Arslan Senki Reread - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Oh my god

I like it

And the panels with Kubard are so funny šŸ˜†

Arslan Senki Reread

Arslan Senki Reread

In moments like these, it's not hard to see why Kubard is a marzban. He may be quite the loose and untraditional, but here he lightened the mood and raised the moraleā€” relieving some tension where before the soldiers were very high-strung and panicking. It's not just his strength and physical/combative prowess, though that certainly plays a part too.

Before this too, he led a group of ordinary villagers against Lusitanian soldiers and won. His leading skills are nothing to scoff at.

Which makes his ā€œlet's just fucking ditch this tooā€ thing at Atropatene all the more glaringā€” Andragoras fleeing clearly pissed him off a lot, he's a good leader when he has a reason to stick by and fight.

I admit I didn't pay that much attention to Kubard when I first read the manga (a mistake, imo) but I like him a lot. He's a good character, and very fun šŸ¤£

Not shown but Kubard yeeted an entire Turanian. Rest in splat, buddy. And the one he knocked down with him.

Arslan Senki Reread

I will never not love these panels. They're so pissed!! And they're right to beā€” they finally have something they can call their own, something that solidified their freedom, and they just started working on it and damn Turanian soldiers just come trampling on it?? Damn I'd get pissed too! Do you realize how angry I get when someone messes with my art?? Do you realize how miserable and murderous I get when I'm kept from finishing my art?? Do you????


Also Kubard's fucking face šŸ˜‚

Arslan Senki Reread

Hello there, Barhai! Or is it Balhai?

Arslan Senki Reread

LMAO, language barrier problems. I'll never not find this funny.

Arslan Senki Reread

Get in line, Ilterish. You've got people ahead of you who've booked an appointment with Daryun.

Love the banter, though.

Arslan Senki Reread
Arslan Senki Reread

The sheet delight on Daryun's face!! It's just literally the ā€œ>:Dā€ face, isn't it?

Arslan Senki Reread

Arakawa never disappoints with the crowd/soldier art. I can just feel their elation, I could almost feel myself whooping and jumping and cheering among them.

Them beans. I love.

Arslan Senki Reread

šŸ¤— My boys!!! I always appreciate a good Isfan panel.

And hello, is that you Parazada?!

Arslan Senki Reread

Farangis and Narsus: a brotp I never knew I needed.

I dig it, though.

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1 year ago

The ā€žgirlā€˜s nightā€œ of the bonus sketch

I love it xD

I Like This Panel. I Guess I Just Like Narsus Being Shown In Combat Scenarios? But Yeah. Nice Panel.

I like this panel. I guess I just like Narsus being shown in combat scenarios? But yeah. Nice panel.

I Like This Panel. I Guess I Just Like Narsus Being Shown In Combat Scenarios? But Yeah. Nice Panel.

Parsian food visual ref! Wish I knew what those dishes are though. (And a glimpse at the servants/household staff)

I Like This Panel. I Guess I Just Like Narsus Being Shown In Combat Scenarios? But Yeah. Nice Panel.

Why does Narsus look kinda sad here??

I Like This Panel. I Guess I Just Like Narsus Being Shown In Combat Scenarios? But Yeah. Nice Panel.
I Like This Panel. I Guess I Just Like Narsus Being Shown In Combat Scenarios? But Yeah. Nice Panel.

Bonus sketches!!

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1 year ago

Narsus head is so winding that he himself does not know whats going on.

He is going with the flow šŸ˜‚

Ok not really but this is the only option I can thing of this crazy mind

Say What Now?!
Say What Now?!
Say What Now?!

Say what now?!

All this time I thought it was on the northeast not northwest??? Y'know, near his former domain????? What.

Say What Now?!

Excuse me ex-fucking-cuse me what do you mean it's on the northwest?! West of Atropatene?????

I'm sure this will actually end up making sense logically in the end but right now I'm losing my mind and I need to confirm it myself. It's fine, absolutely fine, it's just me misremembering shit, but my god what.

