You look rugged and handsome.
Face. Most models have pointy, thin faces. I don’t want that for you. Let’s shave your head down, angle your nose slightly and widen your jaw. Oh you look kind of Eastern European. Dark eyes, some facial hair. I like it.
You’re missing one final thing. You’re older now - I’m aging you up to late 30s. Don’t worry! I’ll put some memories in your head. Like this poor choice of tribal band tattoo on your right bicep. Your skin stings right? Look at your huge fucking arm - you have some ink now.
And you’re done! You’re a model, so not the smartest, but you’re not the dumbest either. I have your first thing you can mode right here. These yellow swimming trunks! Slip ‘em on and let me see you in them.

I’m hoping you can work your magic on me a bit. Any chance you could turn me into a massive muscle-bound Himbo? I’ve always wanted to push the limits of how muscular the human body can get, but have been struggling to get big enough myself to test those limits.
So I hear you want to be a muscle himbo. I really want this for you. You deserve it. I’ve got to make you bigger. You’re going to be huge. Get ready! Yes, take off your clothes - I’m going to make a new you so it’s better if we can see all of it.
Remember, bigger is better. So that’s why I’m going to shrink you down to about 5 foot 10. I know, I know - I did say bigger … Trust me on this. You’re a shorter guy now! Please don’t be sad, I’m gonna bulk you up hard - you’ll see. It all starts with your chest… a slight prickling under the skin. Like your muscle is pulsating. The it spreads down your arms, to your back and stomach. The pulsing is growing in intensity now. Your insides are heating up and your muscles and skin a beginning to stretch and expand. That feeling is wrapping around your thighs and quads, heading down to your legs and feet. It’s getting stronger. It feel like your skin is burning - waves of warmth and intense muscle pain are going through your whole body, faster and faster and faster.
Open your eyes! Look down! You’re getting bigger! Every muscle is stretching and growing. You’re feeling a burn on every part of your body. Watch your pecs push out to two gigantic globes. Feel the instense strain on your oblique muscles near your perfectly chiselled abs. They’re stretching out! You may be shorter, but you’re getting wider too. Try and put your arms down by your sides… You can’t do it bro, you’re too fucking big!!
Feel the last little bit of you grow now. You’ll have a cute face. Smaller nose. Shaggy, brown hair. Thick lips. And himbo energy! You’re all about yourself and the gym. You fuck anything that moves, but you’re an idiot. Try to think of a word with 3 syllables - you can’t do it. You don’t even know what a syllable is.
Here are some gym shorts and a baseball cap. Throw them on! No, no, no — put the cap on backwards. That's the kind of guy you are now! Do a pose for me. Perfect. It’s time to hit the gym! I love the new you.

Argh, I hate these muscle hunks that you’re turning everyone into. My neighbourhood is now full of them, it’s like a curse!
Watch out, one day I’ll find a way to revert everyone’s changes… just have to do it before you get to everyone.
Welcome to my Changing Room. What’s wrong? You look angry. Sorry, that door is locked. … So is that one. Yeah, you’re pretty much trapped here. Let’s get you strapped in. There we go, you’re secured in the chair now. The straps around your wrists and ankles aren’t too tight are they? They’ll adjust, so don’t worry.
Dude! Stop thrashing your head around like that. Calm down. You’re going to leave here soon and be so happy. I promise. Oh no… Why are you crying? Begging won’t fix anything. It’s not my fault I caught wind of you trying to undo my plans. That’s on you for spilling the beans. I can’t have people working against me, and now I need to make an example out of you.
Where to start, where to start. How about your chest? I'm going to use you to send a message, so I'm going bigger. But first ... taller. How's the weather up there? You're approaching 7 feet! Wider jaw, square-r head, big flat forehead, salt and pepper scruff on your face and chin. No mental changes yet, I want you to see how big you're going to get before I make you a dumb muscle jock.
Try to enjoy your shoulders cracking and stretching. They're so wide. You have a huge wingspan. Let's make your arms and chest bigger. Hm, not big enough. Feel the muscles pulsating and heating up. Still not big enough! More, more, more. It looks like you have balloons under your skin. Look at those veins! You're a heavy lifter. Just look at yourself!

