manicali - Fuck Bucket Pt.2
Fuck Bucket Pt.2

Hello friends, fools and trees of varying heights, my names Manic, I’m a vaguely mediocre artist and amateur complainer.

467 posts

Hey Yall. So I Wont Be Able To Keep Up With Fantober Because Ive Got Art Block And School Is Actually

Hey y’all. So I won’t be able to keep up with fantober because I’ve got art block and school is actually trying to make me not an alive person. Sorry. Uhh manicmations will also take longer, as I try to find my will to live.

  • speakofthedebbie
    speakofthedebbie liked this · 5 months ago

More Posts from Manicali

5 months ago

Ooooh that sounds really interesting!!

So uh

I was writing... and now I'm writing a book...

(Defintly like.. atleast 16+ once I get into the dark shit)

But I wanted to see if yall liked my intro to the story?


Hi, I'm pup, well.. that's not my real name, but to be fair, I never say my real name the first time I meet someone, you've... stumbled across a journal of sorts.

One from after the world truly went to shit.

I suppose your wondering why I call myself pup? That's because, well, I was born, with a mutation, that gave me pretty much just some parts a dog would have, tail, floppy puppy ears, better senses...

Oh! And, I'm a street urchin, so sharing my actual name? Isn't a smart move.


So, this is how i introduce the main character (and narrator) Pup! I'm debating doing a 2 POV version, because Pup, makes a freind!

But right now, it's just Pup, and I need people to tell me, is Pup likeable so far? And is the writing done well?

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5 months ago

Thanks :D

You are also super cool Penny <3

Your an interesting person who I enjoy my interactions with, your incredibly kind and sweet that I don't know how you can be so, your empathetic smart and you always know the right words to say it seems, you have interesting OCs though I don't ask much about them to avoid being a bother, I always love interacting with you when we do and your just all around a very cool person,

Ashsagha that is literally the nicest thing I’ve ever heard, THANKSSS.

5 months ago

One #radioapple fanfic makes us larger and one #poly vees makes us small, but the #school mother gives us don’t do anything at all. Go ask @tumblrbot when they’re 10 feet tall.


the tumbeasts

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5 months ago

I won’t answer some of these for safety purposes (ex: my middle names are very distinct so I won’t say those) but other then that GO WILD ask me as many as you want I crave social interaction.

new ask list post!!!! feel free to ask whatever

New Ask List Post!!!! Feel Free To Ask Whatever

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