Era: Edwardian - Tumblr Posts
Click the SOURCE LINK to find #102 gifs of Samara Weaving in Picnic at Hanging Rock (episodes 1-2) All gifs were made by me @swcnbella from scratch.
Feel free to use them in sidebars, as reaction gifs, and to edit them into gif icons. Do not repost into gif hunts or gifsets. Please make sure to credit me with an @ if resharing them as gif-icons/crackship gifs.

Daisy Head Gif Pack
Under the cut, you will find 143 gif of Daisy Head in the role of Julie Thatcher in When Calls The Heart (2013). Feel free to use for roleplaying purposes, just please don’t claim them as your own.

Joanna Vanderham as Marian Maudsley from The Go-Between (requested by @thelittlepearl-world)

Elizabeth McGovern as Cora Crawley · Downton Abbey 2.02

Jessica Brown Findlay as Lady Sybil Crawley · Downton Abbey Season 1

By clicking the source link you will find 100 gifs for roleplay, made by myself, of Eliza Scanlen in The First Lady (1.03). Eliza is white with dark blond hair and blue/green eyes, born in 1999, she was 22 yo at the time of filming.
TW/display of: food, eating, ceremonial & kissing featured: Jeremy Bobb & Charlie Plummer. Please check the rules

Aisling Loftus as Agnes Towler in Mr. Selfridge

“we’ve all been changed by the war.”

Lady Sybil Crawley in Downton Abbey 1.03.

Lady Chatterley’s Lover (2015) dir. Jed Mercurio

rebellion / 2016 miniseries
Why is it that you men think that every serious thing a woman does is the result of being in love with some man? Or being misled by some man? I beg your pardon; I was only trying to help. I know what you were trying to do. What every man tries to do to every woman. But I know my own mind.

And what is our side fighting for? So that the English will have to grant us home rule after. And the Ulster Volunteers are fighting so that they don’t. They’ve legislated for it. Look, all I’m saying is I don’t think anyone believes that it’s going to be brought in anymore. And what do people believe then? That we’re sitting on a bomb.

Sophie Rundle as Eva Smith in An Inspector Calls

Sophie Rundle as Eva Smith in An Inspector Calls

COSTUME APPRECIATION Lavinia Swire, Downton Abbey

Aisling Loftus as Agnes Towler in Mr. Selfridge