Marni. 27. Newbie gifmaker. I don't take requests but I'm happy to take suggestions.
1146 posts
It'd Be Really Cool If You Could Put 1 Or 2 Gifs Above The Read More In Your Posts To Show Them Off!
it'd be really cool if you could put 1 or 2 gifs above the read more in your posts to show them off! your gifs are lovely!!
Thank you!
I actually meant to do that, but I only realised that after I had posted and I wasn't able to edit it until I got to my laptop. I thought I edited it, and only this morning did I realize I didn't save it. It's fixed now :)
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THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL REWATCH | 2x04 “We’re Going to the Catskills!”
hi! i like your gifs, but i noticed that the aspect ratio is off on some of them (like in love & friendship). i was trying to find a tutorial to share but i think it's been deleted. i don't know if you use the screencap method, but if you do & the caps come out like that, you just have to change the settings on the capture panel: in km player you just untick "correct aspect ratio" and they should stop being a bit stretched out. apologies that this is unsolicited advice but i hope its okay! 💘
Since I'm so new at this, any and all advice is very much appreciated. "Unsolicited" currently isn't a word in my vocabulary.
Unfortunately, I don't use the screencap method. My current process is getting the clips, and I've been fiddling around in photoshop trying to fix the issue.
I got distracted, whoops

Olivia Grant Gif Pack
Under the cut, you will find 93 gif of Olivia Grant in the role of Patricia Coleman Jones in The Irregulars. Feel free to use for roleplaying purposes, just please don’t claim them as your own.
Warnings: smoking, drinking, substances, flashing light (lightning), guns

Jessica Brown Findlay as Lady Sybil Crawley · Downton Abbey Season 1