He Shouldnt Have Been Surprised That Somebody Would Find This Spot Eventually. Gotham Was Crawling With

He shouldn’t have been surprised that somebody would find this spot eventually. Gotham was crawling with vermin, both the four-legged and two-legged variety and somewhere deep down, Roman knew he couldn’t have expected his makeshift ‘storage’ to have remained undiscovered indefinitely. Unfortunately the pigs had been making life difficult as of late, combing the city bay for missing persons, forcing him to seek alternative dumping grounds for his unwanted trash. Abandoned buildings like this were a dime a dozen here in the area. Derelict shadows of their former selves, these long-forgotten places provided the perfect refuge for dropheads and other sorts of homeless scum. Weeks had gone by, allowing the pile to steadily grow in size as Roman waited for the heat to die down, the evidence of his crimes becoming too spoiled for anybody to be able to determine their causes of death let alone deduce Black Mask’s guilt. Roman suspected he might have had a visitor when he heard odd sounds echoing from down the hallway. His men shuffled awkwardly, looking to their boss for a signal but Roman quietly raised his hand, indicating for them to be quiet. The sounds continued, strange and almost surreal in nature - somebody was definitely here, or an animal at the very least, prompting them to delve deeper into the shadows with a fresh corpse in tow thinking that if another had discovered this location, adding their body to the pile would only save them the hassle of having to find yet another dumping ground. The light of a torch cut through the darkness, illuminating the fetid tomb. Time had not been kind to the bodies, though the seasonal chill had slowed down their rot somewhat. Roman expected to see an animal amongst them perhaps, drawn here by the stench of carrion or maybe some drug addict who’d spaced out, losing his way in search of a quiet place to shoot up. What he hadn’t expected was to find somebody eating the corpses. One of his men gagged, doubling over and vomiting the contents of his stomach all over the filthy floor. Roman elbowed him out of the way with an idle mutter of “pussy” before turning his attention to their unwelcome guest. His gaze held firm, lingering in disgust on the decaying flesh that the man had wiped off his lips.

”Glad you ain’t gonna insult my intelligence with a bullshit line like that. Would be hard to buy even if I hadn’t just seen you chowing down on a week-dead corpse like a starving man at an all-you-can-eat buffet.” Or smelled him; the freshly-open body was particularly ripe. Roman’s eyes narrowed as they scanned Jules - his surprise upon having stumbled across the morbid scene had made quite him forget about shooting whoever he found in here, at least for the time being anyway. “I’ll be frank. What in the ever-living fuck is wrong with you? Can’t be that down and out you need to eat my goddamn rotting bodies. What’s your name, freak?”
Well then. Jules knew it had to be too good to be true.
His nose drew him to this isolated place, the thick scent of human decay luring him like honey lures a bear. There were bodies here- more than one, although the most recent one was within the last week. Bodies of men with dark thoughts, traitors, violent actions... violent ends. Before Jules had even thought it through he was on his hands and knees, his teeth sinking into a corpse's arm as he chewed through rotten flesh and snapped through bone.
Then someone turned their torch on and Jules' head shot up, the detached arm literally hanging from his mouth. At the very least, they certainly weren't cops... not with one of them having the head of a black skull.
Jules let go of the arm and he wiped off the sloughing flesh from his lips. "Gentleman," he rasped. "I'd tell you it's not what it looks like. But that'd be a poor lie, wouldn't it?"

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@riddleroyalty asked:
if all the rogue gallery villains were in high school right? black mask got a yearbook, who would he cross out? who are favorite & least favorite classmates?? ( im sorry, i re copied this and pasted it without editing it)

I don’t have Photoshop so this wasn’t at all fancy but I tried! Roman is not particularly keen on his fellow rogues and only likes a select few, jackass that he is!
@the-arkham-librarian said: “If I find out who this is-“ - [x]

“My bad, seems there’s always a rat or two scurrying around these days. My best man’s already on the job so they ain’t got long to squeal. You know how the old saying goes, dead men tell no tales.”
What is your character arc?

Corruption arc
So. You got worse. And I'm not entirely sure I can blame you for it. Maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. Either way, it's there now and you hold it in your fist like a second heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. Perhaps you are right to. You are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. It's hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding.
Tagged by;; @elisethetraveller Tagging;; Whoever would like to do it?
OOC// An ask in honour of sinday: what is one of Roman’s most recurring or biggest sexual fantasies?

(In which I go on a ramble about something people might not have expected?)
Roman has a lot of fantasies, some of them being a tad more questionable than others but a big one he’s got that isn’t just a sexual matter for him is corruption. When I say corruption, I don’t mean corrupting somebody in a kinky way - that’s all good fun of course, but there’s a certain ‘gratification’ about the idea of thoroughly corrupting a good person, say for a example, a hero? It’s the whole forbidden fruit thing, how it’s completely wrong about a villain swaying a good person to become a little more selfish, more inclined to care about themselves than about other people who don’t matter... and then pushing them that little bit more, helping that same beloved hero peel away all the silly, idealistic nonsense that society’s hammered into their sweet little heads over the years before taking their hand and molding them into something better. It’s a kink that scratches all the right itches for a man like Roman, somebody who is especially interested in what people are really like beneath their costumes and masks. What will he find once he’s stripped somebody down to the bare bones and the very foundations of their being? A good romp with a superhero or vigilante is right up there of course, especially if he can leave them with a scar or two so they can always remember that little moment of weakness, of that one time how they slipped and can’t help but think on how they weren’t always so perfect and good. It’s sick and twisted, and Roman knows it - which is exactly why it appeals to him so much. Heroes can die, be it of old age, sickness or in battle but that’s nothing compared to corrupting a hero’s heart and turning them against their old ways.

Sorry to have been so quiet today, just feeling very tired and sore as a result of everything this week. Hoping to be more active tomorrow after a good sleep!