marchdancer - Marchdancer

Lots of ideas in my head Many Fanfictions on my desktop Mostly Anime and Manga stuffLittle time to write them all

781 posts

Narsus Head Is So Winding That He Himself Does Not Know Whats Going On.

Narsus head is so winding that he himself does not know whats going on.

He is going with the flow 😂

Ok not really but this is the only option I can thing of this crazy mind

Say What Now?!
Say What Now?!
Say What Now?!

Say what now?!

All this time I thought it was on the northeast not northwest??? Y'know, near his former domain????? What.

Say What Now?!

Excuse me ex-fucking-cuse me what do you mean it's on the northwest?! West of Atropatene?????

I'm sure this will actually end up making sense logically in the end but right now I'm losing my mind and I need to confirm it myself. It's fine, absolutely fine, it's just me misremembering shit, but my god what.

So hm, according to my past calculations Ecbatana to the east border is 200farsangs or thereabouts, the whole length between the east and west borders is around 347.8farsangs, ish. Which would mean the distance between Ecbatana and the west border should be around 148farsangs.

I'm sure Narsus' mountain villa doesn't quite go as far as the border, so some distance will have to be reduced, and Atropatene is not Ecbatana so, again, reduced.

I don't have my ruler w me so eh, let's just roll with estimations. I'm sure this can't go horribly wrong.

It can't be that far so I can believe they got there in a day of riding bc one can apparently cover 20-30miles (~32-48km, aka ~6.4-9.6farsangs) on horseback in a day. Probably.

It was the 16th of month 10 that the first battle of Atropatene took place. It was around... the same time, ish, two months later that Arslan and co. finally arrived at Peshawar, according to the fanmade timeline.

The distance between Narsus' villa and Peshawar could be around ~90-100farsangs perhaps? Just an estimation. Which means it'd take around 10-15 days, in ideal conditions (which they were not in), on perfectly smooth, flat terrain (absolutely not), with no interruptions forcing them to go in circles (not), soooo yeah. No wonder it took like two fucking months. Poor Team Arslan.

Don't mind me, don't mind me, just freaked out for a hot second after I realized I must've misremembered things, and ended up dumping my thoughts here since I didn't have a notebook within an arm's reach, whoops. Probably should've gone and grabbed a notebook but lololol eh you guys get to see me running around like a headless chicken so here you go, enjoy my chaos, I guess.

At least my mind can be put to ease with this, else I would've been wondering all the time. I thought before that they went all the way from Atropatene to around Daylam in a single day which didn't make a whole lot of sense considering the distance, haha.

What was I doing again? Oh, yes, the reread.

Say What Now?!

Man. This is horrific. Look at the man on the bottom right, he must've been trying to climb back up the pit and... yeah. Fuck. This hits harder after 121.

Say What Now?!

I wonder if being given a position at court or smth could be turned down or it would be seen as a great offense— Narsus clearly didn't want to be there (neither did Lushan, if I remember correctly) but he still stayed until he couldn't take it anymore, same with Lushan.

That aside though, I dig their clothes here.

Say What Now?!

Food ref food ref food ref food ref

Say What Now?!
Say What Now?!

I wonder what Narsus is thinking/feeling in these scenes. What assumptions did he have about Arslan, and which ones are being overturned? He was still at court when Arslan entered the palace, right? At least in manga canon. What did he know about Arslan? I don't think they ever came face-to-face, what did he think of the young prince back then?

Say What Now?!

(from a much later chapter) This panel too. Why does he Look Like That. Why so sad? What's going on???


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More Posts from Marchdancer

1 year ago

and while we're at it. I've always wondered what Shapur's coat of arms symbolizes. when I first saw it I kind of thought of a lily but then I kind of thought that lilies are always represented differently on a coat of arms and then dismissed the idea.

then I thought it might represent a rose. but when I did some research I found out that especially in the Middle Ages and on coats of arms the rose was always depicted with five petals.

It was thus modeled on the wild rose. Unfortunately, Shapur's crest only has four "petals" (if it is meant to represent a flower at all).

But then I realized that Persian wild roses look completely different from the roses that are usually known. It originally comes from the Orient. This rose grows there in nature in steppe-like areas of Iran and surrounding countries.

The red center spot of its sun-yellow flowers is particularly striking in this type of rose. They are more reminiscent of a hibiscus flower.

To be honest I don't know exactly which flower is depicted on Shapur's coat of arms (I don't quite understand the 8 in the coat of arms either. Maybe someone has a theory).

in any case, I have not found anything closer to the meaning of the Persian rose. probably it is identical to the meaning of the well-known rose and that would be love.

However, I then found out that the hibiscus does not only grow in Hawaii but also in China

it is particularly at home in Asia and is also found in parts of North Africa.

Anyway, I thought that geographically it wouldn't be a big deal and Pars also borders on Sindurah and Turk and Turan and Shapur's country could possibly be in the Turan/Turk border area. so wouldn't it be so crazy to think that a hibiscus flower can also grow in Pars.

In addition, in some cultures, the hibiscus represents family (I firmly believe that Shapur family is very important). in China the flower stands for glory and in Hawaii it stands for splendor and symbolizes something royal (which I think would fit since the second king of the Sassadin and founder of the New Persian Empire was Shapur I.

so crazy and thinking around ten corners.

I just wanted to get my mind off my head as Sam's crest just popped up here and my mind was just racing through my mind.

Don’t know if all of this makes sense but feel free to discuss this.

And While We're At It. I've Always Wondered What Shapur's Coat Of Arms Symbolizes. When I First Saw It


Here's Sam's crest. (These are actually all still posted here on the official site for the anime.) The design feels appropriate for the Marzban renowned for skill in castle defence, as it reminds me of both a shield and a closed door/gate. At some point I'll try to do some research into what the botanical element could be and whether that might mean something, too.

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1 year ago


Read on Tapas : CLICK HERE TO READ

Read on Webtoon : upcoming Read on (for raw unc*nsored version) : upcoming

1 year ago

Send me a character name and I'll fill the character bingo for them!

Send Me A Character Name And I'll Fill The Character Bingo For Them!

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1 year ago

Can't believe I forgot to say this yesterday buuut your theory of Arslan borrowing Narsus's clothes reminded me that I have a headcanon that Sam had to borrow some clothing from Hilmes. I'm sure whatever residence he had in Ecbatana was looted and reassigned to some Lusitanian noble, and we know he stayed with Hilmes while he was recovering (and maybe even afterwards too, since perhaps Team Hilmes all stay there together when they're in the capital?).

Yeah okay maybe they just sent Husrab out to buy him some new clothing or something but this headcanon is more fun. One day I'll incorporate it into a fic.

Y'know what? Headcanon fucking accepted. It's likely they could've sent Husrab out for new clothes eventually but now I can't unsee the idea that for a good long while at first Saam was wearing Hilmes' clothes! And I always just assumed Team Hilmes stayed together while in the capital so eyy!! Same hat!!

And I love that you brought up how Saam's residence was likely looted and given to someone else bc I can see that happening w a lot of ppl's places, and I have certainly contemplated it happening w Shapur's residence too unfortunately. Bye-bye Areyan's medical notes he copied painstakingly from the palace archives— I KNOW I KEEP BRINGING HIM AND WOLFPACK UP I'M SORRY

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1 year ago

She is a cutie pie and yes she is silly!

If I may, Alfreed for the bingo game? 🌸👀

If I May, Alfreed For The Bingo Game?

Cutie pie!

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