This blog is a place for me to publicly document something of my creative pursuits, and also a place where I can share things that I find interesting. YouTube Bandcamp Facebook Instagram Twitter Soundcloud
266 posts
Here Is A Video Recorded By Andreas Basner Of Me Playing At Bardentreffen Last Week. The Song Is CalledCheez
Here is a video recorded by Andreas Basner of me playing at Bardentreffen last week. The song is called “Cheez whiz fantasy.”
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Sketchbook doodle.
This is a song that was written at a time when my life was so boring that I had to fantasise about a fantasy for even a snifter of excitement. Please note that I have never actually courted another man’s wife.

Sketchbook doodle, 7/9/2014.
(via David Lynch - The Alphabet on Vimeo)

I’m playing at Bardentreffen this year! I’m so excited I decided to draw a poster of me singing purple sludge into a flower microphone while playing a shovel! (Edit: I think that technically speaking what I’ve drawn here is a spade, not a shovel ... for those who like to call a spade a spade)