mangomingus - Mango♡

~gotta fur coat so I make it purr~♡

11 posts

Enhypen As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

Enhypen as Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

Enhypen As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

WARNINGS: super fluffly?, brief mention of praise kink, otherwise none

Pictures credited to @ni-ki's protector on pinterest


Enhypen As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

•Heeseung would be absolutely whipped for you, and only you •Like whenever you feel slightly insecure, he's there •Assuring you with the sweetest words and kisses on you cheeks and shoulders •Or if there's someone flirting with him, he wouldn't even entertain the idea. •"Stop, I'm taken." or "My girlfriend is all I need." •he wouldn't be rude about it, but he's not exactly nice when he has an angel as his gf. •I don't see him as the biggest cuddlefest dude, but he enjoys the proximity •Like your thighs touching, or your shouders being pressed together •But he also likes being held by you, when you cling onto his arms or kiss him. •He likes when you initiate the affection •His love language is probably quality time, he loves spending time with you •Whenever they have to go on tour, he just has to call or text you at every given moment just to let you know that he misses you •He doesn't mind being called a simp by the rest of the band •PDA is a must with him, he'll get jealous if you're talking to a guy and not touching him •You'll be ordering a drink, but if it's a guy at the register, Heeseungs hands are on you •He wouldn't be afraid to do all the common couple stuff you with •Matching outfits, face masks, Matching manicures, Matching pfps on IG, etc. •The talks between you guys would always be kind of deep, with small jokes cracked by either one of o you if it's too heated or heavy •But, he just loves to see you laugh •He'd been such a solid bf,  I can't


Enhypen As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

•Jay's the kinda guy that you'd be best friends with for a while before getting into an actual relationship •Yall vibed so much, and the realized that you both wanted to kiss •He's definitely husband material I feel like •He'd also cook for you all the time •whether it's something he knows how to make, or your his test dummy for a new recipe •He'd also feed you too, like you can't feed yourself or like your incapable •He's the kinda guy that will buy you flowers everyday •even if the old ones haven't even died, he will have a whole new bouquet for you •Get ready for your house to look like a florist shop •He'd vent to you lik there's no tomorrow about anything and everything •He's pretty leader like just because he's one of the oldest and he often doesn't complain •But he's just so comfortable with you that'd he would just tell you about how his shoes got scuffed that day. •You'd be like his own personal journal •He'd be very protective of you. •Putting your seatbelt on himself, holding your hand to cross the road, keeping his hand on your elbow or lower back •His love language is definitely gift giving/receiving •He loves spoiling you, but he likes when you buy him stuff so he can show it off or never take it off •He has a habit of cupping your cheeks or squishing them together •He likes how cute you look with your face in his hands


Enhypen As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

•S.I.M.P •He has such a huge soft spot for you •He is always laughing or smiling whenever you speak or do anything •His eyes are just always filled with admiration •Loves to tell corny dad jokes •He loves resting his hands on your head, or on your forearms, or hugging you from behind •He's a sucker for backhugs •He loves doing anything you like to do, like if you like to do yoga or draw that's his new favorite hobby •He loves when you express your love for him •Like whenever you say that you love him or do anything like a hug or a kiss randomly, his heart is melting •He's definitely an act of words of affirmation kind of guy •He likes when you tell him he looks good, or that your his soul mate and he loves to reciprocate that •"You're the love of my life." "You're gorgeous." "You're so cute when your mad." •when you're stressed, he'll run you a bath or buy you your favorite food •But he also likes to tease you when you're stressed for the sole purpose of pushing your buttons •He's just kinda so in love with you tho, obsessed with any reaction he can get out of you •His dog isn't a fan of you, but that's because your pretty •kinda opposed to change with you •Like there would be little disagreements I you changed your hair or got a random tattoo, but he would grow to love it •wants you to wear his clothes all the time •ice prince, but warm for you <3