So hm, according to my past calculations Ecbatana to the east border is 200farsangs or thereabouts, the whole length between the east and west borders is around 347.8farsangs, ish. Which would mean the distance between Ecbatana and the west border should be around 148farsangs.

I'm sure Narsus' mountain villa doesn't quite go as far as the border, so some distance will have to be reduced, and Atropatene is not Ecbatana so, again, reduced.

I don't have my ruler w me so eh, let's just roll with estimations. I'm sure this can't go horribly wrong.

It can't be that far so I can believe they got there in a day of riding bc one can apparently cover 20-30miles (~32-48km, aka ~6.4-9.6farsangs) on horseback in a day. Probably.

It was the 16th of month 10 that the first battle of Atropatene took place. It was around... the same time, ish, two months later that Arslan and co. finally arrived at Peshawar, according to the fanmade timeline.

The distance between Narsus' villa and Peshawar could be around ~90-100farsangs perhaps? Just an estimation. Which means it'd take around 10-15 days, in ideal conditions (which they were not in), on perfectly smooth, flat terrain (absolutely not), with no interruptions forcing them to go in circles (not), soooo yeah. No wonder it took like two fucking months. Poor Team Arslan.

Don't mind me, don't mind me, just freaked out for a hot second after I realized I must've misremembered things, and ended up dumping my thoughts here since I didn't have a notebook within an arm's reach, whoops. Probably should've gone and grabbed a notebook but lololol eh you guys get to see me running around like a headless chicken so here you go, enjoy my chaos, I guess.

At least my mind can be put to ease with this, else I would've been wondering all the time. I thought before that they went all the way from Atropatene to around Daylam in a single day which didn't make a whole lot of sense considering the distance, haha.

What was I doing again? Oh, yes, the reread.

Say What Now?!

Man. This is horrific. Look at the man on the bottom right, he must've been trying to climb back up the pit and... yeah. Fuck. This hits harder after 121.

Say What Now?!

I wonder if being given a position at court or smth could be turned down or it would be seen as a great offenseā€” Narsus clearly didn't want to be there (neither did Lushan, if I remember correctly) but he still stayed until he couldn't take it anymore, same with Lushan.

That aside though, I dig their clothes here.

Say What Now?!

Food ref food ref food ref food ref

Say What Now?!
Say What Now?!

I wonder what Narsus is thinking/feeling in these scenes. What assumptions did he have about Arslan, and which ones are being overturned? He was still at court when Arslan entered the palace, right? At least in manga canon. What did he know about Arslan? I don't think they ever came face-to-face, what did he think of the young prince back then?

Say What Now?!

(from a much later chapter) This panel too. Why does he Look Like That. Why so sad? What's going on???


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1 year ago

Babies šŸ˜­

Arslan's not used to it, huh.


. Me šŸ¤ Narsus

Having faith in Arslan's abilities


Man, can't imagine being Gieve lugging around gold and treasures right up to a village that got sacked? I'd be squirming in discomfort bc don't look at me don't look at me I have money don't look at me. I'm getting second-hand embarrassment. Come on, Gieve.


Delulu Gieve. If I have to suffer through this then so do you.


Farangis is fucking delightful. And a breath of fresh air after having to deal with Gieve for a while though I do feel sorry for her for having to, y'know, interact with Gieve. I thought I'd gotten used to his nonsense bc I don't react as strongly to him anymore but I guess this means he was way, way worse at the beginning?

Farangis must've felt really lonely at the Temple, though. I guess she had the Head Kahina but... that can't be enough, especially not in a closed community like that?


Kharlan's face is shadowed once again. I sympathize with him and find his character fascinating, but man. The things he did this chapter left a bad taste in my mouth.


A less than stellar moment of Daryun, though I guess this was necessary. I do not believe Daryun a bad person, only that maybe perhaps things like this are... a little more normalized, in this world and era.