Oh stop crying. I'll wipe your tears away — yum, delicious. You love this. I can tell from your dick. Let's make it a little smaller, but thicker and wider. Chicks will love that.
Your legs are going to be massive too. Feel your body rise up in the seat as I pump up your ass. Your thighs are stretching to the limit! There's absolutely no thigh gap now. Your legs skin are basically always touching because of how big your mass is.

Time to release the restraints. Go ahead, have a feel of your body, bro. It's meaty, right? What's that? You like it? You want me to finish the job? I thought you'd never ask!
The world is slowing down. You're a simple kind of guy — wake up, pump up, eat up. The gym is your home, and your life is just about cutting, shredding and packing on the muscle.
You're my warning to the rest of the world; if you think you can defy my plans, then you have another thing coming. I can do anything, don't forget. Now get out of my sight.
I had a friend who disappeared the other day. He said he had a plan to totally undermind and destroy you. But I can’t find him anywhere now! Did you have something to do with that? I hope you didn’t turn him in to a tall, dumb, hung meathead. He would have hated that!
Welcome, welcome. Sorry for the delay. I know, I've been absent for a while but I wasn't really gone. You see, I've been watching all of you for the past few months, biding my time, gathering and waiting for the right moment to pounce.
So relax, you're dumber now anyway. Chill, my dude. We'll pump up your testosterone in a minute, but for now just relish in the clarity. Who needs big thoughts anyway?
Because you were on to me, and quick to my schemes, I'm going to make an example out of you. You shall be my magnum opus. Shall we begin?
Let's get you out of those clothes first. In your new life, you will barely need them.
Your feet should be much bigger. Feel them crack and stretch. You've got fucking huge feet, bro.
While we're on the subject of huge... Everything about you is huge. Your legs are thickening, growing bigger and bigger. Your ass is expanding and your shoulders are so wide. You'll be going sideways through doors from now on!
Arms? Bigger arms for sure. 16- no 17 inch biceps. Go ahead and flex 'em. What do you think?
I’m gonna angle your jaw a bit, make you classically handsome to go with your brutish bull of a body. You'll dress up nice, but your body is made for showing off. Some stubble on your face is going to make your face perfect.
Something is missing. Your muscles are excellent, if I do say so myself, but they need a pop. What about some tattoos? The last guy I did had tattoos as well, but I want to go all out for you. How about we cover you in them! From head to toe, literally. Every inch of your muscled adonis is a canvas now. You'll have some cool designs, religious stuff, words and shit. Girls will love it, and so will the guys. Ah, it doesn't hurt does it? Take a look at your body, bro. See all the ink darkening on your skin? What do you think?
Okay, stand up for me. Steady on your feet! I'll correct your mind in a second. Oh shit! I forgot your dick. A man like you needs a thick penis to match. Go ahead and stroke it while it grows. See, it wasn't so bad! And to think, you were worried about your buddy before all of this. I assure you, he was just as happy as you are right now.
Okay, testosterone. You're dumb, but you make up for it with your body, of course. Lifting is your life now.
Let's get a full look at you. Yep, my best work yet! Now go get out of my sight, you fucking meathead.

Hey man. I’m trying to get big, but it’s slow and I wouldn’t mind if you used your powers to help. I’m 170 lbs rn, but I wanna be a muscle stud. Would also love to be able to turn other guys to muscle boys for company too
Welcome, welcome. Let's have a look at you. You're scrawny man. I can make you bigger, much bigger.
Feel your pecs and chest and shoulders push out. Go ahead and adjust your posture. Your veins are popping, your stomach is tightening, your arms are bulging. Your pecs are still growing bro, they're getting rounder and bigger and YEW! Take a look at yourself now. Is that big enough for you?

Hi, I've always wanted to grow a full beard and be like the other men , so hunky and muscled, but I Can't, could you help me sir?
You just want a beard, bro? Really? I can give you anything and you're sure you just want a beard? Reach for the stars man! Mind if I add a little more?
Feel your face itching? That's your beard coming through. Go ahead and touch it. Look at your hands...! They're throbbing and growing. You're taller. Don't worry, your back will settle in a second. Lemme pad out your ass and thighs. You're gonna need these muscles for what I have in mind. I can't leave you lookin' like a beanpole so I'm going to fill out your chest and shoulders now. What do you think. Go and flex for me. You look huge. You like your arms?
Okay, now this part is for me. Slip into these pants for me. They're gonna make your ass look really nice. Put these boots on too. Go ahead and tie the laces up nice and tight. But you're really gonna like this shirt. Sheriff? You're a cop now bro! Yeah, I thought you might like that. Go and button it up and tuck it into your pants. That shirt makes your arms look thick, right? Once you put this cap on, you can forget everything you knew before. Give us a smile. Looking great.

