malutkasyrenka - Just me
Just me

She/They/He/It(I really don't care about what pronouns you use for me.)

108 posts

And Now, The Grand Finale!

And now, the grand finale!

TW! Implied sexual acts, discussion of sex and sexual trauma.

Stages of Closeness (4/4)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4 - You're here!

They spent a month worth of night talks, reassurances, research, and comforting words, before both of them decided to try it out this one time. 

Shion was scared but weirdly excited about what was to come. He told Yuichi every single thing, and talked out all of his biggest concerns, but it still didn't make the prospect of tonight easy for him. 

Yuichi on the other hand, seemed indifferent to the subject on the surface, but was actually anticipating this side of a romantic relationship with one he had strong feelings for, but he was also not left without worries. 

He worried about making one tiny mistake in the whole operation, and not only making their little session go down in crumbles, but most importantly, he was afraid of accidentally hurting Shion in the process. 

But he knew if they left it at that, Shion would still be thinking about it, no letter how many times he tried to convince him it's okay to never have sex in a relationship. 

Shion red a little bit on the subject, mainly focusing on the closeness described in the sources, leaving more technical stuff to Yuichi, so he could guide him. 

Both of them also read a lot about overcoming this kind of trauma and talked it out a lot too. 

Either way, despite all these preparations, Shion still felt like it wasn't enough, even though he knew they went in detail through everything necessary. 

Yuichi was still working, and that way, some minor preparations of the room were left to Shion. 

He took care of making the bed the most comfy it could get, he got some supplies needed for the act in a neat little table basket and left it on the bedside table near where yuichi had usually slept, and, as advised by Yuichi himself, he left some of his lighters in a strategic, also selected by him, places so they could be easily accessible for him when he would need relief. 

They both decided they would start with their normal clothes on and go for there, so there was nothing left to do until Yuichi would be back to him, the moment he both dreaded dearly and slightly but weirdly anticipated. 


He heard when Yuichi entered. He tensed and stood up from the floor where he was playing with his lighter. 

Yuichi had entered the bedroom, slightly loosening his tie, like he too was a bit nervous. 

Shion twitched in something that was probably supposed to be a greeting, and it made a little bit of a smile creep onto Yuichi's face. 

" You sure about this Shion?"

" Y-yeah - the redhead answered with a cracky voice."

Yuichi slightly nodded his head and took his tie off, leaving it on top of the drawer. 

" Alright. Let's start by taking off all that you feel most comfortable with being off right now. Unless you want me to start?"

Shion thought for a second, his hands trembling a bit. 

" I-i'd like to start, I think."

Yuichi nodded, not getting closer to Shion as of now. 

Shion never changes before him, so this was also a first for him. 

He took off his usual blue sweater with not much problem, and then went to unbuttoning his shirt, which proved to be difficult with his trembling hands. 

" Would you like me to help you with just the shirt."

Shion nodded. Yuichi got closer and very slowly and methodically unbuttoned the rest, and his eyes went wide, seeing a few deep scars on the boy's torso. He couldn't help but trace them, on which Shion reacted with a slight shiver but no other protest on the action. 

While Yuichi studied his scars in disbelief, Shion let himself wonder a bit about how different it was from back when some different hands were wandering around these parts of him. He couldn't tell if it was the gentleness or sturdiness of the one touching him or simply the gloves material on Yuichi's hands was to blame. Perhaps it was both, but it surprised Shion how much it helped right now that Yuichi always wore those gloves. 

" Oh, I'm sorry, I've got carried away I guess"

Yuichi finally said, stepping back a bit. 

" It's alright."

Said Shion still trembling, but not so terrified for now, sliding the shirt off his shoulders. 

When he finished, he crossed his arms over his torso, slightly embarrassed. 

Yuichi took it as a cue for his turn, and took all from his upper half as well, and Shion felt heat rising to his cheeks so much he forgot about covering his bared chest and instead covered his red face, still unable to turn his gaze away from Yuichi. 

