Hello Generous One. You've Blessed So Many Worlds With Your Talents. I'm A Big Fan Of Your Writing Skills
Hello generous one. You've blessed so many worlds with your talents. I'm a big fan of your writing skills too. Now what do I have to do to be your canvas that gets turned into a hunky model of a man?
You made it! Welcome. Yes I know I transported you here instantly, but I find it’s nice to engage in some witty banter and greeting, especially if I’m about to alter your DNA and change you into an entirely different person! It helps lighten the mood a little bit.
Let’s get started, shall we? I’ve been thinking about your request and the words ‘hunky model’. I see a model as being cut, and tall and muscular but not too muscular. But hunky just adds a whole new dynamic to that. I think I know what I want to do with you? It might be something I just kind of make up as I go. Anyway…
Gone are your clothes! I am going to sculpt a perfect V shape from the top of your hips down to your groin. Those muscles are tight. I’ll inflate your thighs and legs with some really intense muscle. Actually, how about a little more… And a little more. And a little more. Okay, just a smidge more. Perfect. Squeeze your thigh. What a beauty.
Oh surprise! You got a tight butt too. Yeah, go ahead a clench it. Let me give it a squeeze too.
Abs? You got them. I’m changing the fat you’ve got into pure muscle. These are some really pretty abs. You’ll need them for all the underwear you’ll model. Pecs and chest will be moderately sized. Nothing over the top here. To be honest, I may have over done it with your thighs!
Just going to pump your arms up and boom! Look at those curvy muscles. You look so good. Now, I’m having a brainwave. I’m thinking… body hair! Kind of the opposite from models, maybe, but it’s going to look good on you, you’ll see. It’ll itch as it spreads across your torso, chest and stomach. Okay that might be too much hair. I’ll scale it back to just your chest and stomach. That looks great! You look rugged and handsome.
Face. Most models have pointy, thin faces. I don’t want that for you. Let’s shave your head down, angle your nose slightly and widen your jaw. Oh you look kind of Eastern European. Dark eyes, some facial hair. I like it.
You’re missing one final thing. You’re older now - I’m aging you up to late 30s. Don’t worry! I’ll put some memories in your head. Like this poor choice of tribal band tattoo on your right bicep. Your skin stings right? Look at your huge fucking arm - you have some ink now.
And you’re done! You’re a model, so not the smartest, but you’re not the dumbest either. I have your first thing you can mode right here. These yellow swimming trunks! Slip ‘em on and let me see you in them.

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More Posts from Malestransforming
Hey! Huge fan from FA! I'm so glad you're back! I always wanted to see how I would look like in any kind of uniform. Would you be so kind to grant that wish?
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Yes, you're here. No, you're not dreaming. Yes, you can get naked. In fact I encourage you to be naked.
You want a uniform, huh? I love uniforms.
Let's get a good look at you... You're on the short side. I can fix that. Feel your body aching and stretching and cracking, as you grow up to over 6 foot. You're like 6 foot, 3 inches now. Tall. Nothing wrong with short guys, but tall guys can get it too.
Your top half is going to be bigger than your top half. Sorry, my guy, you like the gym but work is going to get in the way of going consistently. So, I think you'll have big, broad shoulders, beefy arms and some meaty legs. ... Fine, I'll give you a chest and abs to match. Feel the burn, the prickling skin as it matches to fit in your expanding muscles. Feel your blood rushing through your veins, pumping through your new muscles.
Man, you look better than I expected.
Face time! This is my favourite part. I'm going to crack your skull and face wider — big, pinch-able cheeks. With some great beard growth. Dark eyes, dark hair - it's the perfect combination. You're cute, with a big body to go along with it. Dark hair. Slicked back, dark hair! Oh, you're vaguely Italian? From New Jersey. You love your Italian roots.
Okay, take a look at yourself. Looking good! All that's missing is the uniform you asked for. Put these black dress pants on, and these black sneakers. I have a black t-shirt too — careful not to spoil your hair! You spent ages getting it perfect. And the pièce de résistance, your new Starbucks apron. Slip it on bro. You look great! You look disappointed... Why are you bummed out? It's not the uniform you wanted? Oh, I can change that too. I'll finish off with those mental changes.
You're in your twenties, working at Starbucks to save for college. You get to the gym every now and then, but you spend a lot of time slinging coffee. You played football in high school - those were the days. In your spare time you like the clubs down on the Shore, fist bumping until the wee hours.
One last touch, you have to have that one perfect thing... Give me a smile; I'll just tweak your teeth and lips and perfect. Okay now, back to work!

I always wanted to feel what it’s like to be a hockey player. Seeing them in their uniforms.. turns me on.
Hockey players are my speciality.
The first think you need is a big ass. It's okay, you can put your hands down there. You look shocked. It's not even close to being done. Bigger and bigger and bigger! There we go. A dump truck like that needs legs to match though, so let's get those thickened up.