Okay so I've actually been keeping a close eye on Kharlan's sword this entire time and ha, it paid off! There's a goat design on the scabbard! It's not on the sword itself unlike Zandeh's here:


But both of them feature a goat design which also features on their crests:


So, yeah! Arakawa strikes yet again! With incredible attention to detail!

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1 year ago

Ok that is the first time I realize that the main city of Maryam is Iraklion and it is the same spelling as the main city of the island Creta in Greek. šŸ˜‚

I must definitely reread the mangaā€¦so many details that I didnā€™t realize the first time I read it.

The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's

The idea of finding Arslan's allies within the city and possibly smuggling them out to bring to Arslan's side is an interesting idea and it makes me less guilty about me sweeping Wolfpack!Arslan out of the city after he gets captured, lol.

The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's

I mean, Hilmes. You were the one who provoked him firstā€”

The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's

Gurgin alert!

Not gonna lie, Team Zahhak kinda Went Offā„¢ with this aesthetic and I can't help but notice how cohesive Hilmes' design is with theirs (especially with his mask, though he is pictured without it here).

The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's
The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's

(context: the Farsi dub of ArSen renamed Narsus to Mani, and thus... this)

Meme created by the lovely @colleyuriko / @daryun . I hope you don't mind me borrowing this!

The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's

A landscape shot. I'm not incredibly sure where they are.

The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's

Okay, okay. This made me bust out the maps again because:

The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's

(Taken from chapter 61)

Granted, Kubard could've just meant south relative to Daylam but I'd pretty much ended up interpreting the south as Zott territory in no small parts thanks to this exact piece of dialogue so hm. Hm. How'd they get so far south (I don't remember if a time/date was provided, my oversight. I'll need to check the novel timeline)

The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's

Skipping a couple scenes ahead, we learn that the Kashan fortress is just north of the Nimruz mountains (in fact, we see it with a literal backdrop of mountains in this panel) and can be interpreted as pretty south even if not south south.

The Idea Of Finding Arslan's Allies Within The City And Possibly Smuggling Them Out To Bring To Arslan's

So I guess the Zott territory is somewhere within this circle?? I guess that kinda makes some form of sense since bandits would like to be near travel paths where they could rob people so...

Credit to tumblr user chatmant for the creation of this map, minus the circle and question marks.

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1 year ago
Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

Saam is a wise man with perceptive eyes, he knows what he needs to say to get Hilmes to accept this, he knows what Hilmes has tied his worth to, he knows and he is willing to step forth and say it for the good of his liege.

Saam is an excellent retainer to have on your side.

(*thinks about what happened between them recently* *tries not to cry* *cries*)

Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

The ponytail is one thing but it even has an ahoge, OMG. Zandeh!

Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

I don't know what I could say here that @innerchorus hasn't already said before bc they're the Team Hilmes expert here but man. Poor Zandeh, hhhh. Somebody hug this puppy man! And Hilmes is right, Saam does make a good point! Why hurry for those bastards indeed!

Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

Oh man Saam really is popular among folks, huh.

Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

Was not expecting this guy to appear again when I first read the chapter so this was a pleasant surprise for me back then! Yes Zandeh, hug the man. And all of your father's men too.

Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

Not much in terms of commentary, just that Andycakes really really has no faith in these sorts of things huh. I don't know how he reacts to Team Zahhak in the novel but shouldn't he be... even a little shook about being proven wrong? Then again, it's Andragoras. He's nigh unflappable.

Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

Araya the Younger (OC) was also a blessed child and he still died, whoops.

Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

He's not talking about Arslan here. Even if I hadn't known about the spoilery thing I would've still noted the wording as odd.

Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

A smiling Zandeh! What was I gonna say for this part again? Oh, yeah, morale does play a big part in battles and wars, yeah? You gotta look to increase yours while demolishing the enemy's as much as possible. Hope is an impetus, there was even a scientific experiment thing where they put rats in water and forced them to swim endlessly though they were taken out when they gave upā€” and when put inside the water a second time the rats swam for longer bc they had hope that they'd be rescued.