Hi, can you make me please a twunk with a aura? That even straight guys want to fuck me...
Remind me again what a twunk is? A muscular twink? Okay, I can work with that. Let's get started.
First of all, shorter. You have to be shorter. With a big mess of dark hair, an angular jaw and a young face. You need a stud in those ears too. Just the way Daddy likes it.
We'll plump your muscles up. Not too big though! How about some popping veins? Look at your arms bro, you like that?
Okay, lift up your shirt and do something sexy with it. Yeah! Just like that. Perfect.

And now why don't you try a pose or something. Yeah you can put it in your mouth, why not. Great, and flex!

Go on, get out of here bro. You have some weights to lift.
I always wanted to feel what it’s like to be a hockey player. Seeing them in their uniforms.. turns me on.
Hockey players are my speciality.
The first think you need is a big ass. It's okay, you can put your hands down there. You look shocked. It's not even close to being done. Bigger and bigger and bigger! There we go. A dump truck like that needs legs to match though, so let's get those thickened up.

What do you think, bud? You want to keep going?
You’ll need some beefy arms for all that hockey stick handling you’re about to do. You’ll have some really silky mitts!
You look the part, now to put the gear on.
Start with this, your base layer. It’s nice and tight, see. Makes your ass look good eh?
Strap your shin pads on next. And then slip these socks over top. You can probably guess what team you’re going on with those colours. Here are your pants, now you’re really looking big. Skates are next. Tie them tight!
All that’s left are shoulder pads, elbow pads and a jersey. What do you think of your number? Throw these gloves on and here’s your stick. Oh! I almost forgot your helmet. As soon as I put this on the change will be done. You’ll be a complete hockey player, from the way you talk to the way you dress. You’ll even have the skill. Ready for this? I bet you fucking are! You can’t wait to get out there and do some dirty dangles, eh bud? All right. Here it goes!

I’ve always wanted to be a young stud biker. Dumb, smelly leather gear, and obsessed with fucking.
Welcome, slut. I love leather too. Bikers are fucking hot, right? And you’re about to become one!
That’s it, take off all your clothes. Swing your dick around just like that. You’ve got some extra weigh on you, let’s get rid of it. You’ll need to be slender and aerodynamic. You’re not jacked, but you’ve got some muscles. A nice flat stomach. There, that’s nice. You have a big ass too; some perfect cushion for those long rides. And with a perfect hole that will beg to be filled, but I’ll get to that in a second.
You want a bigger dick? This thing is a two-hander! Go ahead and give it a rub. Feels good, amirite?
Back to that hole of yours. You’re gonna crave dick inside you. You’re gonna love it when guys cum in your ass, sloshing their seed up in you. You’re gonna drip cum out your asshole and love it. You’re a fucking cum slut.
I got the last piece for you - your very own motorcycle leathers. Go ahead and throw them on. You don’t need underwear! You’ll be able to rub one out on the side of the road this way. Trust me, it’s easier. Slide into those boots. You don’t need sock either. Let your feet get nasty inside. The smell makes it better.
Fasten your helmet and straddle your bike. You look fucking gorgeous. Now ride off and find a dick to worship.

Hi. I saw that you were happy to transform some guys. I wouldn't mind getting the ol' Hunkification treatment. Need a change in my life.
Come here bro. Have a sit down. Let me take care of you. Take off your shirt, that’s it. And your pants too. Skinny jeans? Forget those. Gym shorts will be more your style.
Now, where to start. Hair? It’s all over you. Your chest, legs, face and arms. It’s not crazy unkempt, but you have a satisfying amount. Let’s make it a reddish-brown tint. You’re not a redhead, per say. But in the right light you can see it.
A nice hairy chest like yours needs pecs to go with it. Guys are gonna love curling their fingers around that fur of yours! They’ll follow it down your six pack stomach and into your hairy groin and dick. Glorious.
Let’s pump up your arms too. You spend a lot of time working on your chest, shoulders and arms. It’s paying off big time.
Just got the finishing touches … I’m thinking stink? A hairy guy like you needs sweat and musk to go with it. Have a whiff of those hairy pits of yours. Smells good, right?