It's not that it was in any way especially built, but it was as enchanting for Shion as looking at the dancing flames, and he was very surprised by his own reaction. 

In all this, he hasn't realized that Yuichi blushed slightly as well, because of Shion's reactions. 

" Well, it's not so impressive, but I appreciate the complement I guess."

On that comment, Shion covered his eyes, and braced them open upon hearing Yuichi soft chuckle. 

In similar fashion, they got rid of the rest of the clothes they were wearing, and standing like that all naked before Yuichi made Shion's legs give out, so that ended in them both sitting rather casually on the bed. But naked.

They started with something familiar, so a little make-out session, very similar to the ones they had before, this time with Shion delicately laid on the bed pillows in a half-sitting position, and Yuichi kissing him from being above him, only touching with their chests, which Shion used to explore now with his hand, fascinated by the sensations of Yuichi's warm skin. Yuichi kept himself to touching Shion's upper arms. 

All of that seemed to ease some tension out of the redhead, and so they continued, with Yuichi always asking if it's fine, and if he was alright, suggesting little steps into touching themselves by the other, finally ending up with some much more intimate touches on the lower parts and use of lubricant, by which Shion seemed very fascinated (it scared Yuichi, how despite all of his encounters not a single one of them used even a bit of lube). 

While preparing, he also promised Shion that if he still be willing to, they could go the other way around next time, so he could get to know how this is as well (something that Yuichi was exited by and looked forward to as well). 

Shion seemed to rather enjoy the work that Yuichi was putting in with his fingers, even his embarrassment slightly gone, replaced by some pleasure he felt. 

Still, he was definitely scared, but it looked like he really trusted Yuichi to slowly open up this experience for him anew, in a better way than before. 

The scars obviously will probably never disappear, but it seemed like they were on a good way, allowing Shion to somehow disconnect their experience with past trauma. 

When Yuichi made sure Shion was ready, both physically and mentally, for the next stage (not without a big amount of questions to make sure he was, which made Shion's heart melt), he switched their positions, so now Shion was sitting on top of him. 

Upon seeing Shion's questioning look, he proceeded to explain how that position made him have more control over the situation, and instructed him to take of it as much or as little as was fine from him. 

Shion, after much time they spent on this already grew much more confident in this all "being naked" stuff, so now it was only defeating his one last blockade, and he wanted to, nevertheless appreciating Yuichi claims that they can stop now of its too much, but Shion was determined to get all these scary encounters over in one go. 

It was much different and similar all the same, much more pleasurable than he could have imagined it ever being, and so now he kinda understood Keiko on that. 

He went slowly, holding Yuichi's gloved hands intertwined with his own, soft huffs and moans leaving his mouth, similar to the ones of his beloved, so he knew he did it somehow right. 

They went like that for a little while, until Shion slipped off of Yuichi and, right next to him, exhausted from overcoming it all, and also from the surprising pleasure it brought along the way. 

They simply cuddled, when Yuichi slid cold metal into Shion's hand, which he immediately recognized as his lighter, one of those he had placed earlier. Shion smiled, lighting it up for both him and Yuichi to observe for a minute. A little dancing flames that made Shion now sleepy after everything.

Autors note: remember to clean after such acts, here it happens right after their little rest uwu

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More Posts from Malutkasyrenka

8 months ago

So, I didn't thought about this too much, but here goes my self insert princess, because why not (and this post encurage me to do this).

It's still work in progress, so there will be many things I'm still not sure about.

Name will be something like Therapist/The Talker (but with the idea I have, Therapist fits better. Maybe The Talker would be another branch? Hmmm.)

You get her, by asking as many questions as you can. To everyone. To Narrator, to Princess. You need to talk as much as you can and encurage veryone to talking. But also you need to be unsure what to do. Choosing diffrent answers, showing that you still didn't make your mind. I think taking the knife fits better with that (maybe here will be branching for The Talker? I will think about it). Not sure if it ends similar to Damsel (but without such panic from Princess) or Prisoner (but with Princess not being as cold).