Why'd I put that there? I dunno, just fun fact!

Saam Is A Wise Man With Perceptive Eyes, He Knows What He Needs To Say To Get Hilmes To Accept This,

Aww, Saam is overjoyed. I think it goes beyond just being happy a fellow marzban who could be an ally is nearby, it really sounds like he's glad to hear a friend is alive.

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1 year ago
Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

Okay so I tried to look what the name AlfarÄ«d meant but all I could find was it apparently being a boy's name meaning ā€œalone, lonelinessā€ and I was like, huh? That... doesn't sound like a good name to haveā€” Tanaka has a tendency to use names for the opposite gender so I'm not surprised about that but the meaning gives me pause. Maybe it means ā€œaloneā€ as in similarly to ā€œin the heavens two suns cannot shineā€ type deal? Hmmmm.

Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

Cool panel. Nothing much to add except that AlfarÄ«d is brave. And this can't be her first rodeoā€” she's gotta have some experience right? Maybe her first was when she came of age (15). Or even before. Haltash doesn't strike me as someone who'd try to shelter his children...

Also, caught the bit where Hilmes called her slipperyā€” I forget whether Narsus was directly called slippery to his face but Hilmes did say he was slippery to Gieve who is also slippery.

Welcome to the slippery slithery club, babygirl.

Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

I mean, Hilmes, combat goes both ways, alright? This is giving me deja vu to when he provoked Daryun and then got mad Daryun's emotional charge made him lose his mask like m'boy what were you fucking expecting.

Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

I will never not find this hilarious (esp considering Alfarīd's later crush on him hhhhh).

Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

If it were Ranna in Narsus' place they'd be like ā€œsure thing honey let's commit murder together :)ā€

Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

Poor AlfarÄ«d. This must be the worst day of her lifeā€” and she's a good kid.

Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

Narsus connecting the dots on the spot!! (Like mentor like student, if I'm being honest, Arslan is a sharp kid) (didn't screencap but Narsus šŸ¤ Elam in using boulders!!)

Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

Alfarīd makes very good points here and oh my god it's that bad? Not even the free folk have it good, huh... The classism is honestly stunning.

The Zott would understand why the clan doesn't like to go out all that much since they're deathly terrified of being killed or enslavedā€” (I haven't done the research to see if it's a real thing historically but I've seen a couple stories where bandits kidnap people to sell them into the slave trade, I doubt the Zott do that considering their views though other groups might?)

Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

They're good.

Also, bandits come out in the dark... Ranna and Alfarīd would make a very fine pair indeed.

Okay So I Tried To Look What The Name Alfard Meant But All I Could Find Was It Apparently Being A Boy's

ā€œThere are three conditions to terrify someone: One, the monster canā€™t speak. Two, the monster has to be unidentifiable. Three, itā€™s meaningless if the monster can die.ā€ ā€” Aozaki Touko

And Touko was right.

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1 year ago

I absolutely adore Kubards attitude. What a mode šŸ˜‚

Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).

Of course he's sleeping. Of fucking course (affectionate).

Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).
Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).

A stark contrast against Arslan's personable, warm way of interacting with his subjects. Andragoras is... distant and sharp and cold.

Poor Lushan.

Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).

Andragoras? Share his power?


*copes aggressively via imagining Shapur and Kazai, Isfan and Areyan sharing authority as one entity in Wolfpack*

Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).

I imagine Andragoras would've reacted poorly to that as well but at least Arslan would have more sway?

Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).

You go, Farangis!!! Fearless lady!!! I love you!!

Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).

No, Arslan, it's not you who has something wrong with. It's them. My god, it's them.

It's only natural to be unable to feel relief upon reuniting with people who's always kept you at a twenty-foot-pole's length and never treated you warmly, they might as well be strangers (captors, wardens) to you and it's hard to feel any affection for strangers.

Even feelings of dread would be natural in this sort of situation.

Nothing's wrong with you, my boy.

Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).

Kishward can probably tell this does not bode well.

Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).

