Fingerpicking - Tumblr Posts

12 years ago

I'm totally obsessed with this video at the moment. This guy is such a brilliant performer.

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11 years ago

This is a live take of a new song that was recorded at a gig I did on Sunday. I actually wrote this song many years ago, but I've changed the guitar part a lot in recent times.

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11 years ago

Another live take of a new song from the gig on Sunday.

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11 years ago

You can now listen to my EP "Six Songs" on Spotify. It's also available on iTunes, Rdio, Simfy, Deezer etc etc etc. Just search my name wherever you normally get your music from and you should find it without any trouble.

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10 years ago

Here's a new song I recorded in a super fun session with Jan Kerscher at Ghost City Recordings a couple of weeks ago. Mastered by Christian Hielscher.

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10 years ago

"Sunlight", first song on my 'Six Songs' EP. Lyrics: Sunlight, sunlight Now burns to me Like moonlight Once did In my old life When I knew How to imbibe The heady pleasures Of darkest night Dappled fingers Gently steal my memory Of the dark But beauty And grace Are not unique to the light Are you justified? Sunlight, sunlight You create Many penumbras But few crisp lines And I know That too much of you Could take my sight And rot my mind Sunlight, sunlight I'll be wary of you Till the fall of night Sunlight, sunlight I'll be wary of you Till the fall of night

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10 years ago

Second song on my "Six Songs" EP. Lyrics: Late night fire Takes a hold of me Violent murder Ends silently Comes to me As a nightmare Made from deepest fears Speaks to me In a tremolo Forced through desperate tears Late night fire Takes a hold of me Violent murder Ends silently Holds me down Breathless In my memory Shows to me My true heart Without sympathy Late night fire Takes a hold of me

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9 years ago

I had the great pleasure of playing support for this guy a few weeks ago. It was a really beautiful evening.

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8 years ago

Here is a video recorded by Andreas Basner of me playing at Bardentreffen last week. The song is called “Cheez whiz fantasy.”

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8 years ago

Here is a new video! The song is called “Vulnerable.”

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8 years ago

A couple of weeks ago I played a live session on Radio-Z Nürnberg. It was a heap of fun. Straight-up, raw and authentic, no bull-honky. This is a video of the entire set.

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7 years ago

Song number 9 on "Organic Discontent." I've always liked the idea of murder ballads, but I'd never really found one that was as crushingly bleak as I might have liked. This song is an attempt to fill something of that hole for myself. I tried to imagine what it might feel like to have done something utterly horrid that cannot be undone. I wanted to try to capture something of what I imagine must be a moment of piercing realisation, when instinct, aggression and adrenaline instantly recede and a heavy tidal wave of acute, oppressive awareness comes rolling in, leaving your entire being flooded with sickening regret. We should always remember that killing another human being is actually incredibly easy and something, I believe, we are all capable of ... to be human and to live in any way that even comes close to what we might define as "good" requires eternal vigilance.

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6 years ago
Ive Just Released A New EP CalledUnjustified Narcissism. Its A Collection Of Four Subversive Pop Songs

I’ve just released a new EP called “Unjustified Narcissism.” It’s a collection of four subversive pop songs played on electric guitar. Free to stream/download on bandcamp right now:

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6 years ago

This song is about just how ridiculous it is, in this enormous universe of infinitely complex beauty, that nothing can compare to the emotional intensity of love. To be sure, reflecting on black holes and neutron stars can bring about a sublime sense of wonder, but what are such refined emotions in comparison to the cataclysmic upheaval of falling in love? At the same time as acknowledging the ridiculousness of it all, the song is also about surrendering to the domination of love and enjoying its special place within experienced reality. Without knowing love, it would be impossible to understand even half of what it can actually feel like to be a human being alive on planet earth.

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