Working my usual white collar job, I sometimes I wonder if life would be easier if I were someone - or something - different. A firefighter, for instance! I could imagine being a hunky and hairy, manly and musky, daring and dirty firefighter who doesn't need to think so much all the time. Or, even a pair of underwear or a uniform for such a guy. But that's just daydreaming of course. Back to my job, I guess.
I got you, bro. Strip down for me. Your life is about to change dramatically. Yes, take off your underwear too. I need a blank slate. I’m about to create a masterpiece.
Let’s start with your legs. Big, massive trunks of muscle. You could snap the head off of someone with those things. A thin, and chiselled chest, topped with a deep six pack. Look at that thing. It’s a fucking temple, man.
Broad shoulders and huge fucking arms. But these things aren’t for show man, you’re lifting things for real. Trust me, when you’re crawling around on the floor in the dark, smoke everywhere, a massive air tank on your shoulders, you’re going to thank me for giving you arms that big.
Okay now relax. Your life is simple. You wake up, jerk off, work out and you never buy drinks anymore. As soon as you tell someone you’re a firefighter, guys and girls line up to buy you a drink.
Here’s your bunker gear man. Jump into those boots and pull up the pants to your waist. The suspenders go over your shoulders. Ooh fuck man! You’re sexy already. And now put your coat on and there you go. Ready for anything.

im tired of being a twink quite nerd! can you make me an obnoxious jock that only cares about fucking and football?
Heard you want to be an obnoxious football jock? I can do that, sure thing. Who wants to be a nerd anyway? Jocks are better.
Stand right there, let’s get a look at you. You’ll need to be taller. Your spine, legs and arms are crunching up as they all lengthen. Six foot will give us plenty to work with.
Your face is too… Nerdy. Needs to be way cuter. Let’s harden up your jaw, tighten up your nose. Perfect. You’re “ruggedly handsome” now.
What does every football bro need? Muscles! And you’re getting a lot of them. Roll your shoulders around for me, feel them get bigger and broader. Oh yeah. Lift up your arms for me to flex. Yeah, there’s nothing there right now but watch them inflate now. Look at those pythons! Fuck dude. You’re built. Your chest is pushing out, and your stomach is flattening into a tight six pack. The veins on your arms are popping out. You're a specimen.
But you don't have the brain to match. Your nerd days are over, long live the jock! You're a fuck boy now, fucking anyone that will consent. And it doesn't matter what their gender is. You're at school on a scholarship, but don't about classes, assignments or homework. Just keep flexing those muscles, working out that body, and winning on game days. You got this, bro.
Here's your gear. Go get dressed! It's game time.

I hate my job as a professor. I've been doing this for three decades. I see this big oafs that come on a football scholarship or wrestling scholarship and just wonder how easy my life would be if I was one of them.
Professor, what’s another word for pirate treasure?
That’s right. Booty! Now back that ass up and let’s embiggen it. Embiggen? Is that a word? How would you know - you’re fucking dumb as shit. Look at you, laughing at your own farts.
But wait, your arms are too thin. Flex 'em for me and watch them grow. Amazing, right? Oh I forgot you're slower now. Let me take it down to your level: Arms big, bro!
I’ll add some muscle here, flatten this part there. Tighten up your pits a bit (I love jock pits). And there you are. A football muscle jock. Lift up that jersey and show us what you're working with you sexy beast.

Welcome to my Changing Room. You look confused. What do you mean you forgot that you asked me to change you into a southern guy with no worries in his pretty little head. You definitely asked me, and I definitely didn't delete your request by accident.
Let me make it up to you. Put these jeans on and let me squeeze your butt. Not enough to squeeze, I'm afraid! Feel it expand and grow? That's so much better. You're filling out those pants now. It's gonna make guys and girls want to bury their noses in your tight ass.
That shirt you're wearing is no good! No more sleeves for you, partner. We want to show off your guns, and these sick tattoos you have. Oops, sorry. I forgot, they sting a little bit as I put them on you. You've got some Texas barbed wire going around your bicep. It'll make you look so fucking douchey. How about an AR15 on your forearm? You're big into 1A now. You're such a fucking prick.
I'll finish you off with a proper cowboy hat and a goatee. You look hot man. Us city slickers move way too fast for you. You're a slower kind of person — simple folk. Not a care in the world, and that's how you like it.