A genius use of perspective. We're looking up at him, from perhaps a similar vantage point as Arslan or anyone who's kneeling behind himā€” he is King, untouchable, distant, imposing, towering over and bearing down on us.

And look at how his head is framed, the sun ornament on the seat aligns with his head. As if to assert the association the Shah had with the sun. As if to assert his authority even in the way he is framed to the audience.

Upon high-heaven two suns there cannot be, on this earth the Shah is but one!

Of Course He's Sleeping. Of Fucking Course (affectionate).

And Arslan has to respond accordinglyā€” address Andragoras not as a father but as an authority figure.

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1 year ago

Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)

Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)
Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)
Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)
Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)
Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)
Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)
Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)
Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)
Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)
Isfan Screencaps (Part 1/2)

The Turanian arc well and truly fed my little Isfan-loving heart :D

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1 year ago

Guess who's finally getting back to the reread thing... and so close to my final exams, no less! šŸ˜­

Guess Who's Finally Getting Back To The Reread Thing... And So Close To My Final Exams, No Less!

Pyromaniac Alfarīd confirmed!

Guess Who's Finally Getting Back To The Reread Thing... And So Close To My Final Exams, No Less!

Fucking hell this really was a trap huh, even going as far as commanding it outright.

Guess Who's Finally Getting Back To The Reread Thing... And So Close To My Final Exams, No Less!

I love the soldiers šŸ„¹ Arslan had really won their hearts!

I mean, who wouldn't love the little bird though, he's the best.

Guess Who's Finally Getting Back To The Reread Thing... And So Close To My Final Exams, No Less!

This sparks so much joy!!! Look at Alfarīd especially!! And Jaswant!

Guess Who's Finally Getting Back To The Reread Thing... And So Close To My Final Exams, No Less!

They were there with him at the start, and they'll be with him until the very end.

Excuse me while I go cry.

Guess Who's Finally Getting Back To The Reread Thing... And So Close To My Final Exams, No Less!
Guess Who's Finally Getting Back To The Reread Thing... And So Close To My Final Exams, No Less!

Elam is a big ol softie and it says a lot about the friendship between him and Arslan that Arslan is so... how do I put it, it's almost like Arslan respects Elam and looks to him for advice and everything? And Elam being so bossy towards Arslan (even if he is a big softie) despite their disparity in status is so... Gah, I don't have the words for it, I just like it!

Guess Who's Finally Getting Back To The Reread Thing... And So Close To My Final Exams, No Less!

ā€œHe speaks Parsian!ā€

Well, yes, he's Parsian, what else would he speak, lol.

The Zott treating Arslan like some bizarre alien creature was funny, ngl.

Guess Who's Finally Getting Back To The Reread Thing... And So Close To My Final Exams, No Less!

They're right and they should say it, and they should include priests in this equation.

I know a bunch of us have discussed about the corruption before, I just don't have enough energy to track down the post at the moment...

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1 year ago

Finally, finally I am back on my ArSen bullshit. So starting from where I last left off (chapter 94):

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

Fr tho, Hilmes, where was this when I needed you to have the attitude? This just reads as copium ffs.

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

I normally don't give that much thought to Team Zahhak's philosophy, but this time I decided to sit down and mull on it a bit. Evil is the way of the world, the root and origin of all things, and humans have established ā€œjusticeā€ to oppose it. The problem? Justice isn't One True Thing as many like to thinkā€” to borrow Narsus' metaphor it's actually like a thousand stars fighting to dominate the sky. And what this causes is conflict, everybody thinks they're right, and therefore the others must be wrong, and to prop up their own justice blood is shed.

One would normally associate bloodshed with, y'know, evil. Which makes me wonder if Team Zahhak thinks of justice as a hypocrisyā€” in fighting for their justice the pain and loss the fight inevitably causes is no different from that which evil would cause. In seeking to banish evil they just kept inventing evil itself over and over, with a prettier facade on top.

Maybe Team Zahhak sees it as a pointless, fruitless endeavor, and thus chases evil in its own right instead of dressing it up in pretty ideals that ultimately mean nothing.