What do you think, bud? You want to keep going?
You’ll need some beefy arms for all that hockey stick handling you’re about to do. You’ll have some really silky mitts!
You look the part, now to put the gear on.
Start with this, your base layer. It’s nice and tight, see. Makes your ass look good eh?
Strap your shin pads on next. And then slip these socks over top. You can probably guess what team you’re going on with those colours. Here are your pants, now you’re really looking big. Skates are next. Tie them tight!
All that’s left are shoulder pads, elbow pads and a jersey. What do you think of your number? Throw these gloves on and here’s your stick. Oh! I almost forgot your helmet. As soon as I put this on the change will be done. You’ll be a complete hockey player, from the way you talk to the way you dress. You’ll even have the skill. Ready for this? I bet you fucking are! You can’t wait to get out there and do some dirty dangles, eh bud? All right. Here it goes!

Oral #1
If anyone has a picture suggestion for this one, please send it to me.
“Follow me,” he said.
And so you followed, down a dark street and into a blackened alleyway, the only light coming from a single lightbulb above a stairwell. He leads you up the concrete steps, through another corridor and through an apartment door.
He kisses you, as you hastily rush to kick off your shoes and jacket. With his lips still pressed against your own, he leads you into a bedroom.
He pushes you down on the bed and grabs at your waist. With a jolt, he tugs on your pants and underwear to force them down through your legs. You arch your back, allowing your pants to pass your knees and through your ankles and feet. He pulls your socks off as well, all in one free motion.
Your pale cock lies exposed in the air, leaking slightly and stiffening. He tilts his head down down, his tongue gliding over the tip while his hand wraps around the shaft. You moan. With his other hand he reaches up under your shirt, searching for your nipple. You clumsily rush to take off your shirt, revealing your entire body to the air. You raise your arms to your head, brushing your head and reaching for the loose pillow above you.
“You will love it,” he lisps as his lips slide over your entire cock.
You stretch and reach out across the mattress, shuddering at the touch of his tongue. It circles around the very top of your dick, pressing against the gland. As you reach, your knuckles crack and pop and your arms lengthen. Your hands get bigger and you ball them into a fist, grabbing the sheets to keep you sturdy. Still, he thrusts his mouth all over your penis, caressing it with his tongue.
You lift your arms and watch the muscles expand. Your shoulders broaden and pop, becoming wider. The muscles in your chest grow too, resembling massive man tits, with huge round nipples to match.
Your penis tingles with pleasure and he slurps on it happily. He rubs it with his hand causing you to stretch and writhe on the bed. As you flex your stomach eight massive abs muscles pop into place, erasing any evidence of belly fat. Your back cracks as your height increases. Your ass balloons and plumps and your thighs become meaty trunks of muscle.
Your breathing hastens, and you reach down to your cock to finish yourself off. He forces your muscled arm down.
“Ay papi, not yet.” He says, as he gently strokes your lengthening brown shaft. “Just wait. Merecerá la pena.” (It will be worth it)
Your skin begins to prickle and tingle. With your other huge hand, you rub your eyes as the sensation intensifies across your body. You notice your skin is darker in tone, with broad black lines crisscrossing the skin: new tattoos painting themselves al over your body. You have no time to examine them as he forces your thickening cock into the back of his throat. you lift your head from the bed, opening your mouth to exclaim in pleasure. A baseball cap materializes on your head, and diamond studs appear on your lobes. Your facial features turn more angular, and a moustache grows above your lips as the last remnants of your caucasian heritage turn latino.
“Listo, papi?” (Ready, papi). He says.
You open your mouth, convulsing your new huge body from the pleasure. With one last pump and slurp on your thick latino cock you rain a shower of cum in to the air, into his mouth and onto your brown chest.
You grin and smile, breathing heavily, wiping the sweat from your brow and feeling your new hide fade haircut.
He crawls up your body and lays beside you.
“¿Cómo estuvo eso papi?” (How was that papi?)
“Fue perfecto,” you reply.
Been thinking of writing my own stories! Do you ever worry that you'll be sucked in and transformed into one of the guys that you're writing about?
I wouldn't say I worry about it... More like, I wish it would happen! All of my stories are kind of tailored to the things I like. I'd give anything for any one of my stories to happen to me...!
What about you? Are you still writing that story about a jacked-up muscle party animal? Because guess what...! You stop typing as your fingers and hands get thicker. Dark lines fade in over your knuckles, forming intricate tattoos. A massive watch appears on your thick wrist. The changes carry on up your arms and shoulders. Your shoulders broaden and widen out, your shirt disappearing in front of your eyes.
Whatever thoughts you had before have been emptied out of your head. You're a fucking party frat bro now, with a massive chest that you've just got to show off at every opportunity. Grab a drink, and go scope out the chicks bro!

Who am I? What is this blog? These are some questions you might be asking. I’m just a guy who likes transformations. I’ve been writing my own for about two years. I started with inanimate TFs, but I am branching out to MtoM stuff.
This blog will be where I post my own writing, and occasionally reblog some stuff I wish I had written. I hope you enjoy my work. Feel free to ask me to transform you. One by one, I aim to transform every guy on the planet into a massive, muscle beast. You could be next, even if you’re unwilling.
Just a few words about requests and ideas. I can’t get to them all. I don’t do gross stuff and I don’t like celebrity stuff. Please use the ask feature at the top of the blog. If I don’t use your suggestion, please don’t DM me to ask about it.
Remember to allow Mature work on your privacy settings. I personally would not classify any of my work as overly explicit, but it is intended for an 18+/adult audience. If tumblr deems my writing to be mature, then I won't argue with that label. I do implore you to change your settings though, so you don't miss any of my posts.
Thanks for reading my work.