I Don't Think You Should Be Eating That

I don't think you should be eating that
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More Posts from Maslosstuff

Redesign of dilly s1/pilot to s2
Drabble: S support conversation between Caspar and Linhardt
I wrote an extremely self-indulgent drabble a long time ago and I just remembered it today. So here's my imagining of Caspar and Linhardt's S support, before their paired ending.
Mind you, I'm not a writer, so I'm sorry that this isn't quite fanfic material!
The sun is close to setting at the pier. Linhardt is fishing as usual. Caspar is standing behind him, a bit restless, pacing back and forth, his footsteps clear and loud on the wooden pier.
Linhardt can tell when Caspar's mind is racing, but this makes it especially obvious. So he doesn't even turn when he says "You know, Caspar... if you've got something on your mind, you could at least sit down while you think about whatever it is you're wanting to tell me. You're scaring the fish."
This startles Caspar out of his thinking. He stammers a bit.
"I, uh. Yeah, okay. I can't really hide anything from you, so there's no point in hiding it."
He sits down next to Linhardt, who is still staring forward, rod in hand, line still cast in the water. Caspar looks down into the water, and he sees their reflections. Somehow, that eases him a bit as he takes a deep breath.
"Do you... have any plans, now that the war's over?" He doesn't look up as he says this.
Linhardt doesn't move. "Well, I won't be taking over my family's estate, if that's what you're asking. I decided that a while ago. Why do you ask?"
There's a beat of silence. Caspar looks at Linhardt, but it's a quick glance before he's looking down at the water again. It's the best way he can look at Linhardt's face without his nerves taking over.
"Well, I was... thinking of traveling. Seeing the world. There isn't anything left for me, so I guess I can just do whatever I want. And so do you. So I just wanted to know what you were spending your free time on." He lets out a chuckle. "I guess you'll be getting a ton of naps in from now on."
Linhardt looks up and hums. "Very true. I'm not sure quite sure how much sleep I'd get in with your constant movement, but I can certainly make the most of it, now that we're no longer at war."
Caspar lets out another laugh. "Yeah, you might not-- wait, what?" Caspar looks right at Linhardt. "With my-- hold on, what do you mean by that?"
Linhardt raises an eyebrow. "Traveling typically involves a lot of movement, I'm not quite sure what else I could mean by that."
Caspar blinks, processing what he'd just said, then laughs again. "Yeah, I just don't plan on staying here very long. I just wanna get out there and see the world now that it's peaceful, you know? I'll make sure to send you plenty of letters, of course!"
Linhardt just stares at Caspar as if he'd said something off-putting. "Why would you send me letters? Am I not coming with you?"
Caspar sputters in surprise, as if the wind was just knocked out of him. "Wait, ARE YOU? I thought you wanted to stay behind and, I dunno - read and sleep all day now that you don't have to fight anymore!"
Linhardt lets out a sigh. He looks... a bit hurt? "Caspar... if you don't want me to come, you should just say so."
"NO!" Caspar's response was so loud that it startled the fish nearby and Linhardt. "I mean... no! I want you come with me, that's what I wanted to ask! But... I dunno, I just figured... I mean, this isn't your kind of thing. Traveling all over the place, moving around all day? Wouldn't you rather just relax?"
Linhardt takes this moment to turn around and fully look at Caspar's face.
"Caspar, I'm not sure what gave you that idea. Yes, I've been looking forward to finally relaxing now that this goddess-forsaken war is over. But that doesn't mean I would rather not be in your company. I've always been at your side, ever since we were children. As far as I'm concerned, this is just more of what we've always done. If I've ever come off as someone who doesn't enjoy your company, I assure you that couldn't be further from the truth."
Caspar is speechless. He stares open-mouthed at Linhardt, having somehow not expected this response. This whole time he thought Linhardt would just want to stay behind. And yet they've been best friends and stuck together for so long, he should've seen this coming.
"Linhardt, I... that makes me happier than you can imagine. Because, if I'm being honest..." He turns to fully face Linhardt and look him in the eyes. He swallows, unsure of whether his next words should leave his lips. But he follows his instinct on this one.
"... traveling and seeing the world wouldn't be anywhere near as fun and satisfying if you weren't there to share it with me."
Linhardt's eyes go wide. A light blush blooms across his face. Oh. That's a good look on him.
"Well. When you put it like that, I feel a little better in saying that there would be no point in staying behind if you were gone. Life would just be... incredibly boring without you." Linhardt looks down, almost bashful, or as close as Linhardt has ever come to it. "I don't want to experience that sort of dullness in my life again."
That did it. That steeled Caspar's resolve and made him decide to take the leap. The thing that he's been really pacing back and forth over. Linhardt hadn't realized that Caspar's had his hand in his pocket the entire time they'd been talking. Caspar takes a long, deep breath. He repositions himself and takes a knee.
"Then, uh. Linhardt. Do you..." He takes out a ring from his pocket. "Will you... travel with me? Side by side? ... Hand in hand?"
Linhardt's eyes are as wide as saucers. It's now his turn to be speechless. His blush is now on full display. After a moment, he holds out his hand not holding the rod and reaches for the ring. "Caspar... are you asking me what I think you're asking?"
Caspar takes a hard swallow and nods, face determined yet strained from nervousness. His hand is shaking. "Y-Yeah. I am. Linhardt... I love y--"
Caspar was gripping onto the ring in such a way that it slipped out of his fingers and fell into the pond.
A loud splash is heard as Caspar jumps into the pond. Well, that shook Linhardt right out of his shock.
Once Caspar's pulled himself out of the pond and Linhardt is drying him off, Linhardt is chuckling at the whole display. Caspar just groans in absolute embarrassment.
Linhardt smiles. "In case it wasn't clear, my answer is yes. I love you too, Caspar. After all, it's like I said. Our fates are not so easily untangled."
Caspar looks to Linhardt, eyes wide. "Really?! You... so you're not just saying yes to traveling, you're saying yes to me?"
"I am."
"You love me?"
"That is what I just said."
"You... love me."
"Mhm. And unless I misheard you, you love me as well."
Caspar jumps in excitement before Linhardt could finish drying his hair. "I do! I do love you! So much it hurts! You've no idea how long I've been wanting to say something! Oh man, I was so prepared for you to say no that I wasn't expecting you saying yes to be so exciting - I gotta tell everyone!"
"Caspar, wait--"
It's too late. Caspar's already bolted past Linhardt, shouting at the sky.
Linhardt shakes his head and sighs, a smile still on his face and so much fondness in his heart.
"Utterly ridiculous."

