Sheherrzaad | Umm Taimiyyah | Writer 🕊️℘_page=story_details_button℘_uname=mashriqiyyah
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Feels More Alive While Reading Books Than Sitting Among People*
Feels more alive while reading books than sitting among people*
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تکلیف کی انتہا میں کسی دوست یا احباب کا ساتھ نہ ہونا بھی ایک بہت بڑی نعمت ہے۔۔۔ انسان كے توحید کی مضبوطی كے لیے.
Finding no friend or companion at the peak of a person's distress is infact a great blessing for strengthening the Tawheed of that person.
~ mashriqiyyah
Hello ! My supporting friends ,🖤💚💔🤍🍉
Thank you from my heart for what you are doing for the people of Gaza who are in bad need in this tough and dire time. 💔💚🖤🤍
You are examples for kindness, generosity and nobility. You have been standing with for long and showing how brave one should be in time of need. 🍉🍉🍉🍉
You helped me greatly to make progress in my campaign, but I am still in need of your kind support to reach my goal.✌️✌️
As noticed, the campaign is very slow😪😪 now and needs strong move and this can be carried out through your contribution and cooperation. 😯😯
Please don't leave us alone during this dire time. I am still in the first quarter of my campaign. ❣️❣️
The link for donation is in her bio.

" أن تكون انتقائياً هي ضرورة وليست رفاهية، لا يُمكننا أن نعرض أنفسنا لكلِ شيء ."