That's my interpretation of these panels, I buy that line of philosophy obviously, but I think I can see where they're coming from, especially considering the origins of Zahhak himself (which, to make it as vague as possible, he was born from evil, so surely that must've shaped his worldview?).

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

I want to say, ā€œwhat did you think was gonna happen when y'all went crazy like rabid dogs on the capital and let Bodin run free to do whatever he wanted???ā€ because I am rightā€” but my anger is tinged with dread/grief because the consequences. They're going to bite Hilmes in the ass.

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

Interesting. VERY INTERESTING. I'm spinning this in my head. What can I do with this, hmmmm~

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

They were conscripted, ey?

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

There's something about their faith taking the shape of brutality. That their ā€œloveā€ for their God wasn't characterized by, like, I dunno how to put it, a genuine connection with Yaldaboath nor spirituality nor anything like that if that makes sense, but rather in the form of... Gah, my brain isn't cooperating.

The way they were so proud of killing the defenseless and vulnerable (women and children) leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

ā€œI think we've done our duty to God well enough to call it a day.ā€ my god my fucking god, like, killing enough people means you did your job means you don't have to do anything more no meaningful deeds or introspection you don't need to do more you've murdered and that's apparently fucking enough shut uuuup.

I know they were manipulated by those above them, the clergy and the higher-ups who wanted this campaign but ugh. Ugh.

If one were to only look at the deeds of followers of Yaldaboath, I don't think it would be inaccurate to say that Yaldaboath is an ever-hungering bloodthirsty god who demands bloodshed and human sacrifice as worship.

Of course, it's not the case, I'm sure the faith means something else, something far less murderous, but there's a point where the original intent and purpose is lost and the twisted version takes over. It is the real, tangible impact it has on the world and the people in it that ultimately matters.

Of course, this is not a problem unique to the faith of Yaldaboath, the Parsian priesthood is pretty corrupt (@innerchorus made a post about that, I'll link it if I can find it again), and y'know, all institutionalized, big religions seem to follow the rough chops. Hell, in my homeland's history one of our kings went to war to seize Buddhist texts from another king!! Like what!! That's so antithetical to what Buddhism is supposed to be about!

Where am I going with this? Honestly, I've got no fucking clue. I just needed to rant, I suppose.

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

Everybody's big sister comes into clutch and nudges Arslan to not lose focus.

Also, is it just me or does Arslan's hair seem kinda long in this scene? Like,

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

Am I imagining things???? Was his hair always this long?

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

After two whole rants in the same post I no longer have the brain juices to dedicate any meaningful thought about the Royal Academy thing but I will say that I definitely want to know more about it. Who attends it? Is it a boarding school? Do other regions of Pars have similar academies? How do children of nobility and the wealthy in more rural areas learn? At home, with private tutors? This was never elaborated on and I'm left with a bucketload of questions.

Finally, Finally I Am Back On My ArSen Bullshit. So Starting From Where I Last Left Off (chapter 94):

They!! Alfarīd looks so cute here, look at that smile! And Farangis is so fond. I really love their bond, though I wish it was featured a little more (I guess it kinda is, but it involves Farangis pushing Alfarīd onto Narsus and I'm not sure how I feel about that so yeah).

And between and behind the two there's one of the dresses Alfarīd showed Narsus later on! The one she didn't end up buying, though I have to admit it's a cute design.

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1 year ago
Food Ref Food Ref Food Ref
Food Ref Food Ref Food Ref

Food ref food ref food ref

Food Ref Food Ref Food Ref

I have nothing to add except yeah before refrigeration and such many local food and ingredients are essentially region-locked!

Food Ref Food Ref Food Ref

I really dig Ashim's fit. It looks so nice!

Food Ref Food Ref Food Ref

I wonder if the infantry is 100% made up of slaves? Maybe? Azat kids mentioning they wanna join the cavalry made me think that must be the caseā€” in that note, what is the process of joining the cavalry?