Not sure also about the voice, but maybe something like Voice Of The Curious (as you were trying to learn everything you could in first chapter). It iritates Narrator by questioning everything he says or is done with sooo maaanyyy questions! Every answer leads for them to another question.

When you get into a cabin, it looks really simple but cozy. With curtains in windows, maybe even a rug on the floor? Door are wooden, like the stairs which looks like there is fewer of them than before.

Therapist has glasses, her long hair made into a braid. She has much simpler dress and looks at you with a smile. She even starts that she is happy you make it into your next visit. She asks you many questions (which angers the Narrator) and those are mostly questions about you, what is your nature, who do you think you are. If you took a knife she asks you to leave it as you can't have any weapons on yourself.

Answering takes you to a branch where by understand you better, you also understand princess better and this whole place, showing hidden door in the basement (probably it would be showed by explroing and by the Voice Of The Curious asking something like "What's this in a corner"). You both leave.

The other option is not answering Therapist questions and just asking questions back. Making it so the Princess becomes more unstable with every word and in the end using her glasses (shatering them into pieces) to commit suicide, which would take you to Chapter 3, but I'm not sure how it could look like.

Not dropping the knife would let to impass, because Therapist refuses to talk to you if you have a weapon on yourself and you refuse to drop it. Which makes you wait, wait and wait. Not sure if it would be like in Prisoner where you trap yourself in chains, but maybe something similar.

Slay the princess is the exact kinda game where all of the fans should be making their own princesssonas and longquietsonas and self inserts and oc aus. this game is the kinda story meant to be reshaped and remolded and made into your own visage and we should be doing that. what is your version of the princess, what road do you take to get them, what does your long quiet look like, how perfectly do your ocs fit into the themes of this game? tell me, tell me, tell me!!!!

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8 months ago

Talks about being intimite... of course my girl Keiko is mentioned, hehe.

TW! Discussion of sex and sexual trauma.

Stages of Closeness (3/4)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 - You're here!

Part 4

Keiko must have thought of him as hopeless, Shion realized. He was so ashamed of how he destroyed her and Saki's moment because he was a disaster. 

His talk with Keiko afterwards only worsened this feeling. He already told Keiko about his former teacher, but he only told her about the first time the man violated him, and didn't even dare to speak up about what his father's friends had done to him. It may seem like he doesn't have trouble speaking up about his traumas, but in actuality, he only tells them a selected few that he's been brave enough to speak about. 

Still, the talk with Keiko left him with things to think about—things he had been burring underneath for a long time now. 

No matter how he felt about it, his body still reacted to stimulants, and obviously he had those kinds of desires like everyone else, the only difference being how scared of them he was. 

It was usually fine, hell just burn it in his mind until it let go, not think about those or just straight up ignore them, but since he met Yuichi... 

He was very ashamed of some thoughts he was having, or how sometimes Yuichi made him feel, since he could not bear to see those in a positive light.

But, what if Yuichi wanted it from him? Expected it at some stage of their relationship? 

Keiko proposed talking it out with Yuichi, but how is he supposed to talk about... THAT?!? 

And what on earth made him actually do it? Probably his love for the coroner.

For everything that Yuichi was to him, he would feel bad if he couldn't provide something that Yuichi would want from him, no matter how scary it was for himself. 

Not to say he was still having his own thoughts and desires concerning his boyfriend, that his body wanted, but his mind was so afraid of. 

Yuichi did want to know everything that went through his mind too, to not keep something that was troubling Shion hidden anymore, even if it'd be difficult to speak about, because he cared for him. So yeah, Shion was going to do it. 

He waited inside Yuichi's room, which became their room instead of just Yuichi's, on the sofa, nervously playing with one of his lighters. 