I really don't like Phil season 2 onwards main design

Before the war, after I left Gaza for Germany, I used to call my dad almost everday and tell him about my day. He would tell me how everyone else was doing and say that Salah,my little nephew, kept asking where I was.
Now, I hardly ever reach my parents or any of my siblings.I don't think Salah even remembers who I am any more as he struggles to carry water containers. I always find myself agonizing and wondering if I'll ever meet my family again, whether the newborns will see me one day and know that their uncle longs to hold them in his arms.
Every time I look at my dad's picture in our home, smiling and surrounded by his grandchildren, it breaks my heart into a million pieces. The house he dreamed the kids would grow up in was leveled to the ground in a split second. Nothing is left, not even both his shoe shops where he worked so hard to build a future for us all. My siblings are unable to work or finish their studies. There are no schools left for the children. There is no proper food, water, or sanitation, no life; only death and rubble all around.

When my brother sent me a photo of my dad lighting a fire, he still had that same old smile on his face. I was relieved to see him somewhat hopeful but it broke my heart even more. My father is the most resilient and hard-working man I've ever known. He always supported us in whatever we wanted to achieve. His only hope was that his grandkids would grow up safely and happily in their home. He never complained from work and taught us the true meaning of sacrifice and perseverance. Instead of living peacefully with his family, he, the kids, and everyone else have to endure life in a makeshift tent,God knows for how much longer, while their lives are constantly threatened by airstrikes, starvation, and disease. No child, elder, or adult should go through such hardships for this long.
As the injustice persists, we only find solace and hope because the free people of this world are still standing with us. Please continue to support us any way you can. I don't even have the words any more to say how grateful I am to everyone. You have already done so much for us but we need you now more than ever.
Please donate if you can and reblog as many times as possible.