DILF tf, silver fox tf???
Hello there! It’s not often I get asked to age someone up. I’d be happy to help you with this one.
Let’s see… Where should I start. You said silver fox, right? You’re feeling your head get itchy right now, and that’s only because I’m making it shorter. I’m making the sides grey, so there’s your silver! Your jawline is tingling as I make it more chiselled and I’m going to add just a hint of stubble too.
You said older, right? It’s going to show in your face. Some deep crevices and laugh lines, especially around your eyes and mouth. You still look handsome though. Especially now that I’ve made your eyes a piercing blue. Look at me a second. Wow, you’ll have people willing to do anything do you with baby blues like that.
But hey, it’s not all bad! Your body is expanding out as I make your muscles bigger and stronger. Do you want perky nipples? Of course you do. See how they point out on the end of your massive pecs? Holy fuck that’s hot dude.
Bigger arms next! Some massive guns on you. And a full sleeve tattoo. Oh baby it’ll drive your admirers wild.
Imagine getting out of the shower every morning, looking in the mirror and you see this. Actually, we don’t have to imagine. There you go! Like what you see? Yeah I thought so.

Okay but now you’re late for work! Here’s your uniform. Brown pants, brown shirt, black boots. Feel your mind changing as you’re putting them on? Here’s the last piece: a black tactical vest. You’re a cop dude.
But go ahead, snap a picture and send it to that guy you saw at the club. Tell him he’s going to jail unless you fill his hole tonight. Tell him to submit to you. You’re a boss, nobody fucks with you.

dude. please make me into a huge fucking himbo!! i blow my wad at your tfs all the time.
I'm honoured you would get off on my powers. It is what they're for, after all! Let's set you up with the ultimate jerk off.
We’ll take it from the bottom up. Close your eyes, stroke that cock of yours, and follow my words. By the time I'm done, you'll be a completely new man! Relax and enjoy yourself.
Feel your feet start to tingle? Creating some pressure in your socks and shoes? They're getting bigger, longer and stronger. That warmth is starting to slowly travel up your legs, making them to twitch and flex beneath you.
Actually, let’s get you out of those clothes. With you stripped down, I can watch those muscles of yours grow in real time. Maybe I'll stroke my cock along with you.
Now that you're naked, let's keep going. Keep stroking your dick. That's it. Picture your dick, hard and leaking in your hand, growing thicker and longer with each stroke. Feel the heavy weight of your balls, full of cum, swinging between your legs as they draw up closer to your body. Feels good, right?
Your calves are growing now, the muscles hardening into solid columns of power. And your knees ... far too knobly. I'm going to make them powerful so they sit perfectly below your thighs. Speaking of your thighs, oh man, they're gonna be something else. Feel the muscles there expanding, becoming dense and powerful? These are the kind of legs that could crush a watermelon or thrust for hours!
That's it, keep rubbing your dick. It's okay to slow down as you feel these changes. Just don't cum until I say so.
I want to really indulge in your ass. The globes of your butt should be rounder and firmer. A perfect handful! Clench and release your muscles as you stroke your cock, imagining someone grabbing onto your transformed ass as they fuck you senseless. You fucking love it, you himbo slut.
I'm gonna move to your chest and arms. A himbo like you needs a huge chest. Take a deep breath as your pecs swell outward, your nipples hardening into stiff peaks. They might be a little more sensitive. You should check though. Go ahead and tweak them a little while you rub your cock. I bet that feels good, right?
Your arms are have to be more defined and vascular with the muscles pulsing with power. Your shoulders are broadening, with the bones shifting and reshaping to support your increasing mass. I think I'll make your neck thicker, so it can support the weight of your expanding head.
Speaking of your head... I'm going to square up that jaw and make those lips thicker too. How do you feel about facial hair? A himbo like you will need just a little bit of scruff.
You're breathing heavy now. Don't worry, we're almost done. Look at your dick leaking. Get ready to finish up - your mind is feeling lighter now. All your "big" thoughts are fizzling out and draining to your balls. From now on you're just care about gym, food and fucking. You ready?
Cum for me, bro. Show me what I've done to you. Let it all out—your cum, your smarts, everything that made you the man you used to be. You are a new you: a huge, musclebound himbo who lives for the lift, the pump, and the endless pursuit of pleasure. Welcome to the good life dude.