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Food Ref Food Ref Food Ref
Food Ref Food Ref Food Ref

Well that sure is one heck of a manor.

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This is the only time Arslan and Andragoras even remotely resemble each other, lol. Thank god this version of Arslan doesn't exist. I do 100% believe in terrifying menace!Arslan however, who could perhaps look a little more like this:

Food Ref Food Ref Food Ref

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1 year ago
Oh Gurazeh, If Only You Knew.

Oh Gurazeh, if only you knew.

Oh Gurazeh, If Only You Knew.

I really love how Arslan's confidence grew! Seeing him take immediate command like this is very nice. My son šŸ„¹

Oh Gurazeh, If Only You Knew.

Is it just me or is his hair really longer than it was before this arc????

Oh Gurazeh, If Only You Knew.

Niiiiice. Farangis looks fantastic, Jaswant's Staring, Gieve has a shit-eating expression that makes me want to Whap him in the head, and what is Daryun doing?

Oh Gurazeh, If Only You Knew.

They're sleeping on you, my man *badum-tss*

I'll see myself out.

Oh Gurazeh, If Only You Knew.

Not gonna lie, the collar/lapel thing is really throwing me off. It looks like ones you'd find on a modern coat?

Oh Gurazeh, If Only You Knew.

He's charming, ngl, I'd want to be his friend.

Oh Gurazeh, If Only You Knew.

Now I'm sad because I haven't found a way to get Gurazeh and Gilan involved in Wolfpack! He's so great! Unfortunately Team Gorgan is in the Far Northā„¢ and he's in the Far Southā„¢ and it doesn't help that even in canon Gilan was pretty isolated from the rest of the narrative :(

Oh Gurazeh, If Only You Knew.

Why does his beard remind me of Vahriz.

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11 months ago

Arslan Senki Reread

Arslan Senki Reread

Arslan is such a good bean. If he did have the raw power backing him to railroad the conflict into a mediation, I wonder what the result would've been.

I think it's more than just Arslan lacking the power, I don't see Andragoras and Hilmes accepting to lay their hands away from each other. Worst case scenario, Arslan dies in the middle anyways bc Assassinationā„¢. Both Narsus and Daryun are right here, Arslan himself lacks power, but also at this point neither Hilmes nor Andragoras are capable of backing off.

Arslan Senki Reread

Farangis' dialogue here is making me feel things, dammit. Do what you can. Do what's in your power. (It's very relevant to my Wolfpack AU.)

Arslan Senki Reread

Farangis comforting/gently advising Arslan, and then steps up to keep the project on track. She makes for a good sister-mentor figure. I love Narsus and Farangis' dynamic, her atrocious love advice aside.

Arslan Senki Reread
Arslan Senki Reread

I see Alfarīd as someone who ultimately values life, who fights for life even as she is a bandit. Perhaps even because she is a bandit. Rather than having your life be snuffed out for/by an ungrateful liege or king (the Zott laugh at both country and king, they answer to no one but their own, as Merlaine said) so Estelle's stubborn loyalty must baffle her a lot. It's alien to her. (Arslan is different, he's a friend, as she says.) Rather than dying for the convenience of the ruling class who would never appreciate them, perhaps to her, staying alive in spite of their best efforts to snuff them out is a form of resistance. So she doesn't understand why, why Estelle is so willing to lay their life down for a tyrannical, genocidal maniac.

Arslan Senki Reread

The head jars.

Why yes, I cropped out the Bastard's face because I'm petty if nothing else.

Arslan Senki Reread

The sorcerers evading death from a blow that would've, should've, killed a human being.

Arslan Senki Reread

Saam is shaken. This is the first he's hearing of it, and he fears what this implies. What this implies for Hilmes. What's going on? What does he mean by benefactor? How is his prince tied to these unnatural beings? This can mean nothing good.