He was also afraid of Yuichi thinking bad about him, wanting to talk about? What if it'll disgust him? Or what if... 

The doors opened, promoting Shion to jump on his seat. 

Yuichi entered, instantly noticing how tense Shion was. 

" ... Did something happen?"

Shion instantly froze. 

'I can't do it, I can't do it... '

" Shion?"

" Ah, I-it's fine, I'm fine, it's just..."

How is he even going to start this? Does he want to? Oh, how he wishes to disappear right now... 

" You sure? You're all red, you don't have a fever, do you?"

Yuichi asked worried, checking Shion temperature with his hand. 

" Yeah, I'm fine, I just..."

Yuichi nodded for him to continue. 

" I've... Kinda... Well, I have had a talk with Keiko..."

Yuichi sat down right next to Shion

" Alright... About what?"

Shion was red beyond belief. 

" A-about... Sex..."

He said it, he said the world, oh my god, he's going to die. 

" Ym, alright, why did you talk with Keiko about sex?"

It was a bad idea, he fucked up, he should not take the topic, why is it so hot in here all of a sudden?!? 

" I, I was supposed to, to meat up with Keiko, for our usual, you know, and I heard something from her room, and it reminded me of, and I, and Keiko was with Saki, and she explained how she wasn't hurting Keiko, instead they were doing it 'cause they wanted to, and I, I can't, that was a disaster, I'm such a disgrace it was awful, I wanted to help her, instead I destroyed it and embarrassed myself so much I-"

Shion blabbered through everything that happened, as fast as he could, becoming even redder than before, looking everywhere but Yuichi. 

The coroner only took Shion's hand in his, prompting the red head to look at him. 

Purple irises were full of fear. Yuichi took a deep breath, preparing himself for a very long talk. 

" It's okay, could happen to anyone, don't worry about it, okay?"

Shion nodded very fast, closing his eyes to stop tears from falling. 

" So, I'm assuming Keiko was simply explaining that sex is not always bad for you, am I right?"

" Yeah, basically... She also said that it's not her place for having this talk with me and that I should probably tell you about my struggles with... these things."

Some building up stress left Yuichi now - he didn't really liked the idea of Shion having this sort of conversations with someone else. He understood and was thankful for how Keiko reacted now, but it didn't help a tiny bit of raising overprotective and jealousy rising inside of him. 

Now for the difficult task left here for him. 

" So, what kind of struggles?"

Shion went quiet here for a second. 

" I, it's not a problem with it being pleasurable for some, I do get it. I just started to wonder if... if you..."

He finally looked up to Yuichi, still as red as a tomato. 

Oh. It now clicked why Shion was so on edge.

"B-because if you do, I mean, I don't want to limit you just because, em, I think I could if you do want it from me, you know..."

" Hey, hey, Shion, slow down."

Yuichi moved one of his hands to cup Shion cheek, and crossed it a few times with his thumb, picking up a few tears that left Shion's eyes. 

" It'll only be alright to do, if the both of us enjoy this, you know?"

He tucked a strand of red hair behind Shion's ear. 

" No matter how much I would want you in that way, I could never do it if it'd make you uncomfortable in any way, Shion. And we can do it, but only if you wish to."

Shion let his head down, still tensed. 

" I, there is a part of me that... I want to try, if it could really be something more to share between the two of us, but..."

He looked back at Yuichi with watery eyes. 

" I'm scared."

Shion brought his knees to his chest, and wrapped his arms around them

" I have these thoughts and feelings, that I, on the one hand, can't bear, and yet there is something in it that... But I still, if I were to think about doing it, I remember all those other times..."

Yuichi hugged Shion as he started crying and trembling all over. 

" Shhh... I am here, dear... And I would never hurt you... It's okay..."

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9 months ago

Bechalor in week, art on Tumblr in month?

The Semester At Uni Is Nearing It's End, So It's Time For Some Serious Work...

The semester at uni is nearing it's end, so it's time for some serious work...


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