Other Persons Story - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago


The entire lore sounds like something straight out of mythology, it’s super creative! I love the idea of Lucernas just as a whole, the entire thing around that is AWESOME!!!


Back at it again: obligatory this is really long warning.

TW: Cannibalism

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This will only cover the magic system, plot set up, and history (for now) and we'll talk about the characters sometime later!



A long long time ago there was a person called "Lucernas" who travelled the world helping others and seeking knowledge. Lucernas ascended to godhood through the virtues they obtained, and became the God of Light and Color. One of Lucernas' faithful disciples, Peiffer, who held Lucernas' virtute of "Empathy", saught to give everyone power and eternal life. The problem with Peiffer's method is that is required people to eat the souls and bodies of their fellow humans: turning them into cannibalistic creature called "Kerei". The consumption of Lucernas' magic via the souls of others made them stronger, however such a dastardly act could never be allowed nor forgiven. Peiffer using their bolstered powers faught against Lucernas and their seven remaining disciples, and the conflict only ended when the seven disciples sacrificed their souls alongside Lucernas' in order to imprison Peiffer.

Although Peiffer was sealed away, humans had already begun to corrupt their souls by eating the bodies and souls of other humans.


Kerei + Bez

Over the years Kerei began to evolve into two distinct types: those who ate souls, and those who ate bodies. If a Kerei does not eat human souls/bodies they will become weaker and have to eat more, but they CAN survive eating animal meat and souls.

Kerei have "Kerei Traits" aka things that distinctualize them from humans:




Black Sclera


Pupil Shape Weirdness

Skin Weirdness/Markings

Kereis can become much more animalistic to the point of losing all sentience if they don't properly eat or interact with others.

If a Kerei eats 99 human souls and 1 Wizard soul they will become a Bez: a much more powerful and dangerous Kerei. Bezes do not risk losing sentience, nor can they be easily killed. There is a Bez High Council that militarizes other Kerei and Bez and focuses on the revival of Peiffer, but we'll talk about them later.


Wizards, Soul Shells, And Auras

To comabat the threat of Kerei humans begun to train to defend themselves. From this was born "Wizards". However the souls of Wizards were not safe: making it difficult to fight against Kerei. This started the concept of "Soul Shells": special objects that contained the Souls of Wizards and were hidden as to defend against Kerei. In order to once again strengthen their chances of defeating Kerei, Wizards began to harness their Auras.

A person's Aura is effectively a special ability or special type of magic hidden in their Soul (An Aura could be something like "Fire Control" or "Super Speed", for example.). Everyone has an Aura, but only Wizards and Witches can harness them effectively. (*Witches are not the female counterparts to Wizards, they are something else entirely that won't be talked about here). Auras can be used at will to aid in combat or other situations, but some Auras take physical tolls on the body or mind.

Wizards began the process of training new Wizards utilizing Academies: the most impressive of which being "Grimmbook Academy" (where the story takes place).



Wizards can fuse. Like actually merge bodies and minds like they do in Steven Universe. But it's a bit different so we'll talk about it:

The effectiveness and most things about the Fusion are dictated by three relationship categories:

Affection (how much do the people fusing like eachother?)

Trust (how much do the people fusing trust eachother with important things and trust being around them?)

Respect (how much do the people fusing respect eachother's principles, lifestyle, and character in general?)

Each Fusing participant has a chart and meter showing off these categories of feelings towards the other person.



The bar at the bottom shows who has more influence over the fusion: who has more influence is subject to change while they're fused.

The higher the stats, the more cohesive the Fusion is: a Fusion with low stats will look very contrasting to itself, while a Fusion with high stats will blend perfectly with itself.

When two people fuse they become an entirely seperate and different person with their own thoughts, feelings, and memories. When two people fuse, they effectively cease to exist until they unfuse.


Lucernas, Pure Souls, And The Disciple Souls

Although Lucernas was never "truly" a god, they still possessed immense power and magic beyond anyone else and were worshipped as such. Lucernas' Soul possessed the unique ability to purify Kerei's Souls (aka kill them when amplified, and weaken them in a passsive state). A Prophecy was made that Lucernas would reincarnate around the time Peiffer would return, this person would be the "Pure Soul" tasked with defeating Peiffer once and for all. The longer Lucernas' Soul sat dormant, the more power it would accumulate.

The Pure Soul would also have to collect all of the Disciple Souls to gain their powers and to strengthen their Soul. The Disciple Souls are scattered throughout the world entrapped within sacred objects. Their weakened abilities can be used by anyone, but only the Pure Soul can bring them to their full potentials.

Red Disciple Soul: Possess Lucernas' Volition, grants the power to enhance the Auras of those around them

Orange Disciple Soul: Possess Lucernas' Creativity, grants the power to go into others' minds

Yellow Disciple Soul: Possess Lucernas' Humility, grants the power to weaken others' Auras

Green Disciple Soul: Possess Lucernas' Knowledge, grants the power to have any question answered

Blue Disciple Soul: Possess Lucernas' Charity, grants the power to grant wishes

Purple Disciple Soul: Possess Lucernas' Curiousity, grants the power to find anything or anyone

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Anyways that's about it for now! I'll talk about the characters and plot some other time, but thank you for reading! It's nowhere near done or polished, but I'll try my best to not abandon it this time!

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5 months ago

Ooooh that sounds really interesting!!

So uh

I was writing... and now I'm writing a book...

(Defintly like.. atleast 16+ once I get into the dark shit)

But I wanted to see if yall liked my intro to the story?


Hi, I'm pup, well.. that's not my real name, but to be fair, I never say my real name the first time I meet someone, you've... stumbled across a journal of sorts.

One from after the world truly went to shit.

I suppose your wondering why I call myself pup? That's because, well, I was born, with a mutation, that gave me pretty much just some parts a dog would have, tail, floppy puppy ears, better senses...

Oh! And, I'm a street urchin, so sharing my actual name? Isn't a smart move.


So, this is how i introduce the main character (and narrator) Pup! I'm debating doing a 2 POV version, because Pup, makes a freind!

But right now, it's just Pup, and I need people to tell me, is Pup likeable so far? And is the writing done well?

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