Arslan Senki Reread

Saam's speech bubble trembles with fear for Hilmes. And Hilmes, oh Hilmes, the red flags are so vivid they're a sea of blaring neon signs now. Nay, they're neon billboards. You say so yourself, the sorcerer here is doing something morally repugnant. Open your fucking eyes, this ain't good!

Also, does Hilmes' hair seem quite long here?

Arslan Senki Reread

Ohhh fuck you. Fuck you fuck you all the way to hell and never back. Saam was trying to protect Hilmes. And there's just something that hits so hard about that last panel. ā€œPlease believe me.ā€ We know it wasn't Saam who said it out loud, of course, but the backdrop being a pitch black with no speaker, taken out of context it sounds like a plea and y'know, I'll bet Saam was pleading for Hilmes' faith in the deeps of his mind even if he doesn't speak it aloud. A tug-o-war, each needing Hilmes to believe in him.

I want to punt Hilmes in the sun for which side he chooses here.

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11 months ago
Lmao At Their Tiny Bums.

Lmao at their tiny bums.

Lmao At Their Tiny Bums.

I really liked how the scene transitioned here, we see Jimsa and Zaravant (a duo) set off to follow a trail of dead Lusitanians, and then immediately we see Team Hilmes soldiers spotting a duo of riders outside their walls, and we don't see who it is right away. But of course it's revealed shortly after, but I just really love how the scene transitioned here.

Lmao At Their Tiny Bums.

He is indeed too good to let die :(

Lmao At Their Tiny Bums.

The guilt, man. The guilt. Not being able to protect the capital. Serving with the man who's allied to the forces that brought it down because he believed. Not having the faith he had in Hilmes returned. He's in a rough spot, and probably contemplating his worth. Somebody please hug the guy.

Lmao At Their Tiny Bums.

Man I feel bad for Tahamenay and Badakshan. Also, Andragoras is taking none of anyone's feelings seriously, huh. He doesn't care.

Lmao At Their Tiny Bums.

And then we never see Narsus and Merlaine interact afterwards. Bummer :(

Lmao At Their Tiny Bums.

I get Guiscard's worries but also, you did the same, my dude. You did the same to Etoile.

Lmao At Their Tiny Bums.

Their faces šŸ˜‚

Lmao At Their Tiny Bums.

Narsus' schemes helping them even now. Remember that the stint Kishward and Isfan pulled? Narsus' plan, as the former so admitted. I wonder if he foresaw this. I wonder if he gave Kishward those tactics knowing it will help obscure Team Arslan's numbers down the line? It could very well be a coincidence but knowing Narsus the ā€œMary Tzuā€ as some older fans have called, I wouldn't put it past him to have planned so far ahead.

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11 months ago

Arslan Senki Reread

Arslan Senki Reread
Arslan Senki Reread

Some Elam appreciation! Narsus looks like a proud dad.

Arslan Senki Reread

Arslan is so excited he's literally jumping at the chance to spoil Elam, lol. What a good bean.

Arslan Senki Reread

Good panel!

Arslan Senki Reread


Arslan Senki Reread

Azrael looks so proud. I swear this bird understands it's being praised šŸ˜­

Arslan Senki Reread

It's the reason Kishward couldn't/didn't choose to come with Arslan, after all. The conflict of loyalty/duty. Daryun does realize that.

Makes me wonder why Narsus chose to go with Arslan's wishes here. What did he seek to gain?

Arslan Senki Reread

Zaravant: *all puffed up and excited for the honor*

Jimsa: ...weirdo.

Arslan Senki Reread
Arslan Senki Reread

Things I liked here:

Merlaine standing where everyone else is kneeling

The peeps leaning back to stare.

Arslan's lil ā€œplease?ā€

Merlaine folding immediately (so much for your tough act, boy)


Not even a ā€œfine, I'll do itā€ or ā€œsureā€ he says ā€œAs you wish.ā€ politely? His speech bubble is shaky? Adorable.

Am I reading too much into it because it's my ship? Possibly, but I don't care. I like this ship, therefore I will overanalyze it.

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