Enhypen As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

•Puppy love in a nutshell •He's just so soft and cute and obsessed •He loves anything to do with your smile, your laugh, even just your voice •He's super touchy and always all over you •Expect hugs every second, kisses every second, compliments, too much •He likes the differences between you guys, height, personality etc. •He's the kinda guy who is definitely opposites attract •He's constantly doing aegyo to make you cringe out because he loves the look you give him •Loves PDA, physical touch is his love language for sure •He hates whe you get stressed or mad or even slightly upset •He wants to do everything he can to take care of you •He misses you all the time when he can't see you •constant texts and voice notes and calls •He'll show you off like his prized possession •He loves petnames, and sometimes they boarder ridiculous • Baby, angel, sugar cone, sweetie, lovemuffin.... •He loves when you compliment him tho (praise kink???) •Overall, he'd be precious and obsessed with you •He's so loyal •He'd be the kinda guy to write love letters to you if it was 1950


Enhypen As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

•Babygirl vibesss •Sunoo is so precious and you'd be doing a lot of the protecting, but he makes it so worth it •He's very sassy and opiniated but he won't be direct •You know he's judging you by the side eyes •He is just an emotional support animal though •You have the slightest worry and he's curled up by your side •He's ready to be the little spoon at all times •He loves to compliment you, but in Korean so you don't know he's complimenting you •Hand holder •yall are anywhere and he's attached to your hand, letting you lead him anywhere •He'll let you know when you're ever doing too much •You're being a jerk, he'll flick you and tell you off •But in that sweet little voice and those cute eyes •He loves eye contact •His love language is words of affirmation •He loves hearing that you love him, and he loves to say it back •His ideal way to see you is always no makeup and in a stupid outfit, he loves you naturally •Like Heeseung, he's into the couple stuff •But totally matching jewelry •He loves giving you piggyback rides, he likes you to know that he can support you •Loves when you run your fingers through his hair •A bit of a simp, but he would never let the boys see it •He experiences too much teasing on his own


Enhypen As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

•He's so evil •He loves to tease you, bully you, pinch you •whatever he can to grind your gears •He'll talk so sweetly behind your back though •Like to the other members, he'll go on and on about how perfect and angelic you are •But you come in the room and suddenly you’re a pain •All the while he'll be looking at you with those cute freaking dimples •Believe it or not, he loves physical touch •He likes when you poke his dimples, or kiss him •And he lovessss to kiss you •Everywhere •He does get a little shy when you guys have PDA, but he'd never push you away •Th other members don't tease him because they ship you guys so hard honestly •He loves to pout to you whenever he expenses any teasing (hypocrite) •You and Jungwon would have such good conversations •He always values your opinions and outlooks on everything •Keeps a very open mind with you •He struggles a little to express love through words, so when you say I love you hel hug or kiss you •He's not a fan of couple stuff at all •Completely opposed •He loves to take naps together tho •One of his favorite things is to cuddle under blankets and hug you too tight


Enhypen As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC)

•Ni-Ki is very active as a bf •He loves to go places with you, or just spend time with you (quality time) •Part of the thrill is to show you off •He loves to teach you their dances, and laugh at you for messing up •Definitely a teaser •He'll make fun of you, but it's just because he loves you so much •Ni-ki will say things like "Your pants are so ugly, love you tho" or dumb things similar to that •He also enjoys having petty argument with you •All the while, you'll be getting worked up and he'll just be smiling asyou try to get your point across •He's so pretty, he loves when you tell him that •He loves knowing that you would be with him over anyone else •He's very loyal as well, and he would purposely wear matching things or draw you around, attached at the hip so everyone can see he's taken •He loves when you tell him to do something, it makes him happy •It makes him feel super helpful and he likes making you happy •Even though he tease you a lot, he also isn't afraid to tell you how much he loves you. •He's a simp but doesn't mind being so, you're just so pretty that it doesn't matter •His habit with you is touching your waist a lot •Especially when his hands are cold, he'll just stick them under your shirt for warmth •A skin to skin contact kinda guy for sure

~hope yall engenes enjoy~

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More Posts from Mangomingus

4 months ago

hes not beating the allegations (of being my bf)

☆ random bf!mingi texts

the mingi brainrot is just too high rn and I needed to do something abt it

warning: mentions of periods/sickness, nsfw??? it’s me so it’s nsfw in some way, brief wooyoung and yunho mention that truly means nothing

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- req are open :p

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6 months ago

ATEEZ as Boyfriends (Fluffly HC ♡)

ATEEZ As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC )

WC: 2.6k~

Warnings: slightly suggestive, brief language


ATEEZ As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC )

•Seonghwa is so wife material •He's always worrying over you in the best ways •"Did you eat?" "Are you tired?" "Do you need anything?" •He just loves to take care of you, and h feel such a purpose to do so •He's always supportive in anything you do and he's ready to be there •Hard day? Not anymore •Seonghwa's there to break his back to treat you like a princess •He loves spoiling you and is so selfless in the relationship •But he loves when you take the time to do things for him too •If you cook for him, or even just help him with a small task he's on the verge of tears (not literally) •He's the kinda guy who hates to see you try to do anything •He'll tie your shoes, or literally carry you downstairs •He's obsessed with couple things •He won't even ne discreet about it •He'll brag about purposely getting the same color shirt or the same ice cream order •His habit with you and randomly kissing your cheek •Either one of you could be mid conversation and he'd just turn and plant one on you •His pet peeve would be you denying him of doing stuff for you or when you degrade yourself •He hates when you say "Oh you didn't have to" because in his mind, he has to, in order to prove his love •He loves you too much to hear anything bad about you •He thinks your a perfect angel and isn't afraid to tell you so •His love language is acts of service, duh •But he likes when you compliment him •He likes hearing you call him pretty or sweet •It's like a reward •Loves acting cute to you •He will suddenly baby talk you


ATEEZ As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC )

•Hongjoong isn't big on physical affection, but with you and only you does he make exceptions •He'll hold your hand or let you hug his waist •"Whatever you want~" •Hongjoong is a bit of a jealous type •If you ever so much as compliment some other guy too much, he'll take it as a insult •If you're close to one of the guys, he'll tell them something to do and then pull you close to him •Hongjoong is a bit forgetful because of everything he has to remember for ATEEZ, so he'll forget anniversaries or birthdays •But he always finds ways to make you forget why you were mad in the first place •He's not big on PDA •But if you are, he'll let you touch him •He loves your affection and touch more than he'd care to admit •He talks about work a lot to you •Whether he's rapping a verse to you to hear your opinion, or complaining about one of the others •He's a good listener too •He'll lay on his belly over your lap while you rant, letting you use his hair as a stress relief •He loves spending time with you •Everytimehe can, he'd blow his plans and come over to your house even at 2 am •Yall get ramen and snacks from a convenience store and just talk •For hours •He hates horror movies, but he'll watch them with you •He likes to invite you to the studio, claiming it'll help him focus •But always ends up too distracted with less work done •His love language is definitely quality time •If it wasn't obvious •Anytime of day, he's ready to see you •He's always telling you that's your his favorite thing ever •He's just so sweet with you, oml •He has a habit of touching your hair, or just placing his hands on your head •FOREHEAD KISSESSSS •His pet peeve in the relationship is when you don't remind him of stuff •Like if he has forgotten something and you don't bother to remind him, it'll probably start an argument •He's always the first to apologize tho


ATEEZ As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC )

•He's just hot •Yall would totally be an IT couple •The couple everyone wants to be, and is definitely jealous of •He's really mature so having a slightly immature girlfriend would be cute to him •Height difference is so precious to him as well •He loves to hug you from behind and put his chin on your head while you cook or even just talk to someone •He's really trusting so I don't see him getting extremely jealous, but he is somewhat possessive •Everyone knows what's his •He's definitely a thighs guy •His hand is always on your thigh, driving, sitting etc. •His habit in yalls relationship is just staring at you too much •But he can't help it, he's just so in love with you •Yunho is so sweet, and so supportive •He'll just constantly be there to cheer you on in whatever context •"You're so amazing, sweetie" "You'll get it, I know you will" etc. •He loves going on dates •He gets happy seeing you dressed up and attached to his arm as he buys really fancy dinner •He is definitely a gift giver, and but likes to receive physical touch •He loves to brush your hair •He enjoys the intimacy and loves th just brus his fingers "accidentally" against your neck •He's good at listening like Hongjoong •Literally loves when you rant or complain to him •He also gets a sene of purpose when you cry to him •Lives to be your emotional support •He loves you, and when he says it and you don't say it back, problem will start •That's definitely his biggest pet peeve with you •He's so loyal. •You wouldn't ever have to worry about him looking at someone else •Lover more of a fighter definitely •He hates fighting with you, it literally breaks his heart •Neck kisses and apologies after fights •He'll buy you ice cream and let you be mad in his arms if it's his fault •If its your fault, he's already forgotten about it


ATEEZ As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC )

•Cuddle monster •He loves the warmth of your two bodies. •I just see him clinging to you a lot, his arms around your waist or holding both of your hands •He's always giggling whenever you make a joke, even if it's not funny •Passenger princess •He hates when you reject his touch, and he'll be pouty all day about it •He likes to read the directions to were you're going instead of showing you the GPS •Babygirl just wants to be helpful •He likes to cook with you, even if you don't like to cook •He'll read the instructions and make you o the work •I think he just likes to read to you •He's always full of surprises •Like one day, he'll come up to you and say that he planned a picnic •His favorite activity with you is coloring •He likes to switch drawing every once and a while to see how you two would complete each other •Matching keychains and bracelets to declare you love •He thinks it's so adorable when you ear his hoodies or hats. •And he'll go on and on about it •Loves to get recommendations from you •Whether music, movies, food etc. •He'll lie to you if needed •You really like a dress but he doesn't? "Yeah, cute!" •He loves petnames, "Cutie, princess, love, baby" •His habit with you is instead of actual kisses, he'll just say "Mwah" really loudly •He's just so adorable •His love language is acts of service •He likes to carry you around, or read the instructions to you lmao •He also loves to tie your shoes like Seonghwa •He loves the way you smell naturally •He'll stay cuddled in your blankets forever •He would die there if he could •Carving your guys initials everywhere •Loves to watch the stars and clouds with you •His favorite pillow is your shoulder


ATEEZ As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC )

•Such a hopeless romantic •He was too shy to make the first move, so you would have to ask him out •But since then, he's almost always the first to touch and kiss you •He's a complimentary dude •He loves calling you pretty and beautiful and his girl •You're literally made for him he feels like •He always has his hands on you •His hands resting on the back of your neck or shoulders •Sometimes he'll steer you around by your neck •He's always pouting and complaining to you •Dude is built like Toji, but expects you to beat Wooyoung up for calling him stupid •Loves giving you random massages •Reaching over to rub your neck or thigh •Especially when you're stressed. •Loves driving around at midnight with you •He likes to challenge you to arm wrestles and sometimes lets you win if you look extra cute or ask nicely enough •Anime girl noises •He loves answering your questions •He loves doing skincare with you too •Face mask, applying lotion, the whole thing •He doesn't like keeping secrets in between you two •Especially when it's something that's making you upset. •Hates overly sweet petnames "Cutie, sweetie, princess, cupcake" etc •Love language is quality time •He loves seeing you, and loves even just being near you •Never goes an 30 minutes without texting you if you guys can't talk directly •He likes working out together, because yall motivate each other •Cuddles after arguments •He wouldn't care if you hate him, he's spooning you no matter what •Would get matching tattoos •He would love you even more if his cat liked you tbh •He wouldn't care about you exes really, but he would care if you weren't serious about the relationship •He's an attention whore and needs to be the only one •He loves knowing that you support him though, and he cares and values your opinions alot •He has every date of your guys relationship written down (first kiss, anniversary, etc.) •Also has your favorite snacks on hand •Overall, very whipped for you.


ATEEZ As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC )

•You're honestly his everything. •He's constantly telling you that too •How he was able to function without you is the world's greatest mystery •He's such a clumsy, giant baby, and you always need to clean up his messes •He hated you at first, but you guys look each other in the eyes once and there was no going back •He's obsessed with the sound of your voice •It's his favorite thing •Would tell corny jokes to make you laugh •He would definitely write songs about you •His soft spot is you for sure •Suddenly, he's talking all soft and sweet to you and pouting and acting cute •He'd do anything for you, even aegyo •His love language is physical touch, his hands have to be on your skin at all times •He'll often rest his chin on your shoulder or pull you into his lap even if there are plenty of seats •He wouldn't use your name really after you guys started dating, unless he was mad. •Petnames like "baby, babe, pretty, mine" •But also playful teases "Idiot, smart-ass" •Jealous and possessive •Randomly bites you as his habit •He likes matching jewelry •He loves the size difference you guys would have •He loves comparing hands randomly •He would be attracted to a girl opposite to him too. •Someone to be able to take care of him •Gets you to teach him English •He's constantly telling you that he loves you, because he really does •His hand will usually rest on your lower back bordering your ass •Likes when you draw on him, and he'll even write his name on your arm "Mingi's" •Like San and Yunho, you're his. •He loves when you tell him that he's pretty or good-looking or just any compliment because he's so insecure •Loves when you run your fingers down his nose or touch his neck, it's comforting •Matching travel stuffed animals that smell like each other’s perfume •Likes to feed you off his plate •He's the kinda man who'll kiss you with your lip gloss on. •He gets really moody, so you'd have to deal with his mood swings a lot. •Either super mad, super sad, super hyper, or super horny. •Likes putting his hands under your shirt for warmth.


ATEEZ As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC )

•He's such a brat. •Teases you when you can't do something •Constant kisses and hugs and love tho •He's just a touchy guy, so his hands have to be holding some part of you, preferably your hand. •Loves playing rock paper scissors with you •Wooyoung would honestly be so open with you though •You guys are just super close on a really deep level •Loves stealing food off your plate like he doesn't have any •He would always be trying to climb on your back though, even if you can't carry him •Loves you because you encourage his bad behavior •Tons of tickle fights between you two that often escalate •He hates compliments but from you they sound so genuine. •His love language is physical touch, duh •He needs to be all over you or he'll be in a bad mood all day •Yall would have a lot of petty arguments •Like who didn't take out the trash or make the bed or buy toothpaste •He loves to cook for you and feed you a lot •"I don't care if you get bigger, you're cute anyways." •He has a hard time giving you space, but if it really comes down to it he will •You share everything •Straws, ice cream, clothes, germs lmao •His biggest habit for you is always peeling an orange or opening stuff for you •He'd let you paint his nails and do his makeup as long as he got to choose what it was •Jealous oppa vibes •Like he'd totally just confront the guy you're talking too "She's taken." •He has a habit of rubbing your tummy randomly •He's such the kinda guy to say "good girl" •Always there for you whe you need him •He hates whenever your sad, and he'll bat himself up over it for letting you get that way •Does his best to make you smile and laugh and just not worry •Will watch whatever you like even if he doesn't like it •He likes when you ask him to cook for you •"Of course I will!" •He wants to seem cool to you all the time


ATEEZ As Boyfriends (Fluffly HC )

•He's definitely more private and conservative about your relationship •It's not like he won't hold your hand in public but he won't be overly showy about it •Such a sweetheart though •He's always asking your opinions and letting you talk about your interests •He loves to make you laugh, whether by a joke or tickling you •Will pull your ear gently if you say something stupid •Like Yunho, he likes to brush your hair or even just play with it. •Jongho will call you stupid then kiss you •You'll find him randomly staring at you but he'll quickly look away •He thinks you're the prettiest thing ever •Loves protecting you, you're so precious to him •He likes to break apples for you, because he loves how impressed you look. •Jongho's love language is acts of service. •He'll carry you over a puddle of water, or hold your purse or drink •He appreciates words of affirmation though. •He always finds his heart swelling when you compliment him. •He loves to have deep conversations with you and discuss the future of yall relationship because he knows you can handle it. •Sometimes he's just a big baby though. •He'll whine that he's hungry or beg for a kiss, but he's adorable so you just give in. •Like San, he only wants to be focused on and in return he'll give you his all attention •He would enjoy adopting a pet together •He finds it cute when you fall asleep on his shoulder, or steal his clothes •He just thinks your freaking adorable •He likes to have dates, but indoor ones •They feel more intimate and personal to him •He doesn't say "I love you" a lot, but you know he does and he tries to show you through time and affection •would like discreetly matching items

Hope yall enjoy this one, I got a little carried away with a few


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6 months ago

Keeho Lockscreens

made by me~♡

More soon?

Keeho Lockscreens
Keeho Lockscreens

Requests are available for edits and ffs

Love yall

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5 months ago

Jealous Oppa~

Jealous Oppa~

A/N:saw this today and needed to write a short blurb

Warnings: use of Y/N, slightly suggestive, angsty, jealous!oppa hongjoongie, language, I think that's all?

Orange - HJ, Pink - You

•He's been mad all day since you told Seonghwa he had pretty hair

•why didn't you ever call his hair pretty? (You did, but suddenly he forgot every compliment you've ever given him)

•He didn't upright tell you that he was mad, but you could tell by the way he would not speak to you directly all day at the M/V shooting.

•Like he would tell others to deliver a message.

•"Mingi, tell Y/N to stop touching that."

•When y'all got back to the hotel, you did it AGAIN

•"Seonghwa-oppa's hair is so shiny." You had said, somewhat more to yourself as you sat down next man slumped on the couch.

•The side-eye he gave you from above his phone wasn't even funny. You didn't know what you did to deserve it.

•He looked at you just insulted his mother, or kicked his dog, or said that you were pregnant or smth.

•The way his cute eyebrows twitched as you uttered the words had you somehow questioning if you actually did insult his mother.

•After barely looking at you all day, when he did that was the look he gave you?


•"You really piss me off sometimes."

•You gasped at his comment in feign offence as he put his phone down and ran his fingers through his hair.

•"Wae~?" It was definitely more of a whine to him as you laid your head on his shoulder.

•"Just- Why can't I have pretty hair?" Hongjoong whined back to you, his cute lips pulled into a pout.

•You couldn't help but laugh at the reason he was ignoring you, to which Hongjoong replied with a loud sigh.

•You wrapped your arms around his cute, sulky self.

•"Joongie, you know you have the prettiest everything to me~"

•He nodded, he did know.

•"Yeah, but I want to be the only one who has the prettiest everything."

•You rolled your eyes at this, he was such a jealous guy.

•"That's dumb."

•"You're dumb."

•"No, I'm not."

•"No, you're not." He sighed again, his arms pulling you close to his warm body.

•"Joongie, don't worry about Seonghwa. Compliments and mind-numbing head are very different things."

•Hongjoong couldn't help but laugh, despite his pouty façade he was trying to display.

•You were just so out of pocket sometimes, but your head was mind-numbing.

•"It better stay that way then, yeabo." He had said, booping your nose.

•"Of course it will. The sounds you make are too beautiful to ever consider otherwise."

•Again that made Hongjoong laugh, but the way his cheeks tinged pink made you feel accomplished.

•"Wanna prove that to me?" Hongjoong said, his eyebrows wiggling and his bottom lip in between his pretty teeth.

•How could you ever refuse that offer?

a/n: felt cute, might delete later idk, literally wrote it while doing a final exam

hope y'all like it, requests are